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/lit/ - Literature

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18884848 No.18884848 [Reply] [Original]

Im new to /lit/,came over here two months ago

Can someone explain me what the fuck is pic related?

>> No.18884879

Gardner, nobody is going to buy these books, especially not on /lit/. The joke was funny, but old now. You're better off giving the books to meme YTers who will publicly flog you, and hopefully you'll achieve some meme status that way. You're wasting your money and time here.

>> No.18884893

No one cares man, can't you take a hint already? No one's going to buy your book no matter how many shilling campaigns you embark on. Just quit it dude. Try shilling it on reddit or some other faggot forum. You've outstayed your welcome here.

>> No.18884913

Go fuck yourself, you’ve completely turned everyone on this board against any sincere efforts to promote heir projects with this blatant, shameless shilling. Can’t you just be happy with ads and shut the fuck up?

>> No.18884916

Nothing less than the greatest horror novel for he last five years

>> No.18884993

Unironcally a reddit shill campaign would probably work far better than anything you could do here (or on the other boards where I see you). You'd get more exposure, the people on reddit are far less incindiary, and they are largely consumer npc midwits, who seem to be pre-disposed to shillery.
As a rule, they aren't conspiracy-seeking like people here, so it's pretty unlikely for them to suspect an artificial rise in popularity and conversation about your books. Just be smat and use unique accounts and phrasing for each shill and you'll be much better off than you are here.

>> No.18885088

It has a really baffling twist which led to it becoming a meme here. Both that and Call of the Arcade were really good.

>> No.18885146

Don't ignore me nerd
Go to reddit for the betterment of us both.

>> No.18885154

Not him but you're the one who's not welcome here. As with Moby Dick and The Shit Kicker, we support authors from here.
It's a fun read. I can't think of any other book from here which has been as interesting.

>> No.18885195

>Not him but you're the one who's not welcome here. As with Moby Dick and The Shit Kicker, we support authors from here.
Cope. Go back to licking your GF's boy pussy faggot

>> No.18885210

Dude, you have an actual mental illness. Sea kelp. But seriously, nobody wants to read your glorified fanfiction

>> No.18885216

Pseuds hate that Gardner is actually writing and creating when they can't.

>> No.18885224
File: 319 KB, 750x1289, 4chaniceberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best book from the iceberg.

>> No.18885227

Who made you a gatekeeper? Are you the pseud that angrily tells self-publishing authors to kill themselves?
>muh hurrr durrr go to university or you're a loser!

>> No.18885237

No, it's irritating that you shove your shitty novels literally everywhere and constantly, incessantly falseflag without even trying to hide it. Congratulations, you finished a novel. I would respect a good writer who has never finished a thing more than a shit writer who has finished many works - not to mention the shit writer has some of the most intense narcissism I've ever seen. Like, dude, maybe if your book was good I'd get it. But it's literally fanfiction tier. There is no "oh, not my cup of tea". It is literal putrid vomit.

>> No.18885239

Funny thing about this is that F Gardener did go to university lmao.

>> No.18885255

It's so dark and disturbing, exploring many subversive themes which are only for mature readers. You shouldn't read these books ever unless you are sure that you can handle them because they are very intense, and frightening. Look out Steven King F Gardner is the new Steven King.

>> No.18885283
File: 7 KB, 259x194, cotc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've read it, it is quite charming.

>> No.18885297

>Open Call of the Arcade sample in browser.
>First line of dialogue has improper comma use.
>Ellipses everywhere, used inexplicably for a number of different remarks.
>Two people talking in the same paragraph.
>Become immensely confused.
>Nonsensical said and action tags.
>Paragraphs seem to randomly change.
>Double adverbs and adjectives all over the place.
>Inner monologue is robotic nonsense imitating what the author thinks a human is.
>Book goes into a dream sequence a few paragraphs in.
>Close browser window.
Nah bro lol

>> No.18885299

I think I'm just going to filter the word "call of the crocodile", do you mind making all your OPs contain that sentence instead of just "lol im new xD whats this" + a pic of the cover

>> No.18885330
File: 157 KB, 750x1029, 3C22A427-4A0A-411B-B527-DE4C6DA0E131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you think the Room is a bad movie too.

