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/lit/ - Literature

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18880341 No.18880341[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Write here your most deep dark fantasies, no matter how deranged or delusional they are.

>> No.18880345


>> No.18880348

I would like a glass of water
Very much even would I like one

>> No.18880353
File: 87 KB, 250x250, tumblr_ogw2kl7ZDZ1vzca51o3_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be loved for who I am

>> No.18880355

Fantasies? L-like.. s-s-sexual fantasies? Oh gee, oh gosh

Anyway I want to hurt men and women, whip them cut them up, burn their skin, do whatever it takes for them to be screaming for mercy. I want them to lose some sanity in the process of me deriving pleasure from their pain, and to hate me for it. I often have cum just to audios of people screaming in pain.

>> No.18880360


>> No.18880365

Who are you?

>> No.18880368

I would like to fuck that girl (delusional)

>> No.18880375

I want to tear that bitch's dress down the middle, slam her down against the ground by the throat and fuck the shit out of her whether she wants it or not. No kissing. No romantic shit. Just fucking.

>> No.18880390

I want OP to post about literature on the /lit/ board.

>> No.18880391

you're a faggot

>> No.18880392

Die in a war

>> No.18880394

why doesn't she wear clothing that fits her? her bust is squashed like a loaf of soft white at the bottom of a bag for life.

>> No.18880395

Name? Does she stream or do onlyfans? I have some disposable income I am willing to part ways with to be closer to this pure goddess.

>> No.18880397

its a white boy summer baby lets get it

>> No.18880403


>> No.18880409
File: 1.26 MB, 720x1280, ezgif-4-655f7b6b9f97.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to kill someone. I want someone to look at me like I'm a God as I control their last moments of life. I want to be the final thing someone sees before their eyes are closed forever.

>> No.18880432

i want to be a dedicated cuck to a cute girl and give her all my money

>> No.18880442

I wish I was a less autistic Dr. Manhattan.

>> No.18880500

>I want someone to look at me like I'm a God as I control their last moments of life.
this is something some serial killers say and i never understand. why do you think you are a god for controlling somebody?. god in my view is liberating if all. you people are totally corrupted by power. but anyway, why do you want to be a god?, is a fucking delusion, you just kill somebody, you are not almighty powerful because of that.

>> No.18880562

Please? Someone give me her name. I can't stop thinking about her, she's just so fucking beautiful.

>> No.18880569

Your life is your most precious possession.
When you are at risk of losing it, the person or thing who controls it, is your new God, all your thoughts, energy and wishes go to that person or thing.
Godhood is all about power and nothing else.
In every religion God always punishes others for trying to reach him.
Power is the only way to ascend.

>> No.18880582

I want to get a flare gun and shoot the roof of the nearby catholic cathedral.

>> No.18880591

I want all software, firmware, and hardware to be completely free and open-source.

>> No.18880630
File: 581 KB, 768x546, 328BE94C-23C3-4F4B-AE21-A0CA5382D7AC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to get an Afghan refugee pregnant, marry her, and convert her to Christianity

>> No.18880698

There's at least the possibility I will commit suicide at some point in the corporatized totalitarian hellscape this country is becoming. I've always had that thought in the back of my head ever since reading Hunter S. Thompson considered it a comfort to know he could just blow his head off at any moment if life got to be too much. My fantasy would be to immolate myself publicly as a political statement like Thich Tran Duc in Vietnam.

Also, I've never self-harmed, but I've wondered about it. There's an incredibly attractive and potentially crazy barista I know who has confided in me that she used to cut herself, including that the deepest scars are on those pale white inner thighs. The thought of seeing those scars, offering to let her cut me, and then finding out the masochism of the event was an incredible turn on before we fuck into oblivion rates up there in my fantasies.


>> No.18880713

To be fair, the banana could just be coincidental.

>> No.18880811

I've saved the video and have watched it over and over again. She is so pure and graceful. Please give me her name. I'm actually crying. Im so lonely. Where can I find a beautiful girl like her. A queen to worship. I want her to feel my love even if not sexually.

>> No.18880870
File: 2.91 MB, 1280x720, 46.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It took me about 30s to find the sauce. Your Google-fu is weak.

I want to save a dark haired pale skinned Stoya look alike girl from some kind of violence and win her love forever. I also want to stick it in her butt.

>> No.18880920

>I fantasise about raping my best friend (female)
>I fantasise about killing my best friend, then fucking her corpse
>and laying with it
>I fantasise about making my ex cheat on her partner and cucking him right in front of her
>going to England

>> No.18880938

PLEASE HELP ME. I don't know how to do it. I'm on my phone. I'm at work and must know.

>> No.18880956
File: 90 KB, 576x1024, 1629422328227.webm_snapshot_00.08.000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just reverse image searched the most 'unique' frames in the videos, pic related would register as a very specific image and had her tiktok as the first result.

