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18917935 No.18917935 [Reply] [Original]

I was thinking about reading this but the fact that is about rich people kind of keeps me from doing it, I had a bad experience with Proust. Does Tolstoy pull it off better?
Maybe I should try War and Peace instead?
What do you think, nerds?

>> No.18917945

>I had a bad experience with Proust
where did he touch you, anon?

>> No.18917946

Read it now.

>> No.18917954

Anna Karenina is probably the greatest novel ever written. No-one has ever painted such lifelike characters as Tolstoy in that novel.

>> No.18917961

Read it.

>> No.18917968

in my mind with all that stupid aristocratic prince faggy boy stuff
dont get me wrong some pages were great but I just cant stand that stuff

>> No.18917982

I put off reading Anna Karenina for a long time because I was reluctant to read a book about a woman.
I’m glad I finally read it though. The scenes with Levin hunting with his dog or even just mowing grain on his farm were so damn comfy.
Also Vronsky was alpha as fuck, racing horses, plowing and impregnating married sloots and then finally going off to Serbia to remove kebab.
Ultimately I’m glad I read Anna Karenina. I just skipped the parts that were predominantly about female characters.

>> No.18917987

You'll probably enjoy the part of the novel where Levin takes up farming then.

>> No.18918000

election tourist check

>> No.18918083

>le woman bad!
>le comfy!
>le alpha!
These posts make me cringe deeply

>> No.18918092


>> No.18918098


>> No.18918113


>> No.18918261
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>> No.18918277

Kill yourself

>> No.18918338


Is this all legbeards? Or do we have a turkroach infestation as well?

>> No.18918431

It's great to read if you are an incel.
Anna is basically everything that is hated about women rolled into one character.

>> No.18918440

It's okay to like women. You're the weird one for skipping chapters that show that women are people.

>> No.18918443

>Is this all legbeards?

There are no women on 4chan.com
It’s all just one seething tranny.

>> No.18918446

>It's okay to like women
>In a Tolstoy thread

>> No.18918455

Tolstoy was a massive misogynist and would have been right at home with incel ideology. The only reason he had a wife is because he was an aristocrat and considered it some sort of social obligation. There is literally nothing wrong with incel posting in a Tolstoy thread.

>> No.18918462

What is it that you find likable about women (no tits ass cunny or feet please. I mean what do you find likeable about the femoid personality)

>> No.18918483

Please be satire

>> No.18918490

No man is born an incel.
The first experience a man has upon entering the world is an overwhelming sense of adoration, desire and awe of his mother. It is only through continued contact with women that men gradually learn to become incels.

>> No.18918549

What bothers you so much about Proust, anon? I know Proust can spend a long time (hundreds of pages) sniffing the imaginary farts of aristocrats, dutifully conveying the scents and aromas he conjures up in his mind to us, the innocent reader, but there's a point to it. The way he builds up these high and mighty socialites only to pull their pants down and show their ass to the reading public? It's great.

>> No.18918678

it’s through lack of contact, silly

>> No.18918817

I couldn’t come up with anything likable about their personalities either

This one goes out to the eternal femoid

>> No.18918835
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a lot of salty (you)s ITT lmaooo

>> No.18919059

ok just marathoned the first setence
did i like it?

>> No.18919232

I just picked this up for 10¢ today I’m excited to start it

>> No.18919234

>No man is born an incel.
Thats factually not true
Appearance, behaviour and (social)intelligence are all mostly hereditary traits, the illusion that you can make up for bad birth stat rolls by upbringing is just cope
Historically absolute majority of men didnt procreate, while majority of women did

>> No.18919276

War and Peace is good if you're kind of autistic and like reading war histories. It has hundreds of characters, most of whom appear only for one or two chapters, and lots of battles and logistical discussions. The main characters are charismatic in a Romantic noblesse kind of way.

Anna Karenina on the other hand is a much more personal drama. Even though they're rich, the characters are very relatable and sympathetic, the central plot is a universal tale. Zadie Smith said that Anna Karenina is the most perfect characterization of a woman that a man has written.

>> No.18919314

Best translation?

>> No.18919363

Irrelevant, no male baby is labeled an incel at birth, even if inceldom is entirely biological it isn't recognizable until post-puberty. You totally missed the point of my post.

>> No.18919748

It's not either/or with War and Peace and AK. You should read them both but in chronological order. You should read his early short novels first, then War and Peace, then AK.

>> No.18920004

People who replied to this pasta now must stretch their anuses in front of the camera and post photos.