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18887623 No.18887623[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Humour is literally the most sóy thing ever; Seriously, take a look at what makes people so happy that they actually erupt into howls and contortions (this is supposedly sane and healthy behaviour btw)
>HoHoHo! I said/did the no-no thing!
>Kek! Look at me! I'm acting wacky, stupid, crazy!
>LOLOL! Isn't this RELATABLE!? Look I'm making an inane observation!
>TeeHee! Remember that one thing? This is a reminder—now laugh!
>HonHonHon You know that one thing? What if it was the same but stupid?
>HaHaHa! I used language in a quirky way! Get it?! The words sound alike/have different meanings and I used one word to mean another thing!
>JaJaJa! Something random happened—isn't that funny?
>HeHeHe! I'm being insincere right now and you know that I'm being insincere so that means you get to feel cool and smart!
>Bwahaha! Look at how cute/ugly that thing is!
>HeeHee! You know the expectations that you had? I subverted them!
Are there any books that explore humour and the psyche of fags who buy into it? Bonus points if any one recommends literature that points out how obnoxious and self-indulgent this faggotry is and outright advocates an end to all laughter.

>> No.18887630

>Le tragedy of existence

>> No.18887632
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>comedy should die
Okay anon, but here's who you're agreeing with. Enjoy your based and redpilled take on comedy.

>> No.18887639

>humor is bad
Literally the most fedora opinion I've ever heard. This is too reddit for reddit itself

>> No.18887647


>> No.18887725

I don't know who she is but she is a comedienne so she is not doing anything which is either useful or beautiful. Comedy is just endless subversion and lies that people actually pay to hear. Why? I don't get it. I do not agree with her or anything she stands for as a comic.
>This is too reddit for reddit itself
Comedy is the most Reddit pastime there is. People cannot stop consuming jokes on Reddit, Instagram, 4chan, and TikTok. I think comedy has actually become worse these days. Now that we're always surrounded by limitless media at our fingertips people can consume any thing they want and they turn to comedy and "memes", the zenith of self indulgent decadence. People worship comedy nowadays. We need to stop that.

>> No.18887735

>stop enjoying things i don't enjoy

>> No.18887751

I laughed reading this post.

>> No.18887757

You must be fun at parties!

>> No.18887767

I'm just taking the piss, but you know I had to say it

>> No.18887782


>> No.18887857

>i dont know who she is
>i dont agree with her or anything she stands for
based retard
you're the joke, anon

>> No.18887925

Go ahead and laugh idiot. Can I stopping you? No. So go ahead and smile, push the fat of your cheeks into your eyes and crease the surrounding skin, expose your gums, and stick out your tongue; go ahead and exhale violently, wheeze, bellow, thunder, and convulse; go ahead and go about slapping your knees, flailing around, slumping over, hugging yourself, snickering, covering your face, snorting and coughing; make a show of it too, so that other idiots can see you and join in. Does it matter if they know what you're laughing at or even if they find it funny? NO. No it fucking doesn't because this great big circle-jerk is simply some sick sort of game and if you don't join in or outright refuse to, YOU are the bad guy and YOU are the weird one. Fuck you and your laughter. Hopefully one day, faggots like you will pay for this. The LAW will not allow it and ORDER must be kept.
Fuck you and that stupid joke. Smug idiots think they can win just by pulling out some witty retort. It's not witty or original, everybody knows it, so you don't get to act sharp by saying it. I've never seen anybody ever laugh at that joke either so it's fails as a joke. I didn't even get what it meant for a long time, it just made me angry and it still does. Fuck you.

>> No.18887936
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>I didn't even get what it meant for a long time, it just made me angry and it still does

>> No.18887937

go see Pagliacci, anon, he'll cheer you up

>> No.18887945

Knowing what someone does is sometimes all you need to know to disavow them idiot.
You're the faggot, anon.