>> No.18880964
File: 56 KB, 243x335, pynched.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be really funny and have everybody like me. Unfortunately I'm terrified of doing anything towards this goal and just post jokes in random threads.
>There's an incredibly attractive and potentially crazy barista I know who has confided in me that she used to cut herself
Yeah I know this potentially crazy guy that thinks aliens have chipped his brain and made him gay. Bro she's definitely shown her potential for craziness already.

>> No.18880967

I fantasise about becoming omnipresent so that I can watch and encourage exhibitionists (female) while also keeping them safe.

>> No.18880989

dang wish I could possess her

>> No.18880993

someone tell this dumb bitch her titties are falling out of her dress and it looks terrible

>> No.18881006

isn't that what titties are for

>> No.18881015

they're getting squeezed in like a corset.

>> No.18881018

You guys are all trying too hard.

You guys have fried your brain with porn. Cut it out of your life and be content as you literally feel your brain heal itself.

I like you guys and I support you in your endeavors :)

I sympathize with what you're feeling as I have felt it before, friend. It may sound silly, but don't discount nutrition as a factor in all this. There are things the modern diet is sorely deficient in and getting a proper amount can be life-changing. Magnesium-glycinate, zinc, Ashwghandha, and a good diet basically saved my life.

>> No.18881026

They aren’t falling out
And *that’s* terrible

>> No.18881030

Thank you so much, you are a life saver. I'm going to devote myself to this queen. This wonderful goddess supreme. I hope she will reply to me. I can't stop thinking about her. She is so amazing. I love her so much. She is beautiful.

>> No.18881045

That dress is awful. It is way to small. There are dresses that can look good on women with good assets. This dress is simply too small. You don't bust a nut when you see a guy wearing a yarmulke. This, even though it has tits, is no different. She is an attractive woman, but she is presenting herself poorly here.

>> No.18881050

>I like you
Phew, what a relief! Just 7 billion to go.

>> No.18881051

>You guys have fried your brain with porn. Cut it out of your life and be content as you literally feel your brain heal itself.
We're all just atoms. If it feels good then it feels good.

>> No.18881060

holy cringe

>> No.18881087
File: 424 KB, 909x788, 6378e9aef9b895c73a5dde27549e0251a31a3eaa50876abf0e54e5c8a96546a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having my jew mommy gf torture me in progressively violent ways because I'm just a silly goy. First she forces me to drink her peepee but eventually she cuts my chest open and jerks me off until I ejaculate into my bloody chest cavity
Also a witch capturing a fairy and raping her. The fairy says "no please don't finger my pussy with your wart-covered fingers"
I think there may be some jungian archetypal significance to this second one

>> No.18881093

>with porn
I've never watched porn, never liked it. I'm >>18880967
>coming into a thread that says "most deep dark fantasies, no matter how deranged or delusional they are." and judging people
Go fuck yourself kid

>> No.18881159

Is this bitch spanish? She looks angloid but on her tiktok shit she's speaking spanish

>> No.18881176

Brazilian, they're white.

>> No.18881191

Why she speaking Spanish if she's Brazilian? Don't they speak Portuguese?

>> No.18881260
File: 23 KB, 592x512, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f764e794f6f2d6a616372533846413d3d2d3539303630313738322e313533393038303938363537333538313130393432373931303030352e6a7067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You guys have fried your brain with porn. Cut it out of your life and be content as you literally feel your brain heal itself.
anon, i don't watch porn anymore. i jerk off to sending money to girls on twitch

>> No.18881274

Based GPL chad

>> No.18881285

Zoomers are fucked up.

>> No.18881331

>Write here your most deep dark fantasies, no matter how deranged or delusional they are.

Within 5 years AI will be matching internet text to the original authors similar to pimeyes.
Only a fool would write honest secrets on 4chan

>> No.18881339
File: 13 KB, 260x196, reasonable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems like nobody thinks logically, and nobody is willing to listen. Not just on the internet, but everywhere. My deepest fantasy is being able to say what I feel without being ridiculed simply because it's "morally" wrong, and have an honest, open discussion about it with ANYBODY. If we could detach emotions from conversations like this, they would be much more interesting.
I also want to genuinely love something, not because I have to, but because I want to. I've yet to feel that.

>> No.18881351

how so?

>> No.18881368

>deep dark fantasies
I am a performance artist. You get your ass back over here slave. I show you who is the boss of this gym. Hunh how do you like that.

>> No.18881378

I want to be left the fuck alone.

>> No.18881401
File: 858 KB, 722x662, 1567197864667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly can't think of any.

