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18868797 No.18868797 [Reply] [Original]

Man this book is fucking good. How does /lit/ feel about it? I've never listened to such an interesting book in my entire life

>> No.18869064

>meme chink author
>dumb ass title
>"i listened to it"

>> No.18869077


I see this Sino author being shilled everywhere. Is he actually that great of an author or are Leftoids just reading him to check "divesiteh" quotas?

>> No.18869078

synopsis bro

>> No.18869081

leftoids dont like chinks since they arent low iq

>> No.18869084

Is this book actually good? Should I read it? Will I be mad at you afterwards if I spend time reading it?

>> No.18869125

>Will I be mad at you afterwards if I spend time reading it?
No afterwards I just wish I could unread it so I could listen to the story again. It's really the best book i've ever read to be honest.

>> No.18869485
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>> No.18869506

Audio books are NOT reading, sweaty.

>> No.18869509

Definitely one of the best sci-fi series of all time and I'm a racist

The story is so tightly woven together and the sci-fi concepts are so integral to the plot that a synopsis which doesn't spoil anything is essentially "Chinese lady discovers ayylmaos"

>> No.18869511

>It's really the best book i've ever read to be honest.
You need to be 18+ to post here.

>> No.18869516

The entire series is amazing sci-fi full of awesome concepts used in surprising, mind-blowing ways. One of the best series I've ever read for sure. My favorite is Dark Forest.

>> No.18869525
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>Chinese lady discovers ayylmaos
thanks. dropped.

>> No.18869546

she then proceeds to sell out the entire human race because she is a Chinese and a woman

>> No.18869552
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>> No.18869563

i cant read a book with a female protagonist no matter how well written.
i just cant do it. it's so offputting.
either it's literally a male character who is made a femoid for reasons, or it acts like a real female which is even worse.

>> No.18869857

Definitely one of the best scifi series there is. I read the English translation few years ago and I'm almost done listening the Finnish translation of the trilogy.

>> No.18869873

Read the first 2 i didnt remember the last one. The style was interesting but also pretty annoying, the story is ok but the characters sucked

>> No.18869888

German here, I'd sell out humanity to aliens, too. Picked the fuck up.

>> No.18869904

Pretty fucking good. The sci-fi borders between plausible playing with theories that are discussed today and fantasy but it's alright because author obviously knows this, especially with how goofy some moments are. The concept of Dark Forest is great.
Also, chink focus is only somewhat prevalent in first part, the others are primarly global and the fact that most main characters are chinese, well, just feels natural given the author is one.

>> No.18869906

chinese people with internal lives is what breaks the suspension of disbelief for me moreso than the technology

>> No.18869913

That's sad, one wrote the books so there's an exception right?

>> No.18869915

kek relatable

>> No.18869922

It feels natural because already the average joe on earth is chinese.

>> No.18871133


>> No.18871219

The trilogy is good in general, some cringy parts.
Author is really good conveying melancholy.

fucking this

>> No.18871256

The trilogy is good in general, some cringy parts.
Author is really good conveying melancholy.

fucking this

>> No.18871306


Liu is an authoritarian leftist. He is very pro CCP.

>> No.18871373


Yikes sweetie, who hurt you?

>> No.18871684

>Hugo award winning
Must be shit then.

>> No.18871724


>> No.18871794

I love how each one has a theme.

3BP: physics of motion
TDF: game theory
DE: dimensional physics

Read "Ball Lightning" next.

>> No.18871842
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>> No.18871942

The audio book is the correct choice for this one, good job op.

>> No.18872186

It was my least favorite of the three personally. Also, it had a really annoying main character that always failed when it mattered which became tiresome quickly. Dark forest is easily the only kino one of the series which just made deaths end that much harder to read. Luo Ji is incredibly based btw.

>> No.18872206

Kristen but that has no bearing on the merits of this book

>> No.18872809

I liked the exploration of the fourth dimension but otherwise I think it should have ended with The Dark Forest. This one was over the top and unnecessary.

>> No.18872823

Also friendly reminder that Beihai and Wade both did nothing wrong.

>> No.18872848


Dark forest has the clunkiest translation imo and there were sections that fell flat like the fantasy waifu bit.

>> No.18874085

I read the first book in the trilogy and while the concepts and science bandied about are interesting it falls flat as literature. The characters and theme are both given little attention.

>> No.18874193

I enjoyed Wandering Earth.

>> No.18874292

Not sure about the author but the translator is one of my favorite writers. His short stories are good and I really like The Dandelion Dynasty books. I'm waiting on the 3rd one now

>> No.18874639

My bet is on a combination of porn and his mother.

>> No.18874647


>> No.18874650

Wade did his best, women failed him.

>> No.18875030

It's shit. Entire trilogy is a steady ride downhill.

>> No.18875215
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Has anyone here read this?