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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18875680 [Reply] [Original]

>ask guy his favorite book
>Fight Club
>American Psycho
>Crime and Punishment
>Notes from Underground
>Journey to the End of the Night
>War & Peace
>Moby Dick
>Blood Meridian
>Infinite Jest
>Storm of Steel
>The Tunnel
>Gravity's Rainbow
>Starship Troopers
>The Iliad
>The Recognitions

>> No.18875690

What is this face supposed to mean? I see it everywhere

>> No.18875695

My favorite book? Critique of pure reason.
Fiction? I would have to go with the count of Monte Cristo, it's such an adventureous story that is also inherently tragic, what is your favorite book?
Also would you like to hug for 15 minutes?

>> No.18875699

social awkwardness when facing cringe (eg: any of those entry level pseud books)

>> No.18875701

itt: anons post their actual favorite books and OP tells us how wet her pussy is
>Les Miserables
>East of Eden
>Death of a Naturalist
>Julius Caesar
>Waiting for Godot
>Giovanni's Room
>The Picture of Dorian Gray
>Water Margin
>The Tale of Genji
>Artemis Fowl
>A Song of Ice and Fire
>Elric of Melnibone
>The Hobbit and LOTR
>Jurassic Park

>> No.18875705

namedropping Kant as your favorite book is peak pseud energy

>> No.18875707

are you autistic? its the cringe face

>> No.18875713

Why? It's the book that helped me really expand my understanding. I think it's the most intellectually beneficial thing I have ever read.

>> No.18875714

wheres Hegel's Phenomenology?

>> No.18875719
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Dilate that bleeding gash

>> No.18875721

>I think it's the most intellectually beneficial thing I have ever read.
ok makes sense, if you put it that way I take pseud accusation back

>> No.18875743

It is a disapproving female,
which rules over the soi.

>> No.18875840



By Marcus Aurelius ?

>> No.18875848

>>ask guy his favorite book
I'll take things that never happened for $500.

>> No.18875869

>any of those entry level pseud books
I know this is 4chan so you always have to pretend to be more intellectual and patrician than the next guy, but how are half of those books “pseud”? Books like Moby Dick and The Brothers Karamazov have been determined by generation after generation to be classics, and were the favourite books of some of the greatest intellectuals of the last 200 years. If they’re not worthy, then I’d be interested to hear what books would you personally deem to actually be above pseudo-intellectualism?

>> No.18875882

No the riveting autobiography by Bulgarian poet Madeleine Georgieva

>> No.18875980
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Are you trolling , i am too retarded to tell

>> No.18876024

>entry level pseud books
are you OK my dude?

>> No.18876060

He's just trolling.
Anyway, a book can't be pseud, only a person can.

>> No.18876071

Kek yes I am. To start with there aren’t really any other well-known books out there specifically titled “Meditations”. Furthermore, Meditations is probably one out the most “dude-bro” associated books out there. I think it is a great book but the reader base is overwhelmingly male. Since OP listed books favored by guys, that context should have dispelled any remaining doubts.

>> No.18876090

if you, as a woman date a man who doesn't like these books, you might as well be a lesbian because you are dating another woman.

>> No.18876092

>The little prince

>> No.18876159

Fucking newfags I swear. The cringe face is the Harold face or any face that looks like Harold. You're retarded.


>> No.18876252

the books themselves are fine, however if someone brings up one or more of those books in conversation of their favorite books then its indicative that person conforms to popular consensus.

>> No.18876307

quiet exasperation. get checked for autism

>> No.18876324
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>memoirs found in a bathtub
>call of the wild

>> No.18876392
File: 162 KB, 1080x1298, Gigadollar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Favourite book?
Atlas Shrugged. If she's heard of it and likes it, pure wife material. If she's heard of it and doesn't like it, saved me the pain of getting with a leftoid bitch who thinks it's her job to save the world with s o c i a l i s m

>> No.18876404

Average white roastie face

>> No.18876445
File: 49 KB, 780x438, 1580736310872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girl asks me what my favorite book is
>she asks me what that is
>tell her it's an ancient Roman text, but unlike The Odyssey or The Iliad it isn't about war or any of that toxic masculinity stuff. It's more romantic.
>she sounds intrigued and says she'll check it out
>mfw the next day she accuses me of ticking her into reading child pornography

>> No.18876484

explain this image please
who is that dude and why is he dressed like a poseur homosexuales?

>> No.18876524
File: 90 KB, 1080x1349, Gigachad glass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why, the Theodicy of course.
Phèdre (Racine) if you ask for fiction.

>> No.18876554
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It comes from this, then was a wojak, then this female wojak

>> No.18876577

>Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey (1516/1517 – 19 January 1547), KG, was an English nobleman, politician and poet. He was one of the founders of English Renaissance poetry and was the last known person executed at the instance of King Henry VIII.

My friend, the things that do attain
The happy life be these, I find:
The riches left, not got with pain,
The fruitful ground; the quiet mind;

The equal friend; no grudge, no strife;
No charge of rule nor governance;
Without disease the healthy life;
The household of continuance;

The mean diet, no dainty fare;
True wisdom joined with simpleness;
The night discharged of all care,
Where wine the wit may not oppress;

The faithful wife, without debate;
Such sleeps as may beguile the night:
Content thyself with thine estate,
Neither wish death, nor fear his might.

