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18892968 No.18892968 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18892980

Everybody's Changing, and I don't feel the same.

>> No.18892989

Seems things are recovering after Corona and people are doing things again and I've been left behind in my cocoon, I lost touch with my friends and I'm worried about the future.

>> No.18892995

Vegeta will catch a cold.

>> No.18893000

Women stink.

>> No.18893001

Idk if I would call it comfort eating, it's how I eat meals normally, but I usually choose unhealthy food. No matter what, it's frustrating because you can't be satisfied from it. Do you choose to eat junk food and get 1/10 the normal pleasure of eating it, and go away feeling disappointed? Or do you abandon the idea of eating for pleasure in general and just stick to healthy stuff?

That's my issue with food

>> No.18893004

i live in Australia and they keep locking us down, it''s time someone made a speech saying that people are going to die and that's life. time to get on with it

>> No.18893013
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>Seems things are recovering after Corona and people are doing things again

>> No.18893016

I'm in Englel for what it's worth, despite loathing this shitepit we could be much worse like our Aussie cousins

>> No.18893017

why existence
why this form
I have 2 hands
I dont get it
Why no answers

>> No.18893055

>watching Last Chance U
>learning about testoterone men
>good shit
>last day of school
>everybody's celebrating
>this one player walks around with two sheets of toilet paper
>school administrator asks why
>"cus I AM the shit"
my sides

>> No.18893105

Everything is vanity. I hate women. I hate women with opinions. I hate loud women. I hate joyful women. I hate "shy" women. I hate women that have girl friends. I hate women with male siblings. I just hate women.

>> No.18893124

I moved to New York City and I haven’t felt like myself since.

>> No.18893162

The closer I get to becoming the me I've always wanted to be, the more depressed I become. Despite how much I've improved, no-one loves me. I don't understand why. Am I just unlovable?

>> No.18893182

>have to make choice
>Always end up making the non-choice

>> No.18893183
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>> No.18893231

A bugman apologising to big-booba Jap-Greek waifu because he pushed her when he was angry and she got sad.

>> No.18893375

went to the bar last night and this 7/10 blonde was eyeing me. i sit at the bar and order a bluemoon. she sits next to me and says "buy me one?", i oblige. she asks me for my name, i tell her and look up at the tv ignoring her. "well arnt you going to ask my name?" she says. i let out an exaggerated breath like i'm annoyed. she looks confused. i stare at her for what i'm sure felt like minutes to her. i finally break my silence. ''you know if you fixed that underbite you would be really pretty". her mouth drops open and she leans back in shock. "youre a fucking asshole..." she says as she walks away. i go back to watching tv and muttering about jews under my breath. later i go out for a cig and i see her with another girl and a guy trying to console her cause she was crying. they go back in and give me the stinkeye while she stays outside to collect herself. i walk over to her and ask her if she wants to fuck me. she says no. i hunch over her and tell her to give me 5 bucks for the beer or i'll fix her fucking underbite right here right now. she is terrified as she is searching her purse for cash. "Hurry the FUCK up!" i say in an odd cadence that surprised us both. she says she only has two ones and a ten left. "the beer was THREE dollars" i grab the ten dollars and say i'm keeping the change as i walk into the night. i made seven dollars.

>> No.18893384

I like this anon. You should develop it some more whilst retaining the irreverent detachment from specifics; keep the brevity but explore the dynamic a bit more

>> No.18893415

There’s no actual art board on this website.

>> No.18893580

That's true, at least we're not as cucked as some places.

>> No.18893616

Tried the game Sekiro again. It's fun but also frustrating enough that I'm losing the desire to play it. At this point I've played every Souls style game by From, but I'm not sure I like what the series turned into. Sekiro just feels hard for the sake of being hard, like 3 was, and the adventure aspect of them now is mediocre compared to dark souls and demon's souls.

Sekiro especially feels like shit on console where it takes 15 seconds to load after death, and the framerate is crap, so you basically just die, run to a boss, make 2 mistakes in a row and get killed, and spend a minute trying to get back to try the same thing and repeat. It sucks.

But honestly, each game in the series is like this. The beginning is really hard, then you figure out how the devs want you to play, and the rest of the game just slowly gets easier. 2 was like that, Bloodborne was like that, 3 was too. Not sure if I want to do it again. Video games were a mistake. I should just stick to reading

>> No.18893635

When I have to make a decision I wonder to myself "What would D'Annunzio do?"

>> No.18893750


>> No.18893756

I want to suck a womans dick and balls

>> No.18893765

very sam hyde

>> No.18893942
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>learn a bunch of new facts from book
>want to remember it all
>force gf to listen to me rantingly explain new facts, and all necessary background facts i already knew and she needs to know to understand the new facts
>all new knowledge coheres with old knowledge in my brain to become permanent memory
>gf doesn't care and remembers nothing
>start over next day with new book new random facts

why don't YOU have a girlfriend for maximizing your learning efficiency?

>> No.18893978

I do this with my mom

>> No.18893984

I do this with his (>>18893978) mom.

>> No.18893991
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>> No.18894014

It's literally just math. If you make sounds that have cool math they sound good.

>> No.18894024

Why'd you move to New York in the first place?

>> No.18894031

Early theosophy of music + actual musical practice ---> musical practice in the classic/golden ages of music + increasing musical formalism to accommodate the innovations of the golden age ---> musical practice stagnating because ran out of ideas + increasing musical formalism as autists figure out how to formalize every remaining thing that hasn't been formalized ---> total stagnation + formalists jacking themselves off to intra-formal anti-formal post-formality shit that doesn't actually innovate music out of its stagnant hole ---> degenerate stagnant eclecticism + global spread of all-absorbing all-homogenizing pop music + formalists jacking off at the speed of light to applying their intra-formalist meta-post-formalist bad sounding turd "music theory" to pop music and still thinking this is revolutionary 50 years after warhol

If you ever see a musicologist, an ethnomusicologist, or a music theory major, beat the fucking shit out of them

>> No.18894049

Same but I moved in with my Dad

>> No.18894072

>If you ever see a musicologist, an ethnomusicologist, or a music theory major, beat the fucking shit out of them
And so begins the White House's newest category of violent extremism

>> No.18894099

Evolution by natural selection explains a lot of why you are the shape you are. The problem is why you are anything at all. Not why you are a monkey with two hands. Two is better than one and three and by four things are just a crowded mess unless you're walking on them in some spider walk rhythm. Keep your chin up and study bio monkey boy. It gets better.

>> No.18894320
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I told myself it was for more opportunity, to write, to be around more things I want to do, but I think in all honesty it was to escape the life I left behind.

>> No.18894323

I think I'm worrying too much about getting everything that I've already planned out and sketched on paper and I'm not giving myself enough freedom to improvise and go off on tangents within/outside the narrative. It's like I'm too afraid to deviate from this dim path I've scratched out and let my story develop beyond that.

>> No.18894325
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>> No.18894330

Would you consider it bad if say a Jew played Nazi Germany in a strategy game, or if an Native American played the USA, or if an Armenian played as the Ottoman Empire?

>> No.18894449

Inherited a family member’s dog. They’re irresponsible and a disaster of an adult, bought a dog, mistreated it, couldn’t handle it so I’m taking care of him. The dog shows a concerning amount of aggression to other dogs and people, especially children. I don’t know what to do to get rid of it.

>> No.18894452

New York is so expensive and filled with crime. How is it really an escape?

>> No.18894453

Why would it be bad? It's a video game.

>> No.18894462

Just remember it's not the dog's fault. Please don't hurt him more than this evil faggot already did. Even if you can't handle him, there's got to be some way to get him to a specialist. Animal rehabbers are a special breed and will often help you with cases where there seemed to be no hope.

>> No.18894467
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I didnt read enough during ny developmental yeara and Im permanently behind other writers. All I can write is dumb down shit for the masses

>> No.18894486

I know it's a video game, but wouldn't it be like condoning the acts of the country they played as?

>> No.18894489

Everything is new and exciting, and I guess I can restart and be the best version of myself without the cloud of all my past mistakes hovering over me. I have a good job to be able to afford my lifestyle which isn’t extravagant by any means. I guess I could have moved anywhere to achieve this. I’m not doing horrible. I’ve made some friends. But my confidence is so shot right now.

