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[ERROR] No.16873[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that it's fundamentally unethical to eat meat.

>> No.16967

Singer is a fucking moron.

>> No.16970

>Intelligence does not provide a basis for giving nonhuman animals any less consideration than such intellectually challenged humans.

Just as I wouldn't eat a dumb /fit/ poster, similarly a human should not eat an animal.

>> No.17038


you couldn't eat me if you tried betamale

>> No.17105

Silly post.

>> No.17112

*eats anon butthole while blushing*

Care to justify your opinion?

>> No.17146

wew lad

>> No.17181

Wrong my dude. Intelligence has nothing to do with it. Livestock and humans participate in a social contract. We insure the health and existence of the species as a whole in exchange for choosing the time of death of the individual animal. There is nothing immoral about it. I will say that some aspects of modern industrial agriculture can be fucked up. But this is not an argument against the underlying millennia old social contract.

>> No.17257


>> No.17299

*forcibly enslaves you and your descendants for millennia and then justifies it with bullshit about a nonexistent "contract"*

>> No.17314


>> No.17377

This is a stupid argument. A social contract implies that the rights you are given are worth the rules imposed on you. How would you know if cows agree to this "social contract"?

>> No.17387

Do we live in medieval Europe or some African shithole? Not only farming animals is insufficient it's also unnecessary, dumbass lil nigga

>> No.17389

Why? Because he goes against your carnivorous impulses?

>> No.17405


>> No.17406

>False equivalency fallacy
>Thinks he's witty
Wew lad.

>> No.17412

Being a first-world citizen is unethical
If you gave away 75% of your luxuries you could save 10-15 other people

>> No.17498

They agree with their compliance. You've never worked with cows but let me tell you something when an animal heavy as a full sized sedan doesn't want to do something they don't. You can't hurt it. It's pain threshold is way too high. Cattle prod? Nope. I've literally seen a cow rather be dragged by a tractor than be led by a halter. These animals allow us to manipulate them because it's comfy AF to be fed three meals a day and have all of your sexual needs fulfilled. They never see the end coming so they never think about that end of it.

>> No.17540


>> No.17574

Why? muh shitty ethics

>> No.17606

>/fit/ doesn't believe in justice or ethics


>> No.17625

>believing literal fairytale-tier thought experiments meant to instill norms into normies for social control purposes
you're as sentient as the cows singer is defending

>> No.17633

i disagree :)

>> No.17635

Because they're fucking cows you dumbass. Their only wants are to eat grass and occasionally fuck each other.

Domesticated cows how no place in a natural ecosystem. They are effectively "born to die" and the existence of their species is by our doing. As consumers, in order for humans to live, other life must be destroyed. (at least for any kind of feasible society to exist) As another logical step from equating humans to cows or pigs, equate all animals to plants. As we both co-exist on the same planet, have a right to exist, and broken down we are all made of cells. Now every animal starves to death.

Fuck off.

>> No.17638

It's a board who worships the modern Narcissus known as zyzz. How does this surprise you?

>> No.17670

>Born to die
We all are. Vegans cannot fathom that death is natural and healthy.

>> No.17673


No it's not. You just have to also eat retarded people if you want to be consistent, which means that you ought to eat Peter Singer if you have the chance.

>> No.17689

Ethics only apply to other humans

>> No.17746

Oh yeah, I guess I expected them to be conscientious human beings. My bad.

>> No.17756
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Funny, /fit/ seems more Stirnermode than /lit/

>> No.17770

>Can't into basic logic and reasoning
>Calls others cows

>> No.17792

>this fucking post

>> No.17799

Two or three posts in and already no homo

>> No.17830

>you have to kill plants to eat them, right?
No anon. Go outside ffs.

>> No.17856

(((Every moving thing that is alive shall be food for you)))

>> No.17861
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I read a book by Pete back when I was a vegetarian. His whole speciest idea isn't bad really, but it's sort of self contradictory in that

>it's speciest to not be ethical towards animals just because they're from another species, they still feel pain and can suffer (that's his argument)
>but it's also speciest to assign any kind of moral value to suffering as that's a human centric, or mammalian centric idea.

