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18913190 No.18913190[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what’s their endgame? What’s Wydna? What does suicide;selfie have to do with the rockefeller foundation? Is this all an operation funded by Chinese foreign intelligence? How can 30 hour long podcasts about Newfoundland undermine the foundation of the anglo-american empire? perhaps i’m missing something i’m doubling back. Who is edburg? what’s his role in all of this? Where did the Thiel money go? What does the Yalie Costin Alamarui pseudonym Bronze age Pervert have to do with this? Where did the Thiel money go? Is this all a big joke, a strategem by a joint strike operation conducted by chinese and american intelligence officers, or maybe something real?

>> No.18913261

i'll tell you. i'll tell you the endgame right now. where it's all going. highly classified, straight from the top. now listen up, logo becomes tranny and fatbot fucks him

>> No.18913264

The endgame is bringing down the satanic capitalist fascist shadow banker death cult.

>> No.18913265

>hey i spent age 20 to 26 listening to podcasts so i don't know anything and i'm increasingly confused because i thought i would start reading real books "tomorrow" but 6 years of tomorrows came and i never read books just listened to more podcasts and watched a documentary or two can you explain all the shallow references from these podcasts i listened to

back in the 60s and 70s these kinds of people would meet at little shabby looking bookstores and share recommendations for what secret books to read to be "in the know" and over years they would amass esoteric knowledge and have fun sharing it with new initiates and friendships would form and a whole way of life would develop, now the least talented of those old groups run podcasts and barely listening zoomers passively let it in one ear and out the other

the older i get the more i realize that "every age has its x, every generation says its y was better than the upcoming generation" is a midwit sentiment and history really does nadirs. we are in the trough to end all troughs with no peak in sight. i wonder what these people will look like when they're pushing 40 and still an empty podcast listening nothing who never did anything and never chewed on any information for themselves, only let manic internet demi-celebrities vomit it into their mouths.

>> No.18913268

holy based

>> No.18913275

grifting as long as possible

>> No.18913280

>eternal return cringe
not based. We're dialecticians now. Everything is different now.

>> No.18913307

If you poke around that part of Twitter a bit you can make out vaguely that there was some kind of internal beef between them and the other guys but I have no idea what it was actually about. I'm guessing it's all much more petty than it seems

>> No.18913316
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Stop saying it's petty, and stop being nihilists. This is a revolution in self-consciousness and you guys can't see it. We're pulling back the curatins, breaking through to the other side.

>> No.18913322

they released a 16 hour podcast on canadian mining or some shit and i'm still subscribed. fuck me

>> No.18913346

they've nearly exposed the fascist deep state, made it collapse of sheer humiliation, and you have the nerve to unsubscribe from the podcast? the revolution betrayed

>> No.18913351

>share recommendations for what secret books to read to be "in the know" and over years they would amass esoteric knowledge
all hippie bs

>> No.18913365

ok youre right of course i wont unsubscribe
do you guys have any good recommendations on potash deposit formation

>> No.18913368

define canada. define mining. how do the rockefellers play into this?

>> No.18913425

They are conspiracy hipsters that are too afraid to talk about jewish power because they would lose their precious twitters/patreons so they blame the world on wasp/cia shit that hasnt been relevant since 1965. They have no answers, they just want money.

>> No.18913429

KB’s goal is to unfurl the occult web of finance constructed in the 20th century. For significant change to ever occur one must understand the actual circumstances of the present historical moment. Logo is mainly interested in promoting literacy and arguing with people on Twitter. They rightfully criticize bap’s project as straussian mystification sold as vitalism.

>> No.18913460

do either ever draw attention to the ubiquitous multitude of jews involved in finance and hollywood and spyware all the other rot at the heart of the post-war "historical moment"

>> No.18913480
File: 61 KB, 769x167, 4th reich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CIA founder and first director Allen Dulles was an ally to the Nazi party. He had banking connections with them, and when the war was over, he helped instrument the rescue of their top diplomats and scientists. You are still living in the matrix. "It's the jews!!" is just another trick. You'll never learn because you think youve got it all figured out without having read a thing.

