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18892836 No.18892836 [Reply] [Original]

thoughts on Crito by Plato
>no man should either do evil, or return evil, or betray the right
>the many can do neither; (the greatest good or the great evil), for they cannot make a man either wise or foolish, and whatever they do is the result of chance.
>No man should bring children into the world who is unwilling to persevere to the end in their nurture and education
>ought we to follow the opinion of the many and to fear them; or the opinion of the one man who has understanding?
>and will life be worth having, if that higher part of man be destroyed, which is improved by justice and depraved by injustice?
>a good life is to be chiefly valued
>a good life is equivalent to a just and honorable one
>injustice is always an evil and dishonor to him who acts unjustly
Do you disagree with any of these statements from Crito?
is there a 4chan /lit/ discord. i want to talk to people who are smarter than me

>> No.18892883

>no man should bring children into the world who is unwilling to persevere to the end in the nurture and education
the man can not educate and nurture his children, ought to have them if the future of humanity as a whole is dependent on their existence.
they might have to return to a more primitive state for many years, slowly developing language and culture, but their existence is immeasurably valuable in a case where their existence is the sole condition of the continuation of the species.

>> No.18893062

The true philosopher does not have biological kids, he adopts. A good example on this front is Plotinus.

>> No.18893097


>> No.18893337

that seems reasonable after i disregard my ego

>> No.18893370

It's important to know whether an affectation arises from the body or from the soul. The desire for biological children arises from the body, and hence the philosopher shuns it.

>> No.18893395

behavior, speech, or writing that is artificial and designed to impress.
a studied display of real or pretended feeling.

can the desire for biological children not be more derived from soul than body. if a woman loves me and wants to birth my child, should i deny her motherhood?
what is a true philosopher?

>> No.18893398
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was socrates not a true philosopher because he had children?

>> No.18893512

Yes. It was obviously a topic of embarrassment for Plato, who preferred not to discuss Socrates' family. We must remember that Plato, while remaining respectful of his teacher, dramatically eclipsed him in his philosophical endeavors.
It is the soul's nature to try to return to the One. Desire to procreate is a desire to maintain the material existence.

>> No.18893520

Sounds like Buddhism.

>> No.18893552

" Since Evil is here, "haunting this world by necessary law," and it is the Soul's design to escape from Evil, we must escape hence." Plotinus, "On Virtue"

"And what do you say of another question, my friend, about which I should like to have your opinion, and the answer to which will probably throw light on our present inquiry: Do you think that the philosopher ought to care about the pleasures-if they are to be called pleasures-of eating and drinking?

Certainly not, answered Simmias.
And what do you say of the pleasures of love-should he care about them?

By no means.
And will he think much of the other ways of indulging the body-for example, the acquisition of costly raiment, or sandals, or other adornments of the body? Instead of caring about them, does he not rather despise anything more than nature needs? What do you say?

I should say the true philosopher would despise them.
Would you not say that he is entirely concerned with the soul and not with the body? He would like, as far as he can, to be quit of the body and turn to the soul."
Plato, Phaedo

>> No.18893564

so i should deny a woman motherhood of my child because "true philosophers" only father children without fathers.
why not both?

>> No.18893572

That's pretty Buddhist, right on the mark. Wonder if there was any philosophical exchange between India and Greek circa 4th century BCE.

>> No.18893840

Deny a women motherhood of your child? Instead of impregnating her you should try to teach her wisdom, which is the highest form of love.

>> No.18894085

im going to spoon out your eyeballs

>> No.18894105

Might I ask why?

>> No.18894106

>>no man should either do evil, or return evil
Already wrong.
> Doing good things to good people is good.
> Doing evil things to good people is evil.
> Doing good things to evil people is evil.
> Doing evil things to evil people is good.
Simple as.

>> No.18894132

The greatest evil is to do evil to a man who may be made good instead.

>> No.18894158

No, because that is condoning the evil done unto good people by those who claim redemption is possible, and therefore, making them (and (You)) evil.

>> No.18894191

No, since just punishment is not evil, neither objectively or to the recipient. A punishment which is neither just nor constructive is evil.

>> No.18894254

i dont know

>> No.18894265

I believe in you anon. You can find wisdom. You just have to look for it.

>> No.18894297

stop giving me positive emotions

>> No.18895652

This is a highly hypothetical scenario that never happened in history of mankind, and therefore doesn't apply to anything, that's one.
The preservation of humanity is an unnecessary deed too. You won't be worrying about if there are people to bring flowers to your grave after you're dead.

>> No.18895674

Nietzsche wrote about that. According to him it was the ultimate socratic irony, he had a wife and children just to prove to everybody that they shouldn't do the same, as his wife was annoying and his children retarded.

>> No.18895686

You can't be good by doing evil, to anything. To correct evil you must take the proper measures, even killing someone may be an act of goodness, you are mistaking being good with making others comfortable.

>> No.18896065

>you should try to teach her wisdom

>> No.18896077

Note the word ‘try’, dumbass. I don’t know what women do or do not care about since I seldom interact with them, but you should keep well in mind that souls do not have genders.