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/lit/ - Literature

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18915947 No.18915947 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18915961

bird bread on head

>> No.18915962
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Humanity will go extinct eventually, in 25 years most of us will be forgotten, human activity is mostly unfulfilling, Smoothie King is pretty damn good

>> No.18915985
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Capitalism wont end. We have two paths. More neo-liberalism or authoritarian capitalism like china. There is absolutely no way out.

I'm starting to think capitalism is a force of nature in the absolute worst way. The politicians at best can slightly control it. In the west we gave up on controlling it. both major parties want to de-regulate. Then on the other hand china has iron grip that is slipping, the market forces are liking riding a tiger. you can only kill so many bankers before Xi realises the bankers are the powerful.

I think the new normal is real, but not in the way /pol/ tards think. We were shown have insanely fragile the system is. The pandemic only showed the house of cards.

>> No.18915994

Also capitalism is a ponzi scheme and hustle culture only serves to validate those who serve that system. Proof is that capitalists are the most disgusted by an able-bodied person who could work but chooses not to, instead of employers who steal wages from those who do work

>> No.18916007

I’m responsible for the decline of /lit/

>> No.18916062

I dont know what i want. Maybe i see the life itself as a disappointment at first hence the inability to find something whom i could enjoy.

>> No.18916081
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>> No.18916108

The ones responsible are booktubers aka zoomers

>> No.18916131

Why blame zoomers? I think you just envy their youth.

>> No.18916187

Which philosophers do I need to read to understand the character Vegeta?

>> No.18916224

The more success I have with women the more fate intervenes. Heavy solitude for the last few months has taken its toll. Maybe I have to continue what I started rather than run back to the world...

>> No.18916232

Who got the get? >>18916222

>> No.18916251

oldfags are an absolute cancer

>> No.18916273

>be me
>months ago
>explain crazy old lady is crazy old lady to stakeholder
>she is legit crazy
>I mean legally crazy, judges have ruled on it, the police all know her
>"No anon she's fine, you're just prejudice"
>"Lrn2banter she is just saying things"
>months go by
>"Uh anon I think this woman might be crazy"
>"She is screaming about nazis and chomos and will not leave"
Learn2bantz my man

>> No.18916278

I can't stop thinking about how I spent 7 years working for a civil engineering and geotechnical laboratory and for six years I was in charge of faking the results of the tests under instruction of my boss. I was paid well so at the time I didn't care but now seeing the state of our infrastructure I regret it. Everything is falling apart in my area of the world and i am directly to blame. There are pot holes so large that one slashed the sidewall of my tire, karma I suppose. The worst offender were our hydrology tests which we charged around 600 USD for and these tests required three days to complete but in fact they were actually made up on the spot by me in 20 seconds with another 10 minutes making the log graphs. We tested and did the engineering for everything you could imagine and at minimum 70% of it was faked. Houses allowed to be built on high clay which will crack the foundation... Government jobs like hospitals with concrete that is green (out of spec) at 7 days and 28 days testing, meaning the foundation didn't set correctly. 1000 ton quarry samples being used for road-base which are completely out of spec and can only be used as fill, passed and used on highways. I actually went back through their log keeping, because all testing records must be kept for a decade, and faked all of them, it took me 3 months to fraud 4 years of work.

I feel deep shame about how proud I was at being so skilled at frauding a system which had yearly state and federal regulation. I now work for the federal regulator.

>> No.18916332

This is quite serious, though I say that as someone who once demanded a fake cert from a test lab and got it.

I’ve been turning more and more to religion lately.

>> No.18916336

Because you are cancer

>> No.18916340

>Jimin pic
Anorexic fag lizard chimpanzee

>> No.18916345

No it's me

>> No.18916365

thank you for sharing though, as someone likely to end up in some level of regulatory function of government it's good to hear stories like this

>> No.18916369

What's On Your Mind

>> No.18916424

Boring threads today on /lit/. Someone make a thread about Gnosticism or Advaita Vedanta so that the autists can argue. I love reading it. It's like watching birds

>> No.18916471

People would outright refuse to pay unless it came out on spec and even large construction companies with 100 employees would refuse to pay for tens of thousands, sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of testing unless it came out in spec. For the entire time I was there we were in legal battles trying to get paid for testing but these large companies would just keep the case open for as long as possible, you end up in a 5 year legal battle trying to get paid for work you've completed. The entire system seems to be rigged. Even now that I work in regulation it still comes down to me, there are no overheads, I could easily take a bribe or intimidate a lab I know is frauding into giving me money. I'm certain other people I work with are corrupt, everyone here is old but me and half of them are personal friends with laboratory owners. The entire system is rigged.

>> No.18916481

Well try and do any good you can. This sort of thing is exactly why third world shitholes are third world shitholes.

>> No.18916514

I need to stop feeling so sad for myself.

>> No.18916649
File: 75 KB, 500x678, MbAs4Hi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really starting to go fucking INSANE. My city has been in 65 days of lockdown and now I'm losing it. There are cunts I know who want us to remain locked down until we hit a 90% national double vaccination rate. A figure which is NEVER going to FUCKING HAPPEN. They say if we open up at 80% vaccinated, we will lose 25,000 lives. That's 0.01% of the entire country. ARE THEY FUCKING INSANE. WHAT THE FUCK DO THEY WANT TO HAPPEN. Have they gone literally insane? I'm going fucking insane I can't stay locked down for this much longer. The current lock down isn't even predicted to end until November and they want us to remain locked down for what would take another 6 fucking months. I WILL KILL MYSELF OR SOMEBODY ELSE BEFORE I DO THAT.

>> No.18916651

I feel like I've sinned /lit/. Sinned against my best friend. Although he wouldn't care in some regards but I feel a bit of guilt.

>> No.18916663

Hahahahahaha where do you live
No lockdown where I live at all, I live in a big ass city

>> No.18916671

I've probably done worse than you if that makes you feel any better. you could probably be more of a cunt

>> No.18916684

Did you masturbate to the thought of him?

>> No.18916732

I don't doubt that but relative to who I am, it feels wrong in some sense. Like I shouldn't have done what I did.

I'd rather eat nails then do that. But no, I slept with his cousin sister. Despite telling me to not fuck around with her. How it even happened still suprises me.

>> No.18916758

what do people with ADHD really need in life? what jobs work well for them?

>> No.18916796

sex, sex is on my mind

>> No.18916945

these four form the ultimate army

>> No.18916958

McDz or factory for you

>> No.18916983


>> No.18916993
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I want to coom every time I feel anxious. What do?

>> No.18916998


>> No.18917021

I've watched some very degenerate porn content, and I've hold some very shameful conversations with strangers on sites like Omegle or other chatrooms.
I'm leaving that shit behind now, but I'm afraid that someday, for some unknown reason, those things might come up again and be used against me.

>> No.18917129


>> No.18917195
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Carthago delenda est

>> No.18917208

heat that had scorched the heather flower and charred the rock, heat that had made sick the heavy breathing of the south, such a heat hangs, hovering over my hell, my brain, covering me with putrid putrefaction, mouth’s pain, each thing is filled with heat, each vision becomes heat-stained.

white Charnal-chalk, each thing changes from the derangement, my head filled with rage I know not why my mind rages,no escape, blistering white, surrounding burning light, if this is white light why is my mind dim dappled dark? with one clang, one spark, I will all will explode in flame.

water weaves around me, wets my mind writes on my face, fills me with grace, clear as water waving heavenly, this dark cloud was given me has given to me peace, a place to rest my head and wash my face, wet my wrung tongue, talk as I want to myself in my mentaldom.

all cool all breeze, I joke I speak these, they he and I, my mind flies, fiends, falcons, fairies and fury divine, each thing clouds and rains and fills and showers my parched mind, though I close blind my eyes with blinks my mind thinks of things, lovely sun shining glorious upon the waters.

>> No.18917239

why electrician?
I ain't ADHD I just saw a thing about how a lot of them ain't doing so good

>> No.18917244

I want to be adopted by brown people or asian people so I don't have to pretend I go to Church

>> No.18917292

Retarded tripfag

>> No.18917307

I've been put in charge of a small software company while the owner takes a two week road trip. I'm just sitting here with the door closed reading books. It's so pleasant, work finally doesn't feel like torture. I wish I could catch this sense of comfort in a jar and hold on to it forever.

>> No.18917314

what if those brown and asian people are religious lol

especially since religious people are more likely to adopt

>> No.18917321

Just keep at it. Eventually you'll run out.