>> No.18913488

If it's a trick why is it the one single thing that gets you shut down fastest for talking about

>> No.18913491

this is the heart of gravity’s rainbow as well btw

>> No.18913495


>> No.18913502

This is some undiluted tankie cope

>> No.18913520

>back in the 60s and 70s these kinds of people would meet at little shabby looking bookstores and share recommendations for what secret books to read to be "in the know"
And it made just as much of an impact as these podcasts. All these little hipster movements mean nothing

>> No.18913539
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because it's a line of death. I can see you aren't a world recognized scholar of A Thousand Plateaus, unlike our resident host, Ed Burg. Nazi paranoia can never down the shadow banking cult, it gets Shut Down because it causes you to go crazy and annihilate everything around you.

nazi cope

>> No.18913548

this was mildly important 76 years ago, what is the significance today? how does this factor into a contemporary West wherein your investment/financing, media/entertainment, academia/education, law/courts are dominated by 1.7% of the population?

>> No.18913568

I think you're just afraid of admitting to yourself the truth because you know youd get in trouble for talking about it so you stick with this safe talk about cia and anglos and whatever that you know won't cause you any problems. Its understandable but it's a bit annoying for those of us who dont have the crimestop function.

>> No.18913586

They don't, and your boomer infographics don't prove anything. All they prove is that jews are demographically overrepresented. So what? Still countless corporate executives, politicians, agency directors, military officers, and billionare capital investors are not jewish. They work with the jews, and the jews work with them. Jew conspiracy makes absolutely no sense, and class struggle does. Just fucking deal with reality. Getting Shut Down for fedposting and pretending to be a terrorist is not evidence you've found the truth, it's just you satisfying your desire for attention from daddy state by being violent, like a toddler's temper tantrum.

>> No.18913588

What book is this, Kinzer?

>> No.18913594

The Devil's Chessboard

>> No.18913596

nah just histroy

>> No.18913599

You don't have to pretend to be a terrorist, you just have to talk about Jews and be anti immigration and so on. It's quite obvious that you're just afraid to touch these subjects

>> No.18913611

You're just imagining persecution where there isn't any. /pol/ is right there, and has been complaining about jews and immigrants every day and night for the past however many years its existed, and it's still there. You might be getting shut down on twitter, but the state security apparatus is happy to let you whine about this shit all you want. It's when the nazi becomes violent and starts to actually act on his complaints that he gets shut down, and so what? You think you're being unfairly persecuted for wanting to do holocaust 2.0? Ridiculous.

>> No.18913616

This thread is so shit.

>> No.18913618

Because it creates fedposters that can be instrumentalized for the regime’s ends. This is all “neo-nazism” has ever been, a breeding ground for fed ops.

>> No.18913624

They dont let anyone with a remotely large platform talk about it, they'll be shut off by the banks and feds. There is a reason that happens to them while it doesn't happen to commies

>> No.18913630

>you can shitpost about it on 4chan so it doesn't exist
The chutzpah on this goy!

>> No.18913645

Logo was doing shoutouts to Weev, Richard Spencer, Yockey, Bowden etc in 2016-17 fyi lol. KB was talking about stuff like The Turner Diaries. A lot has changed

>> No.18913648

>what’s their endgame?
Patreon bucks

>> No.18913654

nice bad faith strawmaning you sputtering retard

>> No.18913659
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>A lot has changed

>> No.18913660

>Yockey, Bowden

>> No.18913677
File: 259 KB, 1500x1500, soy nazi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bad faith

>> No.18913684

it's aesthetics
it's probably the only twitter account that makes me feel calm just scrolling through so I know that it's serious stuff. I don't want to ruin the allure with a clinical dissection of what's being done but I can say that it's mostly about cultivating a headspace where information becomes a texture becomes an aesthetic becomes a desire becomes action.

another hint is his insertion into the incel debate. it's ultimately about rerouting libidinal forces.

