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18879404 No.18879404 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that will make you accept your ugliness?

>> No.18879472

start with the greeks

>> No.18879483

You don’t need a book, you need to
1. Lose weight
2. Buy better clothes
3. Start a skin and hair care routine
4. Get a better hair cut
5. Book an appointment with a cosmetic surgeon

>> No.18879519

The only effective method is the cosmetic surgery. There's no diet or haircut that improves your eyes, nose and cheekbones
>t. incredibly attractive person who has studied attractive facial structures

>> No.18879525

The most important step is the cosmetic surgery, but the other steps still impact your attractiveness. No one is attracted to some one who is overweight and covered in acne.

>> No.18879534

I can barely afford better clothes my dude

>> No.18879536
File: 61 KB, 308x475, body is not an apology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't want to hear this, but going woke will actually help you
also this

>> No.18879538

Then stop being poor

>> No.18879539

I'm in the camp that 90% of people can maxx their way to 7/10 without surgery. It may require PEDs for the body of your choice, but hair, skincare, facial hair, glasses, when applied harmoniously, can do a lot for the face.
I mean christ, chinlets have been fooling well meaning women with simple beards for generations.
I've genuinely never seen someone that was a total lost cause. The most famous examples are dudes who are either extremely fat or extremely skinny. BlackOps2cel is hideous, but he's also 90 pounds, pale with terrible skin, hideous matted and greasy hair etc
Yeah he's got assymetrical eyes and a terrible nose, but we're going for 7/10, not model good looks.

>> No.18879541

get to low bodyfat then make that decision

>> No.18879548
File: 130 KB, 1500x844, 6C20396B-5926-4246-A311-8B18A12CF974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone can improve themselves

>> No.18879555

First step: Quit 4chan

>> No.18879574
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Well, sure. That's the bare minimum one should strive for and it might suffice for average people but if you are truly ugly then cosmetic surgery remains the only solution.
In pic related, no one is fat nor they have much acne yet they are still ugly

>> No.18879593

That's not even cosmetic surgery really. I had a recessed jaw that needed to be corrected through surgery and my insurance covered it. I wanted it for cosmetic reasons, but it can also cause health problems like sleep apnea.

>> No.18879606
File: 202 KB, 880x1346, Don Quixote 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18879609

You can’t do that when you’re ugly

>> No.18879613

Bottom left could make it without surgery or significant effort, unironically. Rest of those cats are busted but not unfixable. Although their path to maxxing is obscure and will be subject to much trial and error. The dude with the horrifically underdeveloped jaw does probably need surgery, but we've only seen him in profiler

>> No.18879642
File: 144 KB, 432x432, Mondays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based /fitlit/ with the fleshpills.

Work your way up. Don't be a wagie for the leftists be a team member for the greatest shift of manhood.

Freedom isn't free.

>> No.18879681


>> No.18879843

Haven't read it but could you expand a bit on how Don Quixote helps with OP’s situation.

>> No.18879946

all of them, in time

>> No.18880004

The collected works of Charles Bukowski. He talks about his ugliness frequently, sometimes briefly noting, sometimes discussing it at length.

He also talks about how he lives with it.

>> No.18880134
File: 37 KB, 333x499, 67ED6F10-3DF6-4CEA-9ECF-54B6ACA68592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
