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18901911 No.18901911 [Reply] [Original]

What's the worst book you had to read in school

>> No.18902003

Testimony by Anita Shreve or The Little Stranger by Sarah Waters
First is about how having sex with an underage girl against there knowledge leads to three 18 olds comminting suicide cause it was videod
Second is a hunted house story with no explanations and very litte haunting
Think my teacher just wanted to read his friends/wife's suggestions or something

>> No.18902241

Ethan Frome is pretty fucking bad. The Turning of the Screw was also up there.

>> No.18902249

Had to read "Tears of a Tiger", just about a black dude to dies drunk driving and the rest of the characters talking about how sad they are.

>> No.18902251

Pride and Prejudice
Seriously, fuck this book beyond existence with its pretentious courtship bullshit. Literally Sex and The City tier trite.

>> No.18902256

Effi Briest by Theodor Fontane and Emilia Galotti by Ephraim Lessing. Utter trash.

>> No.18902258
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This was pushed on us as being really important for some reason, they even made us watch the movie adaptation. All I remember was boy rape

>> No.18904133

That's a very good book and if you don't think so you're stupid.

>> No.18904154

>reading for plot

>> No.18904173


>> No.18904193

I'm from an Spanish-speaking country so most of the stuff we had to read won't be recognizable here. However, one of the most boring books we had was Orlando by Virginia Woolf

>> No.18904331

I never read it in school or at all but I feel bad for anyone forced to read the boy in the striped pyjamas.

>> No.18904374
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I had to read this piece of steaming shit back in 2007.

>> No.18904503
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What was it, in my case was pic related, it reads like a fight club knockoff but with even more mamerto shit.

>> No.18904522

The Color Purple

>> No.18904527

I went to school in the UK and we read nothing but garbage up until GCSE, when it was slightly less garbage but basically still garbage
Shit like Stormbreaker, The Curious Case of the Dog in the Night, Artemis Fowl, and other trash like that
Jesus fucking christ
The only thing we read that approached a 'classic' was Lord of the Flies and A Clockwork Orange

>> No.18904541

The Awakening

>> No.18904570

I had Blake and Macbeth at 13, what shitty school were you at?

>> No.18904585

They shoehorn in an unironic nazi taliban guy, it’s not that good

>> No.18904587

High school was obv Wuthering Heights, college might have been The Professor's House by Willa Cather.

>> No.18904600

Pride and Prejudice
Jane Eyre
Wuthering Heights
To the Lighthouse
Mrs Dalloway
The Handmaid’s Tale

>> No.18904609

Holy crap I forgot all about this one.

My Antonia or Raisins in the sun
Watsons go to Birmingham 1969 was awful too

>> No.18904611

Not liking Frankenstein/ Mrs Dalloway might just mean you're retarded

>> No.18904622

Frankenstein was good.
Of course her husband probly wrote it…

>> No.18904623

Bro I forgot all about the Watson's Go to Birmingham! That shit fucking sucked!

>> No.18904627

Well Orlando is basically a story about some aristocrat that has some weird ass adventures and becomes a girl in the middle of the story, although it sounds wacky is pretty damn boring. Regarding spanish-written books the worst I remember was Marianela (because of its ending, it's pretty dumb) and La Vorágine (because its style is cumbersome and the ending feels rushed)

>> No.18904656

I honestly liked every book i read in school. I'm from germany and we read a lot of the great german classics in german class and some more modern books in english class

>> No.18904676
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Pic related. I never read it.

>> No.18904680

some book called Speak about a girl in middle school or something who has a really avoidant personality and then you find out at the end of the book that she was molested

>> No.18904800

Two prestigious private schools kek

>> No.18904915

"Intet" as it's called in Danish, which just translates as "Nothing". As the title implies, it's a "2smrt4u" book we had to read because we were young adults or some stupid gay shit. It's about some nihilist kid convincing the other kids that nothing matters, so they make a pile of things that matter to them which goes from fishing rods to decapitated pets and rape. Also includes le edgy stuff like a cross that someone pisses on. In the end the parents find out and they just give the kids a bit of detention or some shit and the news starts talking about how "meaningful" the pile is, just to shove it in your face even more. Put me off reading for awhile as a kid.

>> No.18904948

I read The Fifth Season for a college class and that was the most pretentious book I have ever read. It was so evident that the author was trying her hardest to be profound with her writing style.

>> No.18904956

Money well spent. With qualifications like yours you should have no problem getting a job at your uncles firm

>> No.18904962

Sounds pretty bad, ngl

>> No.18905417

my antonia is a great novel ya pleb

>> No.18905427

Don't be so bitter

>> No.18905512

>The Scarlet Letter
hand down. i've always loved reading and was enjoyed having teachers who would set aside 15 mins or so every day so students could read whatever they wanted. i remember in 6th grade this girl and myself got into a huge dick comparison contest on how many pages we could read a month, the teacher kept a tally and the kid with the highest score got some sorta prize

anyway i think it was 9th grade english. even the hot teacher before she handed out the books told us to prepare ourselves for the driest book in existence.
im convinced it was actually written as an early cure for insomnia. and the author is heralded as some sort of American literary genius! Ridiculous! Granted I don't know much of anything about popular American authors during that era but knowing Tolstoy was writing War and Peace around the same time (i think), the contrast between that and Scarlet Letter is incredible. Scarlet Letter shouldnt even be consider a novel. Just a way for a talentless puritan hack to make some money shitting out overly wordy endless sentences that propel the story nowhere so he can get his penny per word or whatever stupid arrangement he made.
Why The Scarlet letter has remained taught in classrooms is beyond me. The one good thing was we got to spend a couple days watching The Crucible which was kino as fuck. Daniel Day Lewis was awesome and even Winona put in a decent performance. If I was one of the accused I'd pack my shit that night and hit the fucking road, and shoot any fucker trying to hold me back.
People burning witches less than 400 years ago. Insanity! How long before it makes a comeback? wouldnt surprise me in the least to see most Americans slide back a millenia brains and culture wise. all it would take is a charasmatic cult leder with the entire backing of the USA mega corps and before you know it were burning all sorts of humans again for the most insane reasons. its scary living around americans tbqh

>> No.18905518
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>> No.18905530

Thread of filtered pseus kek

>> No.18905624


>> No.18905709

That I finished? Scarlet Letter, easily. Going from the Crucible to that dreck was painful.

Overall? Jane Eyre, it's the only assigned book that I never finished. Just dry, soap opera misery porn. From what my friends told me, it never got better.

Frankenstein is excellent, but I do feel that Mrs. Dalloway killing its most interesting character 100 pages in was a mistake.

>> No.18905805
