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18881559 No.18881559 [Reply] [Original]

>Be Australian
>Read a single preliminary text
>You are already better read than approximately 99.99999% of the population

Feels sublime broseph

>> No.18881575
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Aussies are so based.

>> No.18881612


>> No.18881624

I think Australians over-estimate their cultural poverty compared with other countries. We are one of the best educated and most literate nations in the world. That said, Australians are fundamentally apathetic whereas Americans, for instance, are very culturally politically engaged

>> No.18881650

>We are one of the best educated and most literate nations in the world.
It only takes going going outside and speaking to the average person to shatter this illusion. Even going to your local university campus is embarrassing.
> That said, Australians are fundamentally apathetic whereas Americans, for instance, are very culturally politically engaged
This is the only good thing about Australians. Politically engaged retards are the worst type of retard.

>> No.18881671

I've wanted to make love to an Australian girl ever since I watched a porno where a girl had an Australian accent. What books should I read to make them fall in love with me?

>> No.18881672

I agree about political engagement, but the upside is that even dumb Americans have some notion of political philosophy. Australians don’t do anything very edifying with their leisure. Lotus eating country. Can’t complain too much though, one of the better places to live in the world. I really don’t think the dumb Australian meme makes sense. Dumb relative to what. It is full of grey middle class like every other Western country

>> No.18881698
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Kelly was a narcissistic low-IQ murderer from Poz-toria who got what he fucking deserved.

>> No.18881710
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>> No.18881712

>Australian women
I don't know what to tell you mate.

>> No.18881716

>Melbourne cuck seething

>> No.18881717

WOWIE JUST LIKE PRESENT DAY!!!!!?!!??!!! What satisfying story :)

>> No.18881796
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>city dweller who thinks living in a city outside of Melbourne makes him an Aussie
You can't talk about being a cuck when your front yard doesn't look like this. This is my view every morning. One day we will block the highways and the rail and you faggots will cannibalise each other for food.

>> No.18881801

I feel like any average looking Australian dude could come to my Midwest town and slay pussy. The accent alone would take you so far, just separates you from the pack.

>> No.18881803

>city dweller
I live in Little Hartley mate.

>> No.18881811
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Relative to other Western nations the Australian man is extremely barbaric and degenerate. Our public education system is very limited. The holes in my own education are noticeable when contrasted against other Westerners I've met. I'm someone who has spent a considerable amount of time learning and reading where as the average Australia hasn't. You would be surprised just how little education Australians really have, the bar is much lower here.


>> No.18881812

>no pic
Try posting your front yard.

>> No.18881824

How do we solve the illiterate retard lad culture? If you try to educate Australian boys they just smoke weed and call you gay, and they're right. Australian secondary school is fake and gay

>> No.18881825

I'm not a woman. I've never taken a photo in my life and I'm not about to start now.

>> No.18881828

Arr doze da sheep yoo fuk?

>> No.18881830

Because you live in suburbia and if you took a picture of your front yard it would show the numbers on the house across the road and you.

>> No.18881832

Do Australians worship Jesus or do you all have some weird boomerang crocodile god?

>> No.18881838

I feel like they are either in or they are out. Maybe in old age they'll wise up but who knows. Not all men want to go down the schooling route. They want to have fun and have sex and make money. And I don't blame them.

>> No.18881840

No because some lowIQ Anon having a hissyfit is more amusing than getting off my fat arse and going outside then having to work out how to transfer images to my computer.

>> No.18881842

They're worth way way too much per kilo to even touch and stress them let alone fuck them right now or for the foreseeable future. Aussie lamb is still the most prized worldwide.

>> No.18881843

I believe they worship the queen of england for some reason. Australian paganism sounds like it has potential tho

>> No.18881844

>make money
This is impossible especially in Australia

>> No.18881855

Lease agricultural land with one of your mates then buy black pole weaners with full medicals feedlot them for a year and resell you can double your money doing this in 1 year.

>> No.18881857
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Just buy another investment property bro

>> No.18881864

Australians are nominally Christian (ie don’t attend church and worship mammon). Even the ones who do attend church (Scott Morrison) are the biggest mammon worshippers of all

>> No.18881866

Mate, they'll root you readily. But fall in love? Are you fucken having a crack cunt?

>> No.18881870

It's one of the easiest countries to make money in though.

