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18876349 No.18876349[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

America has gone batshit insane in the past decade. This is concerning as American culture, in particular its political culture, is spreading to other countries via internet media saturation.

Are there any books that look at what has happened to America recently that aren't polemical diatribes?
Sociological, anthropological studies, novels. I don't mind

>> No.18876438

Critique of Pure Tolerance

>> No.18876465
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As an outsider, I still think America can be salvaged without crashing and burning believe it or not.
But certain assumptions have to be dispelled.
It’s not 1991 anymore, America, you will have to accept that your time as a superpower, much less hegemon, is over.
After the failure in Afghanistan you’ll have to accept that the war on terror and the war on drugs were colossal mistakes.
The approach of mass surveillance, drone strikes and refusing to negotiate didn’t work, doesn’t work and will never work. For every terrorist you kill 2 more spring up.
Similarly the approach to the war on drugs doesn’t work either. Every time a kingpin is eliminated another will rise to take their place.
The best course of action for you is to step down from world affairs, focus on domestic issues and finally pay attention to the neglected groups in the heartland.
This is also the opportunity to do some deep soul searching. Materialism and consumerism has been deeply disappointing for everyone, it has not made your populace happy but rather miserable. You’ll have to accept that endless growth is a lie, and focus your energies on redistributive justice.
Money isn’t everything, and America needs a newfound appreciation for immaterial values like community, family, religion and solidarity if there is any hope of salvaging what remains of your torn social fabric.
This is a fulcrum point where things can go either way. You can either reflect deeply on how the country has been faring since the fall of Communism for these past 30 years and turn a new leaf, or you can precipitate in your current trajectory that will surely end in catastrophe.
The choice is yours America.

>> No.18876479
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This, Repressive Tolerance is the script that was unleashed.

>> No.18876486

Lasch, Revolt of the Elites and The Culture of Narcissism.

>> No.18876504

> request books "that aren't polemical diatribes?"
> get recommended polemical diatribes

>> No.18876576

This. Also:

>Benjamin Barber - Jihad vs McWorld
>Neil Postman - Amused to Death
>Robert D Putnam - Bowling Alone

We’re witnessing the consequences of what Barber identifies as a dialectic between parochial, atavistic tribalism and the stulfying culture of global capitalism (i.e., “globohomo”). This has been exacerbated by new forms of media and the decay of the American community.

>> No.18876584

also worth noting that these aren’t partisan diatribes but normal books from academics who study this stuff.

>> No.18876602

Hopefully the jews will listen, right?

>> No.18876613

>in the past decade
Oh for the halcyon days of 2011, when America was still as the founding fathers had intended.
Republicans are always
>this democrat politician is a literal communist who is destroying everything sacred
And Democrats are always
>the republicans are actual nazis who want to herd the blacks into burger king branded gas chambers
I can remember Clinton playing sax on TV and it being a chilling indictment of HOW FAR AMERICA HAS FALLEN MAY JESUS FORGIVE US

>> No.18876618
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>The choice is yours America.
Thanks for the copypasta btw.

>> No.18876757


>> No.18876774

The Jews running the country would never ever let that happen

>> No.18876912

This is correct, but how should we go about doing this?

>> No.18877146

neither would the far-left, far-right or religious fundamentalists

>> No.18877261

Stay jealous, cucks.
In 1000 years, all of your shitty countries will only be remembered as provinces of the American empire.

>> No.18877267

There is literally no intellectual argument for America being "good" in 2011 but "ruined" in 2021. Unless you're a retarded zoomer freaking out about muh sjws and trannies.

>> No.18877292

Aren't most of them already?

>> No.18877320
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It went batshit insane over the past decade or so. That didn't even imply that it used to be "good".

> getting hung up on semantics.

>> No.18877327

>that aren't polemical diatribes?
I think this is the problem with 21st century America and the West generally. Supposed objective, and rational "thinking" has taken on the worst form of tribalism that revolves around the thought that "my biases are better than their biases because Im smart and they're stupid" in the West. It's a real problem, but good luck finding anyone who has written about it in a reasonable way.

