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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18867182 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good literary magazines to read/ submit work to? Does it depend on what region you live in? I have no idea how the publishing industry works at all.

>> No.18867194

Just do a search and look for ones which seem suitable to what you write. Don't rely on this place for such things.

>> No.18867200

you have to compare your work with what they currently publish. genre is important but so is style. each editor has their own taste, which is reflected in the content.

>> No.18867203
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I will never have this

>> No.18867223
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it hurts so much bros

>> No.18867259

I write satirical short fiction.

>> No.18867294



>> No.18867301
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Smile and the world smiles with you, cry and you cry alone.

>> No.18867359

Describe this webm in your best prose

>> No.18867361


>> No.18867769

There's a website called, "submittable." It's a database for literary magazines, both digital and physical.

>> No.18867901

Thank you for your answer anon. This is a good place for me to look.

>> No.18867921


stop crying like a bunch of fags. you'll probably die alone because you're ugly inside and can't fall in love with a nice fat girl like every other nerd who's actually happy with his life. lock this thread. you people make me sick.

>> No.18868749

God I wish that were me (the woman)

>> No.18868958

>tfw no mommy gf

>> No.18869106

>fall in love
>fat girl

pick one fag

>> No.18869131

case in point. you'll die alone and miserable

>> No.18869738

>Lol just be yourself, if you can't marry a normal girl marry a fat chick.
For someone who talks about internal ugliness in others you really are basing a lot of value in physical appearance.

>> No.18869757

>posts apu apustaja
>is an incel
Every time. No sympathy for frog posters.

>> No.18869798
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Never is a long time and life is too devoid of logics to unravel as one expects.

t. giga autist loser

>> No.18869800

tfw I cuddled with my gf last night as she talked about the future where we would buy a house off grid and raise a family with our own built library. I love her bros

>> No.18869809

don't be mean to him

>> No.18869878


>> No.18870151

>to read
Harper's usually has good fiction. The New Criterion for poetry. Creative Nonfiction for memoirs and essays.

>to submit to
Literally just submit your writing to every publication that exists and be grateful for the ones that accept it.