>> No.18881403 [DELETED] 

I want to change people's minds. There are a lot of problems in the world like war, famine, disease, poverty, ecological disaster, etc. but if everyone did cooperate, I'm sure we could do something about it. If every world leader could be willing to put aside their politics, religion, and ideology at least temporarily we could be in a far better position than we are now. Unfortunately I don't know how I could do this. In the United States people are so mean, self-centered, and opinionated; they are only interested in school, work, retirement and whatever is popular on social media. There is a higher potential reality. If every human could see themselves in others, have some realization of empathy, everything would be so different. I don't believe in evil, I believe in the power of the human race. And it is true that some force did form our universe, and continues to sustain its existence through some natural laws, just as the ancient Greek philosophers would have believed. But there is no reason to believe there is any force that opposes its existence. I do believe I was meant to be here, along with everyone else. Just because 13+14 can be incorrectly added to become 29 does need mean that the number 29 should be removed. There is a reason for the number 29, it is necessary nonetheless. Unfortunately I feel like I could never do anything to change anyone's minds. How people act, no matter how ignorant, is how people are. Even though I believe in a spiritual connection between people, I don't know how to usurp it. The only thing I know is meditation. I've heard of something in quantum physics called "entanglement". I'm not sure how I would describe it as I'm not a physicist but I think it is where if one state acts a particular way then it can influence another state. The human brain is one of the most complicated things in our universe but I'd like to think if I meditate I can positively influence the collective psyche. I'm on 4chan a lot and under productive but I hope I can do something to help. Maybe there's other anons out there who feel similar to me.

>> No.18881411

>is your new God, all your thoughts, energy and wishes go to that person or thing.
this is the part i never get. you are not a god, you are manipulating a situation so that situation can be what you want. you are not a god of that person, even if you can manipulate it to the point of anulate themselves by fear, still they are not "yours".

>In every religion God always punishes others for trying to reach him.
no, its not, but who cares?. there is a bunch of them like that so believe what you want.
>Power is the only way to ascend.
this is just retarded, specially with your primary notion of what power is.
my first concern with this kind of remarks is the inflated and unncesary remark of "i am a god when im killing someone, i am the last thing he see". like, its like you are infatuated with the idea of an almighty god. its childish in a way.

>> No.18881426

I want to have like 10 kids, or 12 like cheaper by the dozen. With one woman who’s a virgin when she meets me, then I want us to watch our kids grow up and grow old with my wife.

>> No.18881455

they will just see you the way your mom did. a useless loser.

>> No.18881510

>trying too hard
Yeah, probably.

>> No.18881520
File: 718 KB, 480x600, XmPrFezDvWfO6BsU.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to move to the deep south and start a big family with a qt southern gril with black hair and blue eyes

>> No.18881525

emotionally deadening trash

>> No.18881537
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to rid my land of Americans

>> No.18881553

Dude is probably a psychopath, remember they can't into logic, they process things in completely retarded ways, that's why they're wired for self destruction. Although hate is not the right attitude towards, one should just pity them and laugh at their retarded ways.

>> No.18881582
File: 1.82 MB, 720x1280, miscegenation chad.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bitch looks crazy.

I wouldn't want to have white kids in the US. It's like condemning them to hell before they're even born.

>> No.18881619
File: 34 KB, 519x453, tfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was born to wealth and lack for nothing in my development growing up to be a hedonistic apex predator of female flesh. I use my inherited pharmaceutical companies to research a cure for all STDs as I fuck every single non-fat non-ugly girl in America without a care in the world.

>> No.18881630 [DELETED] 
File: 2.40 MB, 1920x1080, pocari twice 148896-[10.55.433-10.58.833].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

twice being my harem and having sex with each member over and over again doing everything from jacking on their faces to fucking them in their butts

>> No.18881656

>Your life is your most precious possession.
lmao what a shitty normalfag take. Most people i know wouldnt care if you killed them. If anything they would be happy in some way.

>> No.18881912
File: 103 KB, 1079x794, 20210820_094601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to take over an african village full of exotic women snd create a long lineage of chieftans

>> No.18881925

she’s Mexican or some shit like that, i didnt expect it

>> No.18881952

Is she in the state of what they call "tweaking"?
Serious question.

>> No.18881956

I want to nuke China 10 times over for creating covid in a lab. Every single thing that happened because of covid happened because of a tiny mistake there and the proof is overwhelming and they're calling it conspiracies and this makes me seethe every day. I want to skin and flay and torture everyone responsible for the incident and cover up and take away the voting rights for everyone who doesn't believe the lab leak "hypothesis"
I have no idea why this doesn't make people angrier. I just don't. I want to go into a schizoid rant over this but nobody seems to care. It baffles me. How?

>> No.18881975

I want to be loved for who I think I am.

>> No.18882003

My man won a game you didn't even know you could play

>> No.18882017

Chinks can never be trusted and this will happen every 30 years now.