>> No.18877336

So when was America not insane?
You sound like a zoomer that can't remember how retarded Reagan was

>> No.18877355

Exactly why I started the thread. It's really difficult to find any analysis of what has happened to America without it being over-coded with a political axe to grind. I don't mind a bit of political theory or perspective, and I'm not naive enough to think analysis can be completely objective, but with most analysis I find it burdensome, unhelpful and disingenuous

>> No.18877364

It went from insane to batshit insane.
You sound like a cunt.
This is why nobody likes you.

>> No.18877374

No one over 20 could possibly believe that America "just went insane" over the past 10 years. Nothing from the past 10 years is inconsistent with America's trajectory from WW2 at the absolute latest

>> No.18877389

A lot of them haven't realized it yet. America is far too gentle with its subjects.

>> No.18877392

The 3 great calamities in American history are Lincoln, Wilson, and Johnson

>> No.18877394

U a janitor?

>> No.18877395

I don’t know about the last decade, but our decline since the 1990s in terms of external power and internal stability is undeniable. We have gone from being a hegemon to being one crisis away from Balkanization.

>> No.18877413

confirmed teenager

>> No.18877439

We were only so powerful in the 90s because the Soviets collapsed on us. In the preceeding decades we weren't a hegemony. We've been 'one crisis from balkanization' for our entire history. I know this may be the first time you've encountered black people being angry at how America treats them, but believe me, its nothing new.
Everything people are claiming in this thread was being said in the 80s too, the sky is always falling on our heads tomorrow, and teenagers overreact to the usual shit

>> No.18877459

I don't remember such a corrosive level of "identity politics" in the 90's, or even before smartphones became ubiquitous.

>> No.18877464

How does america treat black people exactly

>> No.18877475

I do. Thats when the whole political correct shit started on the left, while the right spent the decade pretending that a blowjob was some high crime misdemeanor which was eroding the very fabric of our clean and Christian nation

>> No.18877485

Christopher Lasch.
Don't freak out though, America's always been pretty wild. Imagine if you were living during the 1850s when all kinds of shit was getting outlawed and people were forming communist christian communes across the midwest, starting new religions, shooting each other all the time. You would've had a seizure or something.

>> No.18877487

Racial grifting has swung back around and become in vogue. You're right, however: the 90s, by and large, were quite tame compared to today with identity politics -- the only major instances I can think of are Rodney King and OJ inciting racial spirits.

It certainly felt like there was more racial harmony back then compared to today where the God of equality hasn't turned up the utopia people wished it would and now shift to equity as a means to "even" disparity through bureaucratic discrimination.

>> No.18877504

You're just being arbitrarily contrarian. It doesn't make you seem well-seasoned, intelligent or mature. Quite the opposite.
What the Fuck is wrong with you if you're on 4chan and old enough to remember Regan? To actually remember Regan , and not just be born within his reign, you must be at lest 40 years old!

Being a 40 year old chantard doesn't give you the gravitas you think it does. It certainly disqualifies you from being a person who should be listened to or respected

>> No.18877507

The only time in post-Civil War America comparable to now is the 1970s, and we were on the verge of collapse then as well. But since then until say 2008, things were stable. Now we are teetering on the verge of collapse again. We are closer to stability now than this time last year, but the situation is still very dire. Stop pretending this is normal for America. It wasn’t always like this and it doesn’t have to be.

>> No.18877548
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> gets crushed to death, while a mob sarcastically chants "I can't breathe", on the steps of the United States capitol.Then becomes a hilarious internet meemee

This happens all the time. I remember people getting crushed to death at the capitol on a weekly basis when Carter was in power.
Nothing to see here. All is normal

>> No.18877555

I don't think that's a real story m8, they were just wildly making stuff up in the days after that event

>> No.18877558

>This happens all the time
Yeah just like the "bomb" that was planted the day before.
Just like that police officer that was "murdered by a fire extinguisher".

