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18888063 No.18888063 [Reply] [Original]

How do I explain to my conservative parents that it isn’t actually about gay science?

>> No.18888157

If you want to be like Nietzsche, you won't blame them

>> No.18888170
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get this version

>> No.18888175

? but it is about gay science

>> No.18888182

>"It means the happy gay"
>"Yes, I suck dick, but that's beside the point"


>> No.18888233

Show them the German title and tell them it’s not gay it’s just about frolicking

>> No.18888267

Sounds pretty gay

>> No.18888402

>The erotic relation of men to youths was the necessary and sole preparation, to a degree unattainable to our comprehension, of all manly education (pretty much as for a long time all higher education of women was only attainable through love and marriage). All idealism of the strength of the Greek nature threw itself into that relation, and it is probable that never since have young men been treated so attentively, so lovingly, so entirely with a view to their welfare (virtus) as in the fifth and sixth centuries B.C.
—Friedrich Nietzche, Human, All Too Human

>What does our chatter about the Greeks amount to! What do we understand of their art, the soul of which is passion for naked male beauty!
—Friedrich Nietzsche, Daybreak, Aphorism 170

>Even the boldest remained still before Holbein's self-portrait in the hall of drawings! And I now struggled futilely in Nietzsche's presence to define the magical attraction of that wonderful portrait. It did not help that I so-to-speak traced line after line of that face. This approach was powerless to describe the expression of fully developed manhood combined with the charm of fresh youth (Holbein's self-portrait, as is known, presents him without a beard). And I failed to capture even the individual traits in their full value. I faltered when I came to the mouth. I could see the lips before me. So fully rounded yet so energetically closed! Not avid, yet as if created for pleasure!
>"A mouth . . .," I stammered bewilderedly.
>"A mouth to kiss!"
>Disconcertedly I looked aside. Truly, it was Nietzsche who had spoken, in an attitude and a tone which seemed to contrast most strangely with the mildly sensual coloration of his words. For leaning far back in his armchair, his head bowed onto his chest and his arms hanging limply on the armrests, he seemed to have spoken out of a dream rather than as a comment on my report.
—Ludwig von Scheffler's recollection of Nietzsche

>> No.18888420

Of you think these authors are talking about gay sex, then you are gay.

>> No.18888425

>Nietzsche write about Greek pederasty
>umm he not talking about anything gay

>> No.18888435


Passage #1: It's possibly a pun on the etymology of the word education, post the German. Nietzsche has express hatred of systems that repress the great, including academia and taught social schemas. He even reviles the miasma of greatness, like when "men" break from the customs of their society only to reveal their hidden vice and stupidity. If you're good with American English, think of all our brainlet idioms. An idiot reveals and other idiots propagate idioms, which are just ugly aphorisms.

Passage #2 mocks Schopenhauer, men have higher kalws but that is a perception of beauty apart from sexual desire. Also, beauty as soul instead of appearance is another mockery he observes.

Kill yourself gay jew

>> No.18888442

Nietczhe was German and based

>> No.18888461

These are the full passages in English and German:



“All anti-Semites ought to be shot”

>> No.18888477
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>Caring about what your parents think
>Caring about what anyone thinks of you reading a book with “gay” in the title
Clearly you haven’t read the book yet anon. Or if you have, you haven’t absorbed its lessons.

Dance! Sing in the streets! Caper madly for joy and courage! Abandon your phantasms of duty and orderliness. Abandon your shackles to decrepit abrahamic moralities. Be free, you dolt.

>> No.18888500

lol you are gay

>> No.18888504

And so ;)?

>> No.18888527

Interesting digits. Checked.

>> No.18888695
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Stop self inserting your faggotry on other people

>> No.18888719

Gay used to mean happy or cheerful

>> No.18888732

With a connotation of madness that the word “joyful” lacks.

>> No.18888759

The original "fröhlich" doesn't have such a connotation. Joyful seems like the right translation

>> No.18888786

Denying that Nietzsche wrote positive things about homosexuality? Satyricon was one of his favourite books from antiquity

>> No.18888803

fröhlich is entomylogically related to the English “frolic.” ie. a sense of carefree, flippant, wild joy. “Joyful” corresponds more to the German “freudig.” “Gay” is absolutely a good translation; you merely fear the term because you are an untermensch who is afraid of how others perceive him.

>> No.18888843
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Whatever he passingly mentioned about gays is like 0.001% of his work and completely irrelevant, but faggots single it out and make it a central point because of their own low self-esteem and 10 other mental illnesses. They do it with Chopin too

It seems more like you have some weird agenda going on

>> No.18888859

Never said anything about it being the ‘central’ point. Projecting? Why do you hate it so much? Homosexuality is good.

>> No.18888894

Which family member was it that molested you? Or was it someone completely unrelated?

