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/lit/ - Literature

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18905737 No.18905737 [Reply] [Original]

how do I write like a man? As a layman, I've always found terse sentences to be more masculine, they pop out.

>> No.18905756

Seldom refer to your emotions in dialogue

>> No.18905769

Ok noted unironically, same applies to composition incase you're interested....women fail to restrain emotion in general.

>> No.18905776

I am technically a man(male) and off the top of my head I think it has something to do with observing/speaking/thinking about the physicality/technicality/mechanics of the world as opposed to internal emotional/spiritual/psychic assessments

>> No.18906039


>> No.18906958

try and write things that you like. fail. try again. fail. try again. fail, but slightly less badly. this applies regardless of what you are trying to achieve with your writing.

>> No.18907033

Trial and error epic tranny engineer advice

>> No.18907234
File: 15 KB, 236x318, beckett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like a paraphrase of Beckett (“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.”) Any half /lit/ person would recognise it. You know he won the Nobel Prize for literature and still outsells most living authors. What's your advice on writing, anyway? Let's compare. Maybe tart it up with your staggering accomplishments to really devastate us.

>> No.18907247

Read Hemingway

>> No.18907343

tits or gtfo

>> No.18907354

Who is this skank? I don't believe it's Tori Black.

>> No.18907810

Use Squatch pens
Ditch the computer for burning your manuscript in leather
Soak the whole thing in whiskey, tie it to a brick and Chuck it through the window of your editor's office at midnight

>> No.18907828

Looks like she fucks black guys.

>> No.18907899

Am I retarded or does she not seem to be holding a phone in the reflection?

>> No.18908159

I don't even see a torso or head in the reflection

>> No.18908167

Nvm, I see it now. Not sure about the phone, though.

>> No.18908176


>> No.18908186

You're seething, m8!

>> No.18908187

Lmao both hands are behind her head and also the nigger has his hands on the bed, I dunno how the pic was even taken.

>> No.18908243
File: 237 KB, 1080x1682, A7AFB381-7140-4988-AA0B-EE2EE679CC51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so if you’re trying to write your first novel, and you want people to actually read it, this is terrible advice.

I’m not sure how you write more like a man, anon, besides how you already mentioned : terse short simple sentences. But so many male authors don’t follow this rule. Do you want to emulate Hemingway specifically? Maybe start there. Style is important, but it’s nowhere near the most important thing about writing.

Consider this- emotion is the primary driver of any story. Not plot. That’s just stuff that happens. If there’s an unclear emotional connection between the events of your story and your protagonist, your reader is gonna check out. All the technical details etc are just window dressing around the story, which is in 99.9% of novels, a human story, that resonates with readers based in the emotional journey of the protagonist.

Ironically, anecdotally I have found women to be more natural story tellers and they generally understand that story is all about emotion. Maybe it’s to do with their role as mothers and teaching infants and kids through story comes more naturally?

Obviously take this advice with a grain of salt. I’m assuming you’re not trying to write the new Ulysses, or something that has no precedence, since you’re on 4channel asking for help.

>> No.18908615
File: 51 KB, 633x640, 0cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol u pwned that n00b XD

>> No.18908636

Be as precise and erudite as possible

>> No.18908845

Don't just be terse. Compartmentalise. At any time focus only on one thing, or one relationship between things.

>> No.18909415

Based actually

>> No.18909421

You try to emulate Kant.

>> No.18909477

Remember to light your manuscript on fire before you throw for extra masculinity

>> No.18909564

sign with wild boar blood for extra credibility

>> No.18909824

The best way is to write about things that women don't write about. Not only is this more masculine in itselt, but the manly subject-matter will also cleanse and invigorate your limp, effete prose.

Here are some things that no woman will ever write about:

* Building boats
* Maintaining boats
* Perilous boat journeys
* Boat comradeship
Imagine you are Clint Eastwood in Escape from Alcatraz. You have to construct a stout craft and negotiate the treacherous San Franciso currents to the mainland and freedom, using only raincoats, matchsticks and your own semen for adhesive. This is a practical and spiritual odyssey which no women will ever understand.

* Putting together a TEAM
* Planning the heist
* Carrying it out
* Unearthing the RAT and giving him what he deserves
Heists mean nothing to women. (Most women are perfectly capable of getting up and going into the kitchen for a drink during the bank robbery sequence in the movie Heat, for example.) This is because when the relevant neural structures were evolving, it was the men who went out and captured the mammoth while the women, as Norm Macdonald pointed out, sat around on their fat asses in the cave eating chocolates.

If something is broken a man's instinct is to fix it. If it isn't broken, his instinct is to see how it works, which leads to part (a).

If something is broken, a woman's instinct is to get a man to fix it.