>> No.18877561

>american loses country to trannies in a couple years
>cannot imagine losing military base in same amount of time

>> No.18877606

Her name was Rosanne Boyland

>> No.18877608

america hasn't gone batshit insane, it's the simulation that you've confused for "america" that's gone off the rails

>> No.18877677

Nie sądziłem że karakan jest w stanie coś sensownego powiedzieć
A tu proszę bardzo ładny i treściwy plakat
Elegancko opie

>> No.18878055
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>Benjamin Barber - Jihad vs McWorld
I think the synthesis that might pop out here is McJihad, or it starts to synchronize with the global market which doesn't actually care anymore if the participants are liberal or not. It might already be happening.

>> No.18878108
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>> No.18878218
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Also makes me wonder, but it's clear America has to give up on seeking hegemony in the world. But there's this internal culture war that is completely irrational and split the society right down the middle, but it's kinda related. It boils down to who will have hegemony over the society, and the different tribes see it as an existential struggle, where if they don't fight, the other side will wipe them out (or so they fear). That seems like an impossible dilemma though, and might just lead to mutual exhaustion. So, maybe, one way to avoid catastrophe is mutual disarmament.

But what that looks like could be very weird too. That might not even look like giving up on identities and becoming rootless drones, it might even be the opposite of that. It could mean a revival of identities, but synchronizing them with modernity. Both the cosmopolitan liberals and traditionalists who want to reverse modernity both lose, simultaneously, but both kinda get something out of the deal, too.

Or, maybe, the different "tribes" of the tribal American political system compromise with each other in exchange for harmony, where they agree not to "fuck each other up," just like if you're a Muslim who refuses to eat pork, I'll agree not to give a shit as long as I'm not required to eliminate pork from my diet. This doesn't really mean firm segregation either, although people do it socially, but it might even improve ties between people, because people learn to respect each other's differences which makes a relationship possible to begin with.

Did you see this CNN reporter in Kabul the other day who was like "they're saying Death to America... but they seem friendly... it's so bizarre." But yeah, what are they gonna do? Oh no, the Taliban taken over Afghanistan... which they already mostly controlled for 20 years anyways... I'm going to freak out and... wave hello to them? "Let me know if you guys need anything, we'll be right over here." It turns out, this different tribe that people feared (i.e. non-white people, or conservative rednecks from the countryside, etc. etc. etc.) are not so scary after all.

Either way, history doesn't move in accordance with the individual will.

>> No.18878451

>in the last decade
Kek, it's just an intensification of the eternal '60s-'70s the last gasp of Boomerism before they kick the bucket

>> No.18878463

You weren't old enough, it actually started in the '60s. So-called identity politics get more intense over time because the government is incapable of making black Americans' life outcomes equal to nonblacks - American moralists, above all else, believe in human equality and use black achievement as a moral measuring stick.

>> No.18878473
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Another thing. The original meme here had the "Republican" bomber without any logos attached to it, so I added some symbols to it. The fact that the original meme didn't have any symbols is interesting, because I think whoever made it feels like he think the Republican bomber is ideological at all -- like not bombing for any cause, just for the sake of bombing or something.

But that's how ideology works. The most brainwashed person doesn't believe they've been brainwashed, and the Black Rife Coffee Company or the Pride flag or whatever is not actually ideological on some level. But it is. But this is how the liberals in America perceive the Republicans. On the flip side, the bottom bomber is how Republicans perceive the liberal warmongers. But the liberals don't believe they're acting "ideologically" necessarily. We're not bombing them to make them gay! We're bombing them because they oppress women who want to be free so we're actually helping them! Or because we must maintain the international order!

The people who are doing it think they're objective or something.

Isn't that weird? The Pride flag is perceived as an ideological movement to the right, but for the people who rock that flag, it's just their "identity" or whatever and it feels like that gives them dignity and answers the question of "who am I" in an alienated world (although that's pure ideology, of course). And the same is true in reverse with these Proud Boys who make a big deal out of being "Western."

In a way, these are the twin faces of the empire, the twin legions, and two ideological rationalizations for the empire, and the people who believe in them delude themselves into thinking they're not ideologues -- and once the empire is in decline, the legions come home to fight it out.

So, I dunno what the solution is. But it might be some guy peace treaty where a white guy with a Confederate flag patch is just hanging out with a Black Panther or something like what they tried to do back in the late 60s. "Oh hey, how's it going." Maybe the people doing that back then were just ahead of their time.