>> No.18894490

They didn’t hurt the dog afaik. They just weren’t particularly good owners and were resentful towards the dog. Regardless, I consulted a specialist once and they suggested he needed more exercise and suggested it’s common with the breed since they have a high prey drive and anxiety. I started walking him for an hour a day. It did nothing. Now we walk for two hours a day. It’s only slightly better. Now, he’ll sometimes hide behind me if there’s a stranger but mostly he still growls and barks if there’s a stranger or a dog within distance. I worry especially about little girls that live in my neighborhood. I’ll never just let the dog on purpose and I always ask people to stay back because he gets nervous easily but I can’t stop the kids from running up anyway.

>> No.18894494
File: 95 KB, 640x690, broderickhunter-beethovens-musicologist-reinscribes-supremacist-17ea188e6fd1415a-0736e40df15d67c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you ever see a musicologist, an ethnomusicologist, or a music theory major, beat the fucking shit out of them
Umm...yikes sweety, do you not even know how problematic this is rn? I'm literally shaking.

>> No.18894496

Well what’s there to have your confidence shot over?

>> No.18894516

It’s really only the kids I care about to be honest. He gets really aggressive with them. The adults usually know to stay back and if they don’t I just ask them to and they do. Plus, they’re big enough that his aggression usually transforms into fear and I think he knows he can cope with that by hiding behind me, which is better than fight mode I think. But with kids, there’s no fear. He has no problem confronting kids. And the kids don’t always listen to me when I ask them to stay back. As for the dogs, I’m not really worried about it. I’ve never seen a dog that didn’t freak out when seeing another dog but he’s not a pitbull so I don’t worry about him like really attacking another dog and not being able to get him off. I’m certain I could manhandle him if I needed to.

>> No.18894530

I don’t know anyone, and I guess I have forgot how to make friends. I was a confident guy back home, but I’m learning that most of that came from being established. Now that I’m the new guy I’m finding it hard to just be myself, whoever that is.

>> No.18894552

What about from your job?

>> No.18894580

Absolutely not. Again, it's a video game. If you don't want to, you don't have to, but you can play as them. If you want, you can play as other countries and commit atrocities that would even make Hitler blush. It's not supposed to be an endorsement of any real life historical action. Alternative history, or even viewing the world from alternative viewpoints, is part of the map game appeal.

>> No.18894677

Based musicologist reprimanding the White supremacist for wrong think

>> No.18894681

when im suffering i always think depressing thoughts

>> No.18894717
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Sometimes I am overwhelmed with thoughts but my hand is not fast enough to capture it on paper or on the computer. I suppose I need to practice my speed but it is highly annoying to get these strong links jumping from one mountain top to another only to have lost the trajectory once I attempt to record them.

>> No.18894721

As someone who doesn't care about or follow American politics beyond a more abstract and surface level, the reaction to the Matt Gaetz scandal has finally convinced me the horseshoe theory is absolutely true.

>> No.18894726

Mostly tards. I have made a few friends from it, but no one I go out with or anything. I have just been making friends at bars around my apartment. It could be worse but I guess I just feel out of place still.

>> No.18894746
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Ayyy I got a payment notification from Amazon and I don't have a campaign running, that means me floundering around on social media being a doofus is paying off.
Didn't really write tonight since I'm entertaining guests but I have been exposed to what amounts to pure sugar so I feel a little bit more confident in the path I'm taking.
So much to do, so little time.

>> No.18894806
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this guy has quite a tragic story. hardcore libertarian who ends up bailing out banks for millions of dollars, going against his own word and ideals

>> No.18894817

Have you considered that maybe you are wrong and the dog is right, the children deserve to be mauled?

I've had overexcited dogs who mauled kids when given the chance and we were able to integrate it into our dog lifestyle that you pull the leash tight when stupid kids get near and try to pet her. Every walk was a bit more of a pain in the ass because you have to be ready for the moron to run off into traffic after a squirrel or jump a kid who comes out of nowhere but eventually it's muscle memory.

Could you armor up a midget and do some slow exposure therapy?

>> No.18894839

this one's really good, reminds me of sam hyde like the other anon said

>> No.18894858

The only thing is look forward to is bi-weekly therapy session.

>> No.18894871

>"Hurry the FUCK up!" i say in an odd cadence that surprised us both

>> No.18894878

is the therapist hot?

>> No.18894879
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Ahhhhh I fucking hate teenagers. I'm only 23 but I already despise these subhumans. A group of them are outside my house right now being typical inconsiderate, loud, and unpredictable shitheads.
But it is fun to listen to their conversations and remember. It's extremely cringe but familiar. The big deal and big plans over completely inconsequential things like the "party", the coordinating like they are going on a grand mission. The horde of names thrown around, as they are still in that environment where everybody has to know everybody else. Typical female drama and gossip. The loud screaming and moans trying to make themselves seem bigger and more masculine like monkeys in front of their friends.
Was i like this once? Can't remember. I hope I wasn't otherwise I should have gotten my ass kicked.
Now they are leaving finally and I can return to doing nothing on a late Saturday night. They had to blast loud music on their exit of course, who can forget that.
I started with hating them now I just feel bad. They have no idea what's coming.

>> No.18894915

Eh, shes like 6/10 but has that homely look.

>> No.18894953
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I hate the word "greedily"

>> No.18894992
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The only person I have ever loved is considering becoming a nun in a convent. She has such a diaphanous heart that I am not surprised, but I know that if she really becomes a Carmelite nun I will never find anyone who has at the same time that graceful beauty, that limpid ingenuity, that solid intelligence, that deep sensitivity and that taste for virtue which makes the saints. She knows my love and if she has enough esteem and affection for me to the point of inviting me to her home and introducing me to her brothers, sisters and parents, but I don't know the degree of inclination that drives her to the contemplative life. I hold her as dear as the iris of my eyes, so I am in a terrible state of expectation and I can only wait for all the decantations to take place in her soul. For me, who dislikes uncertainty, this is very unpleasant and I feel like I am floating like a vague cloud on a vague expanse.

>> No.18894999

I turn 24 in ten days and feel like killing myself. I refuse to spend my birthday sitting at home doing nothing.
I have $2500. Give me a place in the world to travel too for 3 weeks

>> No.18895014

>Give me a place in the world to travel too for 3 weeks
>to travel too for
how about grammar school you fucking retard

>> No.18895023

hey man, i'm the guy who just called you a retard. i want to say i'm sorry, i dont know why i am being so rude. but you should do something more responsible with that money and use it to help you get ahead. times are only gonna get harder economically

>> No.18895027
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>unironic grammar policing on 4chan
I need too really try too understand they're mind set

>> No.18895037

I'm wasting away my youth.
I'm wasting too much time inside of my head.
I'm beginning to think I may be mentally ill, I remember that when I was a teenager I used to check around my house looking for cameras, because I constantly felt observed, and even to this day, I sometimes feel as if someone was watching me, or following me.

>> No.18895059

He's a dumbass, if he had swallowed his ego a bit earlier, Lehman would have been saved and the Great Recession wouldn't have happened.

Did you also watch the Frontline doc?

>> No.18895063

he's not a dumb ass, did you miss the part about moral hazard? Did you miss the part where the banks went straight back to the risky casino banking that almost destroyed the entire financial system knowing they were now "too big to fail?"

if you make bad bets you're meant to LOSE in capitalism

>> No.18895064

I think it would be extraordinarily funny if Leonardo DiCaprio got syphilis or AIDS.

>> No.18895066

u mad there are actual hot women out there?

>> No.18895108

I love women, but I don't respect them.

>> No.18895219
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How important would you say male height is for women?
My friend introduced me to this cute girl yesterday and we had a good time drinking and talking, and at one point I was about to get up to get more drinks and I thought:
''now I'll stand up and she'll see I'm barely 5'7 and the good impression I made will have been for nothing"
Do you think manletism can be a deal breaker for some women?

>> No.18895258

it's very important, and it will be a deal breaker for many women

>> No.18895259

>How important would you say male height is for women?
It is a greypill situation. For a portion of women it is enough that their partner be taller than them, for many others though the "you must be at least 6foot to ride this pussy" rule I real.

There are women who like short men, but you need to realize they aren't normal and it isn't them being okay with short men but actually specific fetish that is likely part of a complex of other fetishes including things like forced feminization.

>> No.18895263

>How important would you say male height is for women?

It is very important for them and they also have a culture of making themselves think it's important because other girls are saying it and they don't want to be left out. But you can still get all kinds of success by trying anyway.