>> No.18917345

I think I took too much xanax and I woke up 4 hours later

>> No.18917365

>lil sis will never kiss me

>> No.18917379

halfway between full ubermensch mode and full blown nihlism FUUUUUCK also I'm 22 on sunday and this is compounding on my productive anxiety. I'm not shite at my craft/have a good skillset but just need to do something, become someone. If I haven't in another 3 years I'm gonna just radically change my existence/personality

>> No.18917395

Biden's fuckup in Afghanistan is more serious than I once thought. The primary duty of the president and by extension the government is to provision for the safety of American citizens. And they literally abandoned thousands of Americans in Afghanistan. If he cannot do this one primary duty, then his legitimacy as a president is zero. Not to mention his cognitive dysfunction. America is like Rome during the Four Emperors period, in which incompetent or unsuited individuals were the head of state, Trump, Biden, and possibly Harris.

>> No.18917452

How on earth can people last long in bed? How is sex or masturbation supposed to be relaxing? I cum within seconds and feel tense and nervous all throughout the act.
I got told on /adv/ once that I should watch JOI porn to treat it, but I still came in just a few seconds after stroking, and I was tense all of the time.

>> No.18917468

what country?

>> No.18917476

It's better your don't know. What if you or I live in it?

>> No.18917486
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>You will never have the 1999 Cervantes Euro
How do we cope with this one bros

>> No.18917517

I live in a Balkan country and work 10 hours a day for 400 dollars a month.
I want to kill myself every day and I see no exit out of this poverty.

>> No.18917521

poverty is a state of mind anon
get back on your grindset big man

>> No.18917523
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>on a plane
>stewardess tells me to turn on the airplane mode
>I don't
>plane explodes

>> No.18917537

I just want to live a normal life like a westerner does
I'm sick of all of this

>> No.18917547

>400 dollars
That's not so bad actually

>> No.18917553

When you account for the rising living costs here it's really not that great. I can only cover the basic living costs and nothing else.

>> No.18917562

Can you not move in with your parents?

>> No.18917564

I want to kill myself I want to kill myself I want it all to end I can't form original thoughts anymore nothing in my head points ro a coherent unified worldview I feel nothing and can't care about anything humans weren't meant to be like this

>> No.18917595

This is the norm, but he's probably westernized and thinks people in the west get and job and move out when they were 18

>> No.18917628

I just really really really want to know anyway

>> No.18917724

I do live with my parents

>> No.18917868

do it my nigga just don't go into the light

>> No.18917983

What kind of basic living do you have that costs $400 when you live with your parents? I only spend about $20 per month where I live.

>> No.18917984

I miss getting high. I've been actually ruining drugs for everyone I know to the best of my ability, because I'm a schizo and can't use them anymore.

>> No.18917988

Return to monkey

>> No.18917993

just embrace extreme left or extreme right politics anon

>> No.18918003

There's absolutely nothing interesting going on or I can't find it

>> No.18918105

Bills, food, extra costs that might pop up, fuel, meds etc.
I barely have anything left at the end of the month.

>> No.18918134

i swear every thread is made by the same person, possibly a bot

>> No.18918136

Buy a book for entertainment, don't shower or wash clothes, get rid of internet if parents won't pay for it, eat 1 meal a day, offer to do chores in exchange for the 1 meal. Only thing I pay for are my toiletries (toothpaste/brush, deodorant, etc.)

>> No.18918204

It's the hivemind, actually

>> No.18918209

the hivemind better knock that shit off

>> No.18918219

You're going to have to talk to the Queen.
*clears throat*
"Oh, Butterfly? Someone's requesting an audience"

>> No.18918227

I’m too lazy to get up to get water, but I know I’ll get a headache if I don’t.

>> No.18918245

Sounds shitty, anon. Better get out of Eastern Europe.

>> No.18918260

Yeah I really should leave

>> No.18918280

On the other hand, what's your field? Do you have qualifications? You might be able to work remotely somewhere else, and an international salary (even part-time) would go a long way in your place, I assume.

>> No.18918333

my life is slowly slipping away. For years I've tried to cut back on screen time, on porn, on here and to exercise, eat healthy, and read more. But it never lasts. I think it's because I have had no moment where my unhealthy lifestyle has impacted my significantly. I've never had sex/gf so my porn addiction has never ruined that or made me unable to perform. I eat very unhealthy despite being almost underweight. I don't exercise yet the health costs of doing so have not caught up because I'm young. Wasting time on the computer hasn't impacted my grades so far in college. I'm just barely getting by with this lifestyle. There's nothing to stop me but I know deep down I can't keep living like this. I just want that pureness and joy to life I once felt, the sincerity and honestness of a life without vice or idleness. Yet, I've proven to myself hundreds of times I'm too weak to change myself.

>> No.18918359

I was alone with two electricians and I did absolutely nothing. I must be such a pussy.

>> No.18918370

sounds like the beginning of a gay porno (hot)

>> No.18918375

I lost a lot of height. I used to be 1.8 meters tall, but now I'm 1.5 meters tall.

>> No.18918385

poor little laborer boy

>> No.18918394

I have no qualifications for anything. No education or anything like that.
I work as a truck dispatcher.

>> No.18918418


>> No.18918430

What a masterpiece!

>> No.18918444

Had the same thing. You're using it as a coping mechanism for stress. You need to train yourself to do something better. Start doing pushups (or writing, or something else useful) when you're stressed and feel the need to fap. You can and probably will still fap, but just keep tying stress to pushups in your mind and it will eventually be what you do.

>> No.18918674

In the insanity of these times, I feel strangely motivated. I’ve been reading more and working to expand my knowledge set. I think we’re gonna be okay, anons.

>> No.18918701

I'm so fucking tired of the rat race. I just want to disappear.

Any lit for this feel?

>> No.18918843
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I feel like my ideas of what a man should do are destroying my life. Just split up with a girl and seriously struggling. My mum is a brilliantly kind woman who is doing everything to help me, and wants me to see my GP (doctor) for help (I've had depressive symptoms for a while and this has taken it to a different level). But I'm nearly 25 and feel so ashamed to accept the help of my mother as a man. A lot of what is depressing me is to do with feeling I'm an inadequate man. Have I read too much 4chan? What should I do?
Depends what sort of solution you're after. Escapism? Take your pick. Thoughtful escapism? Don Quixote. A proper look at the rat race itself? Just Great Expectations. You've got a lot of options

>> No.18918968

I feel stretched thin, unfocused, and in a sense, paralyzed.

>> No.18919067

the absolute state of western men

>> No.18919090
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I have a severely autistic attachment to nobility and influence. I have hundreds of pages of notes and research saved for a book I want to write one day. I always imagine myself as a successful writer and thinker in the future by picturing a Wikipedia article about me. I love to read Wikipedia pages on famous people and authors just because I find it fascinating when people are canonized in history and looked back upon by future generations for guidance. Because of this I always fantasize living an aristocratic life of sorts -- a well-paying job, a nice large house, a massive library, beautiful wife and kids, several books penned by me, and high prestige within my diaspora community. It's kind of pathetic.

>> No.18919205

How do I learn how to sketch? I'd like to use charcoal.

>> No.18919228

There’s a bunch of resources on /ic/. For charcoal look into Nathan Fowkes

>> No.18919238

The Metamorphosis

>> No.18919273
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In every capacity a human being can fail, I have failed. It's time to stop.

>> No.18919283

Get ready to invest a lot of time. Years.

>> No.18919308

Just let your mother help you, anon. The fact that you even have someone wanting to help you get better is great. You already know what to do. Take care of yourself.

>> No.18919316
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I got a new phone a few months ago which has a really high quality front cam, and since then I've been relentlessly obsessed with selfies. Pretty sure I've got a few hundred in my camera roll rn.

I perceive myself as pretty ugly most of the time, yet I still can't stop taking pictures of my face. Something about my brain just wants to nitpick every negative thing it can find in my appearance.
When I look in the mirror I think I look just fine. But then I get this urge to do a "reality check" so I whip out my phone, take a mirrored selfie and boom, I'm actually ugly as shit.

I created a fucking reddit account only for r/amiugly and r/amiuglybrutallyhonest just to see what type of people usually get called ugly. But none of those people look like me in any way, so I still have absolutely zero references for my appearance. I even posted my face on fucking /soc/ of all places, and I got a variety of different ratings from 4/10 to 8.

This is all so damn irritating, it's fucking with my self-perception and confidence so much it's insane. I hate this postmodern world. I sound like a fucking incel already. fuck

>> No.18919323

You have narcissism. It's much more unattractive than your face could ever be.

