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[ERROR] No.18894701 [Reply] [Original]

>“Irony won't save you from anything; humour doesn't do anything at all. You can look at life ironically for years, maybe decades; there are people who seem to go through most of their lives seeing the funny side, but in the end, life always breaks your heart. Doesn't matter how brave you are, or how reserved, or how much you've developed a sense of humour, you still end up with your heart broken. That's when you stop laughing.”

Is he right Houellebros?

>> No.18894711


>> No.18894730

It is a low down shame to be ugly

>> No.18894793

I don’t know if it’s a translation issue, but he seems to be bouncing between irony and just having a sense of humour/being optimistic. There are plenty of people who are optimistic about life in spite of its hardships but who aren’t ironic, and there are plenty of people who see life in an ironic way that aren’t the least bit optimistic. In fact, I’d argue that to see life in an ironic sort of way you’d have to actually be pessimistic. So, if he simply is confusing irony with optimism or optimism with irony, then he isn’t right. But I will say that to go about life in an ironic fashion is probably not very fun and the illusion may evaporate after a while, leaving you bitter and sad. The same could be said of the truly optimistic, if their spirit happens to be weak.

>> No.18894887

French Larry David

>> No.18894894

Depardieu looks like hell.

The French, as a people, make me sick. Still I would rather they not be replaced by Arabs.

>> No.18894901

Get to know Wellbeck anon, did you know he was on trial in France for his comments on Islam?

>> No.18894910

he always did, now he's just old too

>> No.18894922

Remember this crazy guy?

>> No.18894961

look at his mother. he never had a chance
he also had mommy issues and we all know those last for life. the video in the post from other anon I've replied to discusses them more deeply

>> No.18894975

Wellbeck is a certified Chad
Skip to 4:30 if you can't speak French

>> No.18895255
File: 52 KB, 630x274, houellebecq and mom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meant to add picrel

Reporter: What is it they don't understand?
H: Who are they?
Reporter: The establishment
H: Actually the problem is I really don't know
Reporter: Isn't it the ideas and not the characters?
H: No, it has nothing to do with that in actual fact, nobody gives a damn about the ideas
>people go on to criticize his personal life and his sexism without addressing his ideas

that said, his criticism of Islam was prescient but fairly stale and trite by today's standards and seemed like a half-baked effort capitalize on the anti-muslim sentiment during the refugee crisis.

it's his novels like the elementary particles and serotonin that stand in their own league

>> No.18895298

You smile like the cartoon, tooth for a tooth.
You said that irony was the shackles of youth.

>> No.18895308

it came out months before the refugee crisis. Two days after the Charlie Hebdo massacre in fact.

>> No.18895314

>he never had a chance

And yet he has married 3 times. He has the will to power, you don't.

>> No.18895318

>that said, his criticism of Islam was prescient but fairly stale and trite by today's standards and seemed like a half-baked effort capitalize on the anti-muslim sentiment during the refugee crisis.

thank you for reminding me that my dad read Submission for some fuckin reason

>> No.18895782

Bizarre response. It's less that he couldn't get married than that his phenotype and looks have condemned him to ridicule in every discussion about him, be it academia or /lit/. That's what I meant when he said he was "fucked" and had "no chance" - which was true for for most of his life - even now that he's growing up and one of the biggest literary names academia Reddit and 4chan are just as guilty of this, especially when the writer himself comes across as a damaged incel-type which I say with no hatred... but he does to a lay reader. His childhood and genetic cards (see: pic of his mom) clearly influenced his work, and for the better if you're a reader of his. Every man's "wisdom" (if you want to call it that) often comes from some jaded personal experiences and internalized trauma of some form. But that's behind many of the greatest works.

>And yet he has married 3 times. He has the will to power, you don't.

I mean... he's famous man, plus this is a silly example to begin with. If you care so much, his second wife met and married him a year after he became a nationally prominent figured when Atomized was published - and while he was considerably good looking relative to today. Third time was to a Chinese student of his, 34 years younger at that. Truly the will of power at work! A famous writer got married 3 times, wow! Even then, finding an Asian student in her 20's does not a role model make. If he was a nobody poorfag maybe I'd agree, but again but I still think it's irrelevant. I don't know where you're going with this.

If you have a real issue with this take it with the person I replied to instead of praising this man's WtP like he's someone to be chased. And I say that as someone who enjoys his work. So calm down.

>> No.18895798

The very basis of my entire point is that he was able to overcome his genetic disadvantages by becoming a famous writer. He was not doomed from the start, he had the capacity to defy expectations because he put the effort into doing so.

>> No.18895985

Here's the thing: many modern authors use constant irony because they are unable to grapple with the really hard problems in the way past writers like Tolstoy and Hemingway did.

>> No.18896274

I'm at the threshold of giving up completely, on the verge of a total breakdown most days, and I'm laughing more than ever. There's all sorts of people I guess.

>> No.18896356

Yes because you're near. When it comes you'll most likely never seriously laugh again.

We are the hollow men,
We are the stuffed men
Our heads are filled with straw,