>> No.18881887

I just want to crack open the cunt of my future wife

>> No.18881890

Don't know what being Austrlian has do with that, it's the same literally everywhere.

>> No.18881893

Australia is Reddit the country. Every time i see people performatively posting the words ‘cunt’ and ‘mate’ I just imagine a giant s.oy face

>> No.18881901
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Yall niggas got a handful of pure kinographes. I just wish there was more

>> No.18881906

Not at all. You can criticise Australia for many things, but the men here are not the onions stereotype that you find in America and much of Europe. As someone who has travelled extensively, the distinction is clear in that regard.

>> No.18881916

I fuckin hate australian media so much

>> No.18881917

Australia has some great films.

>> No.18881928

I just feel like its always tries too hard to be "Australian" and it always pisses me off

>> No.18881929

Anglo nations seem to be RETARDED in general, excepts for the british and the Irish if we're accepting Irish people as honorary anglos.

>> No.18881933

Ah, you're thinking of the popular/'happy' ones right? I'm thinking of the existential ones like The Rover, Two Hands, The Proposal, Mad Max to an extent etc

>> No.18881935

Having dealt with East Asian nations anglos are basically turbogeniuses. Sure they Asians in primary school can do maths better using just their head than any fully educated anglo but that's fucking pointless when the handheld calculator was invented decades ago. East Asians can't synthesis information to save themselves, they have the critical thinking ability of those same calculators.

>> No.18881940

I'm mostly thinking of Australian tv and books, the only australian movie i've seen is that black and white aboriginal canoe one, which I thought was pretty cool....

>> No.18881943

Australia, one of the most urbanised (and obese) countries in the world, almost certainly has an equal if not greater percentage of s.oyim than America. The entire life of the Australian is dedicated to consooming. If they are lumpenproles it is consooming meth. If they are tradesmen it is consooming beer. And so on and so on. Australians, egged on by foreigners, repeat ad nauseam the most obvious and superficial signs of their ersatz culture, to distract themselves from the reality that they are, even more than Canadians, dollar store Americans

>> No.18881948

Some of us are dollar store Britons thank you very much.

>> No.18881949

>anon says Australia has some great films
>think he means shit like Wake in Fright, Walkabout, The Third Wave, Don’s Party
>le heckin epic proposal and rover!!!

>> No.18881976

It's not true at all. Even the most suburbanised city dwelling Australian is less onions than your average American. The average American or European has actually never been in a fight in his entire life, that is practically unheard of here. Australians have a lot of flaws, but coddled butter bread basedness isn't one of them.

>> No.18881987

>that is practically unheard of here.
What the fuck are you talking about.

>> No.18881991

The average American has to deal with negros on a daily basis. I don't think you can judge "the average citizen" of a country based on whatever tourist traps you've visited.

>> No.18882004
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Australia is one of the safest countries in the world while Americans can’t even walk around their cities. There is also nothing respectable or desirable about getting in fights.

>> No.18882011
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The average white American is literally gay when juxtaposed against an Australian. The difference is quite literally day and night between the two nations. You can criticise Australia for being dumb, ignorant and degenerate but you can never call us onions. You would never say it to an Australian mans face. I guarantee it. Pic related it is you.

>> No.18882025

That's niggers shooting each other. It's not applicable to the average white American man, it happens in their containment neighbourhoods. In fact blacks probably made white Americans even sissier than they already were. Since the contrast of violent apes against butter soft sheltered white boys from the suburbs creates a very weird emasculation affliction which is evident in the popular pornography of your country.

>> No.18882030

I am Australian you dumb faggot.

>> No.18882038

>In 2020, there were 396 victims of homicide and related offences recorded by the police. This was a decrease of 19 victims from 2019.
>Philadelphia has seen a sharp increase in fatal and non-fatal shootings in 2021. The city's 300 homicides are up 33% over the same period last year.
People get shot in the head in the "safe" areas of Philly

>> No.18882041

That's not relevant at all.

>> No.18882045

Australians are literally getting raped by their police state over the coof and everyone cheers. I'm not one to muh guns but at least in Europe they are rioting about this shit. I hope Australians wake up but as of right now they are pretty cucked

>> No.18882047
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Australians are better read than other Englishspeakers bar certain regions of England. Because they are wealthier and better educated.