>> No.18882031

I would like to make every post on 4chan visible to each users friends and family

>> No.18882088
File: 71 KB, 235x337, 20210820_013840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Though all is still, no rest is mine
as dreams enmesh my mind to dread
The god that dwells within my heart
can stir my depths - I cannot hide -
rules all my powers with relentless art,
but cannot move the world outside,
and thus existence is for me a weight
Death is desirable, and life I hate..

And yet when death approaches
The welcome is not great

>> No.18882114

Man, I just wanna be happy, and to stop fucking up everytime I do get happy for a bit. If you seriously have some dark twisted fantasies, you either have it way too easy or you need some serious help

>> No.18882239


>> No.18882507

>going to England
That's depraved, anon. Seek help.

>> No.18882670

Where's your image from? It's quite funny

>> No.18882716

you sick fuck

>> No.18882742

I wish my mentality were as exciting and free-spirited as some on display here. I can't find a fantasy satisfying unless it's:
a) Plausible.
b) Earned through my own efforts.

In other words, I can't just imagine me being gigachad, because I'm not, but I can't imagine me finding a big bag of money either because that's cheating.

Here's my funnest fantasy. It *could* happen, if the stars aligned. Almost. (I'm allowed to bend things a bit. I just have to be able to believe in it.)

* I finish my Dante translation
* I hawk it round various publishers, with the predictable lack of success
* I try the publishing house associated with my alma mater. (I believe they slightly fast-track applications from former students. They used to, anyway.)
* Someone there appreciates it
* "This is great, but it needs some editing. Would you like to work with our Dante specialist for a week going over some details?"
* Their Dante specialist is a half-italian woman, thirties but in good condition.
* She is bowled over by my mastery of all the supple potential of the iambic pentameter line.
* She has enormous, fertile tracts of land.
* One thing leads to another.
* Sometimes she's allowed to harbour deep sadosmasochistic desires, too. Depends how much slack I'm allowing myself.

>> No.18882751
File: 242 KB, 672x899, 1626999637395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to antiquity with a lifetime supply of psychedelics and declare myself a visionary of the Gods (serve people lsd-laced wine and plant shrooms everywhere)
perhaps make the general population so profoundly schizophrenic that we never leave antiquity

>> No.18882786

Finding a place on earth that people haven't explored yet, or even, they have explored in the past but nobody cares about that place now. Sometimes i think it is quite possible, when for example i go out for great walks i realise how people are barely aware of the beauty that surrounds our small town, walking through the mountains i have found lakes and waterfalls that nobody knows about. Asking around if they have ever been to that place they just look at me, wondering what the heck am i talking about. That feels good to me.
On one hand i am happy that tourism is a thing, people just want to travel to certain destinations because some exotic photos popped up in ther feed during their daily, unconcious browsing. Yet that leaves more and more places for me to discover.
It is really one of the greatest experiences i had in this life. At first i clearly remember being scared of everything, even of the tiniest harmless bugs, they would make me sprint for a few meters in instictive panic mode. Imagine what happened when i saw foxes, heard rabbits crawling around me, or even worse, met dogs in the size of actual bear cubs. Now i am used of all that, and they seem to be getting used to me aswell. Every time i have the chance i go there, i have set a small table and a chair under some trees. Go there in the morning and leave before the sun goes down. Sometimes i read, then i swim and others i larp as a wild animal, howling and laughing. I will start exploring more in those mountains until i get to fight a bear or a wolf.

>> No.18882791

stop posting tic tok vidoes
stop posting women
stop posting
leave 4chan

>> No.18882845

Anon, sorry to break it to you but they had mystery cults with psychoactive drinks.

>> No.18882858

Lovely. I've been doing a similar thing this summer although I'm a britbong so I'm cursed with a lack of wilderness. Even then, there are deer to meet and lots of secret places to find. I bumped into a hiker who asked where I'd come from and she was mystified that I went somewhere which didn't have a path; people don't go far beyond the footpaths. What country are you in btw?

>> No.18882879
File: 128 KB, 832x1168, 1629414004439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Live in small rural village
>Cute wife
>Spend days putting in garden, reading, chatting with old neighbours, breeding wife
>Everyone in the community is either friends or family

>> No.18882964

North parts of Greece. But i believe that such places exist everywhere, i have seen pictures from other britbongs, as you call yourselves. doing the exact same thing and discovering places of immense beauty. In the end i think it doesn't matter what the places actually look like, what matters is us finding the feeling we are seeking out there. Silence, comfort, pretty much a short exile.

>> No.18882997

Try being someone worthy of love you fucking faggot.

>> No.18883002

LIAR! Brian Muraresku is a fraud. Only the junkie scum believes that fraudster.

