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File: 988 KB, 1730x1000, literally me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18900295 No.18900295 [Reply] [Original]

Books for this feel?

>> No.18900301

Literally me, so my diary desu

>> No.18900309

Infinite Jest

>> No.18900331


>> No.18900348


>> No.18900351

normally i tend to mock these kinds of wojak posts, but i must reluctantly admit that the one in pic related applies to my life as of right now, and i genuinely don't know how to get out of it. i'd commit suicide if i didn't have morals that see the act of giving up as the lowliest thing anybody can do. i can't afford a therapist. please help.

>> No.18900356

book of disquiet

>> No.18900423

Uncomfortably accurate were it not for a few key support systems in my life.

>> No.18900463

I alternate between hermetic asceticism and self destructing hedonism.I feel you,anon.What are you trying to deal with this,if anything at all?

>> No.18900473

i fool myself by going on walks and thinking about it, or rather, fantasizing on how i want things to be. well, i guess that's not a way of dealing with things. other than that, i really can't find an appropriate answer. very pathetic.

>> No.18900475

This is why I've committed to finishing a manuscript of a novel by the time I turn 25 (end of this year). I'm 25,000 words in and aiming for about 50,000 - 60,000 for the first draft. If I continue to write 5000 words a week I should have it done by late October or something. I will then try to get it published and even if no one reads it I will at least have felt like I did something that I wanted to do. I know it won't fill the void in my life, but I will at least be able to have realised an ambition rather than end up 30 wondering "what if I had written a book". I'll have actually done it. That thought keeps me going.

>> No.18900493

Pyrrho used to say that there is no difference between dying and living; and a man said to him, Why then do you not die? Pyrrho replied, Because there is no difference.

>> No.18900531

18 year old starting Maths at a top uni in a month here, give me the advice you desperately wish you'd followed at my age

>> No.18900634

All is vanity and man cannot utter it.

>> No.18900730

seriously, take good care of your body. and keep a diary where you sincerely confront yourself and your ideas every night.

>> No.18900752

Don't be afraid to do anything bold.

>> No.18900796

Learn about how to form good habits including healthy eating, exercise, meditation, and journaling. Try not to be entirely self focused and try to find people that will uplift you and that you admire. Learn to take smart notes and have a well thought out structure for how you work. Try to be genuine and sincere avoid irony and sarcasm. Try to be careful about what you say to yourself and what content you consume. Try to find things that are beautiful and good. If you you only look for darkness than that’s all you will find. God be with you young man.

>> No.18900820
File: 184 KB, 950x425, NCTTeiQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take school seriously completely independent of any what you might believe to be practical considerations of the future. Finish school and do it on time. You should engage with your work with a serious if not psychotic aggressiveness purely as a precaution against the retardation that befalls people, especially the 'talented'. Cut the slightest slack, you will regret it.

Make sure your desk posture is correct. Your keyboard and mouse should be at your elbow's height, you should look down slightly at your PC monitor. You will regret ignoring this.

Talk to girls, stick your dick in them. Do not be a serious person only to find out you were larping 10 years later. You will regret it.

>> No.18901107

>you should look down slightly at your PC monitor
will start right away
t. 20 year old beginning to have back issues

>> No.18901132

Start lifting weights and take up a practical martial art (BJJ, Muay Thai, boxing, wrestling, or something similar).
Talk to women, but don't compromise. If you keep looking, inside and outside wherever you happen to live, you will get what you want.