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18883943 No.18883943 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a huge fan of potatos, baked potatos, bratkartoffeln, French fries, latkes, potato cakes and all potato-based dishes. Are there any books about the history of the potato and the role it played in alleviating hungers in Europe or books where potatos play a major role in the plot?

>> No.18883964

as a child, i was so dismissive of the baked potato till i tried that shit
now the baked potato is my favorite kind of potato

>> No.18883978

Recommended some potato core dishes

>> No.18883989
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>> No.18884006

Back to the bog, Tyrone. We don't need your shamrock shenanigans here.

>> No.18884039

Cheesy potato casserole with panko or cornflake crust is above all other potato dishes, by far.

>> No.18884062

Is this what yt ppl call "cooking"?

>> No.18884069
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Start with the Native Americans
Bratkartoffeln or German fries with fried onion and seasoning are absolutely kino. In Poland we have a dish called "Hungarian pancake" which is a regular potato pancake but bigger and served with goulash and sour cream on top

>> No.18884074

Even over the twice baked potato?

>> No.18884080
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Try hasselbackspotatis, it's the superior way of cooking potatoes.

>> No.18884082

Reminder before 1500, Potatoes and Tomatoes were not

>> No.18884085

growth of the soil by knut hamsun is potato-core

>> No.18884112
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>> No.18884136
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>> No.18884141
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>> No.18884149

Take that back right now NIGGGGGERRR!

>> No.18884152

Fuck you fag
Now I am going to make some for myself

Enjoy lad

>> No.18884161

Thank you bros

>> No.18884166

any history book on the irish

>> No.18884170

based thread so bump

>> No.18884181
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For serious potato scholars out there

>> No.18884191

Canadian poutine >>> all

>> No.18884377

bumping the best thread today

>> No.18884601
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As a kid I cuoldn't stand potatoes. They were so boring, ordinary etc. Now they are a staple of my diet.

>> No.18885084

Hi fellow potato chad. After reading about the Irish famine I spent a month living exclusively on Potatoes, milk, and butter †. I don't remember any particular things I read, but one idea I encountered that I thought interesting was the perculiar 19th century attitude that it was more modern and sophisticated to be underfed and somewhat malnourised, as the white-bread-and-dripping eating urbanites were at the time, and that by contrast, to be robust and virile - as the cottier farmers were prior to the famine - was savage and regressive. In a way I think there are parallels to be drawn with the modern age, where it is considered almostt boorish to be mentally strong and resilient, while to have a delicate mental state seems often to be a status symbol (c.f. mental health conditions in twitter bios and tiktokers bragging about their diagnoses). Just a thought that I might expand on at some point.

Anyway I also would enjoy reading materials on the excellent potato. Did you know that the potato is actually a good source of complete protein? Most people just regard it as empty carbs but in fact it is very nutritional.

† and salt, pepper, tea, and coffee

>> No.18885110

Andrew F. Smith, Potato: A Global History
Rebecca Earle, Potato

>> No.18885678

>tfw driven mad by the incessant flowering of your potatoes.

>> No.18885714

Luther Burbank: His Methods and Discoveries, Their Practical Application
You don't want all the volumes, but you can search it specifically for the potato sections

>> No.18886639

is this actually the plot? sounds kinda kino desu. Shame I'm learning Danish not Norwegian.

>> No.18887991
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Hamsun wrote his first book in Danish since the languages didn't seperate until the 1907 reform.
Og om du faktisk lærer dansk vil du relativt enkelt kunne lese norsk

>> No.18888023

No, not the plot, just an event.

>> No.18888112

Rice, potatoes, oatmeal. The big three. I wish I could like beans but they make me fart so much that my ass starts to hurt a day after I eat them. Noodles are good too but you just can't eat them by themselves. Shit gets a little too complicated

>> No.18888159

This lookz amazing omgggggggggzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!! ^.^

- ! RAWR ! -

>> No.18888313

Is appreciating potato’s for what they are a sign of wisdom and maturity?

>> No.18888532

My life is potato.