>> No.18913690

Francis Parker Yockey
Jonathan Bowden

>> No.18913696

What in the terminally-online godawful fuck is going on in this thread and who are these bugmen non-persons you all seem to have encyclopaedic knowledge about?

>> No.18913705

It's CIA, it's rockefeller, it's peak oil, it's the financial industry and the bankers. YOu don't get it because you're still trapped in the matrix. You don't read because your desire to learn and figure things out has been captured by a sophisticated trap. Your desire for freedom gets channeled into stupid useless shit that makes you a honeypot for fed agents, or if it succeeds it just turns into a suicide just Hitler and the millions of decent german boys he killed. The only people in the 19th and 20th centuries that ever resisted the international banking cabal were commies, and they did it because they read books. That's why China has independent power, that's why the CIA tried to invade Cuba, that's why they funded the contras and killed 200,000 nicaraugans in the 80s, that's why Gaddafi got bombed by Obama. You're gigacoping if you think anything else is true. You think 4chan is some underground hideout where you get to be based outside of the watchful eye? You're captured and all you can do is be a useful idiot for the state, or get shut down for plotting holocaust 2.0. The director of the CIA is white, the biggest capital investor owners are white, the president is white. It's all about class you idiots. Read Deleuze and Guattari, read Pynchon, read Blake, read Marx, read the history of finance, money, capital and power. Stop being a fucking deadend nazi rube.

>> No.18913706

enjoy a life of moral cowardice

>> No.18913714

Yet you feel completely safe saying that, why do you think that is? Because it doesnt threaten power because it's not actually true

>> No.18913732

i hope Logo sees this bro

>> No.18913765
File: 297 KB, 1920x1440, 80D3D208-7B4E-434C-8363-5EA2C5DDF1EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neo-/lit/ is basically a colony/refugee camp for people who swung from the nutsacks of le heckin esoteric erightists during the trump admin. many of these leading figures have been banned from social media, given up their schtick or simply disappeared, all in the wake of the polite liberal establishment’s huge counter-offensive against 2016 and its overall vibe. the two gentlemen in op’s pic were initially part of that same orbit, albeit not completely embedded in the fedpost sphere, but over the years they distanced themselves from characters such as bronze age pervert and other edgelords, to the point of taking an openly hostile stance toward their former ’mutuals’ or whatever twitter people call each other. some say this is simply a process of maturing and having an open mind, others claim it’s crass opportunism to secure their online brands from da banhammer

it’s all very gay and catty

>> No.18913778

I laughed

>> No.18913781

>Because it doesnt threaten power
obviously you're threatening power if you're seriously trying to make explicit ethno-politics the name of the game. the american empire will not survive that. you'd also be threatening power by encouraging people to bomb nuclear power plants in order to save the environment or whatever

everything is permitted. feel free to talk about kulaks, feel free to talk about jews, feel free to talk about capitalism, feel free to talk about sjws. the map is not the territory. the winning move is not having the most accurate map but to actually claim the territory

>> No.18913829

nazi WASP white supremacist US govt is the most retarded conspiracy theory in history

>> No.18913842

Anglo-Jewish world banking cartel has literally nothing to do with nazi germany lmao. the USSR on the other hand was supported up in down in the New Deal Bureaucracy

>> No.18913875

e-spergs ironically talking about finance capital is nothing but that

>> No.18914685

Probably just people mad about not getting gibmedats, or wanting to rebrand into "respectable" society. You need to be a bit out there to be earnestly right-wing in 2021 (by which I mean you don't believe in human equality, dislike victim-worship, are not a Respecter of Women, etc.) because it is objectively evil within the framework of post-WW2 morality.

>> No.18914729

This conspiracy shit is boring. He should have stuck to philosophy

>> No.18914764


taking your money