From a biological perspective the integrity of the whole (system) is more important than the moral integrity of the individual, and obviously nature doesn't "care" how much anything suffers.

The the only ground I'll share with him is that suffering does suck, because I, as an individual don't like to suffer either. So the solution is then to kill animals as painlessly as possible. And in that regard they basically become plants because the suffering has been removed from the equation.

Also when I did my Msc I killed a shit ton of fish for my data....you can't really be in Bio or environmental science and not kill shit

>> No.17892


Modern farm animals wouldn't exist if farming didn't exist. There are no wild cows or pigs or chickens.

>> No.17903

Well now your changing your argument, your going from "cows want us to eat them so they can live in concentration camps" to "we can eat cows because we want to".

I eat meat, im not against it, i just dont like people pretending the first argument is somehow correct or insightful. The only reason you wrote it is because it makes you feel good. Like somehow your a great saviour of the cow race because you allow them to be your food. Man up and say a cows consciousness so limited its not worthing worrying about.

>> No.17908


>> No.17920
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what about the fact animals, if they had to observe contracts with other animals, would not enforce and even violate them all the time?
kyubee pls

>> No.17926

cheap synthetic meat when?
I'm tired of vegans desu

>> No.17938


So you only eat fruits and portions of colonial plants?

>> No.17939

being unethical increases your test, so if you want to set PRs every workout you need to maximize your unethical behavior. Eat meat, cheat on your spouse, steal from work, cut people off using the shoulder on the highway, just remember, the more unethical, the more test.

>> No.17964


>Livestock and humans participate in a social contract

Where did the cow sign?

>> No.17966
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Tolstoi and a couple of months of critical thinking made me a vegetarian. I'm not that into animal rights activism as some friends but more into an spiritual approach to vegetarianism.
Can't find the quote that I wanted to post but google brought me this one:
>A man can live and be healthy without killing animals for food; therefore, if he eats meat, he participates in taking animal life merely for the sake of his appetite. And to act so is immoral.
So you're doing them a favor? How nice of you!

>> No.17979


I'd still rather eat the real thing unless I was poor and synthetic was cheaper.

This is basically what its coming down to, we're lowering the quality of life for everyone who isn't having 2+ kids so that poor people with 5+ kids can keep pumping them out. And I won't go into the racial demographics of these disparities.

>> No.17989
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>Leave your daily protein needs to me

>> No.17995

>I'd still rather eat the real thing

This is utter nonsense

>> No.18009

>tfw the VG debate with Bearings made you want to be vegan


>> No.18016
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The assumption that animals are without rights and the illusion that our treatment of them has no moral significance is a positively outrageous example of Western crudity and barbarity.
Universal compassion is the only guarantee of morality.

>> No.18019

Why should an animal have the right not to be eaten by a human
I have never seen a plant have rights and I have never seen a rock have right and as far as I know the logic behind humans having rights is the presumption that we are all born equal under the law
As long as an animal isn't born from a human mother then this shouldn't be up for debate

>> No.18024


well it's either that or wipe out a couple of species. I don't care either way, I'll still eat meat.

It's perfectly natural for species A to look out for the best interest of species A and disregard the interests of other species. You can apply this same rule to the individual, the family, the tribe, etc. Just different levels.

>> No.18041


>> No.18044


Why? I enjoy fishing, camping and hunting, it's a whole activity, a hobby, a family tradition, a skill, etc.

>> No.18049

Yeah but I want my journey towards it to be healthy and long, not plagued with disease

>> No.18056


>It's perfectly natural for species A to look out for the best interest of species A and disregard the interests of other species.

You think it's in our best interest to eat meat?