>> No.18882059
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Niggers killing each other in their containment neighbourhoods do not refute the fact that when I was in your country around White Americans I felt more manly than in Australia by orders of magnitude. I feel like I could beat the living shit out of most white Americans if it came down to it, the reason for this is because I grew up around Australians. Notice you never see pictures like this coming from Australia? It's always an American, these types do not exist in Australia but they are everywhere in Australia.

>> No.18882063

You’re either larping or you just live in a shithole low IQ area. When you know ex-cons you realise there’s nothing romantic about that shithead violent lifestyle. The idea that “not having gotten in a fight is unheard of” is complete fucking joke. You’re detached from reality.

>> No.18882066

You are blinded by prejudices. Grow the f*ck up

>> No.18882073

If you are Australian and you've never been in a fight you didn't have a usual upbringing (even if you grew up in a wealthy area(which I did). It also says something dire about you that you think it's possible to make it through education with out a single situation that required that of you. You're probably literally a faggot who is so far outside of the mean you aren't even worth discussing.

>> No.18882079

Their TV is garbage. It used to be a joke about if you were migrating expats would warn you australian tv is rubbish and they only export the cream.

>> No.18882086

Youre fucked in the head. It makes sense you grew up in a wealthy area since your head is full of odd ideas and you’re almost certainly compensating for some kind of insecurity you have by larping. You’re probably inordinately proud of some time you had a bitch slap in the canteen at private school.

>> No.18882096

You're gay man, just accept it, it's okay to be different. You probably didn't get into any fights because nobody saw you as a threat to their place on the dominance hierarchy. It happens, maybe you should try your luck in America. There's plenty with your kind of disposition over there.

>> No.18882099

>even the most suburbanised city dwelling Australian is less onions than your average American
Stop acting as if the old stereotype of the hard drinking and hard fighting aussie still exists. Most of your main cities pubs in melbourne, sydney, hobart or perth etc etc are all gentrified and turned into gastropubs. The average australian in these places is more likely to drive a lexus and order wine at a pub than be Crocodile Dundee. I bet you've never been in a fight in your life.

>> No.18882101

>I just feel like its always tries too hard to be "Australian"
This is why I hate everything made in australia nearly. It is as if we are all larping that we have a culture so we shitposts these fucking memes.

>> No.18882116

I am actually gay lol. Annoying that you get to “win” this argument in your head because of this. Go on a bus or train though, even in a shithole area, and 70% of the anonymous lower to upper middle class functionaries on board will not have had the “typical” Aussie experience you talk about. I am certain that I’m correct about your private school bitch slap past though. Real fights are just shit

>> No.18882123
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This is the only Australia related thing I've ever read. I don't even know if the writer is from there

>> No.18882124

White Americans are noticeably more feminine than Australian men. It's just an undeniable fact and I'm not going to be sorry that you're gay. I think men can intuitively sense when others have lower testosterone than them, and when I was in your country that's how I felt. I felt more like a man, more imposing, more sexy. Most Americans have the dispostion of someone who has never been punched in their life. The difference is real, it's not just some old meme.

>> No.18882129

No shit, you're also probably hard. You know it's immoral to use online debate as way to coax out masturbation material right kid? Get it together.

>> No.18882131
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>hear someone's gay
>first thought is of their hard penis

>> No.18882134

read these books as a kid and really liked them. I learnt a lot a about cane toads from these books

>> No.18882140

It's not unreasonable for me to posit that a gay men is probably turned on after being verbally emasculated. You know this.

>> No.18882142

Same shit in NZ

>> No.18882152

kek this
I thought he was talking about Picnic at Hanging Rock

>> No.18882157

>The average American or European has actually never been in a fight in his entire life
This is what pacifist Australian TV shows do to your world perception.

>> No.18882163
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Do you think he has been in one? How turned on do you think he got when he lost?

>> No.18882172

This is more or less true.

>> No.18882176

None of the women here are worth marrying.

>> No.18882181

>White Americans are noticeably more feminine than Australian men
ok, but I'm not a shart so you just wasted your time on your little rant which was designed to insult me.

>> No.18882185

But did you get hard?

>> No.18882195

>It only takes going going outside and speaking to the average person to shatter this illusion.
I think this is the reality pretty much everywhere in the world. The best you can expect from education is that they'll spew the same retarded, ill-informed shit in proper language that is accent-free, so not only you get absolutely idiotic opinions, you also get them in a completely colorless fashion.

