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18901443 No.18901443 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18901482
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I hate the direction the world has gone. I’ll probably live and die alone and not have children. Everything has become meaningless, all I wanted was a normal life. Everything we’ve done in the name of “progress”, life is not better with smart phones we are more disconnected than ever. All I have left is books, 4chan, and a small groups of friends if I can get them to get off their phones and vidya to engage in a conversation.

>> No.18901489

Yeah, I just don’t really feel like there’s anything worth doing with my life. Having a career and chasing money doesn’t seem to do it for me.

>> No.18901503
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I should be sleeping.

>> No.18901522

Are you the self hating weeb poster? That would be funny.

>> No.18901544

I failed out of college for good. Putting all my eggs in one basket and starting to write. I feel numb and don't care about my future well being. Either the book comes out good or I'll fall into the consequences of my failures and poor decisions.

>> No.18901560

THE self hating weeb poster…? Don’t you know where you are? I’m quite sure there are more than a handful self hating weebs here.

>> No.18901569

Politics is a sideshow, technological development is the true driver of history. In 100 years few will care about Xi, Putin, Biden, Obama, Bush, Trump etc. What this era will be remembered for is the dawn of AI and the proliferation of mobile computing, social media, and the like.

>> No.18901589

I can't even imagine being treated by a male nurse. Women are unbelievably superior in all forms of support with respect to your health and well being. You can't fake the empathy and care one sometimes hear in the voices of these women as opposed to men in the same role.
>inb4 I work with them they're thots and evil
I dont care. I feel cared for :')

>> No.18901596
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I just want to be happy

>> No.18901660

I don't know if I'm suffering from depression or just general apathy, but its becoming increasingly difficult to just go about the day now.

>Are you the self hating weeb poster?

>> No.18901753
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>read non-fiction
>slog my way through 200 pages for month and half
>read fiction
>finish 200 pages in 3 days

>> No.18901756

Follow Christ, anon. He loves you so much

>> No.18901790
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i know this isnt really meant to be a chat thing, but i love to dream. anyone else love to dream and want to talk about why?

>> No.18901797

im so fucking lonely why do i push everyone away

>> No.18901803

Anon you'll never be happy until you define what happiness is. A vague and wish-washy definition of happiness means endless torment as you chase after short-term and empty exuberation.

Your existential tiredness and dread will eventually catch up to you. I'm saying this to help you, albeit it may come across as harsh

>> No.18901816

History is a complex network of relationships between the development of philosophy, religion, politics, science and technology. Each of these elements influences all the others in an immense web headed by Providence.

>> No.18901820


>> No.18901823

I dream every night, but it is a love-hate relationship. I am grateful to have vivid dreams because I can't imagine life without them. Sometimes though they can become a burden, as I somewhat worry about falling asleep at night for fear of a bad one. I had a bad dream the other night in which I accidentally killed someone, then foolishly hid the body and was wracked with guilt and paranoia. It felt very real and when I woke up, the rest of my day was a bit ruined by it.

>> No.18901831

Stop being cowards.

>> No.18902050

Am I the only happy person here? Everyone here seems so down, but I'm actually doing great!

>> No.18902052 [DELETED] 

Fiction is better than non-fiction.

>> No.18902064

what the fuck is with japanese authors and always infodumping shit they found from wikipedia randomly into their books? like the fibunnoci sequence or whatever has no point in the story but they'll stick it in there for no god damn reason. yes i'm getting filtered it's stupid as fuck. stop doing that shit.

>> No.18902072

literally me rn

>> No.18902081

they're hack frauds and surface level vomit impresses dumb kids
they understand that you don't have to actually be deep if you can just sound deep to the same effect

>> No.18902203
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Moreover, what makes him ascribe the "incompleteness" to Materialism, or to Matter? Does his deliberate vagueness not betray something else? He claims that a true Materialist should affirm Matter disappearing down the "quantum" vista, this is another fatal pitfall in his thesis. Its disappearance is defined by the Materialists' motivated reasoning to return to Idealism, just as Matter's appearance in reductive Materialism was defined by the Materialists' motivated reasoning to destroy Idealism. God only knows how this most external fact pertains to his claim that all events happen bottom-up from the men who participate in them, and how this is not less Materialist than Materialism, and totally redundant at that, the bog-standard claim that everything is "just particles bumping into each other" is ascribed to a scale that it was already ascribed to by the kinds of Materialism he claims vulgar. Remember, there is no Subjectivity according to him, so the fact of the motivated reasoning is itself inscribed into the "objective order of events". Tangentially, Matter itself could be defined as the most fanciful and inane thing conceived, the fetish people use and abuse to regulate their relation to Idealism, Materialism could in turn be defined as pure pathology. That Idealism never changes while Materialism is writhing at its feet should tell you everything you have to know. But the point here being that Zizek is ONLY wrong by HIS standard: What sense does Matter's disappearance have in his world model? Except for the tragicomical concession at the end, I could not tell. Taking upon himself the embarrassment of reductive Materialism and flushing the whole matter down the "quantum" chute is, of course, dignifying but to the degree that this fails to constitute Materialism proper, it fails to constitute Theology all the more.

>> No.18902341

I can probably rub oil on my skin to save myself from having to eat fatty foods

>> No.18902344

>into their books
Steel Ball Run is not a book

>> No.18902357

murakami does this shit a lot.

>> No.18902506


Also, no one rants more about the actual while being less explicit about the actuality of the actual. Ironically, the only hints he provides might as well be "oriental" musing about the afterlife with "God" replaced by "actual".

>> No.18902508

Any anons with experience of using St John's Wort? Did it work for you?

>> No.18902531

i read this thread
and we still bangin on the walls of our own existence
why does frustration weigh so heavily on the mind?
why has politics become just a trap
such a maze
is civics only used to bitch?
do we loose sight of the light from within so quickly?
does the the light escape us before it awakes the kundalini?
if any of you read this who find their mind so filled with frustration
it has been a pleasure and honor wallowing in the cesspit with all of you.

>> No.18902541

It is a fake of empathy and care but not in the way you think. Men and women's voices are different for a reason, and women will seem maternal no matter what they're saying to you so long as they adopt that tone. The difference of how voices impact us is pretty obvious in kids: male deep voices will put kids to sleep, while female voices are better at waking them up than fire alarm are. For safety reasons, it's recommended instead of a fire alarm noise because most kids don't wake up in a fire because of the fire alarm. Their brains just don't hear it, even though they have more sensitive ears for the higher pitches of fire alarms. But if you use a female maternal voice, the kid wakes up most of the time. It doesn't matter what the female voice says, doesn't matter if the female voice uses the kid's name or uses the wrong name, just so long as it's in a female maternal tone.

>> No.18902576
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I need to take care about my health, i have to make appointments to doctors you fucking pussy.Hnnngggg a imaginary gf sit on my lap and kisses me, making me have a erection

>> No.18902661

As days pass, I feel only numbers fade. My life merely an artless calendar, hanged purposely only as a utilitarian tool to which barely served. Lonely seldom spurts of momentum are the exclusive hands that mark whatever day of which god has redeemed their cognition. I lay motionless in delirium, hazed as carrion on hot pavement; purposeless and rotting. The stolid rubber-necking passerbys along with the vultures guised as time are the only who see any sport in my dead meat. Monotonously prodding. They pick on it exclusively with rhythmic malicious cackling or impulsive awe of the flesh's former inhabiting sentient's folly. By god if only the buzzards could feel any other urge but their animal senses. Oh how they would bitch! For the meat they tare weighs so heavy, so plagued. If not for the default nutrition and victorious taste of survival, squawks would ring at sound's zenith. Perhaps as this suffering is inherent by god to me, so is my pain a impeding balm to time's demise. For time is ever dying as I. Time stands my only countable soul. My friend and father time has acted, to which he fostered alone as the strained gnawing carnivorous concept he is. I serve him as food and healing while in turn he serves me as my dizzying downward spiral.

>> No.18902665

My sister has been acting fucking weird as shit lately. She's in her 30s and has started sending all this weird, increasingly sexual shit to our family group chat. It honestly makes me incredibly fucking uncomfortable, but I'm not really close enough with her to confront her about it. I think she's going a bit mental.