>> No.18081

> is a positively outrageous example of Western crudity and barbarity.
Because animals are only eaten in the west?
Because factory farming is only a thing in the west
Get the fuck out of here with your social guilt

>> No.18111

>So the solution is then to kill animals as painlessly as possible. And in that regard they basically become plants because the suffering has been removed from the equation.
You're not taking into account that animals suffer for their entire existence inside factory farming environments, not just the moment of their death

>> No.18121

I'm not even going to pretend that I respect enough your specist morals to engage in a discussion about that. I'm more willing to discuss about your tribalistic notions and how basic, if not completely flawed, your way of thinking is. Just a cruel existence that in which you engage on.

>> No.18127

>fundamentally unethical
big words, but you're talking nonsense, anon

>> No.18134


>The the only ground I'll share with him is that suffering does suck, because I, as an individual don't like to suffer either. So the solution is then to kill animals as painlessly as possible. And in that regard they basically become plants because the suffering has been removed from the equation.

If you kill a human in a way where they don't suffer, are they basically just a plant and there's no moral issue with it?

>> No.18141

the only thing veganism has going on for it is How cheap it is.
Can a growing 6' , 18yr old male go vegan And gain all necessary nutrients without eggs, meats..
Obviously Not going to change my diet because of this site But still

>> No.18143

>He thinks social contracts are physical
Thanks for your obtuse observation. It didn't make me laugh. If you're trying to say that they don't have an equal trade off see>>17498

>> No.18147

Reminder that morality is subjective and you can't tell me what's unethical

>> No.18171

The majority of philosophers disagree.

>> No.18177


Human evolution points to yes. Although at this point in time consumption could stand to be reduced, mainly for fat people and women.

But if you're a male 6' or taller, it can be hard to put on weight or muscle, especially if you;re lifting.

>> No.18180

how is this exclusive to the West, you fucking cuckold?

>inb4 "pajeet respects cows"

>> No.18183
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Reminder that eating machine harvested crops is even less ethical, as the animals living in the fields are crushed to death while their meat goes to waste.
Unless you grow and harvest your own veggies, blood is still on your hands. Have fun with that.

>> No.18193

it is also unethical to be small

take your pick, and get back to your books manlet

>> No.18207

>You think it's in our best interest to eat meat?

>> No.18226

What are some other words that let you know a post is worthless?

>> No.18240

That's like saying it's unethical to lift weights because some unlucky kid was killed by a barbell.

>> No.18242

Yes, you'd probably get even more nutrients than you're getting already

>> No.18246

thats subjective
if you are talking about the raw ingridients meat can get pretty cheap depending on the quality you buy but sure it will never as cheap as rice and beans unless you can raise chickens or rabbits
neither is the case for most people, unless they live in terrible poverty people often buy a variety of premade food

>> No.18251


That's why free range is the way to go. And reduce the size of the human population.


>tfw too smart for the pleb caveman

How is it flawed? Humans have been tribal since their speciation, if not before. All social animals are tribal. And my existence isn't cruel you asshole, it's pretty comfy.

You think humans are cruel? Only people who have never studied nature can be this naive. Very few animals will die of natural causes in the wild, most will be eaten, and some in very unpleasant ways like while still alive. The rest will die from disease, exposure (freezing,dehydration) etc. Humans aren't too bad compared to the rest of the natural world.

>> No.18259


It's stupid to say that's less ethical since something like 10x more crops are grown this way to feed livestock. It may be an issue, but if it's an issue you care about personally, the better option would still be to not eat meat.

>> No.18280
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Philosophers can't even agree what "good" means
Ethics is one of the most autistic philo fields besides epistemology

>> No.18293


Yeah, but I don't eat humans. Prions are nasty.

>> No.18300

>dodging the question

>> No.18307

>why on earth would animals live where there is food?
The post.
Eat your goddamn meat you pussies. How can you have yer pudding if you don't eat yer meat? What use is the ego without building a body capable of manifesting your will?

>> No.18309

>The majority of philosophers disagree.
WTF they are like priests now?

>> No.18330

The majority of philosophers are moral realists.
Muh subjective morality would get you laughed out of the room.

