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18887141 No.18887141 [Reply] [Original]

>I'm so glad I spent that time reading science fiction and fantasy

>> No.18887159

Thank GOD I didn't waste it reading bs non-fiction like a tryhard larper

>> No.18887167

Bro, I'm pretty sure I've given myself some sort of dissassosiative disorder by reading too much shitty fantasy novels.

>> No.18887456

>I'm so glad I spent that time reading literary fiction and classics to impress strangers

>> No.18887468

You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.18887472

>I'm so glad I spent that time drinking cum and taking it in the ass

>> No.18887475

Oh yeah bro?

>> No.18887481

Rly bro?

>> No.18887483
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The elderly regret what they didn't do, not what they did do.

t. works in a nursing home

>> No.18887489

How does it feel like to spend every day working at the boundary of death?

>> No.18887506

Sobering. Puts things in perspective. At least for me.

>> No.18887516

Yeah I thought as much.

>> No.18887531

By that logic, old folk who spent their lives reading shallow fiction will regret not doing other things instead.

>> No.18887542

Sure, if a person ONLY read that shit and didn't do anything else, but can't see why they would regret a hobby

>> No.18887547
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its this way of thinking that is preventing from reading Dune.

It honestly sounds super fucking boring and like a massive waste of time. I don't like sci-fi at all, whether it be books or film. really any and all scifi media is repulsive to me.

but i have friends bugging me to read it because fucking DUNC is coming out soon and I honestly couldn't be less enthusiastic about it.

Id rather spend the time and mental energy reading/doing something else.

idk what do you guys think

>> No.18887718

Try 50 pages. If it fails to catch your interest then it's not worth it.

>> No.18887747

as opposed to what? working more? reading non-fiction? philosophy? it’s not like it will stop death or give you a fulfilling life on its own

>> No.18887764

Let's say you spend 79 years enjoying your junk media and 1 year dying and feeling like shit about it. Does that one year invalidate the 79? It's just a passing feeling of regret. Who cares?

>> No.18887776

Yes. Read The Death of Ivan Ilyich, Resurrection and Stoner.

>> No.18888053

>friends tell you to read Dune because DUNC is on the tv
Get new friends, but also take the advice of >>18887718, which is good for any fiction that doesn't pull a bait and switch.

>> No.18888127
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>I'm so glad I did X
>X truly made my life worth it!
t. fucking nobody ever

>> No.18888237

Yeah, it's really just one guy who is drilling it into me. More of an acquaintance than a friend.

Big into Marvel kinda guy and is cooming over DUNC. Really makes me wanna kms sometimes

DUNC just looks like complete shit to me. The cast, the cgi, the premise. Just another big fuck off blockbuster that will be forgotten a week after it comes out.
Kino killer

>> No.18888375


>> No.18888433

>I'm so glad I spent that time making stupid threads on anime forums

>> No.18888560

DUNC is probably going to suck, the novel Dune is high-tier literature though.

>> No.18888566

bruh, most people think they're a character from The Office. I think you're good brah

>> No.18888574

if that hobby was a complete total waste of time that was ultimately pointless like reading its a fair regret.

>> No.18888680

I'd assume it's more of a longing for more time rather than actually regretting the way the time was originally spent. Regrets are kind of ridiculous anyway, because really it's just a desire to apply future knowledge to past events, but obviously you couldn't have had that knowledge yet, so it's pointless.

>> No.18888705

What’s the appropriate cookie count for when you’re dunking them in milk? I just ate seven Vienna fingers. When I eat Oreos now I usually eat six or seven.
I don’t even think Vienna Fingers are good, I prefer Oreos entirely. I’d even go so far as to say Oreos are the greatest processed food ever produced. But again, how many do you eat in a sitting? I used to eat three as the normal, four if I was feeling frisky, but now I’m insatiable.

I’m so depressed it’s insane, and it will most likely only get worse I destroyed my life in a matter of a couple years I feel so hopeless

>> No.18888749

Makes me horny

>> No.18888922

I assume DUNC will suck. It has all the signs.

The book was great back in the day, and it’s referenced far more than you probably realized. But I tried to reread it last year and couldn’t force myself to care. Try the 50 page advice.

>> No.18888946

I read neuromancer recently and while I enjoyed it somewhat it feels like a waste of time when I can be reading history, philosophy, and classic lit. Although I kinda wanna read snow crash and hyperion at some point.

>> No.18889042

Fantasy can not stand up to the intellectual capacity of truly great & literary SF. There's nothing better than an intensely cerebral and psychological SF book. Remember that.

>> No.18889147

Weak point my friend. Just because my lifestyle doesn't rise up to your standards doesn't mean I don't enjoy it probably even more than you. I could go out and have all the meaningless sex and there will be a science fiction reading guy who got more out of life than I did and lived a happier intellectual life filled with all kinds of blissful knowledge and emotions, I don't even think about anything else anymore other than stuff I consider cool, I think of myself as this grand being and add to it all kinds of cool words and I just enter a trance like state that I can't describe. I think of words like apocalyptic, solar system, the sun, nuclear, I am become death the destroyer of worlds, I am infinite and invincible, I am protected by God, untouchable, the greatest, conqueror of planets, universal warrior, krishna, the cloud is your sofa, ascnsion, legendary, shit like this. And it's bliss. And science fiction only furthermore gives me badass concepts to add to my personna, and makes me think I am even more invincible.

>> No.18889158

I just want to die knowing I got everything out of this earth intellectually, every novel emotion I can feel, every extremely interesting information I can find, everything.

>> No.18889187

Bro, if you don't wanna read it, you don't wanna read it. I don't see the problem here

>> No.18889207
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>> No.18889209
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>hang yourself or no, you will regret it, if you hang yourself or don't, you will regret it, hanging yourself, or not, you will regret it

>> No.18889262

Based and psychosis pilled

>> No.18889267

this is incredibly depressing, but if you are happy in your unhappiness then so be it

>> No.18889273

he man fantusy and skifi are just fun you know, i meam are you some kind of selfimprover, do you get laid!

>> No.18889280

you read scifi to escape the misery of your life. thats it.

>> No.18889287

>I am become
hi become. I'm Dad. are you winning, son?

>> No.18889370
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Yeah I also got over shit like that, don't do that because it's depressing, it's autistic, it's pathetic, those are traps that losers who want to feel like they have integrity fall in, dumb people. I realise this is just a cope of mine, but it's the only way to enjoy life for me. I am literally not content with living if my every moment doesn't feel like I am blasting with euphoria, nice thoughts and enjoying life. I don't even like sex as much as I like zoning out on my own beauty and on the beauty of the world, I also listen to trance and after I lift I am in complete god zone, no bad thought or emotion can touch me, and it's all good. I remember being spiritually dead, and it was hell compared to how I feel now. I also get my happiness from thinking really deep about how complex the world is and how everything ties together so well, it's unbelivable.

>> No.18889617

I regret not shooting myself when I was in 3rd grade. I wish I could go back in time and do it now.

>> No.18889633
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I can relate to this

>> No.18890284

my sides

>> No.18890296

All trash

>> No.18890305

fucking based

>> No.18890660

The only one that can define happiness is yourself

>> No.18890826

I am so glad I spent my life reading about sensory input that I can't even prove to be real.

>> No.18890840

You do realize we are living in the end of times, right? It pointless to put in any effort anymore when you or your great grand kids might be last people alive.

>> No.18890926

>only sense of satisfaction you feel is imagining yourself superior to others
I hope you can get over this and find something intrinsic that can give you happiness.

>> No.18891832

People actually do this?