>> No.18887970

you have legit autism. Not even memeing on you anon. Everything you've described is autism 101

>> No.18887975

I never saw it but I hate clowns.
Also, I don't need cheering up; one can be content without needing to resort to the vice of humour.
How about instead of recommending Operas you recommend some books like I asked for? /lit/ is completely fucking useless these days.

>> No.18887988


>> No.18887999

anon, I...

>> No.18888003

Enjoying a good laugh at your autism tbqh

>> No.18888041

So /lit/ doesn't read anymore? I asked for books and all you can do is insult me?
This is why I hate the cult of comedy. I have committed a grave blaspheme and here you all are, attacking me.
I should have known, the masses of this place are as corrupt as anywhere else.
Let it be known though, that I am of sound mind and if anything I'm actually intelligent.
Stop trying to call me an autistic, it only proves that you have nothing of substance to say and that you are a brainwashed npc.

>> No.18888047

You are literally autistic though. Not the "le 4chan autist" meme, but an actual socially-retarded autist.

>> No.18888052
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>> No.18888071
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>the mexican though poster is also an insufferable sperg

>> No.18888081

Very based

>> No.18888094
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>This thread

>> No.18888102

Why are you calling me autistic? Because I don't laugh? So you're saying I can be kind, loving, smart, warm, personable, honest, handsome, etc. but if I don't laugh or find humour stupid I'm automatically autistic?

>> No.18888155

Glad to see that not everyone is indoctrinated into the cult of comedy.

>> No.18888232
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Okay, if no one will recommend a book I will write one myself. It will be a treatise exposing comedy for what it is. I came here to ask for books but it looks like I'll have to undertake the research myself.

>> No.18888309

Well, are you any of those things?

>> No.18888370

Yeah pretty much

>> No.18888391

i dont remember the book, but there is one more or less extensive about this. and a comic of art spiegelman that have the same thesis. basically laughing start as a form of humillation and agression for the weak of the tribe. you can deduce the rest.

>> No.18888415

Well yes, I have not infrequently been called handsome and intelligent by people I know and I do try to be kind, therefor I cannot be autistic. Autistic people are not normal, I am normal. I am living proof that mirth is NOT necessary for a happy life or even a successful one. In fact, mirth often gets in the way of a happy and successful life.
Don't you think it's strange that people openly laugh in the work place? making jokes? And yet often jokes are what tear people apart. I have observed it happening many times, though it's effect was often temporary. Why don't we try to avoid that? There is no reason to laugh at work, it gets in the way of one's duty and yet management often paradoxically encourages it! If I were in management I wouldn't allow anyone to laugh.
Have you noticed that when jokes strains the relationship between people, the offender often attempts to mend the apparent pain of the offendee by saying
>It was only a joke
What does that mean? that what they said wasn't true? that is shouldn't be taken seriously? Then what about
>It's funny because it's true
What kind of a double think is this? Are jokes truths or lies? Are they absurdities or realities? Jokes are said to be both at the same time but this is illogical and therefor must be wrong. The true insidious nature of jokes is hidden behind deep-seated cultural attitudes that we would do well with doing away with.
I can confidently say at least two things: that speech should endeavour to be clear and not to confound, and that social relationships shouldn't be run according to if you like or understand someone's jokes or not.
To conclude I'll ask you this: Why should someone be thought stupid if they do not understand a joke if jokes are meant to be pure nonsense?
It seems to me, where people exalt pure nonsense and demean, bully, and socially exclude those who do not understand or accept it we have something like a cult.
Comedy is a cult.

>> No.18888444

>It seems to me ... people ... demean, bully, and socially exclude those who do not understand or accept it
talking about yourself again. You're such a huge faggot lmfao. You won't find many books railing against comedy because it's a core part of of the human (and monke) existence. You're the only retard I've seen that is insufferable enough to try and think this idea. It's one thing to say "I don't find X, Y, or Z funny", it's another thing to flat out reject a part of your humanity. This is why people don't like this about you. It makes you less than human. I see you in the same light as a sociopath who is incapable of empathy. Subhuman and incomplete. Nobody wants anything to do with you because you can not be their equal

>> No.18888451

>So you're saying I can be kind, loving, smart, warm, personable, honest, handsome, etc. but if I don't laugh or find humour stupid I'm automatically autistic?
you're not any of those things I bet

>> No.18888455

There are some philo books that try to dig into the why of humor. Search around and you'll find them.

