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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 264 KB, 1200x1529, 1200px-Portrait_photoshoot_at_Worldcon_75,_Helsinki,_before_the_Hugo_Awards_–_George_R._R._Martin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18870080 No.18870080 [Reply] [Original]

>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a door opened, the author wrote instead that the "iron screamed."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Martin's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that he has no other style of writing.

>> No.18870096

GoT is evil and you're a worse person for every minute you have watched or read

>> No.18870107

Didn’t ask.

>> No.18870110

I made several legitimate efforts to read his books. I have never been able to make it through 200 pages of the first one. For comparison, so you really know how bad it is, I read fourteen dune books.

>> No.18870304


>> No.18870375
File: 138 KB, 1000x646, harold-bloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The writing was dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time an writer was introduced, the author wrote instead that 'Shakespeare influenced them’. I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Bloom’s mind is so governed by cliches and dead playwrights that he has no other style of writing.

>> No.18870392

I made it through the first two books and then couldn't continue further. I just didn't care what happened anymore.

>> No.18870402

>For comparison, so you really know how bad it is, I read fourteen dune books.
Doesn't this also disqualify you as a critic and possibly a sane human being?

>> No.18870412
File: 146 KB, 286x297, I dunno....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I read fourteen dune books.
Why would you do that to yourself, man?

>> No.18870512

The posting is dreadful; the board is terrible. As I browsed, I noticed that every time a thread was began the anons posted instead about "cunny." I began marking in a notepad document every time I reported a post. I stopped only after the .txt file was several gigabytes in size. I was incredulous. 4chan's mind is so governed by cunny and dead memes that they have no other style of posting.

>> No.18870825
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The cooking is dreadful; the videos are terrible. As I watched, I noticed that every time an ingredient was added the chef said something about "gennismountofvolleyoll" I began marking in a 60x30 Minesweeper game every time he repeated it. I stopped only after i had flagged every single square. I was incredulous. Chef's mind is so governed by olive oil and Knorr stockpots that he has no other style of cooking.

>> No.18870917

>I began marking in a 60x30 Minesweeper game every time he repeated it. I stopped only after i had flagged every single square.

>> No.18870965
File: 221 KB, 1125x2436, 3B634680-BAA7-46DC-8DE0-94DC2A5023E7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started AFFC audiobook but I think I’m gonna return it. This doesn’t look remotely interesting.

>> No.18871004

>I read fourteen dune books.
I see the CIA found a replacement for waterboarding.

>> No.18871053

I would. It's not worth listening to.

>> No.18871462

this is a based fucking post.

>> No.18871479
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>the writing is dreadful
>Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up, she was shitting brown water. The more she drank the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew.

>> No.18871542

Sad. How’s A Dance With Dragons?

>> No.18871551

Jon is the son of Ned by Ashara Dayne who is Septa Lemore

>> No.18872667

Herbert is objectively a much worse writer than Martin.

>> No.18872674


>> No.18872686

Skipped all the Dany chapter lmao. Also didn't read past book three.

Likewise the show also should've ended after season four.

>> No.18872805


>hurr durr luk me masah me inteliggent cuz me dont read mainstrim

This thread right now

>> No.18872833

first 3 books were good, 4th was a struggle and I couldn't finish the 5th, I've lost all interest. I'm gonna read the Return of The King for the hundreth time now

>> No.18872879

>reddit spacing

>> No.18873844

His prose is shit.
His conflict building between characters is decent and that's why it made a good show. I'd still rank the first 3 books as being very good.
He doesn't know what he's doing in his story and it will never conclude, regardless of if we get TWOW or not.

>> No.18873860

A little better but not a lot.
AFFC and DWD take place at the same time and I think most of the boring characters got put into Feast.

>> No.18873869
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>> No.18873969

Filter'd. AFFC is the best book in the series.

>> No.18874308

You trolling? Because I don’t know how long I have to return the audiobook.

>> No.18874313

Stop being a pleb.

>> No.18874333

>the consensus worst thing is actually the best
Yeah, definitely trolling

>> No.18874477

AFFC is definitely the worst book in the series, not that it's bad, but I just couldn't find a reason to care about the Swarthoids in Dorne.

>> No.18874492

Dorne is white

>> No.18874504


>> No.18874506

Stony Dornishmen like the based Yronwoods are, but the Rhoynar aren't.

>> No.18874513

Martin isn't fat, he is full of lyrics.

>> No.18874520

At least HxH will get 40 chapters tomorrow.

>> No.18874568

Why does George live inside /lit/'s head?

>> No.18874579



>> No.18874586

Why are righties so sensitive? Any time media offends them they freak out like this.

>> No.18874677

Yes. I know. He even had different characters, separated by continents, repeat the same phrases within a five page span of the book, multiple times. It's like he was using a "Word A Day" calander as he wrote. It was just horrible. The only way I made it through was by listening to the audionook read by Roy Dotrice, but even then.