>> No.18883026

Covid is nothing but a common cold, if you haven't figured that out by now you are *definitely* not gonna make it.

Blame your government for selling you into literal slavery on the pretext of some sniffles, not the chinks.

>> No.18883034

Simultaneously based and cringe. Based because we are only who we are. Cringe because you could always improve, maybe no one wants to love you in your current state for good reason.

>> No.18883081

>Jezebel posters

>> No.18883083

Its a widely proposed theory as far as I know.

Btw classic data gathering thread you fucking plebs

>> No.18883093

My most deranged desire is to make all women neets through welfare so they'll actually date me.

>> No.18883100
File: 1.58 MB, 1353x907, 1529325378129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wish my mentality were as exciting and free-spirited as some on display here. I can't find a fantasy satisfying unless it's:
>a) Plausible.
>b) Earned through my own efforts.
you're not alone.
I once watched a video explaining in-depth why MGS4 was a mistake, and one of the last things said in the video was, "if you wrote a story about yourself, wouldn't you want it to have a happy ending?"
first thing I thought of, and the only answer I've had for that question since, has been "do I deserve one"

>> No.18883107
File: 64 KB, 515x748, 1576070358616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A while ago I sometimes fantasized about being some young lord in the middle ages and shagging some wholesome local peasant girl inside some barn and siring a bastard with her which I then raise as my own.

>> No.18883140


Bong here as well, I completely understand what you're talking about. I go barefoot walking all over the place, and I get people asking if I'm okay, sometimes becoming suspicious of what I'm doing. Where I am (mid Wales) dog ownership has increased by like 300 percent and the only reason people seem to go for walks is as utility for their dumb pets, which shit everywhere. The UK is imo an environmentally corrupt nation and I want to leave someday.

>> No.18883157

Stupid junkie, you are probably incapable of getting the control of your life back. Absolutely despicable.

>> No.18883245
File: 77 KB, 680x383, 1490FD3F-FCA4-4055-B063-9C5A9E5C3D22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I relate to this. How do you do it I wonder?

>> No.18883390

I appreciate that I got your sincerest response. I'm aware that physical health, proper diet and exercise, are key for good mental health. Started going back to the gym recently.

>> No.18883476

>being worthy of love
No such thing

>> No.18883524

I can't write mine, even if it is anonymous, there are certain laws.

>> No.18883531
File: 144 KB, 220x136, 1600995701318.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18883576

We all are beautiful creations of allah, the reddit has fried your brain.

>> No.18883587

Nothing easier than that, sadly you are a volcel.

>> No.18883686

Kek, imagine thinking this owns the n1gg4z

>> No.18883802

I'd like to get a woman to fall in love with me, impregnate her, then ghost her.

>> No.18884001

You sick twisted fuck

>> No.18884102

He doesn't appreciate you like I do

>> No.18884151

I want to be loved, be good at something and die a warrior's death

>> No.18884190

It doesn't. You just do it to feel less empty for a while, but it's a lie because there's no fulfillment awaiting, nor rapture, only even greater emptiness. When you're clean, you feel good all the time, not just for a few seconds when coooming. Quit.

>> No.18884209

This is axiomatically untrue, else no-one would ever cease being 'clean'.

>> No.18884266

>die a warrior's death
So a meaningless death that just enriches some old guy?
>N-nooo I want to die fighting for what I believed in!!!!
Not the case for pretty much anything less than a handful of soldiers.

>> No.18884327

The gimmick is, there is a brief period at the beginning during which you get some sort of pleasure out of it and at the same time the adverse effects haven't yet built up enough to become noticeable. But then you grow accustomed, the pleasure fades away and the adverse effects slowly but surely kick in. So slowly actually that you don't perceive them for what they are. You start believing you're "a little stressed lately" and thus you follow the common wisdom that has it that "masturbation is healthy and great to de-stress, etc". So you do it and do it again and yes, every time you do feel better for a while relatively to how you felt, say, an hour ago. But what you miss is that over the last years your well-being has actually declined. That's how you get hooked.

>> No.18884389

I've always had a morbid curiosity of how it feels to kill someone. People always say you never forget but I feel like it isn't that significant (assuming it isn't someone you know well)

>> No.18884451

It's not.

>> No.18884607

based bored serial killer poster

>> No.18885597


specifically based gpl2 chad!

the right to information SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED

>> No.18885654


>> No.18885813

Don't forget me when you're at the top, anon.
You obviously don't believe this, friend. You're on a literature board and you yourself crave some form of higher explanation than that.
What you described is just an elaborate version of porn. I highly doubt you don't consume pornography of any kind. As for your second statement, the thread was posted on a public board I can do as I please.

You don't need to do this. You need to get your dopamine receptors back in check ASAP before things get even more out of hand.