You will be most out of luck if you are trying to fuck thots on Tinder as a hookup guy. Those women are specifically looking for conventional abstract Chads and not unique guys, at least at first. Most of them will get bogged down in the uniqueness and emotional vicissitudes of particular Chads or demi-Chads they hook up with and end up dating some, but the problem is that initial screening process where they are looking for abstract cartoon chad alpha male qualities, and height is one of them. You can still find thots who don't care or who are so slutty they will give you a shot anyway especially if you have other assets. But you have a starting malus against you for not being 6'2".

You will be least out of luck when it comes to dating women the old fashioned way, through genuine connections and not looking for hookups. There since you aren't looking for thots the women are more likely to be holistic in their judgments. Beware though, many of them transition to this (and begin bragging about how they're not like other girls because of it) only after being a whore thot.

It affects you most with thots, least with healthy women, especially if you're not meeting over dating apps where they can screen you based on abstract parameters because they're living in one long haze of whorishness. Don't let it dog you either way, but if you plan on fucking thots, accept that it's a starter -30% to your charisma and yes 6'+ guys are getting more "freebie" swipes than you just for being 6'.

You can also lie. It's not good to lie a lot but lots of men do it. I've even had women who were clearly 5'6 and 5'7 tell me they were 5'9 and 5'10 and shit like that, I think because they were comparing themselves with a long train of 5'7-5'9 guys who just lie like fuck. If you're only going to fuck the girl, say you're 5'9 and wear shoes that give you an extra inch or some shit.

>> No.18895316

my younger sister thinks im a bad person and im no human, kek. it was fun while it lasted. it's no problem, im gonna leave this shithole soon anyway. i dont care about anyone, not even a family

>> No.18895329

Based effortpost

>> No.18895419
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Let me guess, you came from a small boring/shithole town - likely in the Midwest or some dead rural region in bumfuck nowhere - where you felt trapped and wanted to escape to live the glamorous life?

Been there and got the scars to prove it. This is what I told myself when I moved to LA (to attend UCLA) and the city destroyed my soul and turned me into a neurotic shell of myself. Also made me realize the true nature of people and the corrosive life of cities as being a bunch of bugmen packed like sardines. Damn shame because LA and California at large were paradise on earth a couple decades ago.

I'm now moving to Chicago to attend UChicago, to probably make the same mistake. I think the city is more tolerable - Midwestern vibes, not as fake, more affordable. But UChicago is near the south side and students have been shot and killed practically once a year. Oh, and we have mandatory vaccination policies and still have to wear masks to all our classes! The city also re-introduced its mask mandate policy. It's so tiresome.

With all due respect anon, moving to a new city to start a new life is usually a mistake, doubly so if you don't know anybody there and have to rely on co-workers to make friends - very hit or miss. You are in the largest city in the US with endless opportunities but you will feel more alone with yourself. Now with the pandemic, you lose all the social and recreational opportunities and have to pay up the ass without any of the city benefits. With minor exceptions, meeting people of the opposite sex through bars will not lead to meaningful relationships, neither will dating apps and those are usually the only options. Grad school is my last chance to find wife material.

>It could be worse but I guess I just feel out of place still.
Of course. Even natives barely have roots anymore. Transplants will NEVER have them. If you want to feel at place, you could've gone to a state school with or around your childhood friends and stayed in the region while finding a mid-sized city nearby. Wisconsin has Milwaukee, Ohio has Columbus, Michigan has Ann Arbor, etc. This is it used to be and why boomers have long-lasting best friends.

>> No.18895428

true and it's a shame, I'd like to dump my art folder somewhere

>> No.18895431

I want to quit my job and read for 8 hours every day instead

>> No.18895458

Thank God I didn't attend this school. I got accepted to all the UCs except Berkeley as a transfer student and was trying to decide between them. Visited the campus and LA and felt like I wanted to kill myself. No amount of added prestige to university name was worth spending 2-3 years there for me.
>t. Davis cow fucker

>> No.18895502

Westwood seemed amazing when I briefly visited for a two-day admissions tour. Brentwood was nearby too. Was too retarded to actually visit LA proper though so I stuck by my 18 year old naive image of the city. Always thought UC San Diego would've been best for me, but Davis would be a close second. As an out-of-state student I was too obsessed with national rankings and prestige to consider anything besides UCB and UCLA though. Guess I learned my lesson.
At least I didn't go to USC, right?

>> No.18895509

I've seen manlets in a happy relationship with good looking girls who were shorter than they were, but it was 10+ years ago and not in the USA. Things now are exponentially worse.

>> No.18895510
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I think I'm gonna give up on trying to 'court' girls. Thought I had a chance with this one girl but after having an awkward moment with her whom I thought was also interested in me ended up being a dud has sent me a reality check.
I'm just embarrassed altogether. I just wanna curl up and disappear.

>> No.18895515

>The only person I have ever loved is considering becoming a nun in a convent.
That's my fetish!

>> No.18895518


>> No.18895525

What the absolute fuck happened in that video?

>> No.18895530

My whole body hurts when I wake up

>> No.18895542

Well, it's not mine, although I'll be happy if it helps to accomplish her salvation.

>> No.18895550
File: 2.78 MB, 576x720, 1602468902482 lonely cat.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just finished reading war and peace and the epilogue reminded me of pic related when it comes to learning about history
all those events were so long ago yet it feels as if they happened just last week

>> No.18895563

I have days where I disassociate like life is a dream I can't wake up from and when I see the people who love me I wonder if they can tell I'm currently a disembodied prisoner watching my body interact with them

>> No.18895611

having a female friend take some guy home to get railed feels like being cucked, even if I have no interest in her

>> No.18895612

>having a female friend
Nigga you clearly gay and getting cucked BY your friend.

>> No.18895615

this video is fucking killing me

>> No.18895676

the trick is to fuck every female friend you make and destroy any chance at having a normal platonic relationship, thus ensuring that every social event you go to for the next number of years is made awkward by the lingering consequences of your own lack of self control

>> No.18895729

>feels like being cucked
because it is

>> No.18895760
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I have downloaded too many ebooks and I don't know what to read. I feel like if I chose one, I'll end up wasting my time because there's always something more valuable that I could read. I hate this feeling because long time ago, when I was young I used to read a lot of fiction, nowadays, I can't make up my mind and simply procrastinate.

>> No.18895770

i hate that i'm in love

>> No.18895848

>girls I went to high school with are posting about how a guy from said school is sending the same copy paste date-request to literally everyone, several times on different platforms
>”hah, what a fucking loser”
>switch windows to jack off to big tits futanari hentai

>> No.18895874
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Why do I have the impulse to insult girls to the point of severe self-image damage (for her) whenever they don't fit my expectations?

>> No.18895890

becuz ur B453D

>> No.18895938

Just pick a book and read it. Think about what book to read once you've finished reading that one. Just keep doing that and one day you'll work it out.

>> No.18895996

You don't like girls. You like fantasy. You'd prefer no girls exist if it allowed you to keep fantasizing instead of being social. Being social involves other people, and they have not been informed of the script they are meant to read for your fantasy, because they are not you. The person you're interested in is you. You're AGP without the skirt.

>> No.18896003


>> No.18896012

I just lost the game

>> No.18896044

Dreamed that I was reading a NEETzsche excerpt (I hate NEETzsche) and it said "when the room is full of furniture..." and I was in a room full of furniture, the sunlight broken on dozens of surfaces, then it said "but when the room is empty..." and I was in the same room, now empty, a white flare shining through the window, then it said "for radiance is akin to what one is".

>> No.18896055

5:37 am, time to sleep

>> No.18896072

>Dreamed that I was reading a NEETzsche excerpt (I hate NEETzsche) and it said "when the room is full of furniture..." and I was in a room full of furniture
Fichte is trying to talk to you:
>What sort of philosophy one chooses depends, therefore, on what sort of man one is; for a philosophical system is not a dead piece of furniture that we can accept or reject as we wish, it is rather a thing animated by the soul of the person who holds it.
Fichte's a troll, don't talk back.

>> No.18896148

Tijuana or Thailand

>> No.18896399

just finished writing a short story about a girl who was obsessed w/me when i was 8. i have no idea if i should publish it on my wordpress, though. it almost seems to personal to be considered literature

>> No.18896460

I’m starting to realize my aspiration to make manga is stupid and probably not ever going to happen.