>> No.18347

All meat is expensive where I live.
I aways considered veganism But i need to gain weight And everyone says I need to eat meat And eggs And all that.
Anyways, I do Not agree with the morals of animal consumption. Dont animals Kill each other? Its Not Like people do it for sadistic purposes, let alone even reconsider their choices once nearly everyone is aways eating meat/dairy/anything tasty.
Also, I would have to be *that guy* when visiting people.

>> No.18351

Sorry I'll remember to say it's "totally wrong" next time.

>> No.18355

>The majority of philosophers are moral realists.
Your point? Tons of people nowadays subscribe to non-cognitivist views. It's not like there's a consensus or non-disputed prevailing view

>> No.18379

>How is it flawed?
It doesn't appoint to global sentient interdependence
>Humans have been tribal since their speciation, if not before.
We're already past that point, anon. The fact that you and me are sharing opinions from totally different points of the world should be enough proof
>All social animals are tribal
Animals are fucking brutal, too. You even said it in your own post. I don't see coincidence in tribalism and brutal outcomes, I see causality.
>And my existence isn't cruel you asshole, it's pretty comfy.


>> No.18386

People still dispute the earth's shape.

>> No.18405

>You think humans are cruel?
Some are, some not. It would be stupid to make such a broad generalization.
>Only people who have never studied nature can be this naive.
So you think humans are not cruel and those who think they are it's because they are naive?
>Very few animals will die of natural causes in the wild, most will be eaten, and some in very unpleasant ways like while still alive The rest will die from disease, exposure (freezing,dehydration) etc.
Nature is brutal, society too. Shocking news.
>Humans aren't too bad compared to the rest of the natural world.
So you think we reached our limit of distance with brutality and cruelty? Because, if you ask me, I think that vegetarianism would make humans less "too bad compared to the rest of the natural world".


I will never get the 1000 character limit.

>> No.18415

>free range
free range is a meme buzzword unless you can actually go the farm and verify the conditions. Also like you implied, there's not enough land to support the current population, so people will need to learn to eat some vegan meals anyway, porbably for the majority of the week, while meat would become a luxury. Which is a step in the right direction I suppose

>> No.18422


>advocating extinction of farm animal species because of exploitation

>> No.18423

It seems at the end of the day you guys take the most exception with their lack of self determination. Which seems silly when you consider that animals exhibit no behavior to show they can fathom the concept.

>> No.18438

You don't understand the conditions that factory-farm animals go through, do you?

>> No.18447

isnt our concept of the earths shape bassed on a lot of assumptions about whats exactly at the core that we have no method of corroborating?

>> No.18452

I like my dog but why should I not enjoy hunting other animals alongside, something my dog would also enjoy?

Hunting animals is fundamentally ethical and objectively less wasteful than not hunting.

Industrial plastic-wrapped crap I hate though, but mainly because it's turning the frogs gay. Also there are parts in the world where there are too many people who don't produce anything, they should literally eat each other in my opinion, for it is the only thing they've produced.

>> No.18460

Veganism fails hard in comparison to Hunting. The positive environmental impact of hunting cannot be credibly denied, as few hobbies make the maintenance of pristine wild land profitable and none match hunting and fishings' magnitude.

>> No.18464

dishonest post

>> No.18473


Red herring. Moralist position is absolute. I'm all in favor of improving conditions of farm animals. Their meat will taste better; they will suffer less. Win-win.

>> No.18491

You can eat way more than that without killing a plant.

>> No.18503

I never said it was okay to kill animals, bud.

>> No.18506


We can still cooperate and be tribal. But homogeneous (racial/cultural) societies will always have lower crime rates and less conflict.

I think what humans do isn't as brutal as other aspects of nature. And I'm relatively comfortable with the amount of "brutality" we exhibit towards other species (taking in to account my limiting animal suffering point from earlier).

>> No.18519

dont spook me bro

>> No.18537

Your dog wouldn't even know the difference between real and synthetic meat.