>> No.18919329

you need help man, making reddit pages for how ugly you think you are is disturbing. you probably look average and fine anyways.

>> No.18919345

Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain will get you from "child-tier" to "advanced beginner" but after that it's all just practice.

>> No.18919348


that i gotta pay some bitch some money because i bumped her car.

>> No.18919356

Community college is gay even if I don't really have to pay for it; the higher-education-industrial complex exists solely so that racist institutions from America's past can profit and perpetuate its existence while also providing a class gateway for the progeny of a priviliged aristocracy.

>> No.18919370
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I’ve spent the past decade as a NEET. In the beginning I imagined that I’d learn to socialize, go outside more, eventually get a job. Well, the first two I have accomplished, but I’d rather stick a fork in my brain than go to work again. After reading Kaczynski, Linkola, Muir, etc, it really solidified my position. Sometimes I imagine myself going innawoods like the North Pond hermit but I’m not really sure what to do

>> No.18919371

Your larp game needs work. If only there was a place you could go to study and learn to be smarter.

>> No.18919394

Joke's on you; I'm really in community college.
>biology major

>> No.18919414

I have a Jew score of 649.

>> No.18919416

One word after the other, one world after the other, the jump, the dance the slip. Slip unslipped to be wounded among the words that let ago among the furrows emptied by their procession.
Tranquility forgotten, for words unforgotten unmade in their procession unrelenting. Continuing towards what end and towards what absolution?

>> No.18919423

Cheers mate. I know I'm lucky really, I'm just locked in the "read loads of books" mindwarp

>> No.18919434

Mate I understand this feeling but it's not right. Therapy seems designed for this sort of habit

>> No.18919436
File: 3 KB, 389x25, mind alone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I WILL defeat the anxieties.
I WILL eradicate fear within myself.
I WILL cultivate self-respect.
I WILL find holistic wisdom.
I WILL stand up for myself and my beliefs.
And I will be happy.

>> No.18919455


>> No.18919458

I probably do, and not the "lucky" version unfortunately. I don't wanna self-diagnose though, that just makes me more schizo. I'm pretty sure I have autism. I'll try to see a therapist soon
I didn't make those subreddits if that's what you were thinking. I was just scrolling there to see how other people are perceived by others.

>> No.18919508


>> No.18919583

Fuck. I just can’t decide. Do I even need to decide? I feel like I do. Why do I feel like I need to decide?

>> No.18919597
File: 76 KB, 500x500, avatars-000547395537-lxmuys-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I stop being insecure about my mid 30's old age. I never really rested, but life is still running out. I also don't want the settled down life of my coworkers. Especially I don't want their hag wives and gf's. I can still score 22yo's every now and then, but admittedly eventually it gets creepy, or at least cringe, many would argue.

>> No.18919822

Being in your 30s is second best only to being in your 20s

>> No.18919837

I almost wish I could just kill my desire to make manga. As if comics aren’t cringe enough, it has to be weeb comics…

>> No.18919903

Do you think it's a sign of narcissism to jack off while admiring yourself in the mirror.

>> No.18919905

looking for feedback for my dating profile. i am so lonely:

Anon Anonson, 37
Tax Auditor

Hi. In my free time I like to just relax and maybe read a book or two, three if I feel particularly adventurous. I enjoy traveling, but only after I know everything I intend to see in advance and the holiday returns under budget. That's a good feeling. Just looking for someone to share my crazy life with.

Basically I'm the kind of person that drives exactly at the speed limit, especially when nobody else is around. I know I'm a bit boring but i just hope I can make you smile :)


At the back of my head I just hope I won't attract some golddigger since I'm particularly wealthy. I mean, I guess if it comes down to that I'll just accept it even if it means step children. Finding someone is so hard these days...

>> No.18919978

I think you might attract gold diggers.
>enjoy traveling, but only after I know everything I intend to see in advance and the holiday returns under budget
That piece especially rings alarms. They know a pressure sell on holiday will make you uncomfortable and you will be stuck with them. You're also telling people your tolerance on crazy is reading a book or budgeting in advance. That seems honest and boring to sane people, and like an easy way to negotiate you into submission to actually crazy people.
Mentioning travelling will often immediately get you gold diggers.

>> No.18920010

In here I have gone mad. I've just come off a manic period. I don't know when I will recover. I'm pretty down. I don't feel good. I often want to die. Most times they're flights of fancy. But this time I'm not so sure. I don't know if I can make it. I don't know if I should. I know this is part of the process. I know these are all delusions. But I don't want to trade delusions for the rest of my life.

>> No.18920029

I think its OK to make some self-deprecating humour out of how 'boring' you are, but I would say this tips the scales a bit more towards self-pitying than self-aware. Not sure how you'd fix that though.

Maybe make it a bit more flirty? E.g. "If vanilla is your favourite ice cream flavour, then I'm your guy." Or get rid of the "Basically" which sounds defeatist. Just say "I'm the kind of person that drives exactly at the speed limit..."

If reading is your big hobby, play that up. Ask them their favourite book and don't be snooty if it's some pleb shit. Having a question in your profile gives them something to engage with and many women like men who are passionate about their interests.

>> No.18920090

what do I do if I see a stunningly beautiful asian woman with short hair reading from an ereader on the subway?

>> No.18920128


>> No.18920156

My dog died.

>> No.18920258

There's literally nothing wrong with being attracted to a teenager if she's got tits, hips, and ass. Anyone who tells you otherwise has an agenda.

>> No.18920264

My ambitions are actually absurd, and more than a little strange.

>> No.18920271
File: 74 KB, 564x725, 522462E8-7A9F-455E-AD0B-E262907B769B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m thinking of moving to Poland or maybe Czech Republic. The more time passes the more I’m growing to despise the state of western countries. The growing acceptance of authoritarianism, hyper capitalism and the subversion of cultural normalities and practices have kinda alienated me from this kind of living. I just wanna work a meaningful job, grab a beer after work and go to church on Sunday bros

>> No.18920280

It was a bad idea to read Houellebecq right at the start of this semester. At the same time, it's helping me process and understand some of my shortcomings. For instance, this week I made two mistakes talking to girls and so I haven't heard from them since. I could reflect on this with regret, but the truth is these mistakes don't actually matter, and the real truth is that I'm not the right kind of guy and that's why it's not working.

What incels get wrong here is that looks aren't the entire package. You can compensate for poor looks, it's not everything. But it is really no coincidence that those who do best personality-wise with the opposite sex also have great appearances, because a lifetime of positive reinforcement and practice has conditioned them to be adept at it from a young age. No one can say that having bad social skills is an indictment in itself, but it's like a signal to that reptile-brained part of a woman that this guy should be avoided, and done without any active or cruel judgment.

It all becomes easier when you view the whole paradigm as a sort of dolled-up version of what the apes do. That's why to succeed at social interaction, you first have to turn your brain off and succumb to the basic emotions of loneliness, boredom, and search for intimacy that get us talking to each other in the first place. But still, no matter what, there are lovers. Far from taking us to a more enlightened society, I feel that the current dating market is really taking us back to a very basic and more animal system then we've experienced in recorded civilization, and that this whole program is being framed as a feminist victory is nothing less than totally ridiculous to me, and we are headed for a strange era, and I don't know if I want to see it or participate.

>> No.18920307
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I'm still tumbling down the Dunning-Kruger effect curve, aren't I?

>> No.18920319
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>> No.18920323


>> No.18920372


>> No.18920484
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It's an author's duty to snub their nose at both. We're the last bastion of written truth regardless of what internet warriors of any variety want to think. When people want to show authoritarianism what do they reference? 1984. The other side? A bajillion Harry Potter references.
Funny story China doesn't censor western authors which I found kinda funny, but if we want to write a future, we literally have to sit at our computers and pen it out.
Start with the Greeks.

>> No.18920602
File: 21 KB, 128x102, 1628814389066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want you to know that I just finished Hamlet and I am pretty proud of myself for reading a classic. :)

>> No.18920650

Well done anon. Ten extra minutes free play for you today.

>> No.18920682


>> No.18920693


>> No.18920707

These things happen everywhere anyway, sadly.

>> No.18920734

You ever read, watch, see, encounter a bunch of things that are all somehow related in almost eery, even uncanny, ways and it creates this singularity type thing though they clearly weren’t weren’t meant to be alike? What does that mean? Are you supposed to follow that or something?