>> No.18888459

There are different levels of comedy, some of it could be sophisticated

>> No.18888478

What is a more appropriate and highbrow emotion anon?

>> No.18888508

All the ones that are sincere, measured, and that are not excessive and self-indulgent. Mild contentment, when earned, is one.

>> No.18888521

How do you categorize an emotion as a sincere and measured one?

>> No.18888587

That is a difficult question but a good one; Let me explain it by telling you what it isn't: Are you aware that people often laugh without "getting" the joke? and, indeed, that they do so even in a heartily manner? this is what cannot be understood as sincere or measured. It is insincere because it is an action done under a false pretense and it is unmeasured because it is done in excess even in what is needed to be seen to have gotten the joke.
Emotion is a useful tool, particularly anger, because it encourages one to enact one's will (which should be a good thing because that means something is getting done). Where emotion is useless or superfluous it is gross. Crying is frequently superfluous but it is much more socially acceptable not to cry and crying is frequently discouraged among children and adults alike (or at least, it use to be); but If you don't cry after someone close and well-liked dies or if you otherwise do not express grief, you are thought to be emotionless or perhaps to even be a bad person even if you do find that person's death regretable. In this way emotion is a social performance. It is tiresome and unnecessary but with humour it happens ALL THE TIME because humour completely seeps the entire cultural landscape. Therefor not laughing at a joke is like not crying after someone dies, but if someone were to die every other minute.
Sincerity should define the measure of one's emotion, as long as it is not unseemly.

>> No.18888612

i literally cannot stop laughing this is so fucking insane

>> No.18888623

An apeal to nature huh? You even compare yourself to a monkey, ridiculous. Comedy cannot be a core part of humanity if humanity can do without it. It is not essential, it is superfluous. What is subhuman is your exaltation of a primitive emotion and your need to fit in with monkies! Idiot.
>There are different levels of comedy, some of it could be sophisticated
How can comedy be sophisticated? Can masturbation be sophisticated?
Do not tell me that comedy is an art. Art can be sophisticated because it can bring order to information. Comedy is subversion everywhere and always. Comedy is about lying, there can be no harmony in comedy.

>> No.18888630

We should go to OP’s house, tie him up and tickle him. Force him to become the thing he hates

>> No.18888637

Someone recommended Bergson last time I asked, I will be reading him.
I am not ticklish but I should write about the depravity of that phenomena.

>> No.18888650

What if tickling is the way to redeem laughter? It inverts its normal function. Instead of being an expression of gross levity, it becomes a sign of stress and discomfort. And the best part is that the sufferer’s expressions of suffering imitate the conventional noises of happiness, thus encouraging their tormentors to continue tickling them. In effect, they are being punished for laughing.

>> No.18888669

I would say that they are actually being punished WITH laughter and that this is one of the sick examples of our cult society's veneration of laughter, which in effect excuses this pseudo-rapist behaviour (I would not go as far as to say it was actual rape though of course). When laughter is abolished people will look back and see tickling as something that is completely bizarre and gross. Interesting perspective though.

>> No.18888672

>derides comedy
>creates comedy
based /lit/chad

>> No.18888682

>I am not ticklish
Oh that's what they all say

>> No.18888694

Lots of words to say: You find certain people and emotions to be an imposition on you. You would appreciate it if everyone were sincere.
Why go to the extent of dismissing humor entirely?

>> No.18888722

That’s a funny picture.

>> No.18888745

>I am not ticklish but I should write about the depravity of that phenomena.
STRONG Ignatius energy.

>> No.18888758

It might be a good temporary measure to use while society is phasing out and abolishing laughter. “If you enjoy laughing so much, then we will tie you down and make you laugh for hours!” The trauma will help make people associate laughter with displeasure. A kind of aversive conditioning.