>> No.18896463

put in an envelope and drop it in a random mailbox

>> No.18896504

Well if you don't draw shit, yeah

>> No.18896601

I do draw, but that’s not why it’s stupid. It’s stupid because I’m a baka gaijin with a whole bunch of other aspirations that aren’t exactly aligned.

>> No.18896658

Evola didn’t understand Nietzsche because he didn’t understand aesthetics and more importantly, he didn’t understand tragedy.

>> No.18896684

Do you think that everyone who "understands" Nietzsche would agree with him on every point? Why is it not OK for Evola simply not to agree with Nietzsche on certain points? This isn't even specific to these two, I see it happen all the time with different authors who are related to each other. It's desirable for people to stop using "x didn't understand y" and just accepting that people are allowed to divert from a given view if they have their reasons. I'm pretty sure Nietzsche basically encouraged this sentiment all throughout his writings. He wasn't establishing a cult (that is probably closer to what Evola did).

>> No.18896691
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Father Seraphim Rose was right.
UFOs are demons preparing the world to worship the Antichrist. People are trained to look for a savior from the material world instead of Christ.
You can see it very clearly in propaganda movies like Arrival. It is very blatant NWO programming. Give up your religion, your national identity, form a one world government and embrace the "extraterrestrial aliens" and their woman prophet as your saviors.

>> No.18896740

>it's because I don't want to dedicate myself to it

>> No.18896869

I refuse to grow up despite being almost 30.

>> No.18896971

Why are you reading into and greentexting something that wasn’t said?

>> No.18896992

How do we know Christ is the one though?

>> No.18897024

i'd rather do that with my music. the kids are more bound to think it's an ARG

>> No.18897076

Only the Triune God of Christianity transcends the dialectic of unity vs multiplicity. Other religions are simply either monistic or pluralistic, neither of which can fully account for the nature of reality. The God revealed to us through Christianity is above this dialectic. He is both one and many. Three persons in perfect holy communion with each other.

>> No.18897105

Fall in love too easily and incapable of creating connections, one shimmer of attention and a false feeling of chemistry appears. No sense of reality

>> No.18897170
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Lads I'm getting tired of it all, the insincerity and smugness that more and more people hold. Of course it could be said that it's all just online, and this is partly true. I want to say more things, but I don't have the words, I just know people are fucking themselves up and speak in foreign memetic tongues when you try to warn them. I'm almost certain that with sufficient funds I could double the population of schizophrenics, just by making schizophrenia funny and accesible. Freud was right and I need to move to a mansion on the outskirts of SinoParis ASAP, I will soon go insane in the West that mandates I carry a highly advanced QR reader everywhere. In book terms, Des Esseintes is literally me

>> No.18897173

I’ve been wanting to lose weight the past 2 weeks, but I can’t get my diet right. I’m in this mood where cooking isn’t something I want to spend time doing so I buy food that takes seconds to prep, but then I go on binges and just eat a ton of it cause it’s easy to make. Not to mention I get invited out to eat by coworkers at lunch or for dinner with friends and I can’t control myself when I go and get something small to keep my daily calories down. It’s frustrating but I see the problem for what it is now, and I can see a change is necessary.

>> No.18897218
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Recommend me a book

>> No.18897228

this one desu! >>18896691

>> No.18897245


Thanks. Arrival is actually in my top 10 favourite movies. Weird

>> No.18897302

I stole from my parents
Don't worry
I am planning my exile already
This is where life begins
Living in a tent in the park
I want to suffer
I want to be a drug fiend
I want to be a DEGENERATE
I was born with everything
I will die with nothing
Don't worry
I'm still smiling
I will til the end

>> No.18897326

Guys on dirt bikes make me horny. I really like the shape of dirt bike helmets.

>> No.18897346
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It often seems like the years I grew up in were based on a lie, civilization-wise. I grew up in an apartment with my mother and father, an anomaly considering how usual multigenerational households were in the past. I grew up in a time where political violence was still a distant memory or only happened rather far from home; today it's increasingly returning to the norm. I grew up at the tail end of an economic boom; today my economic perspectives have never looked bleaker. I grew up in a relatively liberal, levelminded world; yet nowadays society seems to have broken up not only on political lines but pretty much on reality-based ones: we no longer just irreconciliably disagree on what SHOULD be but on what IS. And it seems like it's been this way for most of humanity's history except for that insulated little bubble that was the post WW2 west. And now reality is catching up.

>> No.18897360

I have recently started to approach my religion more seriously, embracing Christ, reading the scripture and simultaneously being more mindful of myself, catching myself when I am about to do something I know to be wrong and trying to push myself. But at the same time things seems to turn against my efforts in a comical manner. Every step I seem to take in the right direction seems to receive an answer in the form of rejection by others, my tools breaking, my body giving out or my mental health failing me. I dont know what to think about all this. An obvious thought was that god is testing me. But I am not so sure anymore.
I understand the life is suffering and that you have to gather strenght in things which are meaningful to you. But what do you do if there is nothing there in this world, nothing to catch your heart an make you push through?

For the longest time I thought I knew what is important to me, where I am going and why I am doing this. Fact is, I know nothing.

>> No.18897383
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All of the various political and social movements promoted in the media, from "woke" ideology to Marxism to neoconservatism to liberalism to Zionism to globalism, from LGBT and BLM and feminism and covid "vaccines" to aliens and new age spirituality and witchcraft and charismatic revivalism, all of these things are social engineering experiments designed to target different groups of people and drive them all towards one goal: to worship the Antichrist. To submit to the beast system.

>> No.18897418

Some Orthodox Christians have said that the more you strive to move towards Christ, the harder the demons will attack you. They make it clear that it is not an easy path, but it is the right one.

>> No.18897578
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My dad keeps passive aggressively suggesting that I get the covid vaccine.
I don't know why he is like this. He says that he is a Christian but he seems to put his faith in the world instead of God. He seems very attached to the system and what the establishment tells him and the material things.

>> No.18897589

This has to be my favorite telling of the history of liberal arts.

>> No.18897595

Yeah, this behavior seems common among boomers and gen X lately

>> No.18897600

I often feel this way too but I have committed to the good because it is good and not because of any rewards. Maybe God needs our help and needs us to keep the faith even when He can't send us visible rewards for it. Maybe every person who keeps or increases their faith despite there being no "reason" to is a major victory against evil.

Either way I hate evil because it's evil and I would serve the good even if evil had already "won" (impossible).

>> No.18897608

Why are you pretending you're trying at something you said you'd given up on? Making it in a highly competitive industry requires a lot of dedication, and most people who think they would like it baulk the second they realize the reality of what they would need to do. It's probably what you're doing too.

>> No.18897609

>I don't know why he is like this. He says that he is a Christian but he seems to put his faith in the world instead of God

I don't understand this logic. "If you take the vaccine it means you didn't trust God". Like, fuck, if you got a fucking disease would you pray it away or take the goddamn medicine? God might as well have made the means so vaccines and medication could be made and put it onto your lap and you're actually refusing an act of providence because you built your identity around internet schizos.

>> No.18897615

Possibly he's worried about you and having intrusive thoughts of you sick and hurt, and can't express it directly. Maybe even to himself. So he's venting his own irritation at the unwinnable situation in a mixed up way that doesn't really capture his feelings, which just leads to further irritation, which bottles up until he feels compelled to make a side comment about it again. It's easy to be cavalier when you're young and sometimes that's exasperating for the people who care about you. It's not just you you're potentially hurting, in his mind, by not getting the vaccine. He may feel you're rolling a hundred sided die with one side that says "You lose your son forever." Doesn't mean he's right or wrong about the vax or covid, but if that's how he thinks, imagine how he feels.

>> No.18897622


>> No.18897629

I didn’t say I had given up on it, only that I had come to certain realizations. So I didn’t even say what you’re suggesting I said.

>> No.18897642

>I’m starting to realize my aspiration to make manga is stupid and probably not ever going to happen

>> No.18897645

How do I cope with my low sex drive? No one wants to adapt to it long term and so whenever I actually get horny, there's no one to share that with.
Other people are fucking bonobos brehs, men AND women.

>> No.18897725

As you enter your middle years you realize you became something you never intended.

>> No.18897748

I'm observing just that in my early twenties.