>> No.18902680
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>family group chat

>> No.18902702

They're just copying western postmodern authors. They're not called "encyclopedic novels" for nothing

>> No.18902710

people always talk about how reading makes you smarter but those same people just read murder mysteries and romance novels instead of books by experts talking about their fields

>> No.18902744

out of a conversation with a female friend of mine:

sure, some days may be better, some may be worse. i know there'll definitely be better days somewhen, yet it still doesn't change the fact that you'll always be obligated to do something to make ends meet. i think in this regard it's easier for girls. i don't know. you can look for a sugar daddy and chill all day. i think as a guy - and yes, i know it's my own fault because i put that pressure on myself - it's harder. i put the pressure on myself that i can take care of someone. i know. people told me that i shouldn't be so hard on myself but why should i stop, if afterall, that is my goal i want to achieve. not being hard on myself would mean not succeeding. but yeah... i do know that because of all those actions, i don't really enjoy life at all.

keep in mind, that i'm no native speaker and i just translated it into english from german.

>> No.18902756

>instead of books by experts talking about their fields

This is not the part of reading that makes you smarter necessarily, that's just knowledge acquisition which you could get through lectures or conversation etc. Reading makes you smarter by exercising her comprehension skills, which helps with critical skills more broadly. That being said, romance and murder mysteries written at an 8th grade level won't help you develop your comprehension skills either, so you're still correct.

>> No.18902759
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How many people on /lit/ have a zestpod?

>> No.18902898
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I keep dreaming about having deep conversations with people I've not seen in nearly a decade. We always hash out our differences, or at least identify what sort of ills lay between us and part as friends. Last night's was about the girl I 'loved' when i was 15, and whom I have long since given up on.

Then, every time I wake up the realization sinks in that I've not spoken to any of these people, even by text in years, and any sort of relationship we had is long dead. Moreover, my life is mostly a disappointment punctuated by utter solitude and self sabotage.

I wake to the same, decrepit apartment I've lived in since I blew up my college 'career', and have gone through something like ten or more different roommates in the space of that time.

I have moments where I mentally 'take a step back', and look at myself, and my life from the perspective of an observer. It always astounds me that this is what it has come to, and what an utter farce life in general has turned out to be.

Happiness and friendships seem to be ephemera, and whatever connection I once felt to others is rapidly decaying away. When I'm not angry and bitter over how the few people in my life who still care insist on inserting themselves, as if nothing happened, into my business, I am either filled with a vile, self-hatred or a cynical sort of amusement with it all.

I'm not sure there's any getting better from this, and I'm 'only' 24. Last week, my father, for the first time suggested I get therapy and I cussed at him. We've since (sort've) made up, but it feels far too late for something like that.

>> No.18903156

Camus can do, but Satre is smartre

>> No.18903688

As a lazy person, I have to say there is something very aesthetic about laziness, perhaps the character of Oblomov works with this a bit.
But laziness itself is nevertheless a truly bad trait which can rob the possibility of a man to create anything of significance. It is also a very hard one to cure at that.

>> No.18903701

Has anyone ever managed to incorporate influences from non-text mediums (i.e. film, animation, paintings, comics, whatever) into their writing? Is that even possible?

>> No.18903708

>Having a career and chasing money doesn’t seem to do it for me.
Same, it’s so hollow.

>> No.18903811

Did Frater ever post a photo of himself? I wonder what he looks like.

>> No.18903821
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The world has become so sick and evil and psychotic over the last decade it's almost literally unbelievable.
You remember how in the past, people warned that "sexual liberation" was a slippery slope, and that if homosexuality was tolerated and normalized, soon pedos and bestiality would be normalized too, and of course the "smart, enlightened, educated" liberal progressives laughed at them and said that's ridiculous.
But it was true. Pedo and bestiality enabling have become mainstream over the last few years. All those people who warned of a slippery slope were right.
The progressive liberals are gaslighters. They laugh at you and berate you and spit in your face for noticing what they do.

>> No.18903824

Is she single and unwed? That would explain it. Women tend to unravel mentally at that age if they are not.

>> No.18903834

>they are not.
if they are not married/partnered I mean.

>> No.18903839

Who cares? Fascists will come and kill a bunch of jews then liberals will come back and kill a bunch of fascists then jews will come back and subvert the liberals again and so on forever.

>> No.18903878
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Woke SJW Marxists are actually the most dedicated servants of global capitalism.
Liberals who always accuse the right of being 1984 tier totalitarians are literally unpersoning people who go against the establishment's narrative.
Why is modern politics so ironic???

>> No.18903890

saw some nice tits and ass today

>> No.18903904
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I said this already but I fucking hate this motherfucker so much, I am SERIOUS if they ever dox him I will find him and kill him. I'm literally serious, literally as in LITERALLY, I will this motherfucker and rape him and choke him to death with my bare hands lmao

>> No.18903911

* I will find

>> No.18903923

Are you really that mad about some fag on the internet

>> No.18903937
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Robert Malone's wikipedia page was deleted mysteriously

>> No.18903938

I'm autistic so I am predisposed to obsession

>> No.18903943
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All of the various political and social movements promoted in the media, from "woke" ideology to Marxism to neoconservatism to liberalism to Zionism to globalism, from LGBT and BLM and feminism and covid "vaccines" to aliens and new age spirituality and witchcraft and charismatic revivalism, all of these things are social engineering experiments designed to target different groups of people and drive them all towards one goal: to worship the Antichrist. To submit to the beast system.

>> No.18903966

What will mr antichrist be, an ai?

>> No.18903974

Cry more

>> No.18904067

Marxists were always useful idiots for capitalists, it's not something specific to this age and not specific to "woke" Marxists either.

>> No.18904070

Why is 'opus' neutrum with the -us suffix? Is there an etymological reason, or is it just a random irregularity. As a beginner in Latin, I'm confused by "opus magnum" being correct rather than "opus magnus".
live or picture/video?

>> No.18904080

in real life dude

>> No.18904084

It's a 3rd declension noun, there's no irregularity. You're thinking of 2nd declension.

>> No.18904093

>Why is modern politics so ironic???
Irony is a coping mechanism because everything is exhausted. We have no real fundamental basis for any principle at all, and while people are inwardly aware of that, they struggle to admit it to themselves and others. You have to sift through the wreckage of meanings to try to bring things back and if you try to bring those to others broadly there’s a chance that they get rejected, and you get rejected. So the response then is not to bring it to light at all, but instead to mock everything as a defense mechanism. Everything is political because politics is what you do on the border between peace and fighting. When everything is political all the time, it means you’re on the verge of fighting over anything whenever.

>> No.18904115

Never heard of declension. Maybe I should stop thinking about these details before I actually know some Latin. In LLPSI, it says "-us masculinum est" and declares the suffixes for genders as "(-us, -r), (-a), (-um)", which confused me.
Nice! Is she your gf, or are you working towards that?

>> No.18904116

Office job working life is unbearable. I’m giving myself a year to escape or I’ll kill myself.

>> No.18904121

You'll learn the 3rd declension later

>> No.18904125

>Is she your gf, or are you working towards that?
lol no that would be illegal

>> No.18904126

>all this weird, increasingly sexual shit
Like what kind of weird shit? Sexual imagery? I'm not sure what to imagine.

>> No.18904127

It diminishes the soul, mind, and body to a de-humanizing degree. To have to always put on this mask of not just caring about this hyper-mundane gossipy bullshit but to be excited about it all, is not freedom. It’s the anti-thesis of freedom. Physical slavery is unironically probably preferable.

>> No.18904160

Great. Good that it's not an irregularity, I'm not into those.
Oy oy! Kinda went downhill here.
You're right. I think it helps having a little smaller workload than the standard 40h/week and having plenty of things to do outside of the job. For some reason, my long-term anxiety always gets significantly worse when I spend a lot of time at work.
In a few months, I will be working two part-time jobs, study at uni and train a sport regularly. Hoping having multiple things to do like this will keep the bad side effects away.
Good luck to you and before kysing, try at least overwhelming yourself with hobbies. Maybe it will help. Or just get a less soul-crushing job, you can surely pull that out breh!

>> No.18904165
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It is very easy to make fun of redditors because they are so middlebrow and embarrassing, but even that doesn't take into account how sick and vile these people really are. They are not just cringe, they are in fact evil and insidious and monstrous people. They are the bureacrats who gleefully follow along with big brother's annihilation of all wrongthinkers. They scuttle around like bugs.

>> No.18904166

>right. I think it helps having a little smaller workload than the standard 40h/week
I do have this. It’s not the work itself. It’s the culture, the gossip, the expectation of the mask you’re supposed to wear, the expectation of being very interested in the ordinary, hyper-mundane, the lame. It’s the environment which is unbearable.

>> No.18904170

Christianity has always seemed so fake to me, no one has ever tried to convert me to Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, but you see signs everywhwre about how you need to “repent to Jesus”. Maybe that’s just because it’s the most popular religion in the west, but it seems so predatory.

>> No.18904177

Mental and emotional slavery is the death of man.