>> No.18920754
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sometimes i feel legitimately retarded when it comes to reading. i sometimes have a hard time really thoroughly digesting things AS im reading it, and as a result, in some cases at least, I pretty much HAVE to read a book twice to truly get it all and appreciate it. once to sort of put everything together and understand what is happening, then a second time, where i have that understanding in mind as i read, and can then actually really absorb the book as I am reading it and fully appreciate it

>> No.18920780

that dating profile sounds abysmally self defeating. you have a crazy life? what are your passions?

>> No.18920797

Fellow Sydney bro. This shit is so fucked. All of 2020 and first half of this year I was fine, being an introvert anyway but now I'm at my end. Its like lockdown has been engineered to mentally destroy everyone.

>> No.18920802

Idk man maybe your will power isnt strong enough? First time I had sex I lasted fine for 30 minutes.

>> No.18920803

I might smoke weed tonight bros...I told myself I wasn't going to smoke this week and its been a nice 2 days so far but I really might smoke weed tonight bros...

>> No.18920812

just go to bed

>> No.18920853

but i wanna watch some Seinfeld or a movie :(

>> No.18920869

You ever procrastinate something because you’re afraid of the result being bad? Or finding out you wasted your time?

>> No.18920940

Feeling the mild sting of rejection now as my "new friends" are contacting me less and less and it turns out my life is going to stay as empty as it's always been.

I don't follow internet personalities, but from lurking here it seems like the book club guy quentin made it out to egypt, and I don't know the guy but I admire that and feel like I understand that impulse. The contents of books are filled with the most intense tales of life, yet we here lead such mundane lives, lives full of rejection and boredom, it's like how schopy said all life teeters between boredom and pain. I think why am I wasting my time and energy on a life I don't enjoy, a life I don't even see myself enjoying 5 or 10 or 20 years from now?

And so I want to fly to a distant country and live a new life. But I'm halfway through university, graduating in May 2023. There's no way I could just drop outーunless it became unbearable to continue. If that happens, I'm quitting. But for now, I guess I hold out and get the piece of paper, then try something drastic. And I will plan everything around that release, that moment of liberation.

>> No.18920976

>Its like lockdown has been engineered to mentally destroy everyone.
Unfortunately that sounds about right. The definition of passive aggression.

>> No.18920977

I believe the vax brainwashes people.

>> No.18920978

Addendum: Do you guys find it shallow when people draft plans of moving residence internationally to a land where they have no ties, chosen because it makes the top of some ranking like "Happiest country in Europe" (i.e. Denmark), "Greatest education system in the world" (Finland), "Happiest children in the world" (Netherlands), or "Highest Human Development Index Score" (Switzerland)? I've spent a little time lurking the community on reddit for this, and it stuns me a little how silly some of these conversations are. Quite a lot of people asking not for guidance on immigrating to a specific region, but asking for good countries to spend the rest of their life in, whereupon other users give them suggestions for countries like Spain (great beaches!) as if they're asking the waitress for her favorite items on the menu. Feels very banal (*tightens DFW bandana*) if you get me

>> No.18920990

Making a moving decision based on statistics seems like some variant of IYI, intellectual yet idiot.

>> No.18920996

Seven years ago my father's multitude of spinal issues came calling, and he collapsed to never walk again at the age of 43. Alongside this he became constantly wracked with pain, and the issues were inoperable.
He changed vastly, and he and I have sat long recently and came to the conclusion that the man he was died with his ability to walk.
He has two forms of cancer now, one a sarcoma pressing against his left kidney and a tumor on the right, and if this doesn't kill him it will absolutely fuck up what little he has left. At best he will have just enough kidney remaining to avoid dialysis.
The painkillers have begun to make him nauseous constantly and he has a hard time eating. I am practically living in his house to keep him company, and to tend to his needs inbetween visits to the hospital for preliminary treatment. Aside from his brother, I am all he has left, and it is a mutual thought between us that, even if he does survive the surgical operation to have both tumors removed and they don't come back, that his quality of life is about to be worsened.
I don't really know how to describe watching all of this, besides that right now it feels like I am standing in a field, watching a colossal stormfront move in over the horizon.
When it passes, I will be alone. And I pray to God that when he passes, be it in two months or two years, that I will be there by his side so he won't be

>> No.18921010

Am I wrong in thinking this? The same amount of energy exerted/cognitive resources expended/attention focused should be spent on the following: there should literally be no difference or mindset in the act of reading a textbook, reading any piece of fiction, reading any piece of non fiction, reading manga, reading some scholarly journal article, reading 4chan, watching a film, reading someone's code, looking at art, listening to music. all activities should be treated the same (with intent). All is one

>> No.18921020

You look at the rule of quantity, or simple by the numbers. This is the way of the world, as opposed to the way of virtue, something inherently unworldly, is the rule of quality.
Whether you are wrong is really what you're after in thought.

>> No.18921055

I hadn't even considered I was making that distinction in the way you're suggesting. I thought stratifying the different mediums of being into different categories of perceiving them was inherently quantitative; which is I why proposed to treat existence as if there were no division between activities or experiences. But that is still viewing it all through a quantitative lens?

I don't know what I'm after in thought, but I do believe in part I am aiming for virtue.

>> No.18921057

plato made a big mistake when he said that the perfect state would have everyone act as "brothers and sisters" and all children would be in common, with no real family relations

>> No.18921105

The easiest way to explain the difference is whether or not something is considered by it's number, or by the measure of, say, it's meaningfulness, efficiency, etc, or, in the most abstract sense, it's own virtue or adherence to virtue.
I would say that lumping everything into one realm is disregarding somethings traits.
Of course, I am coming at this from the somewhat esoteric Christian view on what the difference between quantity v quality means.
A good example is sentimentality or art. Both have no inherent, physical value; you can't eat a keepsake or a Van Gogh, but they receive the virtues of quality, if even to one person or many, because it is bestowed upon them. Anything generative, as in it results in the creation of something, which is done with genuine, honest effort is also bestowed, to an extent, a connotation of it's creator's soul.
In short, to consider something without thought for it individually is seeking quantity. By amassing everything together into the state of 'one' you reduce it to a number, no matter how high.

>> No.18921107

Only my entire life yeah.

>> No.18921175
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i ended up getting drunk

>> No.18921198

Mate, what if one of those hospitals eventually collapses? Will you expose your bosses?

>> No.18921203

I wonder if the author of the fairy tale The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats was familiar with the story of Kronos swallowing the stone. If not, then I wonder where the archetype (or underlying idea or whatever it can be called) of child-eating-monster-accidentally-eating-stone comes from. I also wonder what it could mean. Perhaps it means that those who devour innocence become so corrupt that they eat themselves to death. Actually, now that I think about it, how does the wolf in the fairy tale come to his end? He falls into a brook, sinks, and drowns. Perhaps this story, then, takes inspiration from the Bible (Luke 17:2 or Matthew 18:6). How did Jeffery Epstein come to his end? A cord was hung around his neck, and he was thrown into the depths of Hell. Was Kronos not also thrown into Hell (Tartarus) for something similar?

>> No.18921205

Surely he would go to jail as well. Or the bosses would deny it.

>> No.18921218

When will Vegeta get his time to shine without jobbing in the end?

>> No.18921220 [DELETED] 

I never had any money until I was thirty. I grew up poor, and quite unambitious. My parents were thrifty, and I inherited their financial anxiety. To this day, my father has done well to make a marginal lifestyle for himself, though he has since married a wealthy widow. He makes no business of spending money, and I have never seen him in new clothes except at a funeral. My mother, too, I would consider a "humble" person. So for the first three years of making decent money, I think all I bought was a nice bed, which I left in my shopping cart for weeks, and a car which I insisted on buying used no matter what, and that was it. Much of that anxiety has subsided in the past year or so, and yet I still have quite a lot of money saved. I have checks I haven't cashed. I have taken to buying artwork, which seems to make me happy. I think I will probably buy another car. Other than that, nothing comes to mind.

>> No.18921222

What do you think of Byron's Don Juan?

>> No.18921234

I think I’ve finished the internet, this board was my final stop on a 20 year journey. It’s been real bros, time to go live my life…

>> No.18921242
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I never had any money until I was thirty. I grew up poor, and quite unambitious. My parents were thrifty, and I inherited their financial anxiety. To this day, my father has done well to make a marginal lifestyle for himself, though he has since married a wealthy widow. He makes no business of spending money, and I have never seen him in new clothes except at a funeral. My mother, too, I would consider a "humble" person. So for the first three years of making decent money, I think all I bought was a nice bed, which I left in my shopping cart for weeks, and a car which I insisted on buying used no matter what, and that was it. Much of that anxiety has subsided in the past year or so, and yet I still have quite a lot of money saved. I have checks I haven't cashed. I have taken to buying artwork, which seems to make me happy. I think I will probably buy another car. Other than that, nothing comes to mind.

