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File: 427 KB, 750x879, 1629472822002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18886008 No.18886008 [Reply] [Original]

>the magic system in The Wheel of Time

>> No.18886017

that's actually really funny. you faggots told me reddit was cringe.

>> No.18886022

She’s gonna get banned for Islamophobia

>> No.18886036

Is this screencap a joke or are these people delusional

>> No.18886045

>user name is literally "dumbest_bitch"
this is clearly satire/sarcasm/shitposting you retard

>> No.18886058

I honestly can’t tell. People on this board and /x/ sincerely think magic is real, so maybe she’s not joking either.

>> No.18886059

>Existed for thousands of years
>Worshipped by billions of people
>Destroyed every god that came before him with utmost brutality and power
>Some tranny on Reddit thinks they can go toe-to-toe with him in Astral combat and not just walk out alive but win

>> No.18886067

that was a hilarious read, thank you

>> No.18886078
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>> No.18886120
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>> No.18886125

Wicca stuff is pretty different from being religious and believing in Abrahamic religion if that is what you mean by magic

>> No.18886129

I really wonder who makes the memes in the first place. I've never talked to anyone who claims to have made one

>> No.18886133

Is Allah the same as YHWH? I was looking up Henotheism once and went down the rabbit hole of the changing identity of God in what became Judeo-Christianity.
I know this is beside the point of your post but it is something I wonder about

>> No.18886137

>fighting Yaldabaoth directly
Courageous but stupid

>> No.18886150

I myself believe in and worship the Abrahamic God, I’m not disparaging that. But what I am critical of is morons like the Reddit poster who thought she had a 1v1 battle with Allah, and witchcraft in general.

>> No.18886152

kek, this is some funny shit

>> No.18886156

I’m pretty sure most Christians, Muslims, and Jews see the the other two as worshiping the same god as them in very incorrect ways with false teachings.

>> No.18886160

Yeah it is really is crazy, especially since these same people call the Christian God ''Sky Daddy" and say that he doesn't exist.

>> No.18886181

The point I am failing to articulate is whether "Allah" calls himself by YHWH ever and if he ever insinuates that there are other [lesser] deities besides him

>> No.18886200

>be corrupted, spiritually devolved western slut with nothing going on in life or family
>so bored you choose to 1v1rust.mp4 god resulting in your highly probable damnation
>all for reddit karma
an about face conversion would be the only sensible thing to do at this point, even if the motive is a form of pascal’s wager.

>> No.18886214


>> No.18886270

>thinking she actually confronted "god"
At best it was some kind of powerful entity. Some wiccan redditor could never directly contact the Demiurge.

>> No.18886287
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>>be corrupted, spiritually devolved western slut with nothing going on in life or family
>>so bored you choose to 1v1rust.mp4 god resulting in your highly probable damnation
I don't know why this made me kek so hard

>> No.18886294

For sure, it still doesn’t escape her from the spiritual dilemna she’s thrown herself in though.

>> No.18886296

There seems to be a lot of people on here who are gnostics. Why do you believe in gnosticism? As an outsider it seems like some crazy people combined platonism, abrahamic religion, and a lack of schizophrenia medication to make a new 'religion'

>> No.18886299

You will never convince me this isn't some Taliban shitposter

>> No.18886318

because you have been spiritually neutered by reddit society

>> No.18886328

I want to nurture a schizo gf. Where do I find one?

>> No.18886332

It's inconsequential. There is no "damnation" from confronting some powerful entity (assuming she even did that).
>Why do you believe in gnosticism?
Because as the agent of my own salvation, there is no other possibility.

>> No.18886334
File: 234 KB, 1018x1390, red-ape-or-orangutan-pongo-chester-zoo-uk-D72YAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the demiurge
Jesus christ just go for a walk

>> No.18886344
File: 232 KB, 828x699, C9F15D2D-4558-4515-995E-41FF907B04E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somewhere in these sorts of subreddit. she’s probably ugly and full of problems by the way kek
>Have you tried the magical properties of Clozapine, anonnette?