>> No.18904179

Ok than. A different job is necessary.
What are you considering. Personally I always thought firefighting is a great job for a man. But it also seems extremely tough, mentally especially.

>> No.18904184

These days, atheism is unironically more predatory than Christianity in the West.

>> No.18904187

>no one has ever tried to convert me to Islam
How new are you on /lit/?

>> No.18904194

There is no comeback to "take your meds"

>> No.18904212

Am I an evolutionary dead end if I'm not too into young girls, but milfy women make me go crazy? I'm in my early twenties and real female attractiveness start at like 28 at least.

>> No.18904221

Nothing. I have no ambition to work any job. This is the 3rd job I’ve had since graduating. They’re all the same. I suppose I’ll look seriously into the military before I kill myself, but otherwise there is no employment that appears at all desirable to me.

>> No.18904225

You could accuse them of projecting still.
Or come up with an ad hominem of your own.

>> No.18904239


>> No.18904240

Stop watching porn, you are addicted. I am not joking, I was in the same boat. Stopped watching porn, got a gf, now I find women my age attractive too, but I will admit I still have a thing for milfs, but that's normal.
Seriously, stop watching porn. I don't mean stop jerking off, do it once every 3-4 days, but only watch porn when you jerk off. I'm not one of those retarded incels that think saving up 10 years of your nuts will make you a God, but it is a real addiction with real negative effects on your health.

>> No.18904244

but it's right there

>> No.18904286

It's not out of the ordinary man it's like young women and gay boys who have a daddy kink. Some people just have their type.

>> No.18904288

Projection is too old to have any edge. Coming up with good insults is extremely difficult. The only reason we get them on 4chan is because only good insults survive by triggering the victims.

>> No.18904294

You sure are onto something. To be fair, I kinda started watching porn exactly once I realized how much more attracted I was to milfs than younger women, so it was there before.
>Stop watching porn
>only watch porn when you jerk off
Which one is it than? Not like I watch porn outside of jerking off. Are you just advising me to jerk off less and thus watch less porn?

>> No.18904312
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>> No.18904315

I was more talking about irl
Maybe so, but it doesn’t change the fact that Christianity is still pretty predatory.

>> No.18904325

That's gay though

>> No.18904332

There are evangelical Christians so I guess that's their policy. I never had any encounter with any of this though.

>> No.18904346

>the culture, the gossip, the expectation of the mask you’re supposed to wear, the expectation of being very interested in the ordinary
This is the worst part. The fake excitement and interest is exhausting. I have to pretend that I want to learn more or a project sounds “cool”. Nothing about my job is interesting, and I don’t know how someone could think it is. The worst part is I think everyone else has a mask on to about it as well, but I’m the only one that seems to have a problem with that.

I’m doing whatever I can to escape, ive found another job that I do in the side that I absolutely love and fills me with so much joy, I’m working on it being my fulltime income.

>> No.18904362

Yeah I hate masks too fucking scamdemic

>> No.18904366

>Christianity is still pretty predatory.
Evangelical Protestants might be. Orthodoxy is not.

>> No.18904377

The masks and the vaccine are about destroying the image of God in man and making everyone a subservient, interchangeable, mindless drone of globohomo.

>> No.18904392

No, they are about pissing me off

>> No.18904406

I hate niggers I hate niggers I hate niggers I hate niggers I hate niggers I hate niggers I hate niggers

>> No.18904416

What should I be getting out of this?

>> No.18904421

I don't hate them but I am so tired of this ridiculous cult of worshipping black people that has taken over America.

>> No.18904431

Where the fuck do you schizophrenic niggers live, where I live we don't have to wear the mask anymore except at work/in the subway and it's not even regulated kek

>> No.18904443

"God" is just an outdated argument about semantics

>> No.18904454

I think the first guy used mask figuratively

>> No.18904455

No He is not. You don't even believe that yourself but you think it makes you sound smart.

>> No.18904461

My nigger fatigue is so high even I can't believe it. I am trying so hard to focus on the decent and normal ones, but at this point it's 1 in 100.

I don't hate them but I fucking wish so bad they could get their wish and live in all black, black-administered cities and states. I just want to watch the collapse of the Nigger Republic live on TV as they realize stores don't re-stock themselves and "cities" aren't these magical things that have existed since the dawn of time where niggers can play and frolic and collect welfare forever.

>> No.18904474

Nothing. Remembered the video when you mentioned the military.

>> No.18904476

I meant it in the sense of this like manufactured persona, but in truth, the physical masks aren’t totally unrelated.

>> No.18904492

I almost never sae a black person and when I do they act exactly like white people because I live in a civilised town.

>> No.18904515

no, they are a sloppy desperate attempt to control the spread of a virus by a bunch of panicking, varying-degrees-of-incompetent people who are in the public echelons of power, and are merely being taken advantage of by people in less public echelons of power to further establish and consolidate power. you fucking faggot retard. dumb schizos are the greatest variance upon the theme of controlled opposition that's ever been invented. your tiny peanut brain glows in the dark

>> No.18904520
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4chan, metaposting, get boring.
What's wrong with me?
I need to find something to do
That's fascinating, guaranteed!

>> No.18904524

LORD give me strength

>> No.18904531

Arguments about "God" are only arguments about what words and laws we attribute to the metaphysics of the absolute, the universal. For as long as somebody believes in a universal metaphysical system, they believe in "God" as per their own understanding. "God" = the set of rules for the universal. Religions give us systems that allow us to comprehend this set of rules and align ourselves with it. There is no "Christian God", "Jewish God", whatever. There are just different understandings of the absolute system. Arguments about "God is dead", "God is real" belong in the 19th century.

>you think it makes you sound smart.
No I actually don't think it makes me sound smart you corny bitch, stop projecting. Faggot.

>> No.18904533

Actually it's both.

>> No.18904544

No, you're wrong, and I am tired of this boring meme of an argument you people always fall back on. Your view cannot even account for the dialectic of unity vs multiplicity. You have no concept of truth. You are just some vague, wishy washy monist or pantheist.

>> No.18904545

This, but that guy is probably a lefty so he won't understand spiritual components

>> No.18904558

You say I'm wrong and my view cannot account for the dialectic of unity vs multiplicity without explaining how it can't account for it and why I'm wrong. First of all, yes it can account for unity vs multiplicity, prove me in what way it can't.

>> No.18904575


Hopelessly retarded

>> No.18904583

Sup troon

>> No.18904588

Materialists/physicalists are the dullest of dullards. They know nothing.

>> No.18904593
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>The left is not spiritual
What a weird meme. Unless the experience of "spirituality" to you ends at mindlessly ingesting religious texts.

>> No.18904601

>Uhhh the right is "normal people" and the left is "TRANNIES"
Looool I bet you also believe in astrology and psychology tests

>> No.18904602

>the hylic gang is spiritual

>> No.18904607

You really got me with the 4changnostic meme word, how about you explain to me how you experience spirituality on a day-to-day basis then? What is your spiritual practice?

>> No.18904608

wrong on both counts, you fucking cunt. stick the strawman up your hole and dial 8

>> No.18904612
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Atheists/agnostics are almost never willing to have a discussion in good faith and be intellectually honest. They are never logically consistent and they never properly address the points. They play a game of evading every question and going in circles. Very nasty and dishonest people.

>> No.18904616
File: 96 KB, 1080x1080, 2 - 175644356_460924861659348_8156319059707745043_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>born too late to get myspace emo pussy, born just in time for hyperdigital solitude and isolation
I hate being a zoomer

>> No.18904618

Did you forget to dilate this morning fellows

>> No.18904621

My spirituality is about calling non-christcucks niggers and faggots on 4chan

>> No.18904643
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Another thing about atheists is they all do is keep bringing back points that you already refuted and pretending you didn't refute them, and never actually respond to your refutation because they can't.

>> No.18904646

concession accepted, now pipe down, loser

>> No.18904650

I'm not atheist or agnostic you stupid cunt, you're the one not addressing the point and evading the questions. I've asked you several questions and no answer. Address the point then if you want to be intellectually honest and logically consistent. You are vaguing about "AGNOSTICS ARE NASTY AND DISHONEST" and "I AM TIRED OF THE BORING MEME ARGUMENT, YOU DON'T KNOW THE TRUTH" and not providing any arguments whatsoever. Keep screaming into the void schizo it's really funny.

>> No.18904653

Stop posting your ugly cat faggot

>> No.18904662

Really? Interesting. Atheists, sure, but genuine agnostics, insofar as such a stance is possible, are some of the most intellectually honest people I've encountered

>> No.18904665

Captcha: ywnbaw

>> No.18904674

Oh never mind it's the cat posting bitch RETARD, should have recognised you from your mentally ill posts. Kill yourself.