>> No.18885393

You're really insulting The Room by comparing it to Gardner.
The Room is much more competent in its construction. It's reasonably well lit, they have sets, costumes, a budget, a director of photography, and there is technical competence. What makes The Room funny is that it falls on its face despite this.
Gardner lacks this. I would say it's more like a student film, a short, but most student films have at least some grasp of filmmaking history and craft, which Gardner lacks. This is book is more accurately the equivalent of an application to enroll in film school, and not The Room.
Second, by reading just a couple pages, I know what I'm in for. I don't need to read anymore.

>> No.18885415


>> No.18885510

Your book is not bad in a funny way. It's just sad. You're basically a 12 year old who has recorded a movie on your phone. Then you say: "hurr you think room is bad too??"

>> No.18885518

It is crazy to see how many people openly attack someone who creates. Gardner has improved since COTC and this sort of debasement of him is completely unwarranted.


>> No.18885532

Fuck off Gardner. Do you want us to praise you for making a fucking children's picture book??

>> No.18885560

the worst part of having been on /lit/ and 4chan for so many years, for me, is that i've seen this kind of "good money after bad" behavior before with forcing a gimmick. butterfly is a good example of it, she has never liked it here but she comes because she somehow can't admit to herself it was all a waste of time, so she keeps trading her own happiness and time for the spite of continuing to mildly annoy people here. when she posts she has some mixture of "fuck these nerds i'm trolling them lmao" and "these pathetic incels don't understand my greatness" but it's an unstable mix and never produces ordinary contentment while posting.

gardner and the other forced sobadit'sgood meme books recently have the same dynamic with the meme forcing. he/they clearly wanted it to become more of a "thing" than it has. but it only ever has as much life and attention as they pump into it, with diminishing returns.

at some point gardner learned about the guy who did exactly what he's doing 5 years ago, the satans book, and even when that guy was reduced to spending his whole afternoon posting single page screenshots of his own book to get people to actually read it, after years of no one caring enough to buy or shitpost about it organically, still nothing came of it and the whole gimmick was forgotten as quickly as he stopped inorganically sustaining it by posting.

of course the only plausible response to this is to dig deeper into butterfly's hole, double down on the gimmick again, but eventually he/they know/s in his/their minds that the instant they stop forcing it, it will vanish. no one will ever organically post HEY REMEMBER GARDNERPOSTING? a year later or something, unless he does it himself, and then no one will reply to that post.

sad that there have been a handful of people who have gone this route over the years.

>> No.18885594

Writing and the arts are noble pursuits, do you think these people would be happier working at Wal-Mart for a steady cheque?

>> No.18885684

>This thread is 4 people

>> No.18885711

>dig deeper into butterfly's hole
Never say this again

>> No.18885786
File: 34 KB, 314x500, call of the arcade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That book is awesome. I loved the twist. I always knew /lit/ would write a magnum opus eventually. Although I do think pic related is the better book.

>> No.18886212

I'm glad you wrote this.
I have been sitting on a novel for weeks now considering whether or not to self-publish. I had started to buy into this recent halo effect of Gardener and Waldun and was actually leaning towards shilling my work here.
Now I can see that their 'interest' was all bogus from the start. I've dodged a bullet, luckily.
Either my novel will be good enough to be published properly, or it will go into the vault.
Anything else is just delusion.

>> No.18886253

Just don't be a faggot, and post it normally and ask for feedback. Don't expect anything good or bad. Some guy was posting his travel memoir yesterday and it was a surprisingly successful thread. He got lots of feedback.

>> No.18886257

>they are largely consumer npc midwits, who seem to be pre-disposed to shillery
oh the ironing

>> No.18886272

I'm not looking for feedback though, I'm looking to sell a completed work. Ultimately that is shilling.

>> No.18886273

Self-pubbers are pure cancer. Their work is always shit and the world would be better off if they killed themselves.

>> No.18886289

It’s clearly the same guy samefagging against Gardner and Waldun. Which I suspect might be you. If not then good luck with your book m8.
You can tell it’s not all gardener because Call of the Crocodile is the only book thats memed here. He has three new books. So it wouldn’t make sense that he wouldn’t shill his new books.
It also can’t be true with Waldun because he’s a popular Youtuber. Just ask any of his followers. /lit/ has had it out for R.C. Waldun for years. Ever since he had wrote the Learned Disguise. It’s an unappreciated gem and filters this board.