>> No.18888914

No molestation! Molestation probably doesn’t cause homosexuality. On the contrary, gender non-conforming (effeminate) children, including those who are straight, seem to be victimised at higher rates. The fact that there are strong hereditary and hormonal correlations with homosexuality implies nature is a stronger influence on sexuality than nurture.

>> No.18888949

>Molestation probably doesn’t cause homosexuality.
Yeah you're right it's only nearly 40% of homos that have been abused as a child, there is no correlation at all.

>> No.18889005

Is this the true gay science?

>> No.18889026

Don't put it beside Marx or Foucault then they won't question your sexuality

>> No.18889037

>one study
Saying “40% of homos” based on one study is facetious. The numbers vary considerably between studies. For instance another study found a 15.5% incidence. [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17463386/] Also, why do you seem to take a sick pleasure in the idea that homosexuals were molested? It’s like you are blaming the children for it and making fun of them.

Here is a study showing that gender non-conformity as a child (even straight children) was a high predictor for sexual abuse:
This removes the direct relationship between homosexuality and childhood molestation. Rather, homosexuality is associated with childhood gender nonconformity. And childhood gender nonconformity increases the risk of (and precedes) being abused. This also means that the trait associated statistically with homosexuality (because ‘pre-gay’ children are hormonally feminised in the womb) exists before molestation.

You only believe in the molestation idea because it satisfies your sadistic impulses and allows you to make fun of gay people. Which is odd, because if you really believed it you would be making fun of childhood victims of abuse for the fact of having been abused.

>> No.18889040

The fact that homosexuality is a consequence of child molestation is more evidence of its pathological nature.

>> No.18889045
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The snake in genesis is wisdom as poison. Barbar is a babyphone referring to primitive foreigners, the tower of babel is the gateway to God of you read the Hebrew. Ommmm, (with diphthong: aaaaauuuuummmmm), another babyphone but beginning with heavily aspirated a (e.g. ana) then u (e.g. under) vowels, then ending with a.feminine close.of.the lips, vibrating (-um). A snake says shhhhhh. Ad-am, at-man

Listen to the song "left speaker blown out" on the album Mess on a Mission normally, then with headphones and tilt the left headphone up. Listen to the other songs normally then do the same. Don't go schizo bro

Jews are fucking even dude I'm warning you. I'm going to do a very close reading of the bible and Nietzsche soon. I hope I don't develop schizophrenia

>> No.18889057

Schizo-posting is an art form.

>> No.18889075


One of Nietzsche's points is the original musicality of speech and its physiological origin in the acquisition of language in infants for their first words. Articulation and aspiration, Dionysus and Apollo. And such and such about how language sound and particular definition, and other similar abstract relations, frame our perception. Literally look up every single example I gave in my original post. I only have a partial understanding of Nietzsche from incomplete reading and not seriously reading his influences.

>> No.18889173

Did you even read the post? Homosexuality is *not* the consequence of child molestation. If anything the causality is reversed.

>> No.18889343

What was he talking about? Power dinamics?

>> No.18889387
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Mum found the copy of the gay science

>> No.18889390

Nietzsche was gay. He had a love affair with Wagner that didn't work out.

>> No.18890346

>OP is a faggot
>Gay science
Sorry, Opeee. Not really seeing the conundrum here.

>> No.18890508

Debunked myth.
Homosexuality appears to be caused by a complex interplay of nature and nurture. In males, prevalently nature.
>Biological theories for explaining the causes of sexual orientation are favored by scientists.[1] These factors, which may be related to the development of a sexual orientation, include genes, the early uterine environment (such as prenatal hormones), and brain structure.

>The influence of hormones on the developing foetus has been the most influential causal hypothesis of the development of sexual orientation.[5][6] In simple terms, the developing fetal brain begins in a "female" typical state. The presence of the Y-chromosome in males prompts the development of testes, which release testosterone, the primary androgen receptor-activating hormone, to masculinize the fetus and fetal brain. This masculinising effect pushes males towards male typical brain structures, and most of the time, attraction to females. It has been hypothesized that gay men may have been exposed to little testosterone in key regions of the brain, or had different levels of receptivity to its masculinizing effects, or experienced fluctuations at critical times. In women, it is hypothesized that high levels of exposure to testosterone in key regions may increase likelihood of same sex attraction.[5] Supporting this are studies of the finger digit ratio of the right hand, which is a robust marker of prenatal testosterone exposure. Lesbians on average, have significantly more masculine digit ratios, a finding which has been replicated numerous times in studies cross-culturally.[7] While direct effects are hard to measure for ethical reasons, animal experiments where scientists manipulate exposure to sex hormones during gestation can also induce lifelong male-typical behavior and mounting in female animals, and female-typical behavior in male animals.[5][7][6][8]