>> No.18904685

Don't even bother with him

>> No.18904690

It was quiet in the wwoym thread then suddenly autism took over.

>> No.18904724

Can't believe normies are actually considering getting a THIRD shot now.

>> No.18904738

I realised that I was repressing my lesbian fantasies all my life because I've been fantasising about my female body rather than other female bodies but I understood actually want to fuck other females and eat pussy. I want a thin woman with a small waist and flat abs to sit on my face and smother me with her cunt. I want my harem of thin androgynous beautiful women. Oh my god...

>> No.18904742

I'm taking as many as the government tells me to take because I don't give a shit about any of this gay faggotry and I want to travel.

>> No.18904747

I have a good degree and decent experience, yet I can't find a job. I think most tech jobs are being outsourced to Indians.

>> No.18904749

Keep that shit for your shitty literotica tranny, this is disgusting even for 4chan standards

>> No.18904773

that's pretty gay. anyway, I regret to inform you that fucking or getting fucked by another woman is in fact an impossibility for you, unless you resort to using a rubber cock lmao. being a lesbian must be a pretty sad state of affairs at the end of the day, because you cannot engage in a true sexual act. at least gays can kinda ape it. but enjoy rubbing your clits together I guess

>> No.18904775

If we posted in Latin... would jannies ban us because we use non-English outside of int?

>> No.18904794

I don't hate my parents but I am so tired of being around them every day. I can't stand it. I am losing my mind.

>> No.18904796
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I can't let her go lads. We're still texting constantly but it's over. I still feel the same. Will it ever end?

>> No.18904804

Tomorrow I'll wake up and work :-]

>> No.18904807

He does not know that a female can finger fuck herself and get the same amount of pleasure as she would from being penetrated with a dick. Actually fingers are more precise and it's easier to orgasm penetrating yourself with fingers. That's why females squirt so easily from finger fucking but almost don't from penetration. Anyway I get better orgasms using fingers. Your own experience of sex is just based on having a dick is all, well a dick is not a vagina.

>but enjoy rubbing your clits together I guess
Must be amazing since doing it on my own feels so good.

>> No.18904819

Northeast US. My employer’s gone off the deep end. Masks are mandatory. They even asked people to wear masks on remote work conferences to “set an example”. They’re making everyone provide vax status or submit to twice weekly testing or else get fired. They haven’t overtly said get the vax or get fired yet but they’re inching towards it. At the same time they’ve gone all NSA on webcams (have to be on at all times), have to meticulously plan out your schedule in outlook, and update your status (whether you’re away, working, in a call, whatever). This is a place that prides itself on tolerance and purpose btw. The worst part is the hordes of idiots who buy the bullshit think all of this is a good thing.

>> No.18904832

well you might be right, I dunno, but did you ever have (good) sex with a dude who knows what he's doing? if not, you have no grounds for comparison, and don't bring some gayass sex study into this

>> No.18904833
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>They even asked people to wear masks on remote work conferences to “set an example”.
Ahahahahaha this shit is unreal.
This is literally just a religion at this point.

>> No.18904854

Sīc. Jannae trannae sunt.

>> No.18904855

>forcing people to wear masks, thereby working directly counter to systemic facial identification and tracking
b-based? was wearing masks redpilled all along? antimask bros..I don't feel so good..

>> No.18904856

Like a barn animal who needs his shots to go outside

>> No.18904864

They've found a solution to that.

>> No.18904874

>well you might be right, but did you ever have (good) sex with a dude who knows what he's doing?
No I did and it's great, I'm not diminishing the potentiality of heterosexual sex, it is very good of course. I'm just saying due to the nature of female anatomy sex can be as physically satisfying between two females albeit technically different.

>> No.18905077
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It hath not been three nights since that it came upon my mind, as I sat relieved upon mine pungent throne, that a great time hath passed since last mine piles did bleed. And this was a new thing to me, for oft this ailment did come forth and be gone, this week to make that I should dread the fullness of the bowl, the next to abate for a while, but always to return in due course and with renewed torment. And so I made no notice if there came a time that I made a pleasant going upon the privy, but did only think it a short respite from mine long damnation. And so it was that many a month were gone passed before I did take notice of how great a time hath gone since last I did know the tearing of the tender flesh. And it came to my mind that perchance I doth now be free of mine burthen, and need not again dread to harken unto nature's call. And lo, I did rejoice and was glad of this, for verily did it seem a blessing hath come upon me. Yet even as my heart were merry, so it was that cruel fortune did arrange upon that very morrow, that once more the torment should resume. And it was as to the passing of rusted knives, and thus mine hopes were thrown asunder. And this, it would seem, is the way with such things.

>> No.18905113


>> No.18905256
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My mom told me to got to hell and if I had a problem with her parenting to leave the house and my dad told me fuck you to my face multiple times all because I got angry at my mom for opening the bathroom door unannounced. Worst part is I have no choice but to stay in this house for the time being. They apologized but the damage is already done.

>> No.18905316

No, never, nor shall I ever. Now tell me how this poem sounds, I wrote it in precisely 14 minutes.

A song sang not I since I seen,
Sable saber wielding Wotan,
Shining molten golden, lightning
Gripped in his gaze, the flaming rays.

I torn through thorn thoughts of what wrought
Brought-bringing this ancient, distraught,
“I cry why do you? who are you?”
“Mountain shattered rent by the storm.

Swarms of serpents were born, transformed,
Reborn transubstantiated,
Ages forlorn become withdrawn,
Wither away in writhes of Woe,

Weir bubbles and babbles, we’re here
Again as briars and brambles
Burn away in bursts of a blaze
But still returns in future days.”

>> No.18905320

I also want to travel and I got the first two for that reason but where’s the line? I’m not going to be coerced into injecting some new cocktail every 6 months because the government tells me to.

>> No.18905344

If you refuse to take direct action in improving your situation instead of posting this typa shit and harming the people that care about you then thats on u bud

>> No.18905354

>(good) sex with a dude who knows what he's doing?
How do I learn this?

>> No.18905355

Well I will keep taking it until you faggots revolt or something I don't really care I'm sure things will work out for me.

>> No.18905379

isnt this usually the ""comeback"" from a desperate wojakposter anyway

just say:
poor attempt at dissuasion, I accept your concession

>> No.18905384

Why not? Are you shy? The poem sounds pretty mystico hip hoppity

>> No.18905393

Yeah "I accept your concession" is pretty strong but kinda gay cause it's reminiscent of debate clubs

>> No.18905400

youve been in debate clubs?
I was thinking about joining some, but are they just filled with mostly retards who appeal to emotion infront a jury anyway, or is there actual high level debate generally?

I joined a MUN but that was politics and there was almost no debating, just retards trying to pretend to be politicians and saying nothing

>> No.18905477

like you'd learn any other skill

>> No.18905498

My parents don't want me to get vaccinated. They're both college educated (met at Stanford) and my father is even in the medical field (he was vaxxed in January). I have some minor medical issues (allergies and past heart problems) increase my likelihood of an adverse reaction upon vaccination. I don't really go out much and I'm not trying to go out even though shit's reopening minus masks. I just go to work on campus and go home, but the uni's vax mandate is annoying to me because it assumes I'm trying to go to all these delta variant superspreader events immediately after they shipped everyone to the uni from all over the country + however many international students they admitted this year.

I swear I'm not an antivaxxer, I just don't think the risks are worth the benefits given my preexisting conditions and that the american media keeps saying the vaccines work the same day israeli news says the pfizer vaccines is only 30% effective...

>> No.18905504

fascinating. who knew a fucking virus would be a catalyst for this type of shit. interesting times, eh

>> No.18905539

>I swear I'm not an antivaxxer
KEK imagine being so desperate to reaffirm your good goy status

>> No.18905546

It occurred to me right away that a virus is literally the best possible pretext for this because it makes simply existing in public criminal(you can infect people). It totally changes the conversation about rights because you're now endangering other people, transgressing their rights. Like think about it, there is no better scenario at all than a virus for this type of thing.

>> No.18905551

Seriously you FUCKS which Neoplatonic works after The Enneads do I have to read to understand Hegel

>> No.18905554

well obviously I'm not an antivaxxer if I've been vaccinated for measles, mumps, etc. and had the chicken pox. But I trust my parents more than I trust the media

>> No.18905578
File: 546 KB, 556x361, Capture_750135ac-5c83-4207-b32b-1f2a85be579c_grande.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normalfaggots don't even care. They are all embracing this shit. Ten years ago this would have sounded completely insane and made up. This is sci fi dystopian tier but even worse because at least dystopian fiction has a sense of adventure and excitement.