>> No.18886305

Same reason M. Night Shyamalan movies are popular. Twists. Gardner shoehorns twists in all of his fucking books and faggots will eat that shit up.

>> No.18886320

>Which I suspect might be you.
Now you're just being paranoid

>> No.18886534

>You can tell it’s not all gardener

Like most shilling and spamming on /lit/ it's a discord group.

>> No.18886556

In this instance I'm fairly sure that's not the case, since I was in Gardner's discord and it's full of people who endlessly type self-aggrandizing reddit/facebook tier egoposts into chat all day long --real normie tier shit.
They simply wouldn't shill here. They're all completely self-obsessed beyond reason.

>> No.18887194

The best thing to come out of 4chan.

>> No.18887203

Gardner is very soulful. Jigoku was actually a pretty nice read too.

>> No.18887356
File: 1.00 MB, 3064x3104, 6million giga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>middle nigga goes to amusement park to play futuristic laser tag where you shoot holograms of crocodiles
>middle nigga meets dad nigga after winning
>they go eat some food
>middle nigga gets eaten by a croc
>dad nigga wakes up from this nightmare and starts talking about how fall is like dante's inferno or some shit
>little and big nigga get lectured by some priest at their catholic school over something
>big nigga has a crisis of faith
>little nigga exists
>the two child niggas go home to dad nigga
>they decide to go to grandma nigga for halloween
>they get there and start cooking dinner
>big nigga walks into a room and finds grandma nigga folding herself into a drawer
>big nigga thinks thats gay and leaves
>dad nigga goes to check on the oven
>apparently instead of ham, grandma nigga is roasting crocodile
>dad nigga loses his shit at grandma nigga
>turns out it was a hallucination
>they all go to sleep
>some weird demon invades their dreams and causes them to all the niggas to have interconnected nightmares
>they eventually find each other in the nightmares at some stage
>once they do, the curtains unfold and there's a crocodile sitting in a chair
>jesus comes save them
>then all the niggas start breaking the 4th wall
>turns out it was all a hallucination caused by a kid making a fictionalized tulpa family
>the tulpas somehow set his treehouse on fire
>hes in a coma and gets tortured by his tulpa
>i dont remember how but he ends up in a castle with cultists who want to recruit him because he can make tulpas
>stephen king ends up setting the castle on fire to save the kid
>he leaves with his mom and starts quoting dante's inferno
There's a summary of the plot from what I can remember.

>> No.18887436

These books are fucking insane.

>> No.18887560

holy fucking shit.
Where can I (((acquire))) a copy of this masterpiece?

>> No.18887588

I got mine from amazon. idk where else they are.

>> No.18887611

Funniest part about this is that this IS the actual plot. Now you know why it's a meme.

>> No.18887629

This is both the most /lit/ and /x/ thing I have ever read.

>> No.18887712

Gardnerchads I kneel....

>> No.18887720

jesus dude you have been shill this shit for two years now why are jannies such shit?

>> No.18887790

Did anyone else get the Evangelion reference in Call of the Arcade?

>> No.18887797

I sure did.

>> No.18887851

Sounds like a Stephen King book.

>> No.18887876

every now and then it hits me how absurd a name "call of the crocodile" is

>> No.18888100
File: 67 KB, 654x355, lameme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did he mean by this?

>> No.18888141

Yep. That sums it up. Now do the others.

>> No.18888306

That’s because it is.

>> No.18888406


>> No.18888584

Thank you

>> No.18888939

Good post. These books are terrible. And pushing them behind a shield of "lolol bro it's just a joke lol I trolled u" is midwit behaviour.

>> No.18888953

schizo horror book about a bunch of /x/ shit. very kino.

>> No.18890019

Their attacking him because of the shilling, anon.

>> No.18890032
File: 23 KB, 128x120, feelsworseman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw even if I share my book here people will just pirate it then attack both my writing and my character

>> No.18890057

I'll buy your book.

>> No.18890067

thanks anon. It's not actually out yet. I want to make sure it's super polished first if I'm going to do that.

>> No.18890077

I'm a part-time editor. Want me to look at it?

>> No.18890124

sure send me an email

>> No.18890127

oops it didnt show up

>> No.18890184


>> No.18890191

thanks I replied. let me know if you didn't get it.