>> No.18921247

I hate being consumed by lust

god save me !

>> No.18921255

This would make a nice story tbqh. Also, don't sweat it too much. Way of the world that everyone pays their due. I hardly had a job which didn't require I did some level of evil. Shoddy wiring, planned obsolescence, slinging fake cures, false witness. Make your wear, bless people, and be good in the end before it's too late. God knows, buddy, God knows.

>> No.18921257

I probably live something akin to your younger life. I've grown up and still live in literal Alabama poverty and am just getting the first notes of a positive-trajectory career. I imagine it's an overwhelming feeling to live above right-at-poverty level income
Godspeed, friend

>> No.18921258

To me lust was obviously a form of helpless impotent rage. It's like heroin. It's for the weak.

>> No.18921274
File: 76 KB, 1280x727, screenshot-2019-11-17-182122-1196241-1280x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello? I would like to firebomb an animation studio? I would like to use a mentally disabled man to firebomb a japanese animation studio in Kyoto?

>> No.18921285
File: 742 KB, 1011x529, b71q175rlv941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard you guys have five eyes? I need someone to firebomb an animation studio though.

>> No.18921289

Instragram wormed it's way in. Not speaking in the Mcluhan sense but the app is so 'hot' it entrances me. Unlike the coldness of a deep twitter burner or anon posting on chan, the quickness of images twisted together with the profiles of all those related to me by my interests or friends makes for engaged scrolling. As someone who is sort late in adopting it I'm kind of in awe at how powerful it has been in converting someone like myself whom I consider despite bring zoomer having substantial impulse control etc. It could be a matter of circumstance or that I happen to be lonely and horny at the moment. Whatever the case is, this shit is truly crack.

>> No.18921321
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I like to molest women through wireless neurological technologies?

>> No.18921337

Detoxing here and there helped me immensely. I made a small promise to myself, which is to shut it off whenever a post makes me upset, which isn't hard because 80% of IG is zoomer girls saying "can we normalize x *clap emojis"!?"

>> No.18921366

It's very weird to get out of poverty, and for obvious reasons I'm sure nobody talks about it, let alone prepares you for it. You still act like you're poor. You second-thought getting a haircut...why?? I don't know. It's stupid. Every dollar you spend (unless you were bad with money when you were poor) registers some anxiety in your whole body. The irony is that after a few years (again, unless you're stupid), you amass a bunch of money, and then it gets awkward. I start thinking, oh shit, I can buy cool shit. And then I just don't. Shopping isn't interesting, even when the anxiety is gone. I should mention that there is a silver lining to all this, despite my depressive tone. One, I have a lot of money, and two, I'm learning that because of my hesitance, I tend to spend my money on interesting things.

Also funny that many of my colleagues (many of whom many more than I do) are continuously broke from having spent all their money as soon as they get it. I know a fella who makes almost 200k a year and yet he's always complaining that he's broke. Apparently he bought a house he can't afford, for a woman he can't satisfy, and his only joy is his car, which he is afraid to drive.

>> No.18921384
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is this like a secret hazing thing?

>> No.18921391
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Loneliness has followed me my whole life, everywhere. In bars, in cars, sidewalks, stores, everywhere. There's no escape. I'm God's lonely man.

>> No.18921394

Holy shit lol
Thankfully I'm frugal and prudent with what I have now, but I'm sure there'll still be the temptation for me because of how insane making 2500+ every two weeks would feel.
All I think I would dump money on would be rare books, a nice coat or two, and saving up to get a house before the threshold for getting one becomes far beyond the pale.
I'm glad you made it out, Anon. I hope you continue to live in a gainful state after escaping poverty.

>> No.18921399
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I would like some poems from you guys.

>> No.18921400
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I've decided that as soon as my lease is up, I'm gonna amscray out of my home country

There's one main destination, and I have several near by options to go to after

Having had all of last year to reflect on my values, I found that I'd rather try something else at this point in my life. I've held off on doing a lot of what I wanted to try in favor of being sensible.

I realize a lot of that thought process stemmed from leaning into the expectations of others rather than my own intuition of what's right for me

I feel like a toddler that's just learned to walk. I feel no corner of the world or endeavor is inaccessible to me. I have no obligations other than what I choose to pour my energy into, and even with that I'm a lot more selective about what I choose to think about.

anyway, how are the rest of you bros doing?

>> No.18921405
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Could you rephrase this as a poem? Y'know, to make it artful?

>> No.18921406

Good luck, Anon. Such powerful changes are a rare gift
>How are you doing
Things are grim, and are going to get alot worse before they ever get better.

>> No.18921479
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Ive been a NEET for essentially my entire adult life, at least I never worked enough to make more than one or a couple thousand a year, which was virtually entirely spent on alcohol and cigarettes and other vices. before being an adult I played videogames then started partying and doing drugs when i hit high school, and thats about all i did for 18 years, and almost all ive done for the 10 years since then

I dont even know where to begin to start turning my life around after 27 straight years of nothing but reinforcing bad habits and nothing else. the simple act of waking up when my alarm clock rings and actually staying awake instead of just falling asleep is a skill i lost around 17 and have had virtually no success with since them. getting myself to go to bed and actually falling asleep and not just sitting there for 7 hours is impossible without alcohol or sleeping pills. my mind is completely fried and my physical body is just so fucked up, my hands and wrists are fucked up with bad carpal tunnel.

it really does feel like suicide is all there is for me. what a complete waste of a life, fuck.

>> No.18921487

I love my boyfriend

>> No.18921491

Yeah, desu i work in a mental hospital, and you might be quite fucked. Anyway, get a job. I firmly believe that that is the beginning of salvation. However if you have total repulsion toward work, then I might say you're fucked, sir.

>> No.18921498

Sober up for a few months. Start working out. Get healthy. Take baby steps don’t stress yourself out too much.

Bed time is big during all the time you’re gonna spend sober think of ways to go to bed at 8-10pm. A consistent schedule is key, in college I read a paper that showed a woman who went to bed at the same time everyday was able to fall asleep wishing 10 minutes by the 20th day.

Also you’re deluding yourself if you think you have the worst lot of anyone that’s lived a shitty life and turned it around. Just look at the literary world itself it has countless examples.

>> No.18921499

These wojaks are getting worse and worse

>> No.18921503

Why are you gay?

>> No.18921511

Also start spending a lot of time in nature and objects of beauty. Begin orienting yourself towards what you believe drives that beauty.

>> No.18921520

i dont have total repulsion for work so much as i feel incapable of actually exerting control over my life enough to be able to hold a job, i actually quite enjoy working and doing stuff sometimes but the only time i manage to work and make money is when i can do an odd job for 4 hours in the afternoon or something like that where i dont really have to fit myself into any sort of schedule or structure and there isnt much in the way of commitment

>> No.18921529

Unironically read Jordan Peterson, or just watch his lectures.

>> No.18921547


>> No.18921578

im definitely going to have to sober up instead of stringing myself along with binges the way i have been doing. it feels like i dont have a specific alcohol addiction so much as a sort of all encompassing mass addiction to anything i can use to feel some form of satisfaction, and the compulsions can be quite extreme to the point where i find myself having mood swings, pacing back and forth, getting fidgety, browsing 4chan for hours, just violently craving something, be it junk food or alchohol or whatever. i also wonder if this effects my ability to sleep, because im compulsively craving more and more so i cant just relax and fall asleep i need MORE ive done nothing in my life but 27 years of MORE MORE MORE feeding bad compulsive habits, not a single good or productive habit

i honestly wonder if it would do me good to check myself into a mental ward or something. more than anything it feels like i just need to not be here where i am in the environment im in, i need to be somewhere else

>> No.18921591 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 479x315, Asian-BBC-Marica-Hase-Having-Hardcore-Sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I met Marica Hase IRL. Her bf is a beta nigger who wears cargo shorts and running shoes. This bitch has taken the biggest dongs in the industry.

>> No.18921596

i want to hurt myself

>> No.18921609

Does anyone actually outline the books they read? Take notes like How to Read a Book by Adler?

>> No.18921622

>outline the books they read? Take notes
why would this be a thing?