>> No.18878503

This is a good summary of the state of all "post-colonial thought" really. Wogs outside of East Asia are basically just coping over their own failures - they still want a better place in the British/American Empire Extended Universe without really desiring to abolish it - even though they resent their former conquerors.

>> No.18878509


>> No.18878563
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>> No.18878608

I blame Mark Twain

>> No.18878641

>not including FDR's domestic economic and political policies
literally the closets we have ever had to a dictator, he prolonged the great depression thorough centralization and quotas, and did shit like threatening to expand in SC until the sitting judges finally gave him the outcomes he wanted.

>> No.18878650

>literally the closets we have ever had to a dictator
>he prolonged the great depression thorough centralization and quotas
a (((lie)))

>> No.18878703

>The choice is yours America.
As an American, I would choose crash and burn. Preferably as quickly as possible. America is literally the great satan.

>> No.18878908

yeah but consumerism makes money and thats all the corrupt presidents and politicans care about

>> No.18879009
File: 316 KB, 858x725, B4586168-B8E1-4CAA-AD66-AC99F3EDA3E7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This article really strikes at the heart of the matter.
The American reality is so dystopian and infuriating because of all the hypocrisies and lies it rests upon.
If America really was a meritocracy there would be no resentment and everyone would be content with how things are run. If the best, brightest, most virtuous and most intelligent were at the top a myriad problems like the governmental deficit, poverty, corruption, violation of rights, etc would be so much smaller or non-existent.
But America isn’t a meritocracy, far from it the ones on top are midwits and midwits that believe themselves geniuses at that.
Their position in society is completely undeserved, if they were as culturally sophisticated America would be producing the best pieces of artistic brilliance in the world instead of more consumerist Marvel schlock. It’s because these Silicon Valley types spend their Saturday mornings watching Steven Universe while smoking bowls of weed that American cultural output is so soulless and retarded.
You can kind of justify having a guy that can listen to hours of Bach on end as king since someone as sophisticated like that probably has the intelligence to lead a country but when your elites think the drivel on Netflix is worth their time and attention you know these people didn’t earn their status as taste-makers because of their individual merit.
Also these people absolutely did not earn their wealth either.
The halls of the Ivy League are crawling with trust-fund kids who were born with a silver-spoon in their mouth, this inflated their egos to the point that they genuinely believe they are geniuses, hence why they set up a retarded start-up with daddy’s money, it fails but they still fail upwards since their parents just give them a cushy do-nothing job with their connections.
And the part that really creates the resentment is because these people think they are better than you.
They love to thought and tone police like grammar nazis, they condescendingly reprimand you for not using the latest PC lingo, for not referring to minorities as “BIPOC” and using tranny pronouns.
Waging is not only soul-sucking but it becomes unbearable when you are forced to suffer daily humiliations like the Walmart shuffle or self-censoring yourself so you don’t get cancelled on social media.
So not only are these midwits richer than you (wealth they absolutely did not earn or deserve to have) but they also believe they are smarter than you when in all likelihood the IQ gap is non-existent or too small to be relevant.
Hence why so many people who are actually smart, capable and talented suffer simply because they don’t have the right background or don’t know which buzzwords to use, and the everyone not part of the midwit managerial/Silicon Valley technocrat/liberal progressive class gets verbally abused like the lowest slaves of antiquity did.

>> No.18879032

let it out, anon

>> No.18879037

The idea that the power structures of American society and economy are run by people not as competent as those who created said structures is something that bothers me. It would be one thing if the elite were a class above us in all spheres, but they are literally the same as us. They watch the same media, eat the same food, jack off to the same porn, have the same opinions, etc. We went from being a country of idiots run by geniuses to a country of idiots run by idiots.

>> No.18879038

the problem is America is a reflection of Americans. the gov is filled with selfish greedy assholes. America is filled with selfish greedy stupid assholes. people think that endless growth is possible! anything else is communism and you're part of the problem! not the Americans gutted the economy, de-regulated and de-funded everything. thus ensuring you will have even more obedient stupid people to support the cause in the future.
if anti-intellectualism is somehow reversed then sure the US can turn itself around. But I dont see that happening. Honestly I think Americans will go back to burning witches before embracing logic and rational thought.