>> No.18890218

Who was that other fuckwit again ? He used to shill his pseudo-philosophical shit book about being the solution to the problem of being. Not icycalm.

>> No.18890223
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>> No.18890239
File: 91 KB, 400x425, 9b5f9f7ab4a41f401993da60e5bebf80.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd read it but that's WAAAAAY too spooky. I'm a very sensitive boy.

>> No.18890252

This is cringe

Not your summary, but the plot like i can smell the cheetos coming from that plot

>> No.18890254

yeah that one's shit too but that wasn't it.

>> No.18890272

I'll take a peek at it when I get a chance.

>> No.18890279

much appreciated.

>> No.18890295

>attack someone who creates
Creation is not a virtue in itself. Everyday worthless literal shit is being created.

>> No.18890418

You are correct, but you should always offer constructive critique for your own.

>> No.18890425

The guys wants to be "/lit/core" so badly. It's honestly kind of sad how he's inflated the value of our opinions so grotesquely

>> No.18890434

I can totally sympathize with not wanting to appeal to the reddit crowd though. At that point you're just hoisting yourself by your own petard should you ever desecrate one of their holy cows like women, fags, or god forbid, niggers.

>> No.18890488

Excellent post. The way you got to the heart of these attention seekers was splendid.

>> No.18890555

before I order the whole call quadrology, could sb give me a quick general gestalt

>> No.18890989

A horror novel

>> No.18891477


>> No.18892001

A book by some animefag from /wg/

>> No.18892480

>Books made by some nutjob from /x/
>Quickly became known for having batshit crazy twists
>memed all day every day on here

>> No.18892495

Why do people say animefag?

>> No.18892645

Some post the fucking twist already, so we can get over it

>> No.18892660

All the books have twists dude. Gardner is a one trick pony and has EPIC TWISTS XD in all his books.

>> No.18893050

Because these books read like anime plots.

>> No.18893452

And that’s a good thing

>> No.18893948


>> No.18895304


So basically F. Gardner is a guy on /lit/ who wrote five books, but they're all fucking crazy and he didn't proofread or care about grammar and it reads like a literary b movie. Most of /lit/ decided it was hilarious and we all started to pretend to be F. Gardner and shilled his books, even though we hadn't read his books. Maybe two or three schizos became convinced that F. Gardner was posting over and over again shilling his books. He was just paying for ads. No matter how many times we told the schizos to take their meds they wouldn't, because they were schizos. So we're all still F. Gardners. Most of us bought his books and they're crazy but we can't shill anything for a year straight. The schizos can not take their meds for a year straight, so they're still angry. I still like F. Gardner because he worked so hard. But of course I would
Iike F. Gardner, being as how I'm F. Gardner and all. Take your meds.

>> No.18895394
File: 67 KB, 600x500, D57EAC21-F463-4C9E-992C-651D638AD588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8 books.

>> No.18895404

And I have unironically read them. Arcade and Jigoku are incredible.

>> No.18895410

Hunger of the Kangaroo has really weird references to The King in Yellow. Odd choice. But I suppose it works. Also the twists are the redeeming factor in these things. Gardener is really good at coming up with the strangest possible endings for his work.

>> No.18895440

QRD on Black Future?

>> No.18896261

This thread is full of pseuds trying to gaslight you out of a good book

>> No.18896464

I'll pirate your book but I'll respect its contents.

>> No.18896491

that's fair I guess

>> No.18896672


I'll buy your book but attack your character and then pretend to be you responding to my attacks on your character

>> No.18897243

that's less preferable than just pirating it

>> No.18897412


But you'll get three bucks you drug smuggling llama raper

>> No.18897416


Fuck you the drugs were when I was like 19 and if you don't know the difference between a llama and an alpaca I don't think you even read my book

t. me, the author of the book

>> No.18898247

It’s hot.

>> No.18899473
File: 356 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20210823-002923_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>38 posters
Oh no no no no no no no.

>> No.18899510

Go on

>> No.18899792

Don't think you can hide behind irony like this, Gardner. You glow in the dark like the CIA nigger you are.

>> No.18899832

For what purpose could he be a glowie?

>> No.18899883

Stay buttmad Qtard hahahahahahaha. Just get over yourself and accept that Trump lost and in two years there will be 9 billion humans.

>> No.18899895


>> No.18899897

What did he mean by this