>> No.18897759

I finally did it baldingbros; I got my head shaved all the way down to the skin. Feels pretty good and looks decent too. Had my worries but I'm pretty happy with the result.

>> No.18897767

I still don't know what I want to become, and I'm 22.

>> No.18897800
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>shaving head
pleb tier
patrician tier

>> No.18897804

Head empty
No brain

>> No.18897808

I'm going to finish and polish all the short stories I left unfinished and publish them in some website. I'm going to the gym to work out to become presentable so I can at least try and use my image to market them and use the halo effect on my favor.

Once I get a reasonable following, I'm going to publish a collection of some of those short stories with a few new ones. If that succeeds, I'm going to publish on the website a serialized novella, and, finally, publish an actual novel.

Wish me luck.

>> No.18897810

Remember to check the front page and report off-topic threads, troll threads, low quality threads, politics bait threads, etc. Help keep the board about literature lest everyone leaves and you'll be left with r*dditors only.

>> No.18897818

I remember becoming the omega in middle school, Mr. Popular becomes the unknown pariah in one year. Even the lowest castes of school knew where to find the public punching bag. It's the common belief that the experience toughens one's skin; builds character and enforced the need to stand up for oneself. I learned something altogether different, being the lowest of the low on the totem pole.
Any comeback, regardless of quality or logic, faces the mocking mob mentality. Girls that sent my heart fluttering offered only sneering looks and condescending remarks. Even the outsiders, geeks without a fandom, pulled no punches, worse yet they jabbed and spat with vitriol a fresh-faced teenager could scarcely imagine. How is it possible, I wondered, that so many could hate? That not a single soul would offer respite or protection? Even the teachers conveniently ignored the bullies or offered little beyond a slap on the wrist when forced to act.
The years came and went, the students grew up and moved on. I made friends with new faces and clung to their friendship as an overboard sailor to a life preserver. A small trio of jocks were the only bullies left and they were easily dissuaded, more interested in provoking each other than a gangly loser. I could think only of one who apologized for bullying me, ironically enough the most aggressive of the lot. The rest pretended those four years of torturing me did not exist. Perhaps they had truly grown up and bore the guilt? No, the monsters grew up and learned to be polite.
I learned to hate people and it's turned me into a social chameleon. Shake hands and smile, laugh at jokes, compliment a woman's appearance or praise a man's accomplishments. It's a mask disguising hatred and disgust for these people who would gladly cut my throat if their peers cheered them on.

>> No.18897828

teach my self
my self teach
self teach my

>> No.18897838
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Because the covid "vaccine" (if one can even call this gene editing scam a vaccine) is a preparation for the mark of the beast. It is about destroying the image of God in man (same reason for the masks covering your face) and altering your DNA. It is about submission to the beast system. They are already talking about not allowing people to buy or sell without the vaccine.
They also used aborted children in making the vaccine.

>> No.18897855

Rough, but I like it.

>> No.18897861

Also, Saint Paisios predicted in the 1980s that there will be a mandatory vaccine one day and he warned people not to submit.

>> No.18897862

I think visual art is superior to literature.

>> No.18897879

what about books with pictures to supplement the text

>> No.18897888

What about them? The visual art is still superior to the written text.

>> No.18897895

After all this time, I’m still as lost and confused as I’ve always been.

>> No.18897919

Where does ideogrammatic calligraphy come in?

>> No.18897941


there's already been mandatory vaccines. you're reading into hucksters, and religion is a breeding ground for them. Joel Osteen and his lot are millionaires to prove it.

>> No.18897950

I am not interested in the satanist fraud Joel Olsteen. I am interested in Orthodoxy.

>> No.18897952

Everything is fake and gay.

>> No.18898011

Are you from Eastern Europe, or descended from there? Because if not, you're a larper.

>> No.18898055
File: 168 KB, 900x889, E1OJH_IVUAAkdKe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, I don't object to the vaccine itself, I object to the precedent it is setting that the state can "medicate" you "for your own good." Agamben has gone completely fucking insane about this recently as recent threads have shown, and for good reason. If you're a real student of Foucault's biopolitics, or anything philosophically similar about the "management" of the human being down to his constituent atoms by the technocratic state and its neoliberal skin-suit, you should be terrified.

But of course, all the "students of Foucault" at today's universities are flouridated docile cattle whose only instinct is to listen to the smart talking heads on MSNBC. The polished ethnically ambiguous rich people told me it's good, and they're so "sophisticated," it must be good.

All of this is a run-off of neoliberal consensus culture, politics as entertainment, starting with comedians like Jon Stewart. The goal was to spread the diseased conformity culture of coastal elite socialites to the much more independent and "off the grid" mentalities of the rural and producer states. The internet, TV, and social media especially allowed every flyover joe schmoe to think he's tapped into the "right side of history," to feel like he's a part of the smug coastal elite set if he chidingly regurgitates their opinions to someone who hasn't "caught up yet."

They are using these zombies to push more and more docility, more and more complaisance and compliance about the therapeutic state running your life. Of course they would do it first with something relatively benign. But tomorrow it's 5 mandatory booster shots. Then it's 10. Then it's that you need to be on them forever. Then it's state medication of "insurgents." Then it's state gene modification to promote "wellness." The antichrist is coming.

>> No.18898062

Would you midwits stop with the “only Eastern Europeans can be Orthodox” meme. You heard it somewhere once and just accepted it as fact. It’s not true, never has been true, and it doesn’t even make sense according to Orthodox Church history. Shut up.

>> No.18898064

There is orthodox church in places outside EE. Besides which it's not like the church started there, and Christianity is a universalist religion so anyone can join a church

>> No.18898065
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>> No.18898125


>t. Vitaly

>> No.18898137


And yet you still read into the hucksters.
If you don't want the vax, don't get it. Don't act like you're on some pedestal, however, because a couple people said it's the mark when people have been claiming the mark for as long as Christ has been savior.

>> No.18898162

Strongly disagree.
t. painter

>> No.18898205
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>> No.18898209

I feel like I’m going to burst

>> No.18898221

Not him but I wouldn't put it that way. I think it's naive to think that someone's experimenting on people. That would mean there is a tiny minority of people who can be overcome. I don't think it's that simple. I think the current state of the world is just what happens when people are so comfortable and so self-satisfied that they have collectively decided that they are too important to follow anyone but their own selves, which means their lowest instincts, and not lowest in the sense of vile but lowest in the sense of primitive. We're in an era of absolute and deep narcissism, but this was never imposed upon people, if anything this is the natural state of people. The great men of the past were doing work to mitigate this, but people have constantly rejected them and killed them and they undid their work. Ennobling humanity has always been an uphill struggle and the way I see it we've simply run out of good people. The ones who are left who could do good have decided it's not worth it. And those who try are curbed before they even start because the masses of ignorant and primitive people who think they know better are too loud and too strong.
Do people meet Satan when they live according to these low level instincts? It could be, it could be not. But nobody's telling people do be like this. People have decided on their own. They are just too lazy and indolent for me to believe they are struggling against a negative force.

>> No.18898223

I'm going to snap

>> No.18898237

I'm going to be taking a break from weed smoking for a bit.
I apologize for having to temporarily disobey my title.

>> No.18898240
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>> No.18898257

I can’t keep working this normal boring job in this normal boring life anymore. Everything about myself and my life and the world around me is so inadequate, I want to fold. If this is fundamentally inescapable then perhaps opting out of all of it would be the best option. The realization of fundamental average-ness is just too much to bear.

>> No.18898261
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>> No.18898296

when you start smoking again you can just order us all to forget that you ever took a break
now THAT is how you live up to your title

>> No.18898303


>> No.18898372

If you think it's the job, just switch.
And what is it you want out of life? Average is what you're going to get if you're lucky desu.

>> No.18898458
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The people I've grown up with and loved my whole life are moving away and it seems that I'm the only one who's aware of this era of our lives ending. I know this is life, and that life moves on, and that things come and go, but nevertheless, it's still brutally painful. I'll miss my brothers a lot.

>> No.18898515

I felt some of your sadness through your post. Cute dog and I hope she is/was special for your family at a special time. It's always strange to look back and see a whole era of our lives as orphaned or forgotten, because it's so thick and meaningful and qualitatively real in the memory, it's not just a series of memories collectively bunched together but a real thing that was really there.