>> No.18876581

Mine is the Bible (King James Version), can we have sex? After marriage of course

>> No.18876680
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Fuck man I haven't read a book in months

>> No.18876724

I only read nonfiction

>> No.18876744

What face is made when I say its The Pickwick Papers

>> No.18876803

>>Artemis Fowl
I read a couple of them when I was a kid, they were nice
Never read HP btw.

>> No.18876850

I feel like you have no idea what pseud means but thought le epic buzzword would be cool to use on 4chin

>> No.18876888

I've read both during my childhood and remember Artemis Fowl being a lot more enjoyable

>> No.18876896

I think books like Artemis fowl condition children to be narcissistic

>> No.18876897

>smiling at people in the streets

>> No.18878306

it means you should stop seeing the girl you're dating

>> No.18878310

most of all i wish i could stop hearing her

>> No.18878323

It's like saying your favorite album is Pet Sounds
Just means you have no taste and can't think for yourself

>> No.18878333

Or maybe you just really like pet sounds you fag, how do you think popularity happens? Because a lot of people really like something. Fucking hipsters

>> No.18878345
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>> No.18878349

No Storm of Steel?

>> No.18878351

> Blood Meridian
> Gravity's Rainbow, only because it taught me things about writing
> American Gods
> Percy Jackson (Mainly the first one)
> The Sea Wolf
> Siddhartha
> The Midnighters
> Kafka On the Shore, Wind Up Bird Chronicle
> Dogs Body (poor heckin pupperinos)
> The Outsider by Wilson, not SK
> The Secret by RL Stine, read it when I was ten. Very formative.

>> No.18878366

What benefits did you get from it? I only have his Groundwork of Metaphysics. How much more mind expanding is his critique of pure reason? Also, does it have anything to do with that fact that pure reason is a contradiction at it's core because of how unreasonable reality is?

>> No.18878369

Only hipsters like Pet Sounds

>> No.18878391

The whole of western society conditions children to be narcissists.

>> No.18878396

>Little Women
>A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
>Anne of Green Gables
>To Kill a Mockingbird
>Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret.
>Tuck Everlasting
>Ella Enchanted
>If You Come Softly
>The Princess Diaries
>The Fault in our Stars
>The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
>The Hunger Games
will this list get me pussy?

>> No.18878408
File: 40 KB, 615x410, French-comic-Ornella-Fleury-mocks-actor-Jonah-Hill-in-French-talk-show-Le-Grand-Journal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry anon, this list makes you sound a leetle gay, I like a real man

>> No.18878433

>When the Moon Was Ours
>American Street
>The Sun Is Also a Star
>To All the Boys I've Loved Before
>Brown Girl Dreaming
>If You Could Be Mine
>The Astonishing Color of After
>With the Fire on High
>Felix Ever After
>You Should See Me In a Crown
is this better?

>> No.18878436

Honestly, this list makes it sound like you wish you had a pussy. Sorry friend.

>> No.18878633

>Atlas Shrugged. If she's heard of it and likes it, pure wife material.
The only girl I knew that digged it was an absolute app WHORE.
So NO, anon, not wife material at all.

>> No.18878654

Pet Sounds is great, you fucking fags.

>> No.18878660


>> No.18878682

my panties are wet af rn

>> No.18878699


>> No.18878714

no, anon, try this:
>Would it be nice if you were straighter
>then you wouldn't have to be so gay
>and wouldn't it be nice to shitpost better
>then you'd have never ruined my day

>> No.18878750
File: 4 KB, 208x243, 36432403-68CE-4EB1-A8A6-6E3EA855F346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fav? Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception

>> No.18878766

It's a shitty boomer meme with horrible lyrics and boring orchestration.

>> No.18878788

>missing the point this badly
Volunteering PS as your favorite album is, like saying you like Dostoevsky, boring as fuck. Tells me nothing about you, everyone likes those things.
When someone asks you a question like that, they want you to reveal something about your personality. If you weren't autistic you'd know this

>> No.18878819

Not everybody masturbates about their eclectic taste, there are tons of people who really do just like the beach boys or Dostoevsky, which does anyway tell you something about them and can easily instigate a conversation since most people have heard of them

>> No.18878847


>> No.18878851

Do you also like a nice glass of red wine and a walk in the country? Because those are also the boring basic shit that every single person says they like. Saying you like them makes you sound boring, sorry, not sorry, it's true.

>> No.18878860

Taste does not determine if you're a boring person or not, your personality does, sorry to have to break it to you, you cant become interesting by liking obscure things

>> No.18878954

>Do you also like a nice glass of red wine and a walk in the country
Yes because those things are good. Using "taste" to make yourself seem exciting is, to use your words, one of the most boring basic things you can do

>> No.18878964

Same experience, she was a champ but not wife or mother material.

>> No.18878985
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>I like The Martian

>> No.18879001
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>It's a shitty boomer meme with horrible lyrics and boring orchestration.
Those lyrics aren't horrible, by far. An this is coming from a guy who hear atrocious things on a daily basis. That said, the lyrics surely aren't the peak point of the album.
The entertaining part to me comes from the catchy melodies, (sometimes) interesting timbres and nice vocal harmonies.
If you don't like doo-woop you're the one missing out, lad.

Bonus points for "Spirit of America":
The whole thing seems so over the top.
It sounds like a weird car commercial straight out of Fallout.
Funny as Hell.
That "Aa-aa-aaaaaa" in the chorus always get me, kek.

>> No.18880400


>> No.18880655

What's yours, cunt?

>> No.18880688

cringe take.

>> No.18880790

women don't want you to like things they like

>> No.18880844
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>>ask guy his favorite book
>Don Quixote