>> No.18547

>I'm relatively comfortable with the amount of "brutality" we exhibit towards other species
I'm sure the lord was relatively comfortable with the amount of brutality exhibited towards peasants.

>> No.18554

Interesting. Still, talking about society as a whole going vegan? I just cant see that happening. Ever. Also, every time shit gets really Bad people can aways hunt. Like in Australia. Fucking Kangaroos. Different then systematic (relative) torture, actual imprisionment And mass consuption of animals.

>> No.18556

You meme but scientific evidence supports atrazine runoff chemically castrating and feminizing frogs. The scientific community has known about this since studies on the matter were published in 2010. Source:
>https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2842049/ .
Frogs are great indicators for river toxicity due to their semi-permiable skin. If only they were Bald Eagles, people would give a shit and monsanto wouldn't get away with destroying river ecosystems.

>> No.18557


or just have less people on the planet.

Free range as in the animals get to run around outside. Also the future of farming is going to be even more heavily based on aquatic organisms than terrestrial ones. Not that there's that many more resources left in the ocean either.

>> No.18573


No, of course you didn't. Farm conditions only matter if you believe that it's OK for animals raised on farms to be slaughtered for meat.

Pure hypocrisy.

Up your game if you want to persuade more people to your positions.

>> No.18580

ur mums fundametaly unethical

>> No.18589


It's also effecting fish too in fresh water systems. The amount of female piss with birth control entering local watersheds can have an impact on the ratio of female vs male fish in a population. It's turning more in to female fish.

>> No.18615

You are projecting how you would feel if you were the farm animals. A horrible fallacy. For example
>You see a flock of chickens crammed together in a barn and wince thinking no doubt about Holocaust train cars or the like
>Chickens who are birds and naturally love to flock closely together even when (free range), I raised them that way so I've seen it, see it as heaven on Earth where food falls from the sky and they never have to worry about predators. Better yet, their biggest fear of being separated from the flock is also an impossibility.

>> No.18625

vegans and vegetarians are a symptom of civilisation and when society collapses they will disappear

>> No.18643

or circumvent the entire issue and grow the meat in a lab

>> No.18645

i have seen those free range chickens, the skin is a yellowish tone and their meat looks a hell of a lot better than the goey white shit i buy at the supermarket
when i debone a chicken the skin practically falls off on its own but better quality free range is better, tugher, it feels like something that was alive at some point
i have never worked in a kitchen and i only went out of my way to buy the best quality chicken they sell once but in my experience there is a big difference

>> No.18678

Dropped right there

>> No.18698

>eating fake food
enjoy finding out after 25 years of consuming lab "grown" meat that it is more harmful than regular meat

>> No.18700
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Read this instead then.

>> No.18705

Cool stuff. Me and my gf already believe chemical birth control to be poison. All endocrine disrupters are evil bro.

>> No.18706
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You promote lab grown meat meanwhile your crowd is disgusted by dwarf wheat and other gmos?

>> No.18710

factory farmed fish often suffers the exact same problems as factory farmed chicken
its actually worse for fish because some fish taste like shit and there is nothing you can do to fix it

>> No.18713

DAE vegans are dumb?
Unlike me, I've seriously thought out the ethics of my eating habits and it turns out I was right all along

>> No.18720

enjoy saying that about literally everything

>> No.18731

I'd be right

>> No.18740

You can't just magically disappear people from the planet. You can enourage less meat consumption/ban factory farming though

>> No.18748

Read this >>18615
You dumb shits and stop acting like animals and humans have anything close to similar standards about living conditions. You wouldn't dream of walking around naked and dropping a big ol load of poo wherever you felt the urge would you?

>> No.18772

>enjoy finding out after 25 years of consuming lab "grown" meat
we already know that about most vegan food

>> No.18788

You're doing the same thing...

>> No.18800

I wasn't memeing at all

The e-pill shit is also affecting fish wherever the sewer water is dumped, it's not even /pol/-tier stuff anymore because the documentary I watched that gave that information out was seen at an actual state educational facility

>> No.18803


>> No.18827

its okay, I can always just kill jews and eat their meat since they are lower than animals, they are parasites.