>> No.18879055

If it makes you feel better there is a nonzero chance all of these people get marched out of their homes in the middle of the night and liquidated in mass graves within your lifetime.

>> No.18879097

>Americans will go back to burning witches before embracing logic and rational thought.
In all fairness we are a religiously fanatic country. Even our atheists are religious fanatics. Other countries have politics, we have the cults of Trump and Woke. The rest of the world should be very grateful that America is a Christian and not a Sunni country, because there’s a good chance we’d make the Saudis look like moderates if we were.

>> No.18880314
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I like you. I'd buy you a beer and let you fuck my sister.

There weren't any good book recommendations, but your posts made this thread worthwhile.

>> No.18880583

>When Twain heard of the writer called "the Jewish Mark Twain," he replied "please tell him that I am the American Sholem Aleichem."
Yeah. Fuck that faggot.

>> No.18880974

The lack of symbology in the original image is just a recognition that the US military machine, when headed by republicans, is in fact merely motivated by money and power. Christianity and nationalism was just the tool of the day used to appeal to the masses and manipulate them.

However because the global agenda necessitates breaking down national and religious barriers, ultimately the more "humanitarian" leftist causes became more useful as propagandistic tools.

Telling people you're abusing others for your benefit just appeals to selfishness once the "righteousness" of the cause (eg safety and justice for 9/11) runs out of steam, and further fails because it lacks true return benefit. Meanwhile, saying that you'll abuse everyone for everyone's sakes appeals to a sense of sacrificial altruism, and can be justified almost indefinitely.

Hence, wars for humanitarianism.

>> No.18880982

>tldr schizo posting
not your blog faggot

>> No.18881198

Sholem Aleichem lived in America. Was he saying Jews can't be American?

>> No.18882151

Its easy its greedy jews, satanists, and communists subverting everything so they can create their Satanic global AI utopia ruled from israel.

They are destroying white culture across the world because we are the only group that is intelligent enough to be a threat to their plans to enslave the planet.

Its essentially like WWII never stopped and the satanic kikes are constantly on vigil and paranoid about another Hitler cropping up and fucking them up.

>> No.18882166

That image is funny because Communists, Socialists were mad at Biden dropping bombs on fucking Islamic terrorists in Somalia at the behest of their government. Its such a stupid meme because you people actually think we should do nothing to stop Islamic Fundamentalists that rape children and behead people because its "imperialism"

>> No.18882219

Jesus Christ you really are an optimist aren't you?

>> No.18883020

We actually shouldn't stop Islamic Fundamentalists. People in the Middle East mostly LIKE Islamic Fundamentalism, why is it the US's place to stop that?

>> No.18883104
File: 281 KB, 1650x2475, B6035490-D155-4C3A-BC9D-EA5FE2DD9887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably the best book on the matter written in recent years. America was always fated to decline because Liberalism is self-destructive and never works in practice.

>> No.18884204

>Either way, history doesn't move in accordance with the individual will.
And that's a problem.
The collective will is stupider than the individual wills of many great men. This is why absolute monarchy is preferable.
I don't care about politics so long as the collective will of people is treated as important. What ultimately matters is the inviolable, wise will of men such as myself.

>> No.18884216

Collective and individual wills are stupid more often than not. Most absolute monarchs have not been great men. Hereditary monarchy seems to be worst of all. The best Roman emperors were those that were adopted.

>> No.18884249

True liberalism has never been tried!

Botswana is also doing pretty well with its de facto adoptive monarchy.

>> No.18884288

>because we are the only group that is intelligent enough to be a threat to their plans to enslave the planet

>> No.18884316

Everything declines and passes away in this world, simple as.

>> No.18884396

>Their position in society is completely undeserved,
Who? Says you?

>would be producing the best pieces of artistic brilliance in the world instead of more consumerist Marvel schlock.
Nonsense. Marvel sells, especially to kids. You're a pseud.