>> No.18888774

tickling fetishists, please leave. you're not fooling anyone with your presence in this thread.

>> No.18888809

Im gonna screenshot OP and show it around 4chan whenever general board or book discussion comes around on other boards to show how retarded this board is
This is the /lit/ equivalent of the /v/ post calling fun a buzzword

>> No.18888854

tickle tickle tickle

>> No.18889012

Humour is the exaltation of cowardly ambiguity; it wastes our lives on what is not serious and what is not real; It vexes and confounds; it dulls both mind and spirit; There is no art, just pain and willful miscommunication; Humour must end.

>> No.18889029

Yeah the cope function of humour is especially cringeworthy. I have found out that humour is a coping mechanism for the "unfit" and a "pick-me" skill. For the "fit" though, it seems to be used completely for self indulgence and social bonding. Humour is somewhat dysgenic in this way and is incredibly obnoxious.

>> No.18889098
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I agree

>> No.18889108

tl;dr a bunch of unfunny men try to explain why being funny isn't good actually

>> No.18889116

I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, I hate standup, but some people are just funny when they point some things out, or make you look at things with another perspective, I think you might just be low IQ.

>> No.18889191
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>Humour is the exaltation of cowardly ambiguity; it wastes our lives on what is not serious and what is not real; It vexes and confounds; it dulls both mind and spirit; There is no art, just pain and willful miscommunication; Humour must end.

>> No.18889218
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>> No.18889224

>Risus abundat in ore stultorum
Buddhism condemns entertainment, this is why monks do not listen to music or watch theatre.
>Thus the actor — himself intoxicated & heedless, having made others intoxicated & heedless — with the breakup of the body, after death, is reborn in what is called the hell of laughter. But if he holds such a view as this: 'When an actor on the stage, in the midst of a festival, makes people laugh & gives them delight with his imitation of reality, then with the breakup of the body, after death, he is reborn in the company of the laughing devas,' that is his wrong view.

>> No.18889230

How the fuck is vegetarianism satanist?

>> No.18889395

it implies consuming meat is morally wrong, and jesus ate fish and meat, so it can’t be morally wrong or something i dunno burgers are tards desu

>> No.18889988
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Have sex

>> No.18890042

The name of the rose is entirely on the laughter question, st benedict’s steps of humility would be good.

>> No.18890043

So you got hurt by people laughing at you. No wonder, you take everything so seriously.

>> No.18890050
File: 845 KB, 720x405, huutista.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gave me a good chuckle, thanks.

>> No.18890204

Why did the heckin chicken cross the road?

>> No.18890233

Ironic how screenshots of this thread will probably end up being posted in any /lit/humor thread for years to come

>> No.18890236

Liking comedy is peak fedora

>> No.18890280

I’m in tears over the fact that this might not be a larp and someone wrote this with a straight face, taking himself and his sad existence as very seriously. I’ve actually had a rather shitty day and this cheered me up.
Such people are the only ones who deserve to get laughed at, really. One day they will either let it go or kill themselves, and if the latter happens then it will always have been inevitable

>> No.18890303

anon, normal people don’t have to scream “I am normal” around like you do
guess who does, though

>> No.18890349

taking yourself too seriously is fedora, being a cheeky lad is not fedora

>> No.18890357
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>> No.18890368

the title of the thread proves youre gay

>> No.18890377

Bergson's Laughter is good, but it does not come from the same perspective as you.