>> No.18921767
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The pithy "don't meet your heroes" should rather be stated as "don't impute your ego onto others." The act of idolizing a person, in many cases, can be seen as the act of finding solace and validation in the belief that there are others far better off than you, but, in essence, the same as you. The angst-ridden teenager finds great comfort in knowing that many successful artists and leaders followed their same trajectory and made it to success and safety. Meeting your heroes is painfully learning that your trajectory and theirs were never aligned at all. Serious, solemn, taciturn, and angst-ridden artists turn out to be quite comfortable in their own skin. So do many apparently-damaged military commanders. What did Tarkovsky, Tanizaki, David Foster Wallace, and Mikhail Tolstykh have in common? Apart from having erroneous labels of "tortured genius" and "grave stoic" easily affixed to them, they loved to dance. (Or, at the very least, were self-assured enough to do so without blushing.) (Ian Curtis and Thom Yorke, two figures probably held in much higher esteem by angst-ridden teenagers, also danced (Yorke most notably in the music video for Lotus Flower, and Curtis perhaps due to epilepsy, but probably not), but, being musicians, this isn't too surprising. What may be more surprising is the fact that Nietzsche danced; but he, too, was a musician and composer (an also surprising fact, I think).) We can say, then, that if you are angst-ridden to the point of needing to impute your ego onto heroes, do so with the proper ones. I've yet to read Pessoa's biography, but I'd say it's safer for a depressed person to align with them, rather than a dancing Nietzsche (this, of course, means aligning with someone who died in obscurity -- probably just a circuitous way to get to the same pain you'd feel meeting your misidentified hero).

>> No.18921786
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I'll try.

Mirror reflected the me
Cobbled together through others

Incongruence unnerving

Turned deaf and blind and mute without
Strained my ear to the whisper within

Like the coo of a dove

Gentle strength destroyed the false and
every useless thing

Threshed soundly

Savored the pain of life renewed
Where once only numbness existed

My world, magnified a thousandfold

Headlong totter lustily on soft determined legs
Servant and master of one
Everything within arm's reach
Close as far and away

>> No.18921788
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Wanna talk about it?

>> No.18921792

my pure japanese maiden...

>> No.18921802

Thank you, I'm >>18920996. There's not much to really talk about, it's mostly just waiting and a very abstract kind've dread. No matter how it goes down, I feel like life is about to be unavoidably categorized into pre-event and post-event, for good or ill.

>> No.18921869

If you read this message you're a tremendous faggot

>> No.18921892

I can't find Deleuze's Difference And Repetition anywhere for free I am so mad. God I am so mad, what the fuck I really want to read it. I have developed an addiction to Deleuze it is like crack. I am not going to buy it. First of all I'm broke from buying all these rare out-of-print books about ballet. It's so hard to be me

>> No.18921901

Fuck yeah

>> No.18921930
File: 42 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ha ha
what a story mark

>> No.18921946

watch it punk, the last motherfucker to call me gay got his dick sucked

>> No.18921953

Didn't take me 5 minutes to find it anon. Don't you know about libgen?

>> No.18921963

onions un pequeño niño neerlandés viviendo en tierras hispánicas en Marte, proveniendo de Jupiter pocas cosas posibles dentro de un universo inamovible bastante baladí y sin relevancia alguna. $chan o como diran chan.

>> No.18922052

synchronicity. whether or not you should read any meaning into it is up to you

>> No.18922058

if you need weed to enjoy watching something, that's pretty fucked up

>> No.18922061

you and plenty of other retards

>> No.18922146
File: 957 KB, 1813x2111, pope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jannie is a fag for deleting the Waldun threads

>> No.18922156

please respond to my posts

>> No.18922186

He doesn't though. I wish he did and banned all of you subhumans for life.

>> No.18922299

I am so sorry anon

>> No.18922326

True. I feel like that very percepetion of seeing humans as nothing but a bunch of upgraded apes ( I personally see them as information processing systems with built-in/hardwired responses to stimuli) can actually help with social skills. Basically tricking your brain that it is not actually being judged by fellow humans. You have to be careful to snap out of it sometimes so you don't become a psychopath

>> No.18922331

Nothing can be connected back to me but if something like that happened yeah will be interviewed as the supervisor but I had two managers and I wasn't putting my signature on anything I forged several different signatures and my bosses didn't bother looking close enough to care. On top of this I have the originals of all of the tests which I rewrote, more than 4 years of original results and I have a folder containing about 300 pages one for each of the major tests, each page explaining how to fraud them without being caught and giving you projection equations which allow you to still being accurate enough based off historic sampling records so if they audit the test or parallel sample against you, you're close enough to talk your way out of suspicion. It was given to me. So yeah I will take my bosses down completely they trained me to do this I am not liable I was a young naive 17 year old hoping to please and forge myself a career.

>> No.18922334

max cringe, you sound like a nerdy bugman

>> No.18922378

It's a wholesome and funny profile anon and it's good for finding a modest nice woman. But most importantly you need good photos.

>> No.18922379

All the time, it drives me mad sometimes. I'm always stuck between two explanations that don't help me interpret anything:

>It's just my pattern-detecting brain/ schizo delusions of reference/ narcissism perceiving input noise as meaningful
>I am warned by the universe of things that are about to happen or I should pay attention to

>> No.18922399

It's been the bane of my existence. It's funny that I'm aware of it, but I still fucking do it all the time

>> No.18922414

Suicide just doesn't make sense, homicide does. Why every suicide isn't a murder-suicide is just baffling. Don't even @ me if you were raised by a woman.

>> No.18922434

:( being schizo sounds scary, I’ll pray for you

>> No.18922435

I am so sorry anon, I will keep you both in my prayers. I don't wanna sound like a smelly dumb stoner, but I've heard cannabis products might help in some cases, have you tried that? Also, I know it's a far fetched solution, but exoskeletons and nerve-growing therapies are getting more advanced and cheaper by the year, maybe there's a little hope, you should look into it. At least as some sort of psychological help tool, to help you get out of that grim, fatalistic mindset. I wish you all the best, love you anon, you're a good person

>> No.18922444
File: 3.14 MB, 1600x1103, 1615746874200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if there is anything I truly want for me. right view, perhaps, a way of looking at things that seems sustainable. not to be worked to the bone. I want to feel like I can do this. I think both of the above are achievable but I don't really believe I can do it. Does that matter? Doesn't that just fall under right view? All the days are gonna come all the same, and you rest at the end. I wonder how I'd really handle if everything went to shit and I NEETED up a decade. I could have enough money left to buy a small apartment in Goa and live a couple decades more. This seems like a cunt move to me, I'm healthy enough to contribute something, just dropping off seems selfish. I could probably move to Vietnam right now and never work another day in my life. I don't want to be a monk, I don't think it's gonna work for me to defer all authority. I thought it would for a long time but I don't think so now. Monk is always the last backup plan, but I'm not sure you can do it without sincerity. College starts again monday. I'm not ready. It seems impossibly unlikely that anything good will happen here, but that too is a point of view, will pass.

>> No.18922464

I've had the exact same experience, I always looked down on normies for being so addicted to it. Just think about coming in contact with it at the age of 8-10. Gen Alpha is going to bring about the end of humanity

>> No.18922479

it's helpful to remember what the Quran says about the reasons for creation. There may be more that I don't remember, but I remember two. the first is that creation exists in order that we may prove ourselves. the second is related I'm sure, but wider in scope imo: in at least one place the Quran says that the purpose of creation is the manifestation of "truth". Why is this helpful? Because it means that every moment that passes serves the purpose of this manifestation, and can not fail to do so. It will take its place in the grand symphony.

>> No.18922482

You and me both, anon. Maybe you are not so alone afterall

>> No.18922490


>> No.18922498


>> No.18922512

Thanks anon, I love you

>> No.18922521


>> No.18922527

I cant give or receive love.

>> No.18922566

Same. Mother died when I was 2-3, father was a good man but struggled with alcohol and was far too often passed out. You?

>> No.18922574

It's the third week straight I have failed at consistently going to the gym. That feeling of getting weaker is so terrible.

>> No.18922636

Your situation is far more devastating than mine. In my case, mom gives a lot of sympathy but dad is distant. I just dont know why im so defective.

>> No.18922659

Being an ideologue makes you a slave. Your cause is not righteous and will never lead to utopia. There is no single problem. Humans are by nature illogical and cowardly. You can not change human nature. You are not in control You can not change the course of history. You do not fully grasp the ideology you have based your life on nor its ultimate outcome. Hedonism greatly limits your ability to perceive truth and will never be sustainable. It is not the fault of strangers on the internet that you are where you are. 4chan is not your friend. You have no superiority on the internet.