>It’s because these Silicon Valley types spend their Saturday mornings watching Steven Universe while smoking bowls of weed that American cultural output is so soulless and retarded.
Complete nonsense babble, just pulled from some cap from reddit you saw.

>You can kind of justify having a guy that can listen to hours of Bach on end as king since someone as sophisticated like that probably has the intelligence to lead a country but when your elites think the drivel on Netflix is worth their time and attention you know these people didn’t earn their status as taste-makers because of their individual
Are you fucking mental? You think taste in television and music should and does dictate how to run a nation? Do you seriously think any of these people at the top are watching Netflix shows? This is a dialogue for the girl you'll never talk to or your faggot friends.

>Also these people absolutely did not earn their wealth either.

Not even going to bother reading the rest. You're fucking retarded kid. Nobody deserves anything and they aren't based trad and watch the anime you do. Grow up. America had actual issues like the weakening of checks and balances but stupid faggots like yourself cannot manage to research and think deeper than Netflix shows and music because you think your individual image tastes are of the utmost importance. You're just as bad as the redditor smoking weed and watching Rick and Morty in the morning with his bowl of cereal. You just don't realize it.

>> No.18884433

>Do you seriously think any of these people at the top are watching Netflix shows?
They literally are. They also read complete dog shit crap.

>> No.18884489

Yeah anon they can't wait to get home and watch Netflix. Please fuck off back to /a/ or /v/ or Twitter.

>> No.18884508

>dropping bombs on fucking Islamic terrorists in Somalia at the behest of their government
Oh, at the behest of "their" government. The Somali government. I'm sure everything that led to those guys being in power was on the up-and-up. I'm not saying those Islamic terrorists are good, but gimme a break.

>> No.18884514

>What ultimately matters is the inviolable, wise will of men such as myself.
Well, if you say so...


>> No.18884519

I should be the absolute monarch, no doubt. For example, my individual will, spirit, and intellect are greater than yours. People like you cannot have true peace unless you are under my complete dominion.

>> No.18884553

What a speech! Anon for President!!!

>> No.18884567

Age of Entitlement by Caldwell is a good look at the boomer generation and civil rights era, which are fundamental to understanding the current political theology of America.

FDR was a weird momma's boy cripple with a cabinet full of (((them))), if you want an american dictator at least advocate someone like Huey Long.

>> No.18884773

So how should the leader of a nation be decided? Also do you think it is the prime minister of president who is leading a nation?

>> No.18884860
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>> No.18885167

By Allah we should have conquered the rest of North and South America back in the day so that we wouldn’t have to deal with pedantic Latinos today

>> No.18885388

>America had actual issues like the weakening of checks and balances
>calling other people pseuds when you still think checks and balances matter when they’re all a part of the same parasitic system

>> No.18885412

Nice picture. Gay thread. America can suck my dick.

>> No.18885640

>Are there any books that look at what has happened to America recently that aren't polemical diatribes?

HA HA HA apparently not

>> No.18886155

As delusional as the "da Jooz" crowd. You cannot do a therapy section on a nation. It's not confusion what brought us here.
In any case,
>norther Italy, once a hegemon
>doing fine
>Spain, once a hegemon
>doing fine
>The Netherlands, once a hegemon
>doing fine
>UK, once a hegemon
>doing fine

>> No.18886176
File: 20 KB, 400x351, 5D977E01-673B-48F7-8EBB-FA53A65F11F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fall of Communism

>> No.18886205

Pretty shit

>> No.18886238
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>> No.18886251

>"da Jooz"
Sup reddit

>> No.18886268

Even Mao recognized the differences between Chinese/3rd World socialism and Soviet “imperial socialism”. You know damn well what that anon was referring to, stop being so pedantic

>> No.18886285

how do people like this still exist?

>> No.18886329

Mao was a Maoist and even Deng was more of an orthodox Marxist. Communism never fell, the Soviet Union did but not Communism. The idea that it did is a very neo-liberal Fukuyamian one. It was after the fall of the Soviet Union the American hubris took over and began to see Communism as a dead ideology. Of course, this completely bit them in the ass and allowed China to swiftly assert itself as the dominant power. Leaving out this small detail completely destroyed American hegemony.

