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[ERROR] No.18869240 [Reply] [Original]

B-bros... could a necessary and all powerful being cease to exist out of it's own volition?

>> No.18869242

oh fuggg

>> No.18869247

God having gotten depressed and committed suicide would explain a lot, actually.
It would have been done long before humans, though. At least long before modern civ.

>> No.18869253

Isn't this sort of like Brahma? He's not that powerful anymore, Shiva is more important and so on.

>> No.18869257

no. nothing can cease to exist. youre here forever

>> No.18869320


>> No.18869356

God being dead does not mean the universe ceases to be, god's creations are perfect and death is the penance for perfection. God's death enriches the universe like compost on a field, and at some point all matter coincedentally returns to a previous form. Just like how the clouds rain, they don't disappear, they rejoin a greater mass, that will once again experience brief moments of individuality as raindrops.

>> No.18869361

Then he wouldn't be all powerful, as ceasing to exist would imply that he can't exerce power over things anymore.

>> No.18869422


>> No.18869423

but why would he do that though?

>> No.18869426

Read Mainländer. I mean, I haven't, obviously, but apparently he answers that question in Philosophy of Redemption

>> No.18869430

God can withdraw into self until there is no self left.

>> No.18869437

When you have nothing to do or accomplish all that's left is masochsim.

>> No.18869581

The Last Answer - Asimov

>> No.18869591

>all powerful
The answer is yes by definition.

>> No.18869601

Can he create a cup of piss so large he cannot drink it?

>> No.18869606

yes it's called 4chan

>> No.18869618

>"Could one count such dilettantes and old maids as the sickeningly sentimental apostle of virginity, Mainländer, as a genuine German? After all he was probably a Jew – (all Jews become sentimental when they moralize)."

>> No.18869629

>I am a big boy
>Not the horserinooooo
Also he stole ideas from Mainländer. Nietzsche was also a virgin but that's not a bad thing.

>> No.18869717

We all know that quote, anon, and it's just insecurity manifest.

>> No.18869775

holy cope

>> No.18869784

I always think this Pepe has a pencil mustache and curtained hair. Would be cooler than just shadow desu

>> No.18869804

The cycle of cope continues.

>> No.18869810

>noo I need the last word in

>> No.18869821

How could any necessary thing have contingency in relation to itself?

>> No.18869831

All variations of the stone paradox fail miserably to take into account the difference between potentiality and actuality.

Could I kill myself? Yes. Does that mean I am dead? No.

>> No.18869897

>goes insane with syphilis
What did you mean by this?

>> No.18869905

That’s actually basically what happened, except instead of committing suicide he self induced dissociative identity disorder to give himself friends.
Hello, other part of me.

>> No.18870487
File: 81 KB, 540x960, FB_IMG_1629280378618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It happened before the world. The universe is the consequence of God losing self. No happy creation, but merely a fragmentation of the lost One.

>> No.18870498

no, because when its volition ceases, its ability to cease ceases.

>> No.18870503


>> No.18870678

Heckin cope-arino! :O

>> No.18870702


>> No.18870783


>> No.18870792

Mainländer lived and died by his philosophy unlike your faggot larper who said one thing and did the other.

Cope harder.

Fucking filthy whores is not an improvement from virginity. It's fucking pathetic.

>> No.18870804
File: 20 KB, 428x424, 1618062308433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is not mutually exclusive with what God is according to the bible

>> No.18870808

He floats it as an idea for how the universe came into being, that it was a way for God to commit suicide. I don't think he makes any argument for how and it's merely a desideratum.

>> No.18870828

Still it is a pretty metal idea and the Law of Entropy further solidify his claim.

>> No.18870925

The OP picture and subject falls in nicely with scene from The Demons where the guy who is going to kill himself to become god hides in complete dark while the other searches for the match to light a candle; I imagined the other guy pretty much like in this picture, where he finally finds the suicidee (I do not care that it's not a word).
Forgot the names.

>> No.18870945

Not while leaving us here. Existence is not self-sustaining.

>> No.18870959

Our universe is God's brains splattered on the walls if Heaven

>> No.18870990

>not an improvement from virginity
Kek, imagine thinking virginity is a value while discussing Nietzsche.

>> No.18871016

He himself gave it value by name calling other noble philosophers >>18869618