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18892558 No.18892558[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I have an ethical dilemma. I have been reading Jung and Nietzsche lately which have led me to the conclusion (also influenced by my reading of Goethe) that I should engage in activities that could be considered as immoral or temptations, for the healthy spiritual development of my self. Much of Christian morality consists of abstention from evil deeds and temptations, but unless I learn what those temptations are and how they are evil, then I could never truly overcome said temptations. I believe Wittgenstein also said a similar thing about the supposed moral character of G.. E. Moore — that he had never experienced temptations so his abstention from them was not to be admired. As such, I believe I should try a Grindr hook-up, although I am very scared to do so. The fact that I am so afraid of them makes me realise how important such an experience could be. It would be an act embracing my shadow and very positive for the development of my personality in a Jungian sense. Although I know of (quite a few) authors/philosophers who would disagree with the ethical basis of my view, I am really looking for encouragement in this endeavour, because I believe it would be far harder for me to engage in a hook-up than to remain passive and not engage in one at all. The difficulty of the endeavour is moral this way even from a Christian perspective, which requires all those who have faith to bear their crosses and enter in at the strait gate. In short, what should I read in preparation for my Grindr hook-up?

>> No.18892564


>> No.18892577

It's okay to be gay, OP.

Start with Greeks tho because those badbois be bumming 24/7

>> No.18892593

It's just man-butt and a dick, you have both of those, relax.

>> No.18892594

If you already know the dangers and drawbacks of something, you don't need to try it out just to prove you were right. You're perfectly capable of understanding that smoking crack is a bad idea without having to ever smoke crack.

>> No.18892597

Why do you want to bare yourself and engage in the most intimate of acts with a complete stranger?

>> No.18892604

The dark thrill of doing precisely that

>> No.18892608

I don't see the thrill in degrading myself in the pursuit of meaningless physical pleasure.

>> No.18892611

that's because you don't experience temptation. the virtue of those who don't experience it is really nothing to be admired, you're not resisting anything.

>> No.18892613

No, it isn't. Sodomy and homosexuality are worse than murder and being a murderer. It is the lowest, most disgusting, state a person can be. Self castration is more noble than it.

>> No.18892632

>21st degenerate starts philosophizing
god damn it you fucking faggot, if you want your dick wet go get it done, what do you want us to tell you?

>> No.18892639

I will pray for your soul tonight

>> No.18892643
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You've romanticized your faggotry and animal urges instead of recognizing them for what they are. I feel no temptation for such things now because when the urge came to me in the past I met it and moved on. Becoming human requires you to do so.

>> No.18892644

That’s true. I would not jump a cliff just because I am scared to do it either. But I think in the cases where there are any potential benefits the apparent evil should be sought, when one is only prevented from doing so by one’s fear. The potential benefits of a Grindr hook-up is making me a more confident, outgoing individual comfortable with expressing his sexuality more openly. I also one day want to try drugs (probably first a milder, mostly harmless form like magic mushrooms) for a similar reason, as they have known positive benefits such as boosted happiness and creativity. I have been deeply scared of drugs since I first knew about them as a child, so trying them would be overcoming another fear.

>> No.18892652

This is extremely dumb.

>> No.18892668

Grindr hookups are the least /lit/ way to have sex. Have a torrid affair with a man you care about instead, dipshit.

>> No.18892672


>> No.18892674

>worse than murder
How so? And how is personal mutilation higher?
Who else does this harm?

>> No.18892676

>animal urges
And who said the human being wasn’t an animal? How is denying the animal nature of the human morally right? It is a form of denying one’s self and therefore lying to one’s self, self-fraudulence, which would place one right in Dante’s Eighth Circle.

>> No.18892680

>/lit/ way to have sex

>> No.18892681
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>i am not learning through my experiences
>instead, i read and trust what others have to say
>i am human
And yet you are to retarded, you think holding back is virtuous and calling OP out just because he thought that maybe he should try things and judge them according to his own terms.
>/lit/ reads
the kek just came down from the top shelf and stole my sides

>> No.18892696
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repressors rlly be out here writting all this bs just to justify sucking dick to a bunch of internet losers lmao

>> No.18892701

I want you to repress my cock with your big fat balls

>> No.18892706


>> No.18892711

Read anything by Jacob Frank or any Frankism literature. Mixing the holy and the unholy is virtuous.