>> No.18832

>these chickens totally feel like they're in heaven I just know it

>> No.18836

That wasn't what I said

I said my dog would enjoy the actual act of hunting, which it does, it is a hunting dog genetically predisposed to, after all

>> No.18856

The tinfoilers are the watchdogs. Nothing is admitted unless it must be. They willingly sacrifice their sanity to look out for the rest of us. Thus, I venerate them.

>> No.18861
File: 86 KB, 608x409, hunting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get >>>/out/ and hunt your own meat. Not only is it recreational for both body and mind, but you can be sure that the animals there have lived a good, free life.
And depending on where and what you hunt you even do something good for the enviornment.

>> No.18867
File: 46 KB, 542x535, stirner spookbuster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did somebody call?

>> No.18879

You can prove the earth isn't flat, you can't prove that morality isn't subjective

>> No.18882
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>talk about mass government surveillance years ago
>"they don't do that, stop being so paranoid!"
>talk about it now
>"duh of course they do that, If you didn't assume you were naive and there's nothing I can do so who cares"

>> No.18906

>you can't prove that morality isn't subjective
You can actually.
Imagine explaining colors to a blind person, that's how it feels explaining moral facts to you people.You're defective and morally blind troglodytes.

>> No.18920
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>> No.18944

I gave three reasons why it would be nice from a chickens perspective on life. I've also literally raised them myself, so, yeah I think I have a little better insight than some burb bitch who watches YouTube and think he knows how the world works.

>> No.18958

Veganism for the sake of reducing suffering because the natural conclusion is to meddle with nature for the same goals. And vegans, Singer included, inevitably /do/ go to this conclusion by proposing phenomenally stupid shit like genociding all predatory species.

>> No.18968

And you make the maintenance of those lands profitable while responsibly checking fauna population levels, preventing ecolgical collapse. We took on that duty when we removed the predators. Just like NATO, the US backing of that alliance allowed NATO members to socialize without invasion or collapse. The removal of predators granted pussies the luxury of neglecting their bodies.
How long would the vegans among us last in a world of true predation, where humanity is within the food chain not adjacent?

>> No.19077

>It's perfectly natural
>le human nature meme
kys meathead

>> No.19079

Your dog can live without hunting lmao

>> No.19089

When I say morality is subjective, I'm saying what people care about is influenced by their experiences, their upbringing, and their opinions.
What people think is "good" or "acceptable" is going to change depending on who you ask.
I'm not saying morality doesn't exist, or that you shouldn't try to be moral.
>You can actually.
Ok, prove to me that everyone thinks the same. Give an example of something that everyone in the world will say is morally good, give an example of something that everyone in the world will say is morally bad.
Also throw in some more false equivalencies and insults, really makes me think.

>> No.19096
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>yfw the police of your state make an actual unironic unintentional 1984 parody where a parent's own child tells them to stop posting societal critique on the internet because they're treading on illegal activity


Basically the mother is about to write an angry post at a politician and the child tells her not to, then whispers to the "police lion" to come to the scene and stop her mother from posting, similar to how in the book the children would expose their own parents for criminal thought

And the fucking campaign was named "nice talk" too, you can't make this up.

On the other hand I don't know if this was state-sponsored, the actual people from the police department have usually stood up to some of the other dystopian shit the parliament has tried pulling recently.

>> No.19132

not words, but passive-agressive rethorical questions do it for me f a m

>> No.19135


>> No.19208


>> No.19281


>> No.19356

Who knew /fit/ was full of pussies.

>> No.19377

the same length of time as everyone else

good luck finding a deer to hunt when 320m other people are also hunting in your woodlands.