I don't think anything like this is lost. Our souls take these experiences up. Our lives are about heaping up so much experience and possibility that our souls will have eons to spend understanding and fully integrating them. The bittersweetness of this is that we're never quite riding of the tide of our own lives, we're alternately treading water or drowning in it, and it seems impossible that something so qualitatively real and significant as the wave formation or tide that just dominated our existence for years could be only a fluid aggregate in the ocean of life, fading away into indistinctness. But it's all real if you ask me. For you, for your brothers, and for the cute dog. It just has to remain latent until we're deep enough to understand it all.

>> No.18898614
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Is there anything more worse than writing a well-thought-out excerpt you put time and effort into to help an anon out and nobody responds?

>> No.18898626

I get every shred of my self-worth from (you)s on 4chan, I understand your pain anon, it's a horrible feeling and I want to die every time I don't get a quality (you) for an effortpost, it hurts so fucking much.

>> No.18898635
File: 507 KB, 640x802, 1626994475859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if everyone is hearing the thoughts in my head all of the time but say nothing.

>> No.18898636

What's wrong anon?

>> No.18898649

I'm usually good in getting (you)s without trying to bait.
I do feel bad when I see a post go without a single (you)
Just know that I read it and maybe even like it but I can't reply to all good posts.

>> No.18898660

Thank you anon, you write well.
I'm still a young man so I still have plenty of life left to live and experiences to experience, and I've never been one to vent to others, but seeing those you love leave really is something painful and hard to fully grasp. It's the feeling having those to share a cup of coffee with and share all your mistakes with suddenly vanishing from your life.

>> No.18898674

I'm snap anon.
I post that from time to time, mostly because I dread facing a weeks worth of work on Sunday.
The wagie work cycle is getting to me. I need more from life and work than just the meager money I make. I need a goal. Most likely a family of my own and a house etc. But those things seem harder and harder to get. If this cycle continues without a prospect of something better I am going to snap

>> No.18898709

we are the thoughts in your head

>> No.18898714

Oh ok, I only lurk off and on so I don't know all of the regulars here. I understand the struggle, and I hope you are able to persevere.

>> No.18898725

I'm autistic as shit and find it hard to relate to people. My brain's broken, and while I wouldn't change it I find it hard to live around people. I want to go off the grid mode and have been taking steps to make it happen - my biggest fantasy is to die completely unnoticed.

Aside from this I'm pretty happy, which is nice.

>> No.18898726

I really wish I wasn’t so interested in Japan…

>> No.18898760

Why? That's a cool interest to have.

>> No.18898769

God bless each and every one of you

>> No.18898789

You too fren

>> No.18898823

Now that's a worrying quote.

>> No.18898843

God bless, anon.

>> No.18898845

The more time I spend among healthy, normal people on my college campus, the stronger my conviction that I should drop out and live innawoods becomes. I don't have any delusions of grandeur or beliefs like Uncle Ted - I'm just a mentally ill guy who's losing hope that he will ever recover, and even if I do, there is a good argument that I shouldn't produce offspring since I have bad genes, so it would all be for naught even if I continue.

I just don't know what to do anymore. At least when a boy gets cancer, people feel sympathy for him. I've been an emotionless husk for 7 years and not only does no one care, but it's impossible to even explain to people why it sucks, you look so dramatic and no one understands. I just don't know right now. Why persist in a world that clearly wasn't designed for you?

>> No.18898885

Why? I suppose it’s hard to explain why. There’s nothing actually wrong with taking an interest in another country or culture, but I guess I think I take it too far and feel it too inwardly, too intensely. There is something wrong with being confused over how interested you are to the point that you want to participate in it, even though you’re not of it. For example, I’m an adult westerner with no interest in comics and yet, I love manga. I love manga so much that a part of me wants to make manga. And then there’s a part of me that actually thinks somewhat little of manga and both despises and feels embarrassed over my manga aspiration and love. It’s like I have this desire for things of the culture that I can’t reconcile in myself because I know it’s not my culture. I’m a total weeb and I want to be, but I also don’t want to be.

>> No.18898892

I’m not sure I have an answer for you because I don’t know what it is, but I do know that you’re not alone in feeling this way. I’ve felt this way, similarly at least, for most of my life.

>> No.18898909

Completely out of focus though: that's not the coronameme virus, it's SSRIs. That's literally what they do to you, they suck your soul away so you feel nothing and you can finally endure this shit life and be productive.

>> No.18898943

I took a 5~ year break from playing and writing music (got married, had a kid) and am only now getting back into it. Forcing myself to write and play is so hard, especially because I can feel how much worse I am now than I was back then. It'd be so easy to turn my brain off and play a videogame.

>> No.18898948

I was just thinking and feeling this with math. It's like the math pushes back when I try to push into it and my body says "i'm so sleepy, let's play video games instead." Fuck you, I'm getting math back.

>> No.18899007

I know this feel and have a story to tell. I was BIG into smashing pumpkins back in the day. When they got back together, I was stoked and got tickets to see them at the american in SF.

Fast forward to the show and it's good, but... I didn't feel anything. People around me were flipping their shit and screaming and having a blast but... nothing. It was mind boggling to me that I couldn't appreciate this moment more. I started hating myself for not being happier. I started tearing up and left the show early.

You're not alone. Some of us are just more emotionally flat than others. It's actually a great strength as you get older... the people with emotional responses are the ones management doesn't trust.

>> No.18899023

Keep at it, anon. There's more to life than video games.

>> No.18899025

Sometimes I need to turn my brain off and play a video game. Well, okay. It doesn’t have to be a video game but really anything other than thinking. Sometimes I wind myself up so tight that I can’t make heads or tails of anything and I find the only things that shake me lose are total passive immersion into something like a video game or hard physical activity.

>> No.18899043

I'm similar tho I'm not so much wound up as... exhausted. It's why I keep smoking weed even though I'm a parent... weed forces you to shut up and be present whether it's a video game or a movie or sex or whatever. 3x a week I lift, smoke a joint in the shower, then degen until going to sleep. Would recommend.

>> No.18899066
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>> No.18899092

Are you >>18898725 ?
I thought that was a neat coincidence. The main difference between you and me I guess is that I was normal for a long time. Then I just changed. Not overnight, but very slowly, and for no perceivable reason. I can tell you exactly what it's like to have friends and enjoy their company, and it makes the current charade that I fill my days with now look like a joke. Well, when I'm alone at my parents' house, it feels normal enough since I just spend it all on 4chan, but when I am at college and socializing, or when I read books, it puts a bright spotlight on how I should be feeling versus how I actually feel. And do you know how it feels to try and blend in when you're really mentally ill? It's like lying to everyone's faces, all the time, that's what it feels like. So you either become a hermit or you continue living a lie.

My mind goes back to some Roman (probably Cicero) who wrote that men should in accordance with nature, and when a man falls sufficiently out of line with nature, taking one's life becomes an option, and even an ethical one, since forcing people to carry out a life with abysmal chances of happiness against their will is morally dubious in itself unless you have some greater moral authority telling you that it's an evil act by nature and you're going to hell if you do it.
Having those strange moments of emotional emptiness is pretty common I think. Conventional wisdom says we're only supposed to get really emotional at things that matter, but all the time we feel nothing during important moments like a kiss or sex, while we can have extreme emotion out of nowhere due to seeing how pretty the snow looks outside or hearing a really good song. I actually used to feel that way about cartoons when I was a child, and I was really embarrassed about it, about being so sensitive. In a strange way, I am pretty sensitive, but that part of my brain is like turned off or something. I haven't felt it properly in a while.

>> No.18899094

Whenever I feel like this I start browsing video games and I tell myself I can blow some savings for a video game but I cannot find a single thing I am remotely interested in playing.
cute, looks like he's smiling in the end

>> No.18899105

>Some of us are just more emotionally flat than others.
I think one shouldn't blame himself for this. It's this weird social environment that is doing this.

>> No.18899107

I always fall back on Skyrim or Breath of the Wild of I want to play but don’t know what to play.

>> No.18899113

No. Different people.

>> No.18899130

Ahh, so you don't have autism then. Depression or something. Right?

>> No.18899177

For some reason, I've been developing sympathies towards Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao, among other dictators.

>> No.18899178

Don’t know. I’m not clinically diagnosed with anything. I’ve just felt alienated and disinterested in most ordinary things since I was a kid.