>> No.18905617

I have an old friend. known him 9 years now I think. we've both been through a lot. my life is kind of in turmoil right now and he called me and I didn't want to talk, I wasn't in any harmony to talk to anybody. And now I've been thinking I'm gonna call him back every day since, but I don't feel like doing it. It's been since thursday I think. I guess maybe the thing is he isn't very empathetic, really, and I just don't think he's gonna meet me in my turmoil in a good way. But I worry this means we drift apart. I think this is the second time I don't answer the phone with him cus there was shit going on and I couldn't handle it. Maybe that means he understands, I really don't know. I can't really tell if he's happy or not. I don't think so, but I'm not really sure.

>> No.18905622

Check Merriam Webster for what anti vaxxer means retard. Do you oppose mandatory vaccination? You're now a conspiracy theorist borderline terrorist

>> No.18905640

Did Hegel even read Plotinus lol. Just read Plato, Aristotle, Kant, and the other German autists

>> No.18905650

People will always obey power. The only exception is during a literal revolution(which is just a new power emerging and the people following it so it's not even a real exception).

>> No.18905655

>and the other German autists
How are you supposed to read literally every German who ever lived

>> No.18905667

Last Chance U is really fucking fascinating man. the EMCC coach produces results in the short term but people fucking hate working with him. he creates an atmosphere no one really wants to be in, but they win, they win a lot. Such an interesting study in manliness.

>> No.18905707

Not sure, but apparently he read Proclus and you can't really appreciate Proclus without having read The Enneads first.

>> No.18905711
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The world started going insane in 2007. It was subtle at first, but by 2013 it became clear to lots of people that something was terribly wrong. It only went downhill from there.

>> No.18905752

The worst demographic is people who are in their 30s and 40s right now. For some reason people who were born in the mid 70s to mid 80s just ooze reddit. Everything about them stinks of reddit.

>> No.18905762

Yeah because the 20s and 50s are hecking based

>> No.18905778

yeah, you're not wrong. somehow surprising still. it's like a sudden leap forward where you expect a smooth glide down a continuous slope

>> No.18905793
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I know. Hell, I've known for years. Doesn't help.

>> No.18905794

that's not true at all. a lot of "normalfaggots" are revolting too. the french have been rioting non stop. plenty of resistance in many other places around the world.

>> No.18905901

westerners are gradually accepting (?) a declining standard of living. french people don't accept shit like that but I honestly think they're most of all just hurting themselves. good for them expressing themselves but I don't think they're achieving anything

>> No.18905923

the french are a fascinating people. I think it's really funny that there's a dynamic of crowds flooding the streets of Paris, burning and rioting, at the slightest perceived injustice, and their government ignoring this and proceeding with whatever they're proceeding with. just another day in baguette land.

>> No.18905931

>read all this
>anon is confident his life is over
>I'm 24 btw

fucking kids these days

>> No.18905949

I can tell you right away the Office/working from home thing (WFH) is not going to happen

I had to research this and I read a lot of papers on it.
Despite the media constantly talking about this as the ideal solution its not.
Productivity plummets with working from home.
Those who can productively work from home were probably in freelance already anyway.

Theres a lot of research papers on this and they all reach similar conclusions.

To explain it further it boils down too:
>too many distractions at home
has some solutions in the long term with more dedicated WFH spaces
>no boss to guide them as effectively from a distance
>less social involvement
normalfags cant go 15 minutes without talking aobut their mundane life
>general difficulty of organising anything from a distance
>internet connection quality

>> No.18906006

>I'm not sure there's any getting better from this, and I'm 'only' 24.
if you don't find a way to get better, you'll be posting same shit in 5 years thinking about how you wasted your previous 5 years
happened to my friend haha

>> No.18906023

Finally saw the end. Big bright moon, rough edged clouds, too many buildings and one railway crossing in between. My daughter sleeps tight, my heart beats fast and is eager to start living. I am a lucky one

>> No.18906057

My friend just hung up our videocall with a gun on his hands without saying goodbye

>> No.18906061

I hurt a friend of mine a while back. basically I was hanging out with him. the thing is, and I really don't know what this is, but I feel with a lot of people like sometimes I feel genuinely close to them, and then other times they could be aliens as far as I'm concerned. A lot of people. I've been told by women I am both the warmest and the coldest person they ever met, simultaneously. I have no idea what that is, but I really don't like it at all. And it was a time with him where I didn't feel close to him at all and he was kind of jovial about hanging with me and I wasn't vibing at all, and I wrote out my thoughts on my phone. To be perfectly real with you, what I actually did was I posted on here about it, cus that's how I vented then, as I am now I guess. I basically said it was weird hanging with someone who likes you more than you like them. That's how I felt at the time. There are times we hang out when we're completely in sync. Then I think I went to the bathroom and left my phone. I was staying at his place for a while and like 3 days later he asked me how I felt about our friendship and it hit me "oh shit, he read that post" and I told him the truth which is that I value our friendship because we can talk straight to eachother. I think he accepted that. I didn't bring up the post. He seemed spooked after that though, I really think I shook his confidence. I really fucked up. Now every time I see him I worry he's gonna bring it up, and I could be lying to myself but I think the reason I worry about it is that if I had to explain myself I would have to tell him that to me, a lot of the time he's an alien. I think that would shake him even more. I feel like the truth as I understand it may not set him free. It could set him free from me, if it turns out I'm not a good presence in his life.

>> No.18906075

I came home after an awful day at work and practically passed out because I was so tired but I went on to have some insane and vivid dreams lol. It feels like I never went in, now. I'm looking forward to doing some reading tonight instead of just going to sleep and going back in tomorrow.

In fact, depending on how tomorrow morning goes, I might donate some more books to charity because once they're out of sight then they're out of mind.

The only downside is that I've volunteered in a charity shop before and I've seen how books are treated there. They're thrown out if they don't sell within a time frame and, from what I remember, the older women were our best customers and they mostly bought erotic fiction lol. Good times.

>> No.18906158

I go to the gym 5 times a week. I could beat up 2 of you faggots at the same time.

>> No.18906180

fuck breh, at my 23 years of age, I'm kinda late at the bus stop.
I mean, I lost it at 18, but that was a one night stand and all my relationships were too short to get enough experience.

>> No.18906356
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I often think about hermeneutics and the activity of reading and now I think that the dichotomy between authorial intent and the death of the author is a false one, and it really depends on the purpose you're reading for.

If you want to read something in the spirit of "what did he mean by this", then authorial intent obviously matters. Imagine applying death of the author to an intelligence report. "But that's not literature" - no, but it's text, and just like an intelligence report, a literary text may also be someone's way of communicating something, and to the extent that you wish to understand what that someone wanted to communicate, you need to make an effort of trying to grasp the author's intent. It will not be perfect, especially for those whom we lack much context for, but it will be there.

A reading that ignores or mostly ignores authorial intent, on the other hand, is essentially an exercise in projection or self-reflection, which I do not mean pejoratively. I mean that it's the reader projecting themselves onto the text, applying meaning to the words as those naturally occur to him. Rather than being a bridge to another person, the text becomes a mirror of the reader, who gets from it what he brings in there.

In this respect, I don't think there is a proper way of doing it, as both purposes are valid; instead, it's up to the reader to be clear to himself as to what exactly he is wanting to do when he faces a text.

>> No.18906434

Abort Abort Abort shit man JUST hope dearly you can make the switch dude. Fucking people are insane.

>> No.18906500

I had a dream last night where a deity bestowed immense power upon me. I was essentially Goku from dragon ball. Naturally the first thing I did was fly to my former oneitis's house, and ripped the roof off. She was in bed with her manlet stem nerd boyfriend who she's been dating for years. Hovering over them in the air, I asked her to leave him for me and she angrily said no. I screamed, "HOW BIG IS HIS DICK?" He looked at me and smugly said, "6 inches." I laughed and screamed, "MY DICK IS BIGGER THAN YOURS." he looked taken aback, and the crowd that had gathered in the yard began to clap and hoot. I couldn't believe that I had a bigger dick than him and she still said no. I angrily flew across the country to California and took a woman hostage, after she rejected my advanced. I took her up into her attic, and held her at gunpoint as the SWAT team showed up. I got into a shootout with the police and managed to kill 4 officers plus my hostage before going down in a hail of gunfire.

I woke up shaking, drenched in sweat, and immediately went outside to smoke a cigarette.

>> No.18906588

First day of the semester and I saw more girls in 20 minutes than I have in the last year. It's nice but I still don't feel comfortable just randomly approaching one of them. Especially not a girl at the pharmacy who just seems to be trying to get out of there as quickly as possible.