>> No.19383

It's not immoral to eat all meat, such as lab grown meat, but yes, it is immoral to keep and raise animals in mass quantities for food purposes. For environmental reasons if anything

Does anyone have any idea how FUCKED the agricultural / meat / diary lobbies are in north america? They shaped the modern diet of Americans over the last century more then you can know

>> No.19401

at least unless things really change you got your confirmation that the crazy things people laugh at now will become reality

>> No.19404

eat cyanide if you're such a hard cunt mate

>> No.19411

I'm implying cannibalism too.

>> No.19414

Oxygen kills.

>> No.19415

Well at least the police made a public fuss about it when the government was trying to cover up criminal records by straight telling them that they should stop releasing them to the public

That whole episode was obviously because of the correlation of the recently government-admitted "people" and their predisposition to violent crime which caused quite the public uproar

I guess the parliament retaliated by cutting police resources from actual police patrols that protect the people and then redirecting those resources to internet surveillance for hate speech

>> No.19433

Apparently kangaroo tastes good. I think that's a bit dubious, because they aren't much more than an oversized rodent that isn't actually a rodent.
Then again, I like rabbit.
>lab-grown meat
Enjoy your living horror film.

>> No.19442

colony collapse would have the entire human race dead soon after the literal only source of food, hunting, dried up.

good luck finding a human or anything else to eat when nothing exists because of complete ecological desertification

>> No.19667


>> No.19730

t. Jesus of chickens.

>> No.19749

Humanity has the same weakness.

.t farm kid from /pol/

>> No.19767

is this the famous intellectual superiority /lit/ prides itself upon?

>> No.19856

But it is equally unethical to eat plants. And we know we can't live off sunlight indefinitely.

I guess the fact that plants don't scream so much is keeping vegans from understanding their own hypocrisy in this argument.

>> No.19913

No this is definitely a retarded health nut from /fit/ trying to justify himself with /lit/

>> No.19966

You're beyond a real argument.
When you were called out for the hypocrisy of your argument you resorted to name calling and imply that no one's opinion besides yours, as a chicken raiser, is valid. You think of yourself as someone who is making them a favor, but I'm a little sceptic about your moral highground. You raise them because they're food in your eyes.
Besides that, >>18547 puts it simply. Oppresion doesn't seem that bad when you're the one on the winners side. You just quoting yourself and say "see this greentext, discussion is over" without adressing the other party's points is stupid.

>> No.19998

>Eating fruit is unethical
I know americans aren't that familiar with vegetables and fruit but you should check this things before posting about food.

>> No.20038

You do not understand history. Put down your fiction.

>> No.20061

It's still unethical. Fruit, vegetable, herbs. They are all living things as much as any animal. This alone makes it equally unethical as eating animals.

If anything eating fruit is as unethical as eating young puppies, because the fruit are the young offspring of the plant that bore it.

>> No.20064
File: 3 KB, 142x25, not true, by the way.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20092

they can't reciprocate, only good ass goyim get into contracts which are not reciprocal.

>> No.20136

Prepare to be foolish. Then google Vault 7. You will do so unless you want to prove yourself terrified of knowledge.

>> No.20222
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>muh ethics
No one's gonna mention that eating meat is fucking unhealthy for humans? There are gazillion scientific studies about this.

And NOT A SINGLE study that indicates increasing meat consumption translates to healthy outcomes.

>> No.20232

I'd say there are 80 billion examples why eating meat is good for you

>> No.20242

>you need to maximize your unethical behavior


>> No.20252

>eating meat is fucking unhealthy for humans
check the current literature before perpetuating myths

>> No.20256

would let a vegan pull you out of a burning building? would you endanger public safety over this?

>> No.20271

Oh we've tried in the past here on /fit/.
But then you look at the American food pyramid and think it's hopeless to talk sense into people so you just kinda give up trying to explain how we likely first ate meat from carcasses or through cannibalism as a means to survive famine.

>> No.20277

Why do vegetarians live so long then?

>> No.20317
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You mean this garbage?

>> No.20328

vegetarians (as a population) restrict more than their meat intake and that means the comparision is not apples to apples. Mormons and Seventh Day Adventists have the most longevity and they consume meat and abstain from drinking, smoking and other lifespan degenerative habits.

