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/lit/ - Literature

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18920494 No.18920494 [Reply] [Original]

old thread >>18916040
> of divine nostalgia, I sing
> Which regain'd artistic creation
> and conferr'd upon us such a good thing
> as humanity's great restoration

> but to understand why it was good
> a clear contrast of eras is needed
> For unless what shall be sung, though it should
> For the fool will go on un-believed

> All the peoples of modern-day earth
> To hither and thither turn'd their heads
> and they notic'd a literary dearth
> which had caus'd all of them to have said

> " In those most holy days before this age
> " The word was sacred, and writer was saint;
> " No one profane was allow'd near a page
> " And thusly every page was free from taint
> " Now from words, we are aloof as ever
> " And can no longer claim the same;
> " Shall we know another artist never?
> " Or will one once be restor'd again?

> Civilization was to be sunder'd
> to questions unanswer'd, discontent grew
> till heavenly eyes had there wander'd
> and those eyes divine would see us through!

> For muses from their celestial place
> look'd down to see our sad situation
> To solve our difficulty by their grace
> would be their heavenly intervention

> And so by inspiration from above
> They brought forth to us in an act of love
> A man come from antipodean land
> and he, a modern scholar-gentleman,
> Was natural philosopher re-birth'd
> and to he will bow all man on earth
> For he is a literary master
> To whom all authors will look hereafter
> And the men of Earth will sing praises
> And from all their voices will be raised
> " Hark, the muses have brought a sage
> " Illustrious man and glorious age!
> " Rejoice! Rejoice! Our era has a voice!

>> No.18920574


>> No.18920586


>> No.18920616

Lmao, this faggot again.
Answer my question. How do you feel about Goethe and Blake.

>> No.18920656
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Yes, those words rhyme; what about it?

>> No.18920875
File: 125 KB, 344x342, NoSignal!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone said the meter was shit last thread and I couldn't respond because I was asleep.
What the fuck did they mean? I know the meter is inconsistent (mostly intentional) but is it that bad?

>> No.18920959
File: 69 KB, 640x1171, SAVED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously guys don't ignore my thread. I don't want to repost fag and Jezebel post again :,(

>> No.18920971

Fuck off with those apostrophes. Conferr'd, caus'd, restor'd, all of it makes you look like a pretentious fag

>> No.18921338

It's meant to help with pronunciation.
The "ed"s I left in are pronounced just as in "sacred", sometimes for the sake of meter. It's very practical and not pretentious at all I think.

>> No.18921364

what metre is this

>> No.18921367

No, it's not practical, it's antique. We know how to pronounce words you insecure fag. Also, you didn't apostrophize some words like "un-believed" and "raised" which means you want us to pronounce those extra syllables. And that's some faggy 17th century bullshit. Write for the times or gtfo. And don't fucking reply to me cause I'm bailing on this shit thread

>> No.18921514
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Holy shit, seethe you dumb faggot. Poems play with pronunciation all the time, especially for meters sake. I'll have the words pronounced however I like faggot and you can keep pronouncing "ask" as "ax" like the dumb modern nigger you are. And fuck you, I'm replying to you anyway to bump this shit thread.
Idk tbqh. iambic pentameter? It's decasyllabic.

>> No.18921541

it is NOT iambic pentameter

>> No.18921544

People who ape le olden poesy are cringe. You are cringe.

>> No.18921548

true. modern poetry is more cringe though.

>> No.18921773
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What the fuck is it then?
At this point can we all just agree that poetry is cringe in general?
Honestly I was thinking of turning this into a song (these are the lyrics). I can't compose though (or play).

>> No.18921827

Some sophomores think that 'good metre' is when the lines have the correct number of syllables per line rather than understanding that good poetry can dispense with formalisms like that in favour of better expression, vocalisation and rhythm.

>> No.18921834

who is this cumdumpster

>> No.18921864

Can we have a normal poetry thread instead of this gay crap

>> No.18922095

>ever not gay crap

>> No.18922239
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I don't know but if you find out can you tell me?

>> No.18923128

>Filter'd b'y a'post'rophes
m'any s'uch c'ases.

>> No.18923228

That would make sense if the poem had a consistent sense of meter, but the meter is ass.

> " The word was sacred, and writer was saint;
Seriously how the fuck does meter in this line work? Why not turn it into "The word was sacred, and the writer saint;"? That reads much better.

> " No one profane was allow'd near a page
If you read this in the same iambic meter that the rest of the stanza tries to have, you would need to stress the a in "allow'd", which is extremely awkward. That's just not how the word is pronounced.

Overall the meter is so amateurish that all these apostrophs feel overzealous. You made an effort, but you just aren't good at writing in a consistent meter yet. Fix your meter, then the apostrophs can stay.

>> No.18923276

Don't listen to the haters, it was comfy, but you didn't include enough references to gay sex and stinky vagina juice for these modern poets.

>> No.18923289

Giulia Valeriani for anyone wanting source

>> No.18923296

Giulia Valeriani