>> No.18922666

Holy projection

>> No.18922679

I was gonna say he was spitting facts but those numbers tho...

>> No.18922696
File: 119 KB, 666x1000, D071BC35-D341-4E91-A0FA-655C85100C2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18922717

>and go to church on Sunday bros
Christianity is dead in Czechia

>> No.18922729


Case in point, the ideologue ties his identity to his ideology, so every attack on his ideology is also a personal attack

>> No.18922755

Holy double projection

>> No.18922864

I hate Waldun threads

>> No.18922918


>> No.18923019

what do you think, what do you do it all for if you got nobody? to make a family and have somebody? for God? for yourself? what yourself? if you ain't got nobody then you're nobody

>> No.18923034

I do it for the lulz

>> No.18923075

fuck off back to your discord.

>> No.18923432

stop being nervous and fuck her again in twenty minutes

>> No.18923444

Sex is alien activity for me and it's crazy to think how 99% of people I see every day on the street done sex from one to many times.

>> No.18923460

whats so strange about sex?

>> No.18923473

I consider my life to be a pagan ritual

>> No.18923521


>> No.18923567

I am sad that my dream to become a tyrannical ruler pretty much is impossible in modern society.
I frequently think of making a lot of money and then moving to Africa to become some sort of a tribe leader but it also feels like an unrealistic goal and something which I will back out of since I genuinely do not wish to die, which would be a hard task if I were to attempt this.
Most likely I will never become a king or a dictator. This makes me a little sad, to be honest.

>> No.18923581

My butt makes poo.

>> No.18923592

I hate my sister in law so fucking much. She's literally killing my brother with her nagging and bitching and I know she can't wait till something happens to him so she can LARP as a widower. She's like some sort of reptile, no emotions, no humanity. If she didn't learn from TV that killing people gets you into jail she'd probably have barbecued her own kids. I know many people who are douchebags, dickheads, assholes, and all sorts of asshats, but she's the only one I can think of who is genuinely, utterly and completely malevolent. She's like something out of a fairytale. She's like a Disney villain, completely irredeemable, except that Disney villains are somewhat open and proud of their malevolence and they have too much of a personality to truly attempt to hide how rotten they are. Every thing she does that is remotely positive is completely fake and she's so reliant on being fake that she cannot understand how to fake that she's faking. She's too stupid to trick anyone who's barely more intelligent than she is. When she's acting in kindness it's like she's wearing a badly fitting, still bleeding skin mask she ripped off the face of someone marginally better than her.
If she weren't utterly cowardly to the bone and didn't have brains of a retarded goat I swear she'd have no issue murdering people in cold blood and walling bits of corpses in the attic. I don't understand how my brother who admittedly isn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed manage to marry this black-hearted witch. After a few months or so it must've been obvious that not even Satan himself wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere near her.

>> No.18923594

How do I make mine do that

>> No.18923604

Have you tried talking to it? Have a dinner together.

>> No.18923679

Is it true that a man can’t choose his nation anymore than a cell can choose his body?

>> No.18923685

This is my country,
The land that begat me.
These windy spaces
Are surely my own.
And those who here toil
In the sweat of their faces
Are flesh of my flesh,
And bone of my bone.

>> No.18923708

I am so damn lost. I am going to be 30 soon enough. I was supposed to figure this all out over a decade ago. It’s like there’s nowhere to run, nothing to do.

>> No.18923729

Bullshit, here's an example : America, which isn't even a nation, it's a nation with no history, no roots, no unified identity, which was built upon foreign soil and has never known organic historical evolution. It is chaotic and insane and completely broken inside. How can you have a sense of national belonging to America?

>> No.18923736

If you’re American, how can you have a sense nation for anywhere else? You obviously can’t.

>> No.18923751

30 is such a sexy age, I can't wait to be 30. From my observation people at that age develop the maturity to understand who they really are and what they're doing. I'm turning 25 and I am consistently working on perfecting my vision/my identity/my craft but I do understand that it will take a few more years for it to be fully polished. When I hit 30 it is unironically over for (You) bitches.

>> No.18923755

Not him but I'm a Eurofag and even I can see that the problem is not in America, but in what American people have let themselves become. The founding fathers of America were outstanding, noble people and your country was built on the most fertile ground, literally, intellectually, spiritually. It must've been such an amazing thing to belong to your country and look at that banner before Americans took it for granted and let it rot. All the shame of America rests upon the shoulders of its people. It was a good country with good roots but even the greatest trees will die when they're poisoned.

>> No.18923761

>The founding fathers of America were outstanding, noble people
If you go far enough down the rabbit hole and have a certain standard to hold them against, this becomes undeniably false.

>> No.18923765

Yes, but I am saying that having a sense of national belonging to America is also a delusional cope. Feeling that you are "part of a nation" in any essential way is just a psychological LARP, not far from being emo or dark academia or demisexual aromantic.

>> No.18923772

Well I'm also a Eurofag and I'm projectile vomiting all over your retarded post you dumb faggot.

>> No.18923780


>> No.18923789

I know that America's roots are steeped in blood but so is every country. Ancient Greece was steeped in blood, ancient Rome was steeped in blood. This is for granted. But the people who wrote the American Constitution did good work, and I think there were many good ideals that fueled the making of the United States, especially when Christianity mattered. The great less of America is ironically the same lessons that it so cynically abused in superhero comic books, that with great power comes great responsibility. America had immense abundance in everything but its people were unable to see the responsibility that came with it and this lead to a moral and social collapse.

>> No.18923817

It's straight up retarded to think that the USA didn't have potential to lead humanity to new heights. They did make every worst choice they could but this isn't because "America has no roots", it's Americans who refused to build anything.

>> No.18923820

On point. Good posts, ignore the triggered faggots foaming at the mouth

>> No.18923840

No, it has nothing to do with blood. It has more to do with the fact these people, generally speaking but not universally of course, had a very specific and very aligned sort of ideology that they subscribed to and if you’re not aligned with that, there’s no room for sympathy. Many of these people, for example, were not only atheists, but vehemently atheist, sometimes anti-religious and then of course you had many masons and the like. How then could a person with any sort of religious orientation, of which there many in America, sympathize with them or their project? Of course they can’t do it. That’s just one very obvious example.

>> No.18923847

So you don’t believe that anyone anywhere is of a nation…?

>> No.18923856

What new heights?


>> No.18923863

Yes, nations are hecking social constructs and we need a hecking communist revolution

>> No.18923869

Not in essence. Being "of a nation" is an artificially constructed identity.

>> No.18923875

Very funny post, faggot, but this has nothing to do with communism or revolution, it is just the objective truth.

>> No.18923880

I agree anon it's the hecking truth I fucking hate my parents

>> No.18923914

Stop joking around I'm serious. Nations are le bad and I really fucking hate them no cap.

>> No.18923922

Artificially constructed by who?

To be clear, you don’t believe that if you grow up in day, Germany, that you’re in a way of Germany no less than a cell is of your body?

>> No.18923923

>The founding fathers of America were outstanding, noble people
They were a bunch of shady Freemasons. Benjamin Franklin was involved in an transgressive sex cult for example.

>> No.18923933

Artificially constructed by the government. Read the protocols of Zion and watch last month's episode of Joe Rogan.

>> No.18923945

This. He also worked for the CIA for a period during his 40s.

>> No.18923951

Stop trying to derail the conversation Jew.

>> No.18923958

>Artificially constructed by who?
By you, nigger, what do you think?

>> No.18923966

Airtight first of all no racism on this board. Secondly, I'm fucking based for creating nations.

>> No.18923975

Get a load of this faggot outing himself as being too much of a retard to understand basic human psychology, why we create identities

>> No.18923981

Fucking this!!!! Identities are a fucking scam.

>> No.18923984

Yeah bro le edgy sarcasm that'll show them

>> No.18923986

Wow bro le epic win amirite

>> No.18923987


>> No.18923993

Look buddy, if you don't have the mental capacity to participate in this high level debate just hecking don't okay? Nations have been scientifically proven to be scientifically bad so just don't alright?

>> No.18923996

>everyone was a disgusting morally empty crook just like meeeee so I owe nothing to this country I hate my country I hate my fellow countrymen, ugh I wonder why my country is so bad I hate living in a country where I don't trust anyone because who knows what kind of scum they might be, ugh why don't I have a REAL community or REAL roots like people did when they went to church or when they ate the stupid turkey together ugh I hate my family
Obviously a top-down job, evil propaganda that soured the spirits of us helpless citizens (it was the reptilian jewish aliens of course).