I have had positive results with it. Obviously don't continue to take something if you experience any adverse side effects.

That's a good thing to start doing. Definitely look into getting a good supplement stack going, because it can vastly improve your performance in the gym as well as your mental health.

>> No.18885815

based post, God bless

>> No.18885821

why do I still have my name set as that wtf

>> No.18885864

i sometimes fantasise that OP is a decent human being

>> No.18885938
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I want to be normal

>> No.18886213

I already take a multi-vitamin, E, D, fish oil, zinc, chelated copper for the zinc, and garlic. What else

>> No.18886314

If you want stuff that's primarily for mood, L-Theanine for anxiety and NAC for any kind of intrusive thought.

>> No.18886630


>> No.18886632

Hispanic =/= Spanish

>> No.18886815

that my anxiety goes away and I become a fully functional person again
what's your curse, friend?

>> No.18887641

I appreciate you too Anon
no homo

>> No.18887671
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>> No.18887723

I want to be happy______________

>> No.18887787

i want others to approach me and tell me with the the utmost sincerity what my thought i have always kept to myself.
until one day my thoughts come true and the angels carry me to a place were i will live forever as the infinte heart of the universe.

>> No.18888343

>your best friend is a girl

>> No.18888359

>You don't need to do this. You need to get your dopamine receptors back in check ASAP before things get even more out of hand.
i think i'm in too deep at this point

>> No.18888421

I want to go on an adventure. Not necessarily an adventure, but I want to go through a conflict, a really great and large conflict. I want to prevail over some big problem. I want to fight. I want to be a warrior-ascetic. I want to be in some sort of slavery and then I want to regain my freedom through action (but not work). But I've never done anything difficult. I drag myself through life and everything I do is easy and because of life's easiness I become lazy and everything becomes difficult, but not in the way that I want it to be.
I don't know how to say what I want to say and I haven't expressed it well enough here. Perhaps my mind has been poisoned by Tolkien.

>> No.18888607

Be born in a tribe of 150 other people. I'd never learn to be dependent on technology, a big reason I'd never make it if I moved to bumfuck nowhere and tedfagged. I'd be a self-sufficient hunter-gatherer the way my neurophysiology was literally sculpted to be. I wouldn't live in a sterile, corporatized world with only superficial human connection. Make tools, kill animals, find a woman and fuck her and then raise my children and die at forty, comforted by whatever primitive superstitions I've been raised to believe.

While typing this out it became increasingly implausible that actually living anprim would play out exactly like I described. I'd probably get mauled by a panther or die of an infection or something between one of those steps. I still believe that it'd be better than living life in modernity though.

glownigs fuck off

Also, I'd get rid of my autism

>> No.18888746

So you want a woman to cut a menstruating vagina into your chest that you are forced to cum into.

>> No.18889064

learn the difference: I didn't say I want to die in some sandy shithole overseas for i*rael's national interests
I said a warrior's death, like Hector in the Iliad

>> No.18889083

>I said a warrior's death, like Hector in the Iliad
Famously dramatic death in a work of fiction.
And even Hector's death was in vain, done in a war that could be entirely avoided if not for the pettyness of the Olympian gods, Archilles even points this out.
The iliad is pretty much the worst exampel you could have given.

>> No.18889136

first of all the thread is about fantasies, Anon
>could have been avoided if it wasn't for the pettiness of the gods
then it couldn't be avoided by mortals

also you missed the point entirely, Hector knew all along, it was just his duty as a man to his people and he fulfilled it. stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.18889141
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Not really as messed up as most of the other stuff here but for some reason ever since i was young i'd really liked the idea of having a wife that would let me beat her whenever i wanted.
After beating her viciously i would then feel extremely guilty about it and comfort her.
But she doesn't hold a grudge and let's me hurt her as much as i want.
I think that kind of relationship would be ideal.
It's called consensual domestic violence right?

>> No.18889249

Love yourself. External validation (even love; as you would make it unrequited love) isn't the way to happiness.
It's horrible that we have to realign to realize even that. We've been to a very dark place. It's okay. Things are finally getting better, even if they look the opposite. Use it to look within, when the world without is horrid - except for the nature, it's as beautiful as ever.

>> No.18889254

I want to be free, despite being born human (a slave species), a white (a slave race) and a man (a slave gender).
I also want it without the need to be a tyrant like Abraham, who sold all his sons to slavery for his own vision...

>> No.18890480

I want to be targeted by a serial killer and then kill them. There is no hunting like the hunting of a man.