>> No.18890416


>> No.18890472

Woah new cope just dropped

>> No.18890569

It’s actually incredible the response to this serious and thoughtful question is only derision. Depressing really. A fascinating and well expressed critique OP!
I laugh quite a lot and use it as a means to demonstrate a charismatic nature. My best guess at why it has this cultish and uncritical acceptance in society is that humor is a social indicator of cooperation. It says to others that you are willing to subvert your understanding of reality to their thoughts, laughter expressing the degree of willing subversion. That’s a little dense so an example is in order: when someone makes a pun I don’t find that clever, but I still like them and want to continue a friendly relationship with them, I give them a chuckle- to let them know that I’m willing accept the peculiarities of their perceived reality. It’s an admission that I’m not going to judge them and that I will accept their sense of humor. I’m subverting the things I find inherently funny (things I believe to be outlandish or absurd) in an effort to accept and learn what they find inherently funny (outlandish or absurd). This promotes a good faith understanding between us, so that hopefully when we discuss serious items, using abstract and difficult language, they pay me back the same good faith - trying their best to understand my thoughts, subverting their understanding of reality to my own. When someone says something that I find inherently clever, absurd or outlandish I respond with hearty laughter because I want them to understand that they see reality in a compatible way to how I see it. This indicator hopefully will mean that when I want to discuss something serious with someone I find funny we will both be on the same page throughout the conversation.

You are astute to note that humor is deceptive and imprecise language. I believe this is because much of our language is deceptive and imprecise accidentally. I have my thought- then convert it to language with flaws baked into my understanding of language- which is interpreted given the flaws of the listeners understanding of language- which then must mesh with their overall framework for abstract thought. This process has plenty of room for error. I think humor is a meta process that acknowledges the imprecision of language, and smoothes over the disagreements that such imprecision create. Someone you find funny, you will be sympathetic to their ideas, even if they are shit at expressing them. But even more than that, someone you find funny, probably expresses ideas in a way that makes a lot of sense to you. It’s maybe a litmus test for how well you’ll get along with someone. The inherent contradictions in what humor is have to exist, because there are inherent contradictions in how individuals perceive the world.

Finally I think everyone is shitting on you as an autist because they don’t understand your perception of reality, because you attack humor. This is a big no no for their ability to understand you.

>> No.18890650
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Damn we get it nigga someone pulled your pants down in front of the whole class and everyone laughed, that's no reason to go on a literal anti-fun crusade though

>> No.18890684

Your last sentence is my favorite. OPs tone is uncharitable and betrays his supposed desire to understand.

Also he spells it "humour" which tips everyone off that he is British.

>> No.18890753

Well i am sure there are multiple books explaining the purpose of emotions but my best guess is that comedy is a sort of courtship ritual

>> No.18890804

OP, I like the pictures you post. They are a source of comedic entertainment for me. Please post more.

>> No.18890809

His anger is funny also.
Good bait OP

>> No.18890819

This man doesn't own a dog house.

>> No.18890872

Good post.
However, humor is fun in itself. We like laughing, we like chuckling. There is a social aspect to it and probably that's the evolutionary reason or something, but for our experiences we plain like to laugh. OPs post imo shows a denial of that part, because he seems embittered by the way people tend to use humor or he flat out doesn't understand it and therefore resents it. Laughing is good for you, it frees the soul.
For me, I laugh the most when an issue I thought was very important and caused me much suffering suddenly loses all weight, or my frame view of life is twisted. I remember a personal experience from a manic trip, where I start being paranoid and thinking I am destined to stop the machine race and all that. I was hyperfocused on a lamp in my room that looked like a camera and it became a symbol of how the machines were planning it from the beginning, etc, etc, real schizo stuff, then I blew air hard accidentally and the lamb wobbled and I just broke out laughing because I just broke apart this insane weight of the idea I was building up. "You think lamp is controlling your life? Is so small it will fall from breeze! Stupid!" Writing it out isn't that funny, but it was.
Also I remember going to a stand-up by one of the month python guys, and as the epitome of a dark humor sketch he showed a clip where they took the ashes of one of the dead cast and broke it "accidentally" as a joke. I have never felt so unafraid of death like that moment and I laughed from my soul.

>> No.18890919
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Nigger, we know you're OP

>> No.18890947

>Autistic people are not normal, I am normal
Considering you yourself admit that an overwhelming majority of humanity participates in comedy, while you despise it to a ridiculous degree, that would suggest you're actually not normal. Perhaps even, dare I say, autistic.