>> No.18906603

Zizek is right about climate change being a global problem we have to fight as a global union instead of as fragmented nations that blame other nations. Of course, that won't happen. Goddamn it.

>> No.18906631

I'm definitely going to hell, but I don't give a shit, it is not like I'm not having fun.

>> No.18906635
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I hope things turn out well by the end of the month.

>> No.18906651

>fuck breh, at my 23 years of age, I'm kinda late at the bus stop.
No you are not late, because most people never even try to get better, so there is no "too late". 23 is young. You do have to get a recurrent partner who will tell you what feels most pleasurable and will allow you to repeat the experience so as to perfect it, but it needs not be a girlfriend, it can be a FWB or something like that. Usually a female will be glad to guide you because it is in her interest for her male partner to be good at sex. If you want to learn about her body she will be grateful and assist you. But women are usually shy and not commanding, so ask directly when you feel that it is appropriate ("How does this feel? Tell me what you prefer / Is there something in particular you want us to do today?" - etc, etc, etc). Watch her physical reactions and when you feel her body reacting (twitching, vaginal contractions, she starts behaving differently, her voice, etc) keep doing what you are doing, be observant of what it is you are doing that gets her going, physical things but also it may be certain things you say or your attitude. Just pay attention man. Find a girl who does not fake her physical pleasure out of insecurity or ask her explicitly not to fake it.

>> No.18906673
File: 38 KB, 720x713, 1610309545897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do materialists explain stuff like this??? There are clearly magical occult forces in this world, but most people just willfully pretend it's not there.

>> No.18906681

>numerology garbage
Sorry, I finished primary school.

>> No.18906689

Nah, I genuinely think it’s too vain a thing to do, I only tripfag for archival purposes and for saving critique and recommendations honestly.

>> No.18906693

Yep. If you don't get vaccinated you pose a threat to vaccinated people as well because your virus will be stronger than the virus transmitted by a vaccinated person so basically you are a murderer.
I don't even understand why people care so much about this shit of a life they're forcing upon themselves.

>> No.18906697

Numerology is only part of it. There is a lot more too. You just ignore it because you are afraid to have your materialist presuppositions challenged.

>> No.18906727

Not him but I'm not materialist I follow a religious doctrine yet I do believe that numerology is BULLSHIT just like astrology and most people who you think are doing occult aren't

>> No.18906740

You have no answer. You cannot explain it.

>> No.18907103

If you start writing stuff and get some readers that interact with you, you will notice this too.
All literacy courses that are all about interpretation would realise how full of shit they were if they wrote even 1 story and got feedback on it

>> No.18907129
File: 28 KB, 500x500, artworks-tTH1o3KzaHdtYDNz-e7uegg-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make fun of America a lot, but desu sometimes I wish I were a young middle-class nobody somewhere in the midwest having fun with friends that I grew up with and drinking piss bear while playing dungeons and dragons, maybe playing in a band or whatever these types of people like to do. I might have a romanticized image in my head, but I just can't help but feel empty inside when looking at the past. I'm a 21 eurofag and I don't remember much that I want to remember. I don't feel like I belong anywhere and I have no friends. Everything vanishes so quickly, nothing remains. "Vanity. Vanity. All is vanity." Not even a christfag but that line struck a chord.

>> No.18907138

I hate that album and I hate emo but that is a comfy picture desu

>> No.18907144

>I'm a 21 eurofag and I don't remember much that I want to remember. I don't feel like I belong anywhere and I have no friends.
This is the same as what Americans feel too.

>> No.18907153

Despite hating mowing grass due to living in a suburban hell and putting off mowing my own grass I will mow my neighbor's grass without any problems. He has a push mower and we have a lawn tractor due to having a larger lawn. I should note that I don't live in a suburb but for lack of knowing what else to call it I do so. Where we lived got annexed in to the city/county. Anyway. I saw him struggling to mow one day because it's a) a push mower and b) it's hot/humid as hell. I volunteered to mow his grass for him whenever and have done so since, missing it only one time because I was sick. He'll mow the outside to get closer to objects since it's difficult on the tractor.

What annoys me is that his other neighbors don't. I know and understand they have zero obligation but they have a zero turn mower and take absolutely no time to mow. How can you see someone having a bad time, be able to do something (an actual something), and then not do it? Especially when it takes nothing away from you but an extra five minutes and the equivalent to fumes for fuel? Blows my mind.

I don't ask for money or ever expect any. I don't even need to be thanked. I genuinely feel like it's my duty to help someone in my community. I don't know if that means I'm the odd one or not either. I know a lot of people keep to themselves and just exist in their own little bubbles, and to be honest I mostly do.

Thanks for reading.

>> No.18907168

Why has the world become such a shit hole
Why can't things just go back to normal? Everything was fine until about 2008. Why did people have to ruin everything?
Everything sucks now. Everything is generic and boring and no one is genuine anymore.

>> No.18907179
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mobile internet
Although it didnt really set in to early 2010s

>> No.18907181

Bolsonaro is a fucking chimpanzee with a machine gun, the left is a bunch of fucking faggots, and the right-opposition to Bolsonaro is also a bunch of faggots. I fucking hate being Brazilian.

>> No.18907217

You stop having fun with the friends you grew up with in America by the time you’re college-aged and you stop having fun with friends generally in America by the time you’re roughly 26.

>> No.18907229

My best friend from high school won't text me anymore.

>> No.18907250

My family are all turbo giga normies except for me.

>> No.18907251

I really don’t like myself

>> No.18907264

House is an entertaining show, but I think in real life he would just get fired desu. Especially these days, with hypersensitive twitter freaks controlling society and cancelling everyone with a sense of humor.

>> No.18907280

I deserve to be happy, and I'm not worthless.
Things can be different.

>> No.18907282

I think it would be better to be illiterate, at least then I wouldn’t be stuck on the internet, freeing up tens of thousands of hours in my life.

>> No.18907312

All I want in life is a little bit of love to take the pain away

>> No.18907389
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>> No.18907511

There is a house where only I live.
There are many rooms of the house.
I am a painter.
I work in the living room.
The other rooms are closed.
The other rooms are dead.
The living room is open, there are no doors.
In this room I paint the portrait of a man.
He has my face but is slightly aged.
I started him from nothing, created every stroke of him.
Every day I add to him.

But my paint runs dry from time to time, and I wander to the other rooms.
When I enter a room there is a skin on the floor.
I put it on, it is one I've worn before.
On the floors of these closed rooms there is clay, or pencil and paper, or a piano.
I begin to work.
There is no time in dead rooms.
I work the clay, I draw on the paper, I press the keys.
I think only one desperate thought.
I need my assistant.

I need her to grab my hands before I start something I can't stop.
Before I am molded by this skin.
She must lead me back to the living room.
Where I will continue to work on the portrait of the man.
She must bring me more paint.
She understands my translations of translations.
Feels their images without words.
I must continue to paint.

One day I will wake up.
The portrait of a man will become a mirror.
When I look into the reflection, his eyes will be my eyes.
I will be real.
I will no longer be the voice in my head.
There will be no house, no rooms.
And I will no longer be a painter.

A painter is a mortician.
A murderer by nature.
To examine a thing is to kill it.
To dissect it, to reveal all it's mysterious, and unveil it's wonder.
His post-mortem is his art.
Translated for the eyes of the living dead.
A painter takes pride, even pleasure for his crimes.
But it only lasts a moment.
To show everyone the beauty of a thing, he kills the beauty for himself.
To never appreciate it again.

I'm tired of painting.
A tiredness that can not be cured with sleep.
I am sick.
A sickness which will only be cured when the portrait of a man is complete.
A thing not examined, but created.
A thing not alive, but to be birthed.
A thing which will finally be me.
Which will finally be free of the house.

>> No.18907537
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I liked this, very portrait of Dorian Grey esque.

>> No.18907543

The only thing I remember about my dreams is a strong feeling of dread

>> No.18907544

Trying is so scary bros. That’s my lifelong struggle.

>> No.18907582

I was plagued with the same dreams and love. Still am, on occasion. The answer? THE CONCRETE.

"If men would steadily observe realities only,
and not allow themselves to be deluded, life, to compare it with such things as we know, would be like a fairy tale and the Arabian Nights' Entertainments."

>> No.18907668
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I know, which is why I make the effort. Grinding out school/work is one thing, but you can't bootstrap a social life from nothing like you can technically do with a job/education.

I dunno, I feel like I've lost perspective, and all that is left is disappointments.