>> No.20330

Hunger promotes a lot of growth. So there's that.
Plant based food is easier to digest and if you eat a good balance of different fruits and vegetables you gain all the micros and some macros for your day plus some.

>> No.20373

the average vegetarian pays more attention to his nutrition than the average person
vegan and non-vegasn with similar level of physical activity and attention to their diet will live the same

>> No.20389

>Since the 1860s when the church began, wholeness and health have been an emphasis of the Adventist church. Adventists are known for presenting a "health message" that recommends vegetarianism
>The church discourages its members from consuming alcoholic beverages, tobacco or illegal drugs

>> No.20408
File: 11 KB, 229x221, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>New York Times Bestseller
>"FAT" in big letters
>halo over HD meat
>butter is healthy

>> No.20448

Name 8.

>> No.20462

>it's an insulin resistant phoneposter shits on lipids episode

>> No.20493

Just opened my window and I saw about 30 walking down the street

>> No.20497


Let's face it, if you eat less than 2 pounds of beef per day, you're a faggot. You might as well wear a dress, grow your hair long, and let older meat eating gentleman fuck you in your boipussi.

Case dismissed.

>> No.20513

Name them then.

>> No.20537

Should've dropped out immediately

>> No.20553


>> No.20569

You want specific names or are physical descriptions enough?

>> No.20602
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>> No.20622

Specific names. Homo sapiens counts as one though.

>> No.20631

Daily reminder that Singer is the only person whose response to 'a defense of abortion' is 'well duh you're obligated to stay attached to the dying violinist'.

>> No.20658

Then I can't help you my friend, sorry that this silly line of enquiries led nowhere for both of us

>> No.20663

This anon has the right idea. Even if you eat a part of a plant, that plant had to be injured, it had to be damaged. Whenever you put a fruit in your mouth, you must realize that it was once growing and experiencing cellular respiration just like any other living thing. There is only way ethical way to gain sustenance and that is through prana. Look up Inedia, it is the only enlightened path. I myself having eaten anything in 3 years.


>> No.20784

And I sure hope you aren't using any kind of wood, cotton, wool, or even algae derived products.

>> No.20800

>Whenever you put a fruit in your mouth, you must realize that it was once growing and experiencing cellular respiration just like any other living thing.

Now you are mixing eating cadaver with eating living beings.

There are some guys that only eat fruits that fall from trees.

Some go as far to only eat fruits that falled from tress no homo sapiens sapiens planted.

>> No.20831

Singer argues against eating sentient things, not all living things. Trees are alive, but they are not sentient.

>> No.20838

It's even worse in that case because unless you eat the seeds and shit them out on the ground, you robbed that plant of the whole purpose to making that fruit. It's like you aborted a plant's children without its consent.

>> No.20891

Noble of him to say we shouldn't feast upon rocks, but his reasoning is childish and flawed as you explain it. Plants communicate with one another.

>> No.20894

How can you prove plants have no sentience?

>> No.21888

Veganism is retarded, and no one should ever take Singer seriously. The only people who do are the same people who exclude themselves from reality.

All life exists thanks to the death of others.

>> No.21951

Enjoy your arteriosclerosis and colon cancer.

>> No.22042

Enjoy your inevitable, inescapable death that we will all experience one day whether we want to or not.

>> No.22103

We are on the verge of bio-rejuvenation therapies. I'm gonna live till the end of the universe.

>> No.22126
File: 95 KB, 510x768, Best fertilizer in the world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Existential dread is your answer for being unethical? The french had you sorted out decades ago, you should try reading for once in your life.

>> No.22310

I wouldn't call it dread, I'd call it embracing reality. I don't want to live on soy and bushes just to arbitrarily extend my life a few years. I'd rather enjoy the succulent taste of meat while the fire of my life still roars.

Or as a Chinese dude once told me, "Your life can be short and fat or long and thin."

>> No.22327

if you dont eat big, you're not gonna get big. cmon bro.