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18926628 No.18926628 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best novel set in your state? (Or country)

>> No.18926710

Don Quijote

>> No.18926718

Cannery Row

>> No.18926762

The Great Gatsby

>> No.18926791

"Riders of the Purple Sage" or "A Study in Scarlet"

>> No.18926813

The Martian Chronicles by Bradbury

>> No.18926814

infinite jest, of course.

but what's the point of this thread, exactly? maybe posting this would make it more interesting.


>> No.18926859

The point of this thread? To divert my attention from my awful existence. Hope that helps

>> No.18926867

but wouldn't a novel set in an unfamiliar environment be better at doing that?

>> No.18926868

A very small chunk of Against the Day was set in my state. There was also the end of Philip K Dick book set in my town, but I forget which. Honestly the most famous is probably that book that Field of Dreams was based off of.

>> No.18926918

Brazil, The Posthumous Memoirs of Brás Cubas by Machado de Assis

The narrator is dead but who cares

>> No.18926924

Bras Cubas Dies at the Beginning

>> No.18927043


>> No.18927048

You're a shitcano?

>> No.18927062

Pedro Páramo is set in Colima, retard.

>> No.18927072

Probably why he asked for best novels from your state and not his own.

>> No.18927248
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I can’t think of a single book set in Florida sadly…. Heres a map I’m making for this thread though

>> No.18927270



>> No.18927285

>the only novels set in new jersey are phillip roth

>> No.18927287

probably Twain's A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court.
that feel when connecticut will always play second fiddle to NY and Massachusetts

>> No.18927293

Petersburg Tales - Nevsky Prospect

>> No.18927295

every carl hiaasen book

>> No.18927308

Any good books in Colorado?

>> No.18927319

>>18926867 yeah, like a novel set in Happy Land or the island of emotional fulfillment

>> No.18927448

I don't know any books set in north Mississippi

>> No.18927473

There are no books set in Nauru.

>> No.18927540

shit picks and cant even tell what half of them are

>> No.18927562

Illinois. Call of the Crocodile Kek.

>> No.18927665

To Have and Have Not

>> No.18927675

me too anon

>> No.18927685

Good God I share a state with this disgusting excuse for a human.
I'll be in the best new england state soon enough, thankfully.

>> No.18927687

Never read a book set in Idaho. I wouldn't doubt a few exist.

>> No.18927689



>> No.18927719

>butterfly is a masshole
Everything makes sense now. I'll drive up to lick your feet if you want

>> No.18927858
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pic related
Death Comes For the Archbishop
Bless Me, Ultima
a few Cormac McCarthy books

>> No.18927867

>>the only novels set in new jersey are phillip roth

suddenly, Junot Diaz jumps out from behind some bushes and blocks your path.

>> No.18928129

God's country. Those highways remind me of ancient sea lanes.

>> No.18928225

1984, California

>> No.18928249

please be in allston

>> No.18928329

True Grit

>> No.18928342

There's The Help but that's in Jackson

>> No.18928344

Stoner in Texas? Move it to Missouri my man. John Williams is just from Texas, stoner takes place mostly at Mizzou.

>> No.18928355

Hijo de ladrón, Chile, by Manuel Rojas.

>> No.18928356

Winesburg, Ohio

>> No.18928375

>what is a tripcode

>> No.18928386

Most of Faulkner’s novels

>> No.18928630
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I’d just like to point out that nearly every single novel set in Pennsylvania is set in either the coal / mill towns of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh itself, or rural PA. Almost no novels set in PA are set in Philadelphia, one of the top 5 largest cities in the US, thus proving the rest of the state’s superiority, and Philadelphia’s pathetic inferiority, shitness, and non-culture.

>> No.18928743

Having St. Petersburg exist is literally cheating as there are more great works of literature set in that city alone than there are for entire countries and even continents

>> No.18928823

We got Rocky though
And that AIDS movie

>> No.18928829

American Pastoral
Fuck the anti-semites
And that drunken Irish larping as a Wasp ivy leaguer

>> No.18928840

New York is kinda the same way

>> No.18928855

So what is Pennsylvania?
Rabbit Run?
Mason & Dixon?
The Killer Angels?
Appointment in Samara?

>> No.18928902
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Gilead and Jesus’ Son just off the top of my head.
I also am a big fan of pic related but it’s doomed because author got me too’d

Come to think of it one of the sex scenes was kinda rapey…

>> No.18928913

Miami Blues
92 in the Shade
Killing Mister Watson
Rum Punch
Their Eyes Were Watching God

>> No.18929703

Great, can you make a list on the side of the map as well?

>> No.18930134

Something people use to be faggots, what's your point?

>> No.18930139

just use 4chanx and you'll never have to see her attention whoring again

>> No.18930829

That it’s anonymous announcing what state he’s from and that it’s not me

>> No.18931270


>> No.18931290
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Pic rel for Montana

>> No.18931383

MA or AZ?

>> No.18931636
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I added the list it’s still WIP
Thanks for Miami blues
Sorry bout that

Should I do one of Europe? Would probably be more interesting since 90% of American lit is set in only 3 states/regions(New York,California, muh south)>>18928375

>> No.18931653

Juliet Naked
Song of Solomon
Maniac Magee (YA kino)
The Perks of Being a Wallflower

>> No.18931661
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>> No.18931672

Wasn’t that commie cringe?

>> No.18931680

For Americans to try and unionize and then face a gang of mercenaries?
I see you don’t know what “commie shit” is

>> No.18931748 [DELETED] 

If that’s for West Virginia it should be the Collected Stories of Breece Pancake.
If it’s for Kentucky then I don’t give a fuck

>> No.18932003

My uncle was an obscure Idaho poet. Good enough to get a Uni job but the stuff I read wasn’t that great. Maybe a Brautigan fan can make the case for giving him that spot on the map.
All the trout streams in A River Runs Through It are in MT.
I hail from Wilmington, DE, a Place to Be Somebody. I understand that Fight Club is essentially set there.