>> No.18907693
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I like that idea. I know, at least conceptually that I suffer from some less-obvious delusions, and that's a part of the warped personality that has created the problem(s) in the first place. Maybe your suggestion is the solution, and only focusing on what is tangible and known for a fact creates the solution.

I'll hopefully give it some thought if I remember this in the morning.

>> No.18907790

I want to kill bill gates

>> No.18907830

I'm not sure it makes sense to me to say you suffer 'only' conceptually. Get some sleep.

>> No.18907848
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I don't feel like a real person. My family, friends, and acquaintances don't take me seriously. The opposite gender straight up disregards my existence, as if I'm an androgynous slug crawling through the world. I still experience normal biological processes, but the idea of ever become intimate with someone or even close to my blood relatives makes me uncomfortable. This anonymous polish folk dancing forum is the only place I feel I can express myself, but even that is starting to fade. I used to want to make and appreciate art, but I've been numb for so many years, I don't even know what to say, or how to express. Poetry? Drawing? Music? All chores. I'm too tired to "want" anything, and my days seem to drift together.

>> No.18907857

I scheduled an interview for a part time job I don't really want, that doesn't pay well, and that I don't think I even have time this week to do the interview for let alone start the job. I'm thinking I'll just not show up. But I might feel better about myself if I started making some money.

>> No.18907934


First thing is to recognize that you are not addicted to the cumming, you are addicted to the porn.

Try fapping without porn. See at first how your mind struggles to come up with anything exciting. You will experience flashes of naked flesh, a feedback of the porn neurons you have trained in your brain, perhaps the rythmic sucking of a shaft embosses like a shadow against your mind's eye. This you will find, is not good, not like the real thing. Here you will continue to a sub-par ejaculation or you will break down and watch porn. If the former you will find yourself in a similar situation, likely a day later, having subdued perhaps one or two masturbation reflexes because you know, at least for not, porn is off the table.

You find yourself again feeling that urge to scratch. Two clicks and it would be in front of your eyes. You know this well even if you aren't consciously aware of it. If that first impulse subsides, you consider your options. Masterbating without porn is so damn unappealing. Anon, I tell you, force yourself to masturbate without porn. Find yourself again in your bed, stroking your shaft in attempt to get hard, with only the images you can pull to the front of your mind. You will find that the vivid flashes of naked flesh are not so vivid, perhaps they aren't there at all. You attempt to conjure your "fetish" to your imagination, and you find the results lacking. You consider that you could pull up some porn, or just give up. The impulse isn't so immediately compelling this time, your mind keeps under your control as you weigh these options. Again I tell you anon, force yourself to masturbate without porn.

Several minutes later you find yourself finally able to cum with a semi-flaccid penis. The next time you speak to a person, a few hours or a day later, you notice you don't have your usual pang of anxiety. The one that reflexively occurs when you meet a strangers eye and your subconscious briefly reminds you of the last degenerate pornography you watched. You feel that spike now, but it's less pronounced, and without the guilt. You're happy with how you are better able to get through a social setting.

If you continue on this path, dear anon, you find yourself working several days after your last pornographic event. Working on that thing you like doing, because you decided along with quitting porn it was time to get the ball rolling on the goal you have. You've been working for the last hour or so, you notice that you lost yourself. You aren't having fun exactly, it's still work, but it's different, and you're engaged. Because you've not been watching porn, you've started to notice asses more. You start to think about what you'd like to do to those asses.


>> No.18907943


You think about your breeding program, you know, the one you like to think imagine sometimes. How you'd approach the whole notion of being king of the world and living forever. Would you have a line of naked women tied up and bent over, unable to struggle? Would your take women one at a time? In the evening like with furs and wine? Is she aware of your position? Your genetics program has come along, she is exactly to your specifications. Your mind lands on that one woman you've always desired. The one you were ashamed to create but which is even now drawing blood to your penis. The clone, or perhaps your actual flesh and blood mother.

Your science has been able to reverse the aging process. You look upon your mother now as she was at age 20, with slight altercations to heighten the sexual markers. Nothing that would take away from that fact that this short stature woman standing in front of you, tits about to bust out of their top, round ass barely covered by the jean shorts, is in fact, your mother. From there it's simple as getting on your bed. Your dick is already hard and you waste little time. That ultimate intensity. Just the idea of taking this woman as you please has you cumming in a few moments. You lose yourself for a beautiful second or two.

You feel a mild guilt but nothing too bad, you've crossed these hurdles before. You're quickly back into the work you were doing, startlingly fast. Over the next day you again see the assess in the street, you look the strangers in the eye. It's been remarkably smooth lately. People understand your intentions by a look or an eyebrow. As you move through town your mind is on your project, but of course you still notice the asses.

Unfortunately you lve in a shittier borough of your city. There are a lot of minorities, immigrants, who talk in with their insufferable slang. A lot of them, you decide, are idiots. The muslims are inbred, the blacks are blacks, and indians and asians are mostly ok. But once in a while an immigrant crosses your vision who you instinctively understand not to fuck with. He has at least 50 lbs on you. His hair is dark, his expression unchanging, his demeanour unassailable. He enter, his opinion is voiced. He takes what he needs. He's gone. Sometimes you see him with his woman. Fuck.

If by this point you have not been made aware of your own physical stature, it is starting to become apparent. You're feeling on a roll, like you possess this new ability of making changes in your life. You move through the streets with a more tuned awareness for the bodies, the environment, and their relationship to you. You're getting to where you need to go, focused on the task at hand. You unthinkingly move through bodies that before would have been an akward movement, an inappropriate eye contact. You're not thinking about what the people around you think, only what you think, and what they are to you. Still you see the asses. And still you see the alpha males.


>> No.18907946


In the evening your thoughts go back to that one encounter. You saw a lot of asses that day. You saw faces of pretty woman. Woman you'd fuck, woman you'd happily marry. But then there was HER. She caught you completely by surprise. You saw her from a distance and as you neared, you waited from the impersonal perfection of distance to be replaced with the cruel reality of nearness. But her perfection didn't diminish. You were walking closer, barely noticing where you stepped, only watching her figure, the shape of her body. And then you saw her face. The utter perfection. Maybe she even look at you. Your eyes immediately averted. But here you were, remembering, and thanking the lord, that such beauty could exist, and now thinking about what you'd do with it.

She was utterly perfect. Your mind traces those beautiful features which still seem fresh in your mind. The curve of the mouth, the shape of the eyes. Your mind has been different lately, it's been doing things differently. You consider the beauty of this woman in comparison to your new-found sense of self worth. Things are different this time. You hand strokes the line of her chin. A thumb goes in her mouth. You give her a light slap on the cheek. "Let me see those fuckin tits". You grab her shirt and lift it off, then take off her bra. The tits, against all logic, are also fucking perfect. You push her back onto the bed, fondling her tits and mock-biting her neck. Your dick rubs slow and methodically against her body which is responding by pulsing up and down. "give me that fucking pussy" You dick explodes in your hand as you image yourself fucking her doggy style, pulling back her hair and commanding her to "take that dick".

The next day you are walking down a path. You see a guy coming from the other direction. From a distance you take his measurement. About your size, a little shorter maybe. You continue to gather the feel of him and as your paths approach, your eyes meet. You hold his gaze, not because you are challenging him, no, your brow is furrowed but not angry. Just fiercely discerning. You forget for a moment this is another human being as you take in the information that his eyes project to you. Your calmness holds and your mind stretches this moment into something much longer. You outlast him. His eyes avert, unsure. You check your conscience. You weren't throwing any hostility. You weren't! It was just the act of a simple approximation of the guy. And he averted. You realize that you were the dominant person in that situation. Nothing about that was uncertain to you.


>> No.18907947

You've described your life in a beautiful way, anon. There are a few dissimilarities, but I do share quite a number of your woes.
I've been intimate with someone and she left me because I wasn't able to defend her from verbal and physical aggressions from her 'friends'. I'm now living with the constant dread of being a weakling, knowing I couldn't protect her those days and I wouldn't ever be able to catch up now that she has left me. The rest of my story is practically the same as yours. I don't know what to do now. It feels like my life has been put in a stasis ever since.

Just work, anon. It's an experience. I've done my part of shitty jobs and it's always better than doing nothing at home.

>> No.18907951

Later you are in a store, the girl behind the counter is cute. You are aware of her movements but otherwise occupied by your inner calculating. When she meets you at the cash, her mind does a momentary lapse because of something she remembers in the hustle bustle of her workplace. She falters momentarily, shakes herself from the realization and raises her eyes to meet yours. Without skipping a beat you tell her it's not really that important anyway. She laughs courteously, now entirely in your presence. You confirm to her what you are there to do, calm and confidently. Not losing sight of the room for this one person, although still entirely in the moment with her. You take your time find a certain enjoyment in controlling the flow of the interaction. She hands you your receipt and smiles at you. You raise your cheeks dutifully and say goodbye, walking out of the store, completely alone in the world you and her.