>> No.18890648
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Few days ago me and my friend came up with a plot to become a king of Thailand. Current king of Thailand, Vajiralongkorn is a deranged degen who spends most of his time in Germany. I'm a poker player from Kazakhstan, I studied literature at Moscow State University.
>start a religious sect in India using Evola and mythopoetic interpretations
>get some serious following
>meet Vajiralongkorn at poker table and get him in my cult
>become his advisor and make him my puppet
>through his hands get rid of most politically powerful people
>make Thailand absolute monarchy
>marry someone from Thai royal family
>give poison that doesn't kill but makes him retarded
>send retarded king to Germany and rule under his name
>be unironically good ruler and earn people's love
>build up a new loyal circle of elites
>kill the king and become a new king
The hardest part will be to start a legit cult, if I can do it, we think the rest is doable. First step would to be to find a good sect, enroll there and learn how they do it. Whos is the modern day Osho?

>> No.18890714

I forgot some parts of our plot
>meet Vajiralongkorn at poker table and get him in my cult
>become his advisor and make him my puppet
>spread my cult to Thailand
>through his hands get rid of most politically powerful people
>replace them with loyal people from my cult
>make Thailand absolute monarchy
>marry someone from Thai royal family
>give poison that doesn't kill but makes the king retarded
>send retarded king to Germany and rule under his name
>be unironically good ruler and earn people's love
>build up a new loyal circle of elites
>kill the king and become a new king

>> No.18890756


>> No.18890856

>Darkest fantasy
Since hitting mid six figures this past crypto bull run I've been forced to consider the depravity that I used to fantasize about may now be in reach.
I'll be mid twenties, a millionaire, with no obligations to anyone or anything. Even the most far fetched carnal desire is within grasp were I to travel to the right cesspit of humanity.
And for what?
To be honest my darkest fantasy is that I will be able to forever torture my teenage ex-girlfriend by simply having the life she always dreamed of, but obtaining it entirely by luck while she watches, excluded, in jealousy and envy while contemplating what could have been.

Considering marrying her childhood best friend just to make her seethe (best friend isn't bad looking either but...)

Perhaps what darkest, that I would love to waste my life pursuing such a meaningless trivial vengeance and yet I find that I derive endless pleasure from it.

>> No.18890912

>Considering marrying her childhood best friend just to make her seethe
>letting a person from your past have this much power over you
I never understood why anyone would let a person they've cut contact with for whatever reason, let them still influence your actions. They are people you no longer desire to keep in contact, why bother giving them any thought.
Sure if that person killed your family in cold blood, then I understand your thirts for revenge but otherwise it just seems like a waste of energy and take a toll on your mental health to constantly search for way to make that individual suffer.

>> No.18890951
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>fast forward 40 year into the future, anon is 65
>time to retire and live off his crypto investments
>has accumulated 1 trillion in Bitcoin
>tries to make a withdrawal
>not a single government recognized crypto as a valid currency
>the only thing he can buy is drugs on the dark web
>the only way he can use his money is by buying drugs on the dark web and then reselling them on the streets
>gets caught dealing and is sent to the can

>> No.18890959

40 years from now we’ll all be nuclear ash anon. At least I’ll be able to use my gains to live a life of unrestrained bacchanalian desire while you toil for shlomo’s bread crumbs.

>> No.18890983

I am currently studying to go into genetics. I really want to get into human genetic engineering. Mostly because of all the fears there are that some people with access to the best modifications will always do better in society. If that is going to be the case I want to be one of those at the very least. Preferably even the very best

>> No.18891001

>40 years from now we’ll all be nuclear ash anon
>At least I’ll be able to use my gains to live a life of unrestrained bacchanalian desire while you toil for shlomo’s bread crumbs
Which one is it?
If we’ll all be nuclear ash then the internet will be knocked out.
All those bitcoins gone with the wind

>> No.18891015

Deranged and delusional.

>> No.18891027

What are my goals? Do I even have goals?

>> No.18891143

Just set a goal. It is that easy

>> No.18891174

I don't have a dark fantasy. If I do have a fantasy though I suppose it is peace of mind. Yes, I hope one day to achieve the blessedness that sets me outside of the sway of my emotional perturbation.

>> No.18891200

Like, arbitrarily? Make a list of all possible goals, then roll a couple of dice and pick a line, and proclaim: this, now, is my goal! ? Goals don't work this way.

>> No.18891291
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Can't, intelligence agencies watching..

>> No.18891370
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Well thought out Anon all is meaningless and the only thing that matters is that which is eternal, i.e. contrarian shit posting on a mandarin graphics forum.

Still, I’d rather have the money than not.

>> No.18891384

I want to merge with the girl i love on a fundamental level.
She left me and i refuse to beg her to come back, fuck me.

>> No.18891448
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pic rel

>> No.18891449

Why do you love a person who left you.
How is it possible to love a person who wronged you. I do not understand.

>> No.18891860

I've seen a few tweakers and this girl isn't tweaking.

