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File: 225 KB, 960x960, anti-racism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18890927 No.18890927 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good anti-racist books?

>> No.18890932

all fields

>> No.18890994

>posts a bunch of racist trash
try the bible

>> No.18891070

Mein Kampf
It is anti-anti-white

>> No.18891132

Definitely none of those in that pic

>> No.18891256

I hate america and I hate americans

>> No.18891265

seething chuds

>> No.18891272

>liberal economic class acts inane and calls it leftism to ensure right-wing economic policy
A tale literally as old as modern politics.

Did you all see the woke CIA recruitment video, about how their waterboarder technician or whatever was a strong latina woman of color who didn't need no man? Shit's fucking great: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X55JPbAMc9g&t

>> No.18891276

What are these books actually like?

>> No.18891283

t. coping commie desperately trying to disassociate themselves with this horse shit

>> No.18891293
File: 33 KB, 333x499, 51KfKJpAYyL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically, this

>> No.18891302

Looks like a buddy cop movie from the 1980s where they go to the big city and discover an evil plot to destroy America but they stop it just in time with the power of racist friendship

>> No.18891309

Dissociate myself from what? The american """culture""" war? Nice try glowfaggot, I'm not american, and I genuinely, from the bottom of my heart, do not give a fuck about your culture war, no matter how desperately you glow to make it an international phenomenon. There is none of this shit in my country.

>> No.18891310

That era was the apex of American film. It just went downhill from there.

>> No.18891318


>> No.18891349


>> No.18891357


>> No.18891364

A Culture of Critique
Mein Kampf
Turner Diaries
The Bell Curve

>> No.18891383


>> No.18891393


>> No.18891433
File: 2.34 MB, 2160x1884, 1618669851758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bible

>> No.18891446

Your cult is not relevant to this thread, why do you always try to insert yourselves and be the center of attention?

>> No.18891613

Has anyone here actually read any of the books in this image? Are they really as cringe as their titles make them sound?

>> No.18891646

I think they are the sort of books you buy just to leave lying around when you have visitors. Like Brief History of time

>> No.18891667

maybe trying to read the bible will solve this problem of yours?

>> No.18891669

Me? Nah

>> No.18891670

black people don’t like you and people can’t switch their sex
I just recommended an anti-racist book, in that context the Bible is very relevant. Seethe harder, o “logical” one.

>> No.18891682

Everyday I find immense joy in the fact that I'm not american, that I no longer live in the united states, that I cleansed my mind of the american ideological virus.

>> No.18891816
File: 98 KB, 768x836, 1629553966712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chuds are cute. CUTE!

>> No.18891828

My plan WAS to move to Lebanon when things here inevitably imploded, but Lebanon imploded first. Now I am thinking about the UAE.