>> No.18886346
File: 187 KB, 1280x1541, abrasax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing more optimistic than gnosticism, you're getting mad againdt a strawman that doesn't exist >>18877483

>> No.18886353

I've been a practicing roman polytheist for nearly a year, and I once tried to ask some Gods to deal with a bunch of loud christians who were singing hymns in honor of jerusalem or some other kikery in the middle of the night. I made an offering to Mars and Orcus, proceeded to pour a whole bottle of wine (you must pour it whole if you pray to the Gods of the underworld) and asked these two deities to deal with the loud assholes. A few moments later I saw an ambulance truck coming up towards my neighborhood to pick up a decrepit old man. I know for certain every neighbor of mine is a christian, but it seems like YAHWEH couldn't save the poor man after all.

>> No.18886359

What are some good introductory texts for gnosticism?

>> No.18886374

Gospel of Thomas
The Gnostics - Lacarriere
The Gnostic Religion - Hans Jonas

>> No.18886392

Other deities? God is One. Adonai echad.

>> No.18886551

Theres an interesting youtube channel made by a canadian jew where he goes to palestinians israeli druze asking them whatever questions. Theres one about is yhwh Allah and nutzri god the same?

>> No.18886570

Abrahamix religon already owes a lot to gnosticism
And schizofrenia medixation have existed for...what is it? 50 years?

>> No.18886606

>The Wheel of Time
Had to drop those books as soon as they made Nynaeve a POV character, god I hate her

>> No.18886610

>Abrahamix religon already owes a lot to gnosticism
Huh? Gnosticism came about after Abrahamic religion, not the other way around

>> No.18886618
File: 950 KB, 1420x788, 611b8b_8428491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's clearly not, simp

>> No.18886635

>Thou shalt have no other gods before Me
Doesn't this imply lesser deities?

>> No.18886637

>that .png

>> No.18886641

Pretty much. You can also see hints of the henotheistic nature of proto-judaism even in the modern bible, where God talks about 'us' in Genesis

>> No.18886646

Based Ambrose

>> No.18886685

In 2 Enoch it's made clear that there were spiritual entities prior to creation. Specifically, he kills Adoil ("Light of Creation") and Archas ("Spirit of Creation") to bring about light and darkness.

>> No.18886691

was a good book.
dont know what happened to it

>> No.18886736

Nutsri is how semites call christians (jesus of nazareth -->nutsri). I mean, this is basic knowledge.

Theres no "after". Religion is not a linear process, it's always a mix of preexisting beliefs. Again, this is not esoteric knowledge.

There were gnostic cults before...not even Jesus, before the essenes master of righteousness

>> No.18886747

Do not listen to that idiot. bible mentions many gods

>> No.18886757

>2 Enoch
That book isn't included in Christianity nor Judaism but interesting point regardless

>> No.18886852

lol she is absolutely larping/grifting

>> No.18886915

She's not though. Women are insane, check her Twitter

>> No.18886937

I'm going to pray to the Celtic deities to smite those LARPing harlots who desecrate their names with pseudo-religious new age bullshit in minecraft

>> No.18886995

She seems to be a real nutcase

>> No.18887035

>goddess contacted me by sending me feral cats in heat
how can YHVH even compete?

>> No.18887063

It is funny how she struggles to keep up with pronouncing Freyja correctly

>> No.18887905


>> No.18887913

>when you meet with the gods of Egypt in America
A cat is fine too.

>> No.18887920

wow this is disturbingly white supremacist

>> No.18887963

and they call /pol/ schizo
the absolute state of the youth

>> No.18888314

jesus, these people don't know anything about mythology and they're pretending they're in communion with gods. this is ridiculous. and spreads misinformation to destroy the topic.

>> No.18888335


>> No.18888366

The silver lining I see from all of this disinfo is from an esoteric saying, "the secret protects itself".

>> No.18888369

thank Woden that my Aryan sister is returning back to her roots

>> No.18888488
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