>> No.18892816

Many words for being curious. Don't overthink this and try it. If you like it, you like it, if you don't, you don't.

No book will tell you more than spending some time by yourself reflecting why this seems significant to you. It's not murder, it's Sex.

Think for yourself.

>> No.18892831

>It's not murder, it's Sex.
It's worse than murder

>All passions are dishonorable, for the soul is even more prejudiced and degraded by sin than is the body by disease; but the worst of all passions is lust between men.... The sins against nature are more difficult and less rewarding, since true pleasure is only the one according to nature. But when God abandons a man, everything is turned upside down! Therefore, not only are their passions [of the homosexuals] satanic, but their lives are diabolic..... So I say to you that these are even worse than murderers, and that it would be better to die than to live in such dishonor. A murderer only separates the soul from the body, whereas these destroy the soul inside the body..... There is nothing, absolutely nothing more mad or damaging than this perversity."

St. John Chrysosdem (pbuh)

>> No.18892849

>listen to the words of some literal who catholic retard

>> No.18892860

You mean Chrysostom?

>> No.18892861

These are a lot of big words to justify that you want to suck cocks, OP.

>> No.18892867

So you are gay and will use those apps, and you need approval of dead white males?

>> No.18892871


>> No.18892923

>And who said the human being wasn’t an animal?
Humans are capable of self-awareness and rational thought. Animals are animals. Man is Man.
>How is denying the animal nature of the human morally right?
Are you a slave to your primitive lizard brain or a civilized rational man?
>It is a form of denying one’s self and therefore lying to one’s self, self-fraudulence, which would place one right in Dante’s Eighth Circle
This is the kind of insanely retarded mental gymnastics one should expect from /lit/ pseuds. Stop appropriating writers who would have hated you for your degenerate proclivities. Homos were, and still are, damned. Denying your 'animal' nature is righteous because you are shedding primitive lusts in pursuit of higher things. Keep in mind, I'm hardly religious, but I still hold that lifestyle in far higher regard than your average hedonistic shithead.

>> No.18892928

Your point being?

>> No.18892931

Are you virgin? Wtf man, I mean, at least that you have religious problems, it is just sex. Enjoy it and that's set.

>> No.18892934

He is a gay faggot who feels bad about wanting to get fucked in his ass because Jesus doesnt approve

>> No.18892940

that's exactly what this thread is desu

>> No.18892957

Most human beings aren’t rational though, and an extreme case of rationality often leads to irrationality (this is what happens in autistic thinking, where rationality is applied indiscriminately). A truly rational view of the self would take into account the body’s necessities and desires. Denying the unconscious impulses and submitting purely to ‘rational’ self-awareness leads only to neuroses and repression.

>> No.18892958

If you really want to embrace your shadow, you must murder a very young child. Otherwise, don't even bother.

>> No.18892975

>I want to fuck men in the ass and cum in their mouths because I read Jung and Nietzche

>> No.18892976
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This, or at the very least go to a gay bar, apps are soulless.

Unironically read Crime and Punishment. If you are looking for encouragement it means you aren't based enough to make moral transgressions and you'll feel guilty about it afterwards. If you were based like me you would have just gone and done it.

>> No.18892991

>A truly rational view of the self would take into account the body’s necessities and desires
Natural desire is fine if that's what you need, I never said relationships with women were a bad thing. 'Grindr hookups', on the other hand, are a product of a sick, filthy society. Homosexuals are good for two things: pedophilia and the proliferation of diseases which should not be any issue in first world countries. Now before you mention straight people can be pedophiles as if I don't know that, don't bother.
>Denying the unconscious impulses and submitting purely to ‘rational’ self-awareness leads only to neuroses and repression.
Unironically better than becoming a slave to lust. I think a low animalistic existence like that is far worse than fighting temptation in pursuit of knowledge, bodily or mental perfection.

>> No.18893400

You are repeating your patterns. Can't you see it? You still want a writer daddy to solve your problems.

>> No.18893725

how are gay bars not just the same pathetic bygone version of gay apps though?

I dont want a fag who flaunts his queer behavior, but a normal cute guy who simply is able to love another dude.