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/lit/ - Literature

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18912514 No.18912514 [Reply] [Original]

What are some literature written by 4channers? I'm aware of a few, but could use an exhaustive list. Nothing in the sticky so i'm making this thread.

>> No.18912515

Why would you want this?

>> No.18912629

i'm curious. i like dark lit and i'd imagine 4chan would produce some dark shit

>> No.18912645

BEE—American Psycho

>> No.18912646
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>> No.18912659

Collected works of London Frog

>> No.18912685

Miragonz tweets

>> No.18912692

go to the archives nigger
theres your exhausyive list

>> No.18912694
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>> No.18912707

Not just this book. There’s several books in that series. The Shit Kicker is supposed to be good too.

>> No.18912734

I'd buy it, in fact I'd probably just give him money if he ever felt desperate enough to ask.

>> No.18912833

I think Call the Crocodile is the most known one but I’m sure there must be others.

>> No.18912938

Harry Potter.

Rowling became a poltard not long ago.

>> No.18912953 [DELETED] 

Hi Frank.

>> No.18912972

Hi Frank.

>> No.18912973

Another thinly veiled CotC thread.

>> No.18914190

not what i intended

>> No.18914197

this is what i was assuming. i'm also pretty sure i saw someone post one the other day, but not sure where, who, or what the titled was

>> No.18914207

most of /lit/ threads are just thinly veiled call for some attention

>> No.18914271
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Somebody already compiled 3 volumes of them for free. You can get them here:

The Last Binge Ever Volume 1:
(Epub available on smashwords)

Volume 2:
(Epub available on smashwords)

>Volume 3: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cDyQ4AGISzKJsymNjDndc54KBxMlxbO9/view
(PDF only)

>> No.18914275

/x/ greentexts have already made an impact on storytelling and horror fiction.

>> No.18914280

Call of the Crocodile

>> No.18914298

Here's a bunch of old ones that were compiled a couple months ago

>> No.18914307

thx guys
any examples? other than marble hornets

>> No.18914351

That Crocodile and Arcade book are based in those /x/ creepypastas. Not sure about the others.

>> No.18914392

I really wouldn't be suprised. I know a lot of /lit/ guy used to do /x/ greentexts and larps as writng practice and to test people's reactions to short story concepts they were looking to get published. That's only some of them though, CotC reads like someone took one of the shitty geentexts written by /x/ natives, wrote a whole book about it, then visited /lit/ for the first time ever for the sole purpose of shilling it. Oh look! gardner himself just confirmed my theory! >>18914351 !!!!!!!

>> No.18914408

Oh hi mark.

>> No.18914429

Read Call of the Arcade. Unironic 9/10!

>> No.18914447

Those old ads for that book literally said they’re from creepypastas.

>> No.18914461

Yea Call of the Arcade is great. Better than Croc. Also holy crap I didn’t know there were so many of these now. I thought it was just those 2 books. Is this all actually by the same guy?

>> No.18914465

Yeah hard to believe it's from one guy but yes

>> No.18914539

A lot is missing from the posts so far. I have a whole list of files, that list is in the archives somewhere with a host. See:

Janitors, could you update the sticky with information on these original works? Thanks so much @jannies, @jans, @mods, @however_you_guys_are_pinged

>> No.18914578

Everything there is hosted by the Lamp guy

>> No.18914616
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>> No.18914676
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>> No.18914684

The Coronameron

>> No.18915132

/lit/ wrote Hypersphere a while back too.

>> No.18915138

diacord posts