>> No.18886340

How is it communism if you can engage in capitalist enterprise, indeed most of their economy is now this

>> No.18886343

America is different as like the Soviet Union, it is a political experiment, made up of multiple different nations. If American dominance falls, so does America.

>> No.18886352

Because he's a coping lefty larper trying to equate Chinese national prosperity with the success of ideological communism (lol)

>> No.18886404
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Communism is a bad name for the ideology. Communism is the final mode of production. It is a system. The more accurate name for the ideology is Marxist-Leninsm. If you understood dialectics, you would see that in order for there to be a transition of the mode of production, the means of production must be adequately developed. To achieve socialism, China must first engage in capitalism to develop tools, infrastructure, technology, etc.

>> No.18886450
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Not really. Everyone calls Lenin a Communist, but the Soviet Union under Lenin literally employed free market capitalism (under state control) as part of the NEP to stimulate the economy and revive industry. There is very little difference between Xi’s China and Lenin’s USSR.

>> No.18886505
File: 238 KB, 3211x1436, allies of the us.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the United States is a collectivistic nation that relies on soft power and supports the elite´s ideology (liberalism of the 21st century = sjws + leftists but without the revolution aspect) in order to project their hegemony abroad, their key regions for hegemony are: Europe, Japan, Kore and South-East Asia and to a lesser extent South America

Now, United States in the geopolitics aspect is in a good standing, afghanistan is hard to conquer country, is delusion to think they´re in decline because of it

The Societal Aspect is interesting since this is just a new version of the 70s but more sanitized, because the intelligence communities know how to hanlde uprising and ressentments from the so called "right and left wing ideological groups" which during the pandemic we saw these two uprisings

US in a phase of decline? sure but it will take a world war to dismantle this empire, otherwise the decline will be take centuries to unfold, the same way as it did with the Roman Empire

>> No.18886529

>US in a phase of decline? sure but it will take a world war to dismantle this empire, otherwise the decline will be take centuries to unfold, the same way as it did with the Roman Empire
Yeah no. The USSR looked like it was fine even until the late 80s. America’s fall with be swift and great.

>> No.18886545

>Yeah no. The USSR looked like it was fine even until the late 80s. America’s fall with be swift and great.

you wish but this logic doesn´t make sense, the USSR had an ineficient economy who couldn´t keep up with the competition, the USSR is anomaly when it comes to downfall of empires, if they switched to a capitalist economy like Deng Xiaonping did it in China, they would still be an USSR in 2021, which it isn´t the case

>> No.18886566

Is that later part ever actually going to happen

>> No.18886578

China seeks to achieve this by 2049.


>> No.18886668

>It went from bluh to blah!
t. zoomer

>> No.18886720

Not him, but a zoomer is definitely less qualified to speak on it, so whats your point? Nobody can speak on history unless they were alive and lucid during the specific events, or is some dipshit normie like you who comes along decades or centuries later and thinks they know anything?

>> No.18886728

Those things hit hard, anon. I wouldn't expect either of our skulls to stand up to much abuse from them

>> No.18886758

Fucking smoothbrained take. Imagine thinking 'being alive at the time' means anything. Yeah my mom knows all about the Iranian Revolution and the fall of the USSR because she watched Walter Kronkite talk about it on the news lmfao are you a complete fucking idot?

>> No.18886921

My sweet summer child. Enjoy your eventual evaporation by the chinks (not the jews as your type so fervently attack! What a useful distraction they turned out to be!)

>> No.18886928

You need to be over 18 to post here

>> No.18886940

I'm sorry you can't see the blatant truth in front of you.

>> No.18886978

It is exactly this utter void of knowledge in the western consciousness of what socialism and communism exactly entail (generations of vilifying it as a word as evil as nigger will do that) is what is leading to your total overthrow by the Chinese. How could you ever hope to rival or conquer your foes if you don't even know the most fundamental aspects of who they are? Your fall will be met by a global sigh of relief. Good riddance.