A man should not only be intimately familiar with all the following items, he should also take an intense aesthetic delight in the sound of their names:

neoprene diaphragm
spline stub drive line
actuation rocker
jack leg cylinder mandrel
articulation pin
upper bucket airleg spacer
axial shaft seal
cylinder lug bush
discharge flange gasket
divider lube lincoln valve
dolly shank adapter
flat grote connector
pawl plunger modstyle spring
spindle stud
trunnion liner retainer

Women don't want to know about these things and often react with hysterical outrage when reminded of their existence; e.g. when you spend a happy afternoon fiddling with them and then come into the house and wipe your hands on one of the good towels.

>> No.18909836

what is that awful tasteless image FFS
ruined my day
shame on you OP

this is a blue board for god's sake

>> No.18909873

Its me. don't see the problem with that?

>> No.18910303


>> No.18910323
File: 64 KB, 800x450, 1627598496762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18910343

I’m sorry your wife isn’t sleeping with you, anon.

Is this what other men think masculinity is? Fucking boats and heists? The name of tools? Jesus we are doomed

>> No.18910591

He’s obviously asking advice for how to post on 4chan like a manly man anon

>> No.18910612

He's just saying that it will help OP understand men. Like how I wear makeup and crossdress to understand my gf

>> No.18910621

This, i'm a trans and would like to know how to make my posts sound more like a man writing them so i don'tgl get called out as much

>> No.18910629

And wear xxxl band t-shirts

>> No.18910632

no, but listen to manly music while doing something physical might help


>> No.18910746

I’m going to give you the best advice you will ever hear: identify as a woman. Be as masculine as you want to make yourself, wear men’s clothes, seduce women, attempt (and fail) to seduce gay men, whatever: but identifying with what is true about reality will make you more masculine than something like 80% of men.
If what is true is that you have a vagina and you wish you had a penis, asking others to participate with you in lying to yourself that you are a biological man is still a feminine thing to do.
Be a masculine woman, and be proud of that.

>> No.18910816

I ... wow I don't no what to say. Thnx for that its totally made me see it in a new light i'm not sure what to say anon but i feel like i want a willy more than anything to be masculine is, to me of secondary concern...i need to mull this over....thnx again

>> No.18910903

Glad I could help babe.
No I will not help you find your masculinity with my penis.
I am gay.

>> No.18910914

It’s funny how adding “I’m a woman, btw”
at the end of your posts on 4chan will get you hundreds of latently gay incels telling you you will never be one.
Cheat codes for masculinity right there desu.

Additionally, comedy is mostly brutal honesty to the point of self inducing pain, which is released through laughter: the expulsion of air through the cringing and convulsing of a body in mentally induced pain

>> No.18910919

Only say something once and from one angle.

>> No.18910929

Not just one angle, give only one penetrating beam of insight

>> No.18911421

What is it that you want to do without sci-fi, i.e. becoming a real man? Do you want to find men to peg? Do you want to bottom for a bisexual man? Do you want to go around like Ellen, dressing like a man and bossing people around because that's what a fucked up understanding of masculinity makes you want to do? Well-adjusted men don't behave like your typical dyke. They are firm and authorities, not weak and attempting compensate by being mean.

>> No.18911440

Think of a woman and then add reason and accountability.

>> No.18911480

Yeah i want be like Aragorn

>> No.18911517

This makes a lot of assumptions.
But if you just have dysphoria or something similar then yeah social things shouldn't really matter too much, you are probably better off blending in until people start assuming you are a man based on your physical features over the clothes you wear. People pay attention to attributes of the physical body when assuming gender, and if you honestly don't give a shit about any superficial thing past that (like any man would) this is what to do. This can apply to writing but honestly a better approach is to simply not analyze your writing beyond what you want to present in it. You don't have to be clear and precise, but the presentation should be what you intend it to be, and should not take the reader into mind beyond a goal as what you are projecting towards.
Most men are likely raised to treat things in a manner of use and functionality, towards themselves or others, whether in emotion or otherwise. They are taught to deal with problems via direct course of action or instant addressment, though this is only in regards to problems and not always another situation. This is not necessarily cold, but it can seem to be, especially if they, as a result of this, learned to value things stoically.

>> No.18912017

Great post anon. Don't listen to that cuck.

>> No.18912218

>* Unearthing the RAT and giving him what he deserves
just imagining this gets the heart pumping ngl

>> No.18913724

White women have the easiest access to BBC. This isn’t fair gaybros.

>> No.18913729

>how do I write like a man
>As a layman

>> No.18914090

How old are you by the way? I'm wondering if you're a teenager in the exploding demographic of young girls identifying as transmales and I'd like to know, if that's the case, if a therapist even MENTIONED the concept that anon just rocked your word with. That you can simply just be a woman with a greater masculine bent than the average woman.

>> No.18914555

>just snap of it
>stop being depressed and/or a homosexual

this is the kind of man that promoted shock therapy for curing homosexuality and putting bleach in your system to fight covid