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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 154 KB, 964x1388, ImmanuelKant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.18874142 [Reply] [Original]

Immanuel Kant more like Immanuel can't

>> No.18874154

shut the fuck up

>> No.18874163
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Well memed fren

>> No.18874167

Plato more like Gayto

>> No.18874172

Look at this dude
he look like a pencil

>> No.18874173

Evola more like ebola

>> No.18874186

>Alright Mr Portait Taker, I want you to make my head look enormous so people will think my brain is bigger, and if they think my brain is bigger, they will think I am smarter.

>> No.18874196

He be lookin like a idiot OH NO NO NO NO

>> No.18874222

at first i was like i litterally kant
then i was like i literaly kan

>> No.18874225

Immanuel Kant? More like Immanuel kunt

>> No.18874322
File: 140 KB, 1280x720, queenofpol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>daily reminder these people unironically want you to believe they are smarter then /pol/...

>> No.18874376

Guys cut it out with the Immanuel Kant shit. Can't be looking like a clocktower keeper. You know what im talking about; the categorical imperative, the virginity, leave that shit at home.

Read some poster-modern fiction maybe some Hume, keep it simple.

>> No.18874399


Mark Twain more like Strike Thrice, amiright? Getdafuckouttahee

>> No.18874421

Nassim Taleb more like Nassim da pleb amirite fellas?

>> No.18874448

/lit/ is not a smart board. being well read does not make you intelligent
the only smart board on this entire website, at least until this year, was /biz/, but even that has been raped by normies, redditors and such after the wallstreetbets mania

>> No.18874490

Go back

>> No.18874491
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>Before passing on to consider time, however, it may be pointed out that the inexistence of an 'empty space' is enough to expose the absurdity of one of Kant's too famous cosmological antinomies: to ask 'whether the world is infinite or whether it is limited within space' is a question that has absolutely no meaning. Space cannot possibly extend beyond the world in order to contain it, because an empty space would then be in question, and emptiness cannot contain anything: on the contrary, it is space that is in the world, that is to say, in manifestation, and if consideration be confined to the domain of corporeal manifestation alone, it can be said that space is coextensive with this world, because it is one of its conditions; but this world is no more infinite than is space itself, for, like space, it does not contain every possibility, but only represents a certain particular order of possibilities, and it is limited by the determinations that constitute its very nature.

- ريني غينون

>> No.18874521

who, you?

>> No.18874535


>> No.18874543

>t. dyslexic

>> No.18874619

kill yourself dude

>> No.18874706


>> No.18874746

making ez money makes the englishmajorfag foam at the mouth

>> No.18874749

Immanuel Can-it (put in the trash)

>> No.18874767

your so fulfilled in life with all the ez money that you have to come to /lit/ to validate yourself, you are a faggot and money can't change that

>> No.18874779

looks like that English degree that taught inclusive contemporary YA and useless theory left you both broke and grammatically retarded

>> No.18874794

>you are a faggot and money can't change that

>> No.18874818
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stay mad broke ass commie faggot

>> No.18874854
File: 70 KB, 828x508, EA121454-055E-4930-ABF4-BA397C0E0326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God beat us to it

>> No.18875091

biz is a fucking retarded board
t. financially educated

>> No.18875227

post folio

>> No.18875249

>the only smart board on this entire website, at least until this year, was /biz/
They're just a bunch of retarded speculators.

>> No.18875262

Just like Mishima. Goddamn.

>> No.18875295
File: 67 KB, 681x308, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, time to get his books off my shelf. Sorry Kant, never really liked you that much to begin with. I'll stick with 6'2 Guenon-chad.

>> No.18875298

Lets see the networth then.

>> No.18875309

Washing your face is a product of the Bourgeoise

>> No.18875310

I agree. But the downfall of /biz/ started much earlier, in the first months of 2018 with Link shills cluttering the entire board non-stop 24/7.

>> No.18875399

We had a poetry writing thread once here... /lit/ writes worse than a rapper's song writer. :)) /lit/ despite being all about books is probably the most uneducated, pseudo intellectual board I have ever seen with a writing style/prose that makes a 12 year old look smart.
I think most people on /lit/ genuinely have 4-6/10 grades in school.
I would ban the living shit out of everyone here and make /lit/ a ghost town like origami board.

>> No.18875444

St Paul, more like seething incel on the spectrum

>> No.18875533
File: 10 KB, 154x221, 1628251175017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was following a thread that went from Jung, Blake and then Swedenborg. The last guy is new to me since I've never been acquainted with Christian esoteric thought beyond that of the scholastics. Interestingly, Kant was said to have obtained his corpus and commented in detail Swedenborg's thought on clairvoyance and the like. I don't know how it followed but wiki says Kant never dismissed the possibility Swedenborg proposed. It's out of topic but I just thought someone here might heard about it.

>> No.18875572

More like financially devastated.
/biz/ got me outperforming all the world's top hedgefunds
Hope your debt wasn't too bad for that "education"

>> No.18875642

The world's top hedgefunds are not known to you or any of us anon

>> No.18875648

>he pronounces Plato as "play-to"
It is Plah-toh.

>> No.18875651

Descartes more like Gayfart!!!

>> No.18875654

Biz is the marriage of the extremely unenlightened with the extremely enlightened

>> No.18875665

Anon you look like you could suck my cock real good

>> No.18875668

>extremely enlightened

>> No.18875671

That sounds so retarded lmao

>> No.18875682

>rapper's song writer
They are all kikes you know? They are pretty good at the verbal craft.

>> No.18875683


>> No.18875697

It souns like a gsy lisp you can't be srs lmao

>> No.18875718

If you know, you know.

>> No.18875729

Well good for them. The smart ones were buying crypto

>> No.18875773


>> No.18875849

If you believe there is any kind of expertise on any board on this shithole of a site you are exactly the type of moron everyone should feel sorry for. If you come here believing you find intelligent people and knowledge, you are a goddamn moron. The only reason to visit this site is shit-talking and memes.

>> No.18875877

>the smartest board
good post

>> No.18875884

That doesn't even rhyme retard. It's pronounced dez-carts.

>> No.18875915
File: 216 KB, 181x179, 1624809907015.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche? more like sneedzsche

>> No.18875928

In my language Nietzsche when read properly can be translated to Nothing-e
Nietzsche more like Nothinge LOL

>> No.18875935

dez-carts ma ballz faggot

>> No.18875939
File: 70 KB, 640x954, 1628031144305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Foucault? More like Fuck-all.

>> No.18877472

In what. Mutual funds? Memecoins?
You're assuming I'm in debt for school. I also outperformed people. If you do not understand why you outperformed, you'll assume it was something you did rather than blind luck that your speculation succeeded. Don't mix the two.

>> No.18877480

>didn't include the n
it's plah-tone RETARDS

>> No.18878179

Traditionalism is shit, fuck the monkey and fuck the virus

>> No.18878203


Che? More like killed in Bolivia by CIA and the local army because he failed to follow his own military philosophy.

>> No.18878328


>> No.18878702

cope, wagie

>> No.18879308

It's Eh-phla-toon you absolute chimps

>> No.18879311
File: 4 KB, 470x76, kant in one sentence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18879329

You've read all Plato? How nice. Me, I've read 1000 Plateaus.