>> No.18887007

My point being that the alternate take is equally bullshit. *Not* being part of it, of a newer generation, is some useful metric to determine your knowledge of the subject? An alternative to that interpretation of what was said was never presented, so sorry if that's not what was intended.

>> No.18887085

>leading to your total overthrow by the Chinese.
>Enjoy your eventual evaporation by the chinks

Anyone who thinks the Chinese have any plans to "evaporate the West" or even "overthrow us" (in military or cultural terms) has a terrible understanding of both what the CCP wants and the geopolitical realities. Personally, I find this smug leftist and panicked right-wing reaction to be very wearisome. This is not the first Yellow Scare in American history, and it won't be the last.

>> No.18888177

My point that everything looked fine on the outside, even the CIA said so. The same could be said for America.

>> No.18888198

sure, but the economic structure of the US is a lot more stronger than what it was in the USSR where even the elites didn´t want to live in the country anymore, i don´t see the same thing happening to the US where the federal government bails out the upper class in order to keep the economy from crashing, even Trump who was a dissident within the establishment bailed out the rich elite

>> No.18888208

>i don´t see the same thing happening to the US where the federal government bails out the upper class in order to keep the economy from crashing

>> No.18888225

i meant a real crash, the 2008 one was a kids game in comparison

as i said earlier, the Pax Americana isn´t gonna end soon so you better be patient, from the timeline i´m guessing that a future autocrat will appear in the US before America loses global influence

>> No.18888330
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This would all be very nice except the rich are very effective at steering the populace away from economic concerns to pointless arguments over tranny bathrooms. Businesses have been pushing against democratization since the 70s (see the Powell Memorandum), and they've been riding that wave for a while now. It has re-intensified after occupy wall street and that's part of the reason why "America has gone batshit insane in the past decade."

>> No.18888341

This. Occupy wall street accomplished absolutely nothing beyond showing large businesses that the populace was capable of naming the jew (turn of phrase). That's why tranny bathrooms and every derivative have become the apex of modern discourse on all sides of politics. The specific content doesn't matter, it could just as easily ended up being a nationwide push for adoption of spanish or ASL in schools or widespread accessibility for wheelchair users, but these are all fantastic avenues to exhaust the time, energy and finances of those who could do real damage if they could just keep their eyes on the prize

>> No.18888811

>via internet media saturation.
Seriously? You mean to say propaganda by intelligence agencies and hollywood?

>> No.18888818

>I still think America can be salvaged without crashing and burning believe it or not.
Then you’re an idiot


>> No.18889407

> the USSR had an ineficient economy who couldn´t keep up with the competition,
That is post facto. You have just had a confession that nobody could imagine Afghanistan's govt collapsing in like three days instead of the expected 3 weeks or so.

>> No.18889420
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not so fast american scum

>> No.18889917

the USSR priotirize weapons instead of food production, even the US had to give them grain in order for the population to survive, Afghanistan is a special case where only two talented conquerors managed to subdue the country (Alexander and the Khan of Mongol)

>> No.18889924

>rtx on

>> No.18890226
File: 760 KB, 917x965, 1610155121194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone written a psychological of psychiatric assessment on the soft on American psyche over recent history.
Social media, smartphones and an explosion in disinformation are fairly superficial explanations.

>> No.18890241

You did not even vaguely reply to my post. The majority if their economy is capitalist, it's produced by private ownership of capital, wage labor, and markets. Do you not have any actual reply to this?

>> No.18890262

>precipitate in
Anon, I...

>> No.18890574
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>neither... religious fundamentalists
Lol no. We'd be so much better off

>> No.18890775

As someone old enough to remember how Ted Koppel's Nightline program originated as a platform for making over Iran's holding of a few Americans hostage into a major crisis in the eyes of viewers, much to the advantage of neoconservatives and Reagan, it does seem to me that a tipping-point has been crossed recently, and while it hasn't got a name yet, the primar cause of it is the transfer of Western economic hegemony to China--thence the West's legacy population losing hegemony to a corporate elite able now to operate against democratic institutions as never before. An example of this his how the Tribune company was bought out by Alden Global Capital recently, with the intent of gutting the news rooms within, as they've done before.