More interactions like this follow. You laugh off a notion that there has been a hidden world here all along which you have not been a part of. Your intellect tells you that this is the only world. This one you experience from your own eyes, but it seems to you now there are better and worse ways to experience this world. You think about the alpha. How far ahead is he? You've been on your self improvement track for some time now. You don't think long about the alpha. You don't fear him. You fear falling off the track. You fear that tomorrow you might not have this focus that you have now. You decide to keep going.

>> No.18907967

If you do end up not going make sure you let the place know beforehand, especially if it is for a relatively small business.

>> No.18907998


>> No.18908039


>> No.18908047

No one is seething, its funny you let the government treat you like a farm animal

>> No.18908061

do normies really do this shit keke

>> No.18908072

the soviet union should be brought back as a theater state micronation in nevada

>> No.18908099

only to remain in contact during covid lockdowns anon, I don't talk to them like I would my friends

>> No.18908100

Guess who just bought a refurbished Olivetti Lettera 32 and is going to spend ungodly amounts of time LARPing as an actually good writer?

>> No.18908138

I see this shit all the time. Why is it that only animefags are the only writers on /lit/?

>> No.18908142

Robin Wu, I know it's you, you hack! Oh, excuse me, "R.C. Waldun". How literary. Like how you named your protag "Eddington". Charming.

>> No.18908144
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I'm thinking of going back to church

>> No.18908162

sometimes i worry islam will overrun my small western country, other times I laugh that their religion will be corrupted like mine was by western rationality. And even other times still, I wonder if their barbaric presence in my white society is not filling an important role. An inoculation. Some hair of the dog.

What parallel alien worlds have a centuries-behind religion, that stands defiant because it taps something real, which to destroy would only make stronger, but to allow as reminder would always make us stronger.

Their women are garbed in bed sheets.

Islam must actualize before it can reach a position of Shariah in my faggot-at-starbucks, interracial-baby, white silence is violence, black lives matter, not a conservative election sign in sight, city.

The cunts in Toronto do, at the end of the day, (I reluctantly admit), serve a purpose.

Or maybe I underestimate an eternal war. Those cunts who increased immigration, starting in 1970, I doubt were seeking a flu shot.

>> No.18908180

>effected by western rationality
Islam never had an enlightenment, never had an age of reason. Never gonna happen.

>> No.18908184

Believe it or not, they genuinely don’t give two shits what the rest of /lit/ thinks of them and just write their stories.

>> No.18908194

Wait, do people here actually care what Anonymous people think of them?

>> No.18908197

I don't watch anime; I was going to ask you to tell me how much overlap you think there is between Cormac McCarthy fanboys and animefags, but it scares me to consider that there's more overlap then I thought
I write sword and sorcery stories though

kek does he actually have a typewriter? As pretentious as it is, I actually find I write better using a typewriter; there's no delete key so whatever goes on the page stays, and I can just bang away and keep the ideas flowing and then come back and edit in pen later. Obviously there's a novelty aspect; when you work with computers all day it's fun to come home and bang away on a typewriter

>> No.18908207

Yeah, jokes aside, I'd like to get one. Seems nice.

>> No.18908209

>overlap you think there is between Cormac McCarthy fanboys and animefags,
Well, if we go by /wg/....

>> No.18908225

Yes, wish I was just shitposting, but people here do care what other people think of them.

>> No.18908236


When they start exporting their religion to western countries, they
youth culture
social media
multicultural cities
women in education
cable fucking television.

>> No.18908238
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Sounds pathetic, I just read what I enjoy.

>> No.18908242

What's your point?

>> No.18908253

Is there any books about the affects of sexual abused to male minors? I've been trying to find them for a character that I'm writing and I can't find any.

>> No.18908255

That islam will get watered down by the rationality of the west. They might conquer us before then, but I doubt it. Even covered in their bed sheet outfits, Muslim women display their individualistic symbols. The youth cover their hair, and wear skin tight leggings. The signs are all there.

>> No.18908268

You should. Its a great way to get a sense of community.

>> No.18908275

my diary

>> No.18908278

How is that rationality?

>> No.18908297
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>> No.18908315

Would have been better if you wrote it in an epistolary novel.

>> No.18908345

How is it not? It’s explained to you already.

>> No.18908359

A mind that seeks the light of God is a mind that seeks the truth. A mind that seeks the truth examines universe and comes to question notions of YAHWEH. Everything is explainable, if one looks hard enough. The justification for ALLAH becomes smaller and smaller.

Minds such as this built the west which now so happily accepts your Muslim immigrants. You arrive thinking you've found an unattended virgin, but in reality your children do what children do best. They ignore your lectures and witness what their eyes are telling them. And boy does has the west capitalized on things it can show your little eyes.

Your little children, innocent before Allah, are the real unattended virgins for some cunt who wants to sell you a Tesla. Your teenage daughter "goes to a friends house" but it actually at a house party, sucking some "unclear whatever"'s dick. Maybe even a jew boy. There are so many ethnicities at her school.

>> No.18908366

"she sucks me off"

I don't know why, but that exact sentence runs through my head often multiple times a day

>> No.18908368

I ate a funny desert plant and I ain't stop shitting all day

>> No.18908371

For me, it's "It is illegal to eat ass in Kansas". It has been running through my head for several years now.

>> No.18908372

>run muslim.dogma.exe
shit for brains will never produce a thought. you marvel at the western mans ability.

>> No.18908386

Lizards are my greatest enemy. I want everyone reading this vox.com article to know that. I am not supposed to tell you this, but it turns out you cannot kill a lizard. This fact was once on a sign displayed in front of the Arkham Asylum asylum: “We can’t kill you, but we sure as shit will give it our best shot.” I’ve taken two lizards into the wind tunnel. I am a professional. If you’re reading this, I’m 100% sure I want you to have the body of a lizard, because it’s cheap and easy to get. Lizards may be lizards, but you can’t beat the price and the size.

>> No.18908393

haha, do you know how it started? I don't really know how "she sucks me off" got into my head, but it's been there for over a month now. it's not a reference to anything, as far as I know.

>> No.18908396

>his worldview is based on video games
damn zoomers cant even schizo right

>> No.18908403

Who marvels? The inbred muslim man I mock with my post?

>> No.18908414

Not like people go outside anymore.

>> No.18908432

i dont know, man, im just talkin

>> No.18908439

Doubt it with all that effort.

>> No.18908444


>> No.18908448

The Soviet Union should have never lost.

>> No.18908467

The soviet union was a grotesque machine that broke down from neglect in 1000 places. You can't ascribe bad luck to that kind of failure. It's something that nature will happily destroy over and over again until you cunts get the picture and stop bringing it into existence.

>> No.18908489

ultra competitive bird watchers
acid raining information hailstorm
cultured dual purpose marijuana salesman
toshiba instant-melt brain damage apparatus

>> No.18908490

The soviet Union could have lived past 1991.

>> No.18908492


>> No.18908502

Test of what?

>> No.18908506

testiculars, bitch

>> No.18908507

You got testicular cancer or what?

>> No.18908509

You just failed the test.

>> No.18908517

>Got a lump in my scrotum and I feel no pain.

>> No.18908522

Go to the doctor.

>> No.18908540

No, I’m afraid I might have cancer.

>> No.18908547

I eat more chicken than any man ever seen

>> No.18908551

What does that have to do with anything?

>> No.18908554

>Might have cancer
>Don't do anything to stop it

>> No.18908561

>Eating poultry
This is why I'm a vegan

>> No.18908568

This is nice, keep at it.

>> No.18908571

New thread

>> No.18908586

I'm a back door man

>> No.18908588

she get high she get high she get hiiigh

>> No.18908672

You're right, don't mind the faggots, they do what they always do.

>> No.18908677

There's no need for a comeback, we're not on Twitter. There's no debate.

>> No.18908687

yes there is you fuucking faggot

>> No.18908748
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>> No.18908788

your u's look gay

>> No.18908795

Alright. What was I doing. Im so stoned maybe I should just lie down. No. Dont get distracted. You were about to play guitar. You were born to do two things, suffer and play guitar. And you're not suffering right now, so you have to play guitar. I should write this down. Wheres my phone. Oh, here it is.

>> No.18910177

why are you so upset
yes shounen mange are literally for children
you arent impressing anyone you just sound like a petulant manchild