>> No.18890518

>Maternal immune responses during fetal development are strongly demonstrated as causing male homosexuality and bisexuality.[9] Research since the 1990s has demonstrated that the more male sons a woman has, there is a higher chance of later born sons being gay. During pregnancy, male cells enter a mother's bloodstream, which are foreign to her immune system. In response, she develops antibodies to neutralize them. These antibodies are then released on future male foetuses and may neutralize Y-linked antigens, which play a role in brain masculinization, leaving areas of the brain responsible for sexual attraction in the female-typical position, or attracted to men. The more sons a mother has will increase the levels of these antibodies, thus creating the observed fraternal birth order effect. Biochemical evidence to support this effect was confirmed in a lab study in 2017, finding that mothers with a gay son, particularly those with older brothers, had heightened levels of antibodies to the NLGN4Y Y-protein than mothers with heterosexual sons.[9][10] J. Michael Bailey has described maternal immune responses as "causal" of male homosexuality.[11] This effect is estimated to account for between 15 and 29% of gay men, while other gay and bisexual men are thought to owe sexual orientation to genetic and hormonal interactions.[12][9]


>> No.18890525

A recent development confirming it:
>Artificial intelligence can figure out a person’s sexual orientation by analysing a picture of their face, a controversial new study claims.

>According to its authors, who say they were "really disturbed" by their findings, the accuracy of an AI system can reach 91 per cent for homosexual men and 83 per cent for homosexual women.

>“The accuracy grew significantly with the number of images available per person, reaching 91 per cent for five images,” the paper adds. “The accuracy was somewhat lower for women, ranging from 71 per cent (one image) to 83 per cent (five images per person).”

>Human judges, meanwhile, achieved an accuracy of 61 per cent for men and 54 per cent for women, the research claims.

>It continues: “Our results provide strong support for the [prenatal hormone theory], which argues that same-gender sexual orientation stems from the underexposure of male fetuses and overexposure of female fetuses to prenatal androgens responsible for the sexual differentiation of faces, preferences, and behavior.”

>The researchers say that homosexual men were found to have narrower jaws, longer noses, larger foreheads and less facial hair than heterosexual men, and that homosexual women tended to have larger jaws and smaller foreheads than heterosexual women.


>> No.18890533

I doubt there was any physical component to that affair.

>> No.18890544

Nice, now we can get rid off the defective ones with the help of AI

>> No.18890635

Ha! O Ópê é um paneleiro! hahahaha

>> No.18890740

He says it right there in the quote posted from Daybreak that we don't (can't?) fully understand the Greeks. Elsewhere in Nietzsche's work, he attributed this misunderstanding to racial differences: we're no longer racially the same as ancient peoples, so we no longer see the world as they did. The Greeks' emphasis on the beauty of male youths is something we can scarcely understand today, which is why homosexuals regularly (and mistakenly) project their own feelings onto Greek culture.

>> No.18890746

>"really disturbed"

Why would they be disturbed?

>> No.18890757

A love of male beauty promotes healthy and fit males in a tribe.

>> No.18890767

Yes, but we (as in first world urbanites) don't live in tribes anymore.

>> No.18890827

Haha! Woahhhh! This guy made a funny! Woohoo! Updoot!!!!

>> No.18890837

Very funny :) Keep doing the funnies please:)

>> No.18890948

Lots of ancient Greek writing about males is openly sexual and erotic. Nietzsche even uses the word "erotische" to describe it.

>> No.18890967

Does that mean they were the same sexually repressed homosexual pedophile perverts that we have all over the place today?

>> No.18890970


>> No.18890976

Greek eroticism towards male youths doesn't necessarily share any similarities with modern homosexual pedophilia that's typically the result of sexual repression from childhood.

>> No.18890980

Not even a criticism, because I was explaining the past.

>> No.18890985

You confuse our modern meaning with that of the past.

>> No.18890996

Yes, possibly. I personally err toward a middle ground between the essentialist and the constructionist view.
What is the "past meaning"?

>> No.18891031

Also do you have any evidence for the 'sexual repression from childhood' claim

>> No.18891054

It's been a while, but I've read quite a few papers in science journals regarding sexual repression in children and what malignant behaviors they adopt as a result. You can probably find plenty by Googling them (but you might need access to a peer reviewed search engine to find the good ones). It's not like this is any secret either, our culture has been rather open on this matter for centuries now.

>> No.18891071

The genetic/hormonal basis for homosexuality seems rather solid.

>> No.18891091

From what I've read on that, it seems like a causation vs. correlation issue.

>> No.18891113

I am a bit what the non-causative correlation between heightened exposure to feminising hormones in the womb and male homosexuaity, and exposure to masuclinising hormones in the womb and female homosexuality, could be. Especially since homosexuals have physiological differences as >>18890508 pointed out.

>> No.18891278
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>Explain to conservatives