Of note: supposedly George "R R" Martin himself was embarrassed by his own writing being mocked by millions worldwide and tried doing better with Winds of Winter. The chaises that'd been released *are*indeed better, uh, somewhat... somewhat better. But not all of them.

Look heres the point: he occasionally had really clever dialog. The worldbuilding is good, generally speaking. He has some very clever tropes, etc etc, because he's been working in television for decades, etc.

GRRM's entire claim to fame is his plot.

He had the most complicated plotline of almost anyone, and drops hints about "Big Reveals" and etc (that you need the internet to understand)


Seriously, the number of characters is so large that you really need the internet to understand the book.

It's an Internet Era book..

With all these theories and hints and clues etc that, as I just said,

=> the internet fan base (to understand most of the book) is half the appeal.

It really is like a cult almost and I'm 99% sure he pays multiple people to make posts talking up the series on Reddit and elsewhere.

Go look on Reddit and you'll see what I mean. "Hey, I am reading the series for the first time here is my tourist unpaid for, and weirdly literate and professional take on all the themes and tropes of the prologue!"

Paid promoters, like social bots, are just a part of our lives from here on out.

Anyways, "Mordred's Curse" was pretty good, eh? King Arthur's Round Table?

This fat piece of shit.

I'm just glad he popularized White Western culture. (Metapolitics") etc.

Serially. I'm sure he got a hundred million young kids and adults suddenly proud to be White. Just from a HBO fantasy series about Tits and Dragons.


I'm listening to Dance of Dragons and there's still good chapters and lines and clever repartee to be found here.

I'll take what I can get, not a big fan of judging ... anything, lol, really. M

I listen to ASOIAF and hear in Tyrion and Sweets, Penny, and the Yellow Behemoth etc...and what I hear is George himself maybe talking about the human trafficking taking place between Mexico and New Mexico.

It's all just pattern recognition.
Tropes. Parables. Fables. Really gets the old gears a churning, anons.

>> No.18874712

He really is not a very good writer.

>> No.18874714

Bloom hated that book...

>> No.18874721

>Roy Dotrice
Just realized he died. TWOW will never be the same
>implying it'll ever come out

>> No.18874722

Because so many young White kids are taught to feel shame and aelf-hatred for the way they were born. It's really disgusting.

>> No.18874735

Yeah I'm pretty right wing, but even I have to say this is pathetic. This whole larp about glorifying war that's become popular among the e-right is. Of course there are going to be men who revel in war, but that's never going to be everyone and there are always going to be people caught in between. ASOIAF portrays all of these types of people with men like Bronn in opposition to the smallfolk of the Riverlands.

>> No.18874751

>and what I hear is George himself maybe talking about the human trafficking taking place between Mexico and New Mexico.
The books can be broadly described as just retold history. Everyone knows about the red wedding and war of the five kings (roses) but the chaos and human rights violations that occur during the war of five kings echoes the same thing that happened during the English civil war.

>> No.18874811

Why Lit is Shit typed all this out, he could not say.

>> No.18874822

it's all well and good until he uses a word like 'buttcheeks'. It just sounds wrong in the setting. What's wrong with arsecheeks?

>> No.18874831
File: 81 KB, 400x585, wikipedia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, he really gave the entire endeavor the class it needed. There's no way on Earth I could've made it through those books, through that series, without ol Roy and his hilarious Misandte Ching Chong Ling Long accent and etc.
Honestly, he adds a lot to the reading.
Is really very sad and shitty that I've spent ten years... think about that... ten fucking years.... thinking about this fictional universe. Corkage been thinking about actual history. 1776. The Enlightenment. 1934. 1932. That whole wonderful time period that I wish I could live in.

Maybe to years earlier before the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906? My God. Before the War on Drugs ever began. Coke and codeine for days. Imagine it. And no gutter culture in the mainstream. No blatant self-hating anti-Americanism, etc etc.

Whew, I'm delirious and dizzy from bath, exhaustion and etc but yeah. Oh, and Cthulu guy. All that. OH YEAH, H. P. Lovecraft. What a time to be alive that would've been. Back before anti-White shaming and all these horrors and dark monsters creeping like shadows laughing with their long hideous tongues out about hating White people. Ugh. What an ugly time to be alive and not getting any any better.

>> No.18874853

Because Lit is Shit is lit as shit right now.
Please excuse. I know this is very very serious board and very very top tier bidnizz going on here. So soddy soooo sodddy.veddy serious literary criticism going on here. Millions of dollars at stake. Lives and livelihoods at stake! Etc etc

>> No.18875647

Huh? Did you actually finish the current books? I do admit sometimes it gets a bit too long and difficult to get through but unless you're a fucking finger reader than you can get through them. It's not really his writing style for me, for me it's the imagination behind the books. The story goes deep, with histories, mysteries and theories. I don't know I liked the books and finished them pretty quickly for a guy who doesn't really like long books.

>> No.18875723

Anything in Dune worth reading post-Frank Herbert?

>> No.18876410
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>> No.18876417
File: 5 KB, 187x250, 124354622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it to be honest