>> No.18882196

idk about Australia specifically, but anglos in general are not very well read
Western Europeans also, but slightly better
Russians seem consistently the most well read on average, you'll hear even drunks and bums talking about some writers sometimes
Eastern Europe also, though to a lesser extent already

>> No.18882223

>I felt more like a man, more imposing, more sexy. Most Americans have the dispostion of someone who has never been punched in their life.
It’s circumcision. You probably literally were more of a man. I don’t think people understand how much that destroys the psyche and masculinity, especially after a couple generations. Combined with American religious pathologies and the post WW2 efforts to emasculate the population with sugary foods...
The kids in this are nearing their thirties now.
basically, fucking help

>> No.18882253

You're gay, I think he's won (even if he's repressed rich aussie-fag)

>> No.18882270

So was Patrick White

>> No.18882302

>normie shit
Neck yourself

>> No.18882309

hit the nail on the head there
russkis are the most well read bar none though they rarely discuss it

>> No.18882318

Don't get me started. I can't wait to flee this uncultured shithole.

>> No.18882324

No because I'm not a fag like you clearly are.
>has barely contained sexual fantasies about yankee boipus
>overcompensates on a Malaysian spear-fishing forum

>> No.18882325

Is Australia really that bleak?
I was thinking about moving there.

>> No.18882339

The cities are mostly soulless trash much like most new world cities, although I would still put them miles ahead of Canada or most in flyover states in the US. Out in the country its a different story.

As for the people being dumb and uneducated its not really any different from other Anglosphere countries with slow americanisation.

>> No.18882360

Thinking that only Anglo countries are this dumb is a very Anglo-centric view, most of Europe is completely braindead.

>> No.18882373

I had an American girlfriend and it always blew me away how broad her knowledge was despite the fact she didn't read at all, or do any post tertiary education, it was all left overs from her high school education. She had a superficial understanding of things that I didn't even know about until after high school when I went and learnt about them on my own time. Australian education system is truly subpar.

>> No.18882377

Where did you go to school? Schools vary greatly in quality in places like the US, Australia too though to a lesser degree.

>> No.18882382

It's not that bleak. But you'll need to find the right rich cunts if you actually have a conversation with a well-read person.

>> No.18882394

It's pretty bleak here in Oz, but I don't think it's much better overseas these days.

I had a good education at a lower-tier private school in Melbourne in the 90s. Read a few good books, amazed my English teacher by reading more of Conrad than Heart of Darkness. Read the Greeks and Romans in translation, Latin and Greek education would be a stretch but it does exist in the elite tier.

>> No.18882437

lol smoking weed right now faggot what are you gonna do go cry in a book

>> No.18882471

If he had an American girlfriend she was probably from a rich family, only rich Americans travel.

>> No.18882497

yeah posit how rock hard it is and how it probably gets lovingly sucked on by other FAGS and then it's all glistening and majestic. you slipped up buddy, overstating your masculinity because you're gay. You're like that 'The way of men' guy

>> No.18882517

just suck each other off already

>> No.18882540

Posit more like HIV positive. Kys faggot.

>> No.18882586
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>These are the best of the boys and young men, since they are by nature the most manly. Some people call them immoral—quite wrongly. It is not immorality, but boldness, courage and manliness, since they take pleasure in what is like themselves. This is proved by the fact that, when they grow up and take part in public life, it’s only this kind who prove themselves men. When they come to manhood, they are lovers of boys, and don’t naturally show any interest in marriage or producing children; they have to be forced into it by convention. They’re quite happy to live with one another, and not get married.

We got too cocky hetero bros... the poofs won..

>> No.18882603
File: 66 KB, 659x609, so_good.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be Australian
>mentioned I read one of /lit/'s incel meme authors
>person assumes I'm educated with an arts degree
>actually a NEET

>> No.18882721

If you tell an Australian you read Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone front to back they might think you are some kind of genius.

>> No.18882807

Australian men are the most cucked Anglo men. Imagine being such a pussy faggot crying as the police take your kid from you because you aren’t wearing a mask and you don’t even put up a fight. You just capitulate like a little bitch. Should have let the Japs take your country. Now the chinks are doing it.

>> No.18883511

we need to put our strengths together and gnosis out of this mess

>> No.18883757

I love Australia, my cousins live there :)

I'm Indian btw