>> No.18899188

a lot of people say the world is crazy and it gets pretty old but that doesn't mean it's wrong

>> No.18899233

Well, same, but so long as you have real interest in some things then that's good. There's a world of difference between being interested in some weird stuff like Neofolk or the occult and thinking other stuff is boring versus just not finding things interesting as a whole. I used to believe that I was the former, but lately I've realized I'm a lot closer to the latter.

>> No.18899250

I used to like these open-ended games too but these days I have this feeling that I should get as much "bang for the buck" as possible. Videogames cannot offer this by design, especially the free roaming ones, since if they were entirely on rails they would be terrible videogames. But even very linear and scripted games, I cannot play. They're just not interesting and I don't care about the gameplay. So I'm watching old movies every now and then lately, but very rarely. Videogames seem to have completely lost all their draw.

>> No.18899276

I don’t know if I have a real interest in things to be honest with you. I’ve never confidently felt like I was interested in, let alone supposed to do anything in particular at all. For sure, I have a handful of things I could say “I like this” or “I want to do that” but if I step back and really examine it, I wonder “do I really?” “then why aren’t I already?” and it flies away. I think I’m right there with you on the latter.

>> No.18899390

I wonder if there is a difference between enjoying a thing and having an interest in it, or if they are synonymous. Honestly I don't think I can confidently say I've ever been seriously interested in anything before, but throughout life there are things I've enjoyed an incredible amount and did it a lot. I think really they are supposed to be the same. Some people get autistically deep into their hobbies, but that level of focus and obsession on knowing everything about it is not the essence of enjoying that hobby, it's just a certain way of enjoying it. So I think the idea of a hobby "interesting you" in the first place is kinda weird, and that the phrase makes more sense when used with stuff you want to learn more about, like a curiosity, rather than describing your main hobbies.

That's something I never thought about until now.

>> No.18899403
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I believe I'm losing that weight. following bill burrs method, which is basically just working out, going for long walks and eating salads. a lot of salads.

>> No.18899408

What's On Your Mind

>> No.18899440

I would move to New York but I have very little money and I’d prefer not to work a harder job. I’d prefer not to work at all actually.

>> No.18899445


>> No.18899477

>I’d prefer not to work at all actually.
Anon uhm, there's a call for you, it says it's the Based Department

>> No.18899528

Happy for ya anon

>> No.18899538

I assume you've heard all the classic advice e.g. exercise more, eat healthier, be less sedentary etc. Your body doesn't want to fuck when it's inactive and being treated like shit.

>> No.18899552

I just finished writing my first short story in ages. I'm so satisfied with myself.

>> No.18899574

Blessed. What's it about?

>> No.18899589

A driver hits something in the road and struggles over looking over to see what it was, as he doesn't want to have the knowledge that he killed somebody.

>> No.18899617

That's a nice concept.
Have you published it?

>> No.18899678

Not yet. I intend to, eventually. For now I just want to use the momentum to write and finish more stories so I can write on a regular schedule and maybe actually write regularly on a website or something.

>> No.18899688

Very wise decision. Get more short stories done.

>> No.18899701

Write what's on your hind

>> No.18899729

Wish I could come up with ideas like that so easily…

>> No.18899735

I would like to get very skinny, but I’ve been overweight, almost obese, for my entire adult life. I seem to lack control over what I eat and I really hate that about myself.

>> No.18899802
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Honestly, anon, it's not easy. But there is a cheat code of sorts. You probably have issues that are important to you, fears and ambitions that keep you up at night or make you froth with rage or leave you restless, even if subconsciously so (in which case do some honest self-examination to find them).

One such issue for me, for example, is a struggle with integrity, and some kind of paranoid fear that I might be lying to myself in an attempt to ease my conscience. This is an abstract issue, but you can give it narrative form, to make it concrete. What's a situation that could exemplify someone lying to themselves to ease their conscience? Anything will do, so long as you give it form in term of people and action.

Once you've come up with a situation, you should then ask questions at your story and at your characters. WHY does the person feel a conflict now? WHO is this person? HOW did he get in there? WHY is this important? WHAT are his alternatives, and WHAT are the consequences of taking those? You're essentially feeding yourself leads to conduct your writing, and once it's on paper, it's much easier to rework than it is to start from scratch.

That's my process, at least, and even then I still struggle, so don't be harsh on yourself.

>> No.18899849

I feel really strange when I talk to people younger than me who have never even heard of DBZ.

>> No.18900053

I can’t believe I ended up back with my parents at the age of 28. Even if this is only temporary, it’s embarrassing. Every year, I think “at least I can’t get anymore pathetic” and every year it turns out I’m wrong. I’ve led the most uninteresting, most unremarkable, most just-below-average sort of life to this point that I feel almost unredeemable.

>> No.18900067

>You probably have issues that are important to you, fears and ambitions that keep you up at night or make you froth with rage or leave you restless, even if subconsciously so (in which case do some honest self-examination to find them).
I do but my biggest issue is that I can’t make sense of them. I don’t think I could tell you coherently what it is that keeps me up, what I want, what I’m anxious over. It’s all a big jumble of confusion and nonsense. I barely know who I am. I don’t even know how I’m supposed to slice through this fog in order to get to what you’re talking about.

>> No.18900122

I don't know if it'll be different then, but I hope that in five years, I'll be happy. Preferably away from everything that reminds me of the past now that I've successfully chased everyone out of my life..
I don't think I can reach one more threshold of asociability and loneliness whilst avoiding becoming insane in the process, I've already been unironically talking to myself for the past year.

>> No.18900146

You have feel like a lot of things you’re reading, watching, listening to, which on the surface are seemingly unrelated, or should be unrelated, somehow have this deep undercurrent which interconnects all of them somehow? It feels a bit like a wild goose chase trying to interconnect the dots, and logically, there’s nothing there but it sure feels like there’s something there. It sure looks that way too, but just a little bit.

>> No.18900152

As long as it's not too intense an experience, the fear of being judged by others can be quite helpful I think. It makes you do respectable things you otherwise wouldn't, because man is naturally lazy and slovenly.

>> No.18900221

I see connections between seemingly unrelated things all the time.
In fact, everything is connected.

>> No.18900240

Strangely, I feel a sense of happiness coming back. I feel as I did when I was maybe 21 or 22. Not that those were entirely care free times, but I had a sense of excitement about the world that has lately been crushed. I feel it coming back. It feels real.

>> No.18900360

Robert Malone, the scientist who created mRNA technology, warned people to not get the vaccine and then his wikipedia page was deleted.
Weird. Why would this happen?

>> No.18900377
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The system of the beast is not even trying to hide itself anymore. They are just throwing it in your face now.

>> No.18900402

Who cares, it’s time to move on.

>> No.18900408
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Liberals who always accuse the right of being 1984 tier totalitarians are literally unpersoning people who go against the establishment's narrative.
Woke SJW Marxists are actually the most dedicated servants of global capitalism.
Why is modern politics so ironic???

>> No.18900418

I am 6'0 and weigh 126 lbs.

>> No.18900426
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It is very easy to make fun of redditors because they are so middlebrow and embarrassing, but even that doesn't take into account how sick and vile these people really are. They are not just cringe, they are in fact evil and insidious and monstrous people. They are the bureacrats who gleefully follow along with big brother's annihilation of all wrongthinkers. They scuttle around like bugs.

>> No.18900453

>literally unpersoning people who go against the establishment's narrative
Post one example

>> No.18900457

That's why I didn't get the mRNA one

>> No.18900511
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I'm going to turn 30 in a few weeks, and it feels like I'm at a crossroads in my life. On one side, I could start to build a family and settle down with a relatively boring but comfortable life with dreams that will never be fulfilled. On the other hand, I could abandon that and retire in my 30s, travel the world doing whatever I want, whenever I want, but have nothing to pass on when I'm gone.
While I technically have a long runway to decide on kids since I'm a man, if I want a partner around my same age then that clock is still ticking and will only get harder the longer I wait. In both cases it feels like an appeal to my ego, I'm not sure I have any clear way to know which path to take other than flip a coin and commit.

>> No.18900551
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The world is ending but its taking forever.

>> No.18900552

Promptly cease your bodily functions.

>> No.18900597

Robert Malone

>> No.18900614

The tranny craze has gone too far. What people don't realise is that young girls are actually far more vulnerable than just perverted men and failed males and a majority of them are now going ftm, especially after they have a traumatic experience and find out that they can be boys to escape from it. Imagine this happening to your daughter

>> No.18900631

Michel Houllebecq is so popular, and so compelling precisely because he captures the only coherent sense that a person from this epoch can say characterizes it, and that’s an exasperated sigh of frustration and apathy over sifting through the wreckage of all meaning.