>> No.18924008

You have no control over where you’re born and grow up so how is it artificially created by you?

>> No.18924011

You didn't get it. Nations are simply untenable under modern psychological presuppositions about metaphysics.

>> No.18924020

Dude just free your mind lmao stop hanging on to these primitive ideas lmao what you a fucking cannibal

>> No.18924033

Your perception of belonging as well the emotions or motivations you derive from that perception are all artificially created by you.

>> No.18924035

You realize what you're saying is akin to fascism right? How do you think Hitler gained power? Because of people like you.

>> No.18924043

Stop sperging, spastic

>> No.18924045

Damn... Guess we really live in a hecking society then...

>> No.18924046

New thread

>> No.18924066

What I am saying is that it's not a piece of land that is responsible for bestowing a national identity upon its citizens. Obviously this matter is in the hands of the citizens.
I fucking hate it. People are fucking dumb and they deserve everything. If there is an elite somewhere of hook-nosed wizards orchestrating all this they are based as fuck and they have my respect for giving dumb fucking sheep what they deserve.

>> No.18924086

To be clear, the reason I ask the question in the first place is because I personally feel no sense of belonging at all, whether to my nation, state, or in any sort of local sense of the world. The place I grew up, in a immaterial, and to some degree, material, sense doesn’t even exist anymore. So I personally feel no affinity for these identities whether constructed or local/organic. And yet, I have trouble denying that statement, “one cannot choose their nation anymore than a cell can choose it’s body”. Im explicitly of the place I’ve mentioned but in an alienated way. I fail to see how that’s some sort of perception identity I’ve constructed for myself artificially and not a sort of basic fact, I’m of this place and not that one, simply as a matter of fact and nothing will ever change that.

>> No.18924094

>What I am saying is that it's not a piece of land that is responsible for bestowing a national identity upon its citizens. Obviously this matter is in the hands of the citizens.
And what happens when you don’t get that from citizens? Where does it come from? Where should it come from?

>> No.18924102

Jew. Always oppose evil. Stop trying to spread complacency and cynicism.

>> No.18924159

>And what happens when you don’t get that from citizens? Where does it come from? Where should it come from?
Fucking nothing happens, that's what happens. It comes from the citizens. It should come from the citizens. This is the truth, that if the citizens do not remind themselves to have a fucking backbone they will not be magically granted one. The great tragedy of democracy was that as long as the world was governed by tyrants and the hierarchy was obvious, people knew who has which duty, and if the tyrant acted too much like a tyrant they KNEW that the ONLY way they had to change things was to fucking take them in the OWN hands. This is why people took their pitchforks and rebelled, because they knew that if their rulers were opposing them they HAD to oppose them or perish. With the establishment of modern "democracy" people have completely forgotten this bit of truth, and they just thought "well it's my fellow citizen's duty to fix the rulers", "well it's the rulers who should inform me, after all I have elected them to do that". This is not how democracy works, democracy implies that YOU are your country's ruler and you should be informed, responsible, you should be active, you should discuss the future of your country. All these things were for the vast majority of our history in the hands of the youth, who are idealistic but stupid and inexperienced and easily persuaded, while older people simply didn't give a shit. And every generation became less and less invested politically because they had their bread and they had their car. Whose fault was it?
How am I spreading complacency? I'm saying that far too few people believe in anything.

>> No.18924174

>just like meeeee
I am not morally empty. You don't know me.
>I owe nothing to this country
I pay my taxes. Follow the law. Slave away endless labor.
I owe nothing beyond that. Slit your goddamn throat.
> I hate my country
It's none of your goddamn business whether I hate or love this country. I am here, so I have to follow the laws and pay my taxes regardless.
>I hate my fellow countrymen
I have no obligation to love them either.

You need to kys.

>> No.18924273

>I am not morally empty.
We're all morally empty in 2021. There is no true ideal that can take root in Western people today. If any dreams or justice or divinity exists within you, you are labelled as dysfunctional by everyone else who is also the same. And you would do the same if you saw a Christian looking for martyrdom or someone willing to die for his country, or someone damaging himself in order not to lie or break the law. And while I think there are exceptions I think this barren nature is simply the result of comfort, or better a learned helplessness. You say "I pay my taxes, I don't break the law." This isn't something that you really do because you want to do it. This is just stuff that is enforced upon you by your government. These are your duties so to speak. And you say "I owe nothing beyond that". Yeah you owe nothing to your nation, because what you mentioned is stuff that is enforced upon you. You have no obligation to love your countrymen. You say you are morally empty but you could only mention paying taxes and following the law as a token to your conduct. I'm not pointing the finger, I'm not very different. I also did blame the gubbament and the "elite" and I thought the same. I don't really think I could substantiate these beliefs out of thin air either, it would be as hard as forcing myself to believe in God.
What I am pointing out is simply that the situation of modern people is entirely the products of how they handled themselves in the context of democracy. And it was democracy all along, I don't believe that the system was "rigged", I just believe that people who are uninformed and reason emotionally are very easy to persuade. That's just it. People seethe when they're reminded that they could have done something, actually a whole lot, to avoid this endgame.

>> No.18924393

You are a pedantic pseud. You should stfu and stop acting as if you're contemplative, insightful, or whatever. You are an absolute moron on the level of a deceptive Jew or low-IQ third-world trash. Until you realize this, everything that comes out of your mouth is completely worthless and merely a reflection of your own depravity. You are projecting your moral turpitude onto the entire world.
I don't derive self-worth from dealing with other people. I don't care if people were dying, writhing on the streets, and coughing up blood, feebly raising their hands asking for my help. It has no bearing on how I derive meaning in life or the metaphysical grand scheme of things. So long as I have money, I will find a way to enrich my life with or without your meaningless existence.
If there were a God or some kind of absolute principle in this world, you are beyond redemption, you are beyond forgiveness, you are beyond purification, you are just a stupid faggot posting pseudointellectual trash because you have no true love for anything in this world outside of the interpersonal domain.

>> No.18924406

You didn't say anything and you talk out of ypur ass. You sound like an ESL Pajeet

>> No.18924419

kek I rest my case

>> No.18924429

You have no true identity outside of the judgments and thoughts of others. It is debatable whether you are truly a sentient being that has qualia.

>> No.18924440

You’re speaking nonsense, and trying along expressly political terms, when that was never at hand. The fundamental question being asked is “is a person of a place”, “a place” here signified are the nation. An American is an American, as a matter of fact. This cannot be denied, and how he feels himself or the affinities he expresses for this or that political system, this or that alternative, this or that geographical locale or the absence of any and all of them, he is still of America, whether he wants to be or not. And the subsequent question is then “has he no say in the matter” and you’ve not come even close to addressing it. Why are you rambling like this? It was a question not your soapbox moment.

>> No.18924446

Perhaps you are too stupid to understand? Perhaps you are American?

>> No.18924488

You're vomiting bile like mad and you have no answer except lashing out with insults. I never claimed superiority over you if that's what you care about. I explicitly said that these things affect me too. The only thing I am admitting here is that I'm not blaming an abstract "other" for the state of the world. I've participated in its making just like everyone else, you included, and I accept my responsibility. Of course there's nothing one can do at this point but sitting back and blaming the Jews or whatever you designed as the abstract spook in your head is massively retarded. I also find that this is a rather unpopular thought unlike said blaming of abstract "elites" so I don't really know if I'm the one here whose identity is built on the judgments and thoughts of others. Everyone fucked up and we're collectively getting exactly what we deserve.

>> No.18924538

I find your posts immensely disingenuous like a rewording of Original Sin but in a more collective sense.
It will not work on me. It is a very Jewish mentality that won't work on me.
The intersubjective world does not exist. I will sooner accept epistemological solipsism or morality tandem to the individual than to be guilted into feeling responsible for the collective mistakes of mankind. I have nothing to do with mankind.
The reality is no one has ever truly communicated with another. Even talking to the birds is far more fruitful than our present conversation. I feel sad for the suffering of the birds, but I feel nothing for mankind since I transcended it a long time ago outside of getting money for myself.
Your tactics of trying to manipulate me into feeling as if I am some kind of direct enabler or participant in society will not work. If you had worded your original post in a more impartial, neutral tone, I would have been much more polite.
I have no responsibility for whether or not you choose to eat shit.