>> No.18891961

Man, I never thought I needed a relationship until I lost one. Maybe my life would be easier if I had just stayed single forever.

>> No.18891979

>Die in a war over a woman, who you wouldn't even be fucking
What is the difference between this an modern corporate jewish warfare?

>> No.18891997

Utterly debased cringe

>> No.18892317

I wanna turn into some demon shapeshifter thing and experience different perspectives of life and then do something else once I'm bored by it. I believe that there's true beauty to literally everything but we simply can't enjoy most of it because we always bring some mental baggage filled with complexes, insecurities and fomo. We're simply too invested in everything. I just want some distance.

>> No.18892330

>I want someone to look at me like I'm a God as I control their last moments of life.
I smell an inferiority complex.

>> No.18892353
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I want to become really successful so that when people who never gave a shit about me suddenly want to become part of my life again, I can reject them just like they rejected me.

>> No.18892372

I want to be able to set down in the wilderness and have a such a true aura of tranquility that birds would come to land on me, and interact, and I would feed them and laugh and feel peace.

>> No.18892379

A loser who becomes rich is still a loser. You’ll have to become famous, which is a lot more difficult.

>> No.18892391

I don't necessarily mean rich, I mean successful in other ways. For instance, I've been hitting the gym a lot recently. I'm trying to correct my flaws to become a better version of myself.

>> No.18892410

Ah yeah, people treat you like a human when you get fit. You’ll become redpilled on women very quickly when some dudes fiancé is giving you the fuck-me eyes standing right next to him.

>> No.18892439
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My more innocent fantasy is a life at sea. I want to be the captain of a sail ship and to spend my life cruising the seas, stopping at every continent and island. Absolutely free to be anywhere on earth.
My more deranged fantasy is pure lust for one girl who I have often fantasized about having sex with in every position, setting, context, etc. Pure fucking nonstop. I hate it because she has a boyfriend who is actually a friend of mine, and I feel immense guilt for having these thoughts. I'd like to think that I'd rise above this pure lust, but I dont think I can.

>> No.18893321

i fucking hate how many coombrained retards are on this site. EVen the board about literature is too stupid to not get slack-jawed over photos of women and the whole site has a perverted view of what SFW means. I'm leaving again.

>> No.18893569

Suck my cock, you're just mad you can't have a meaningful connection with a woman.

>> No.18893693

How do you love yourself?

>> No.18893753

I wish I was God

>> No.18893870

Honestly, the romanticized life of a non-frontline soldier sounds really appealing sometimes. Being a Navy radio technician, an Air Force cybersecurity specialist, or an Army supply chain driver; something where you get all the structure and adventure but don't see so much trauma

>> No.18893934

more people speak spanish in brazil than portugese, actually.

>> No.18893935

I just want to love and be loved

>> No.18894472

Youre fucking delusional, if you need to kill, if you are literally THAT GUY, then kill the scummiest filthiest son of a bitch you can at least

>> No.18895398

Why? Nobody is innocent in this world.
Except children, even tho some children are capable of vile things too.

>> No.18895469

I want to be able to look at my reflection without becoming so overwhelmed with disgust that it ruins my day.

>> No.18895479

I want to become a serial killer, quietly kill a few rich young women then vanish

>> No.18895788

Based. I'm in a somewhat similar situation. Which coins helped you make it?

Right now I'm looking for gothic girls to breed (literally) on discord

>> No.18895832

>I want to be able to look at my reflection without becoming so overwhelmed with disgust that it ruins my day.
I remember a bit of dialogue in an old Sam Peckinpah film called Ride The High Country:

— What do you want, Steve?
— To enter my house justified.

That's about it.

>> No.18895878

I know it's delusional, but my biggest fantasy is to be happy. On days where I'm really wacko I think maybe I could have a nice family and a decent career one day.

>> No.18895918

That's why you are not happy. You do not know what happiness is.

>> No.18895920

Disgusting, anon. You're a sick freak like me. No wonder this is the place for us.

>> No.18896364

I'd say any property I actually owned is justification enough, for that house at least, certainly.

>> No.18897275

Not really a fantasy but my dreams.
I dream a lot about the same three girls.
Idk how old they are, I feel like they are 16 or on the younger side and idk how old I am in the dream or what I am to them. The dreams are almost always long, have side stories and are erotic in some part but I never cum in real life.
They are always super realistic.
Today I had one. We were in a room, there was a view to the out and we were in the basement and the window was at the height of legs for the people outside. I had sex with one of them, someone came to the door and I was scared that they will find us. I feel like I am their father but that is just the feel I get. After the person at the door left, I went to the shower with the one I had sex with and started talking how I think it is fine for them and that they should start leaving the house. The one I was in the shower with suddenly had blisters on her body everywhere then I woke up.
My fantasy is to have three girls I guess