>> No.18900673

very true, a way of coping is trying to be ftm or enby and hoping that solvers there problem

>> No.18900775

Looks fake

>> No.18900836


>> No.18900966

nobody cares, and I mean this, literally nobody cares, not even their parents
the only solution to stop this perversion at least to a moderate amount is to educate young girls, most of the time the people whining that their daughter transitioned and ended up with an onlyfans are the most at fault, I mean just take a young retard, if the father's not here to teach her how to behave and listen to her worries plus her mother isn't an example to follow, who the fuck is going to tell her that sex work is shameful, that not having found a husband by 40 means it's likely she'll end up single in her old years, that the key to happiness is stability, that stability often comes from religion? no one, nowadays people in their 40ies are idiotic redditors writing and acting like children, young people are retarded and godless, they only think sex sex sex, and there's no one left to show them the way, no one to copy as an example except fucking youtubers, twitter and netflix

honestly, these kinds of messages just piss me off, no I'm not imagining this happening to my daughter, I'll be here for her to put an end to this bullshit before it even starts and if it happens regardless of my involvement, then I wouldn't have to imagine, it's not society's fault if you can't educate your child, fuck you

>> No.18901061

ok champ, I'm sure you'll be able to save yoyr kids if you homeschool them and turn them mormon

>> No.18901092

Written in 14 minutes

a song sang not I since I seen,
sable saber wielding Wotan,
shining molten golden, lightning
gripped in his gaze, the flaming rays.

I torn through thorn thoughts of what wrought
brought-bringing this ancient, distraught,
“I cry why do you? who are you?”
“mountain shattered rent by the storm.

swarms of serpents were born, transformed,
reborn transubstantiated,
ages forlorn become withdrawn,
wither away in writhes of Woe,

weir bubbles and babbles, we’re here
again as briars and brambles
burn away in bursts of a blaze
but still returns in future days.”

>> No.18901108

Written in 3 days, being a four-fold palindrome, acrostic palindrome-telestic-palindrome in the Syndesian and modified Iaoic form.

A cubic prayer to Christ.

I sing a cubic song for thee my lord Jesus.

Akephalos! Soph hosannah! HalleluyA!
Oh happy ye! E’en nacrad dolorific cal’cO!
Ora Adonai, Isaac Christus SabaO!
Aeons somnambulist throned drape “EurekA”
Instress Shab’s soul Lorded Daimons sin, nigarishI
Ish, Hamamahadev, voices SalvatorI,
Aleph, honored Door, Rabboni ichthys, shavA;
Omega Almah; hive empress saint; tomb bornt taO
Overflows Sanctus spiritus, Shiloh halO.
Abo obscurus, sabaoth hidden Nirv’nA:

>> No.18901113

I don't understand why a woman would transition to a man

>> No.18901267

justs got drunk with some girls the room is spinning

>> No.18901270

Someone convince me why I shouldn’t be interested in manga.

>> No.18901271

I always see it as them having a completely delusional worldview where they somehow think all men live on easy mode, and they think they'll get that by switching over. I don't get it either.

>> No.18901281


>> No.18901285

they see themselves as delusionally transitioning to chad the same way an incel might delusionally transition into stacy. Even if they work out, chop their tits off, get a graft skin from their arms/thighs (look it up, i'm not making this shit up) they're still in all probability in manlet height range with a smaller skull, feminine eyes, hips, and of course, no real penis.

transitioning in general is a grass being greener fetish taken to an extreme. funnily enough most detransitioners are ftms because they also realize how worthless a short, wimpy, feminine man is in society and crawl back to female privilege.

as far as this discussion of "treating gender dysphoria" as they claim, all things considered it must surely be a mental disorder when you have a perfectly good chad or stacy attempt the impossible. i'll only ever permit such procedures to those with certain ambiguous genitalia or other natural hormone disorders on a strictly medical basis, but certainly not a political statement

or worse, fashion statement as these fools play themselves into. in short, we live in dark times my friend where illness is glorified, not just treated, or better yet, eliminated

>> No.18901291

I need

>> No.18901294

>transitioning in general is a grass being greener fetish taken to an extreme. funnily enough most detransitioners are ftms because they also realize how worthless a short, wimpy, feminine man is in society and crawl back to female privilege
Wasn’t their a book about this? With a woman cross dressing as a man for a year and had her entire point of view shattered?

>> No.18901296

Just had a mid day 2 hour nap. Holy fuck life is amazing.

>> No.18901300

Because then I can allow my obsession to move to literature exclusively.

>> No.18901334

Norah Vincent.

>Vincent writes about how the only time she has ever been considered excessively feminine was during her stint as a man: her alter ego, Ned, was assumed to be gay on several occasions, and features which in her as a woman had been seen as "butch" became oddly effeminate when seen in a man. Vincent asserts that, since the experiment, she has more fully realized the benefits of being female and the disadvantages of being male, stating, "I really like being a woman. I like it more now because I think it's more of a privilege." She's also stated that she has gained more sympathy for and understanding of men and the male condition.

>"Men are suffering. They have different problems than women have but they don't have it better. They need our sympathy, they need our love, and they need each other more than anything else. They need to be together."

>> No.18901342

>and they need each other more than anything else. They need to be together.
she may have learned her lesson but her grossly unrealistic solution nonetheless shows a lack of understanding

>> No.18901346

This was back at 2006. It was a different time.

>> No.18901351

>15 years ago.
How did the world fall so hard?

>> No.18901371

the 08 recession fucked us over real hard.

>> No.18901387

at first very slowly. and then, very fast. we are still in free-fall by the way

>> No.18901389
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While Symbolism and the author's message are not mutually exclusive, is it still possible to separate them in their own entity in the context of the work?

>> No.18901395

No, Death of the Author and all that stupid jazz

>> No.18901397

No, I remember reading something about the writer of Dracula was a self-hating homosexual due to “symbolism”.

>> No.18901400

So what's been put up has to work in tandem with what's being tried to be said?

>> No.18901404

No, but people will read too much into it, and it doesn't matter what the author says.

>> No.18901412

>writer of Dracula was a self-hating homosexual due to “symbolism”.
I thought Bram Stroker was homosexual?

>> No.18901418

Yeah, and the Orson Scott Card is a repressed homosexual due to his homophobia. It’s pointless.

>> No.18901430

I hate myself. I think I’m pathetic.

>> No.18901435

You're on 4chan, so the pathetic part is true.

>> No.18901440

maybe god didnt create the universe, maybe the universe is creating god

>> No.18901442

I think its better to think of our lives as a simulation.

>> No.18901444

New thread

>> No.18901445

>I started with hating them now I just feel bad. They have no idea what's coming.
Nah fuck that man it's their fault kek

>> No.18901453

Aw is this true?
I have never met a Catholic girl who really cared about God much anon

>> No.18901466

I know a dude who fucked a Catholic nun. She wanted to marry him but he dipped.

>> No.18901496

Tis all in pieces, all coherence gone,
All just supply, and all relation;
Prince, subject, father, son, are things forgot,
For every man alone thinks he hath got
To be a phoenix, and that then can be
None of that kind, of which he is, but he.
- John Donnne

A beautiful piece.

>> No.18901502

iktfb, im almost 29 year old neet who lives with parents

>> No.18901513

Is that normal in your country?

>> No.18901542

No. Im just a loser.

>> No.18901627

I guess you do ktf then

>> No.18901741

i want pizza

>> No.18901780

Except he's right, start by educating your kids and they won't turn into failures you nigger

>> No.18901901

Not a bad idea. Or maybe ill come back with a whole new title. We'll see.

>> No.18902010
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I am pretty sure that a modern toddler wouldn't be able to watch Pingu because it's not fast paced enough. I have already seen with my own eyes that they cannot watch any of the old Disney classics and such. They're not loud and fast paced enough. I've sern them rebel against The Jungle Book and NIMH and go back to the tablet to watch Elsa Spiderman and Minecraft YTP. They like that random creepy shit more than anything else. Cartoons are all evil but God what a massive fuckup of a generation.

>> No.18902466

My balls are swollen pretty badly. I need to ejaculate into somebody's daughter soon.