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18866461 No.18866461 [Reply] [Original]

Any books for or against the use of dude weed lol? Also, how do I quit? I've been addicted for over 10 years. It does help my creativity and writing, and helps to inspire my imagination; but it hinders my motivation and focus.

>> No.18866472

Read the second chapter of infinite jest and you will never want to smoke weed again, also sage for shit thread

>> No.18866479


>> No.18866484

>helps my creativity
But you aren’t a novelist, either for career or hobby, so that just seems like an excuse.
Just stop buying it, and stop smoking it

>> No.18866488

>how do I quit?
Start hanging out with old stoners. Seeing the long term effects of pot use first hand worked for me.

>> No.18866499

Just try taking a break? Ifyou don’t regularly exercise pick it up, it’s a good replacement

I mean, Gately in IJ is MEANT to be an over-exaggeration. The analysis of Hal going to the pump room from Lyle however…

>> No.18866533

Not that anon, but I think he’s talking about the scene with the neurotic guy waiting for his dealer to call him

>> No.18866591

>how do I quit?
Depends on your smoking routines. Do you smoke everyday? Do you wake and bake?

>> No.18866613

>I mean, Gately in IJ is MEANT to be an over-exaggeration
No he's not. His sort is not all that uncommon in the lower reaches of society. Probably can find someone like him at any well stocked NA meeting.

>> No.18866615
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the only thing i hate about myself is that when all the cool kids in middle school were buying weed and getting high with girls, i was THAT autistic cringe faggot who bought the most expensive spaghetti mix in my life from my "friend"
because of this dishonour that occured to me around 14 years ago i dont want to have sex (i am a very unattractive 27 yo virgin-manlet, so i wouldnt got any anyway), i dont want to talk to people (i dont have many friends), i dont want to live
the incident that occured over 14 years ago showed me that i am bottom of hierarchy, a laughing stock, a clueless faggot, never respected by peers, despised by them. i was fooled once - and that was enough
because of that single transaction in the toilet in my middle school, when i acquired the cursed bag for my pocket money my parents worked for, i wish i were never were born.
my life ended before it truly began

to this day i dont know how people get weed. legal sources and darknet do not count as buying weed.

>> No.18866633

stop being such a weak faggot it's disgusting. i literally grimaced reading your diary post

>> No.18866636

>how do people get weed
It comes out of the ground?

>> No.18866651
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>> No.18866668

I dont need to wait for a dealer anymore

>> No.18866681

Quitting weed is pretty easy and not even that bad, though that might be easy for me to say because I had no choice in the matter. It just made it hard to eat and sleep for a couple weeks. You might also get some fucked up dreams and night sweats, though those could have been due to my personal circumstances. You don’t really feel “sick” like with alcohol, opiates, whatever (not that I would know). At the time I literally couldn’t imagine life without weed and in a few weeks I didn’t even give a shit about it.

>> No.18866700

You're a druggie. I used to be a druggie. Only way to fix it is to replace the drug. The most healthy is getting addicted to exercise. The lowest effort that keeps some of the things you like from weed is microdosing LSD instead.

Both are vastly superior to smoking weed daily. Every daily weed smoker is a physical and mental wreck. It kills your REM sleep. This will absolutely destroy you over the years, insidiously and with extreme effectivity. Every daily dopesmoker I know is a complete and total fucking loser who cannot see how far gone they are, and once they try to quit, the immediately hop back on once they see what a fucking waste they have made of their lives.

>> No.18866798

OP here, you're right. I do exercise, but I should exercise more while microdosing mushrooms and LSD until I can quit weed. Once in a while is fine, daily is not and I am addicted. You're right it fucks with your sleep cycles.

I am an artist (painter, writer, sculptor) and I find a good sativa helps me settle into my creative zone. But relying on it and distracting myself from my other responsibilities with it has got to stop.

I'm also hooked on coffee btw. I want to quit that for green tea/matcha.
>inb4 Balzac
A lot work made on coffee is soulless. Another anon posted an excellent anti-coffee treatise in another thread.

>> No.18866907

Just reading that I can tell you won't quit weed. Replacing weed with le psychedelics LMAO great idea...hahahah

>> No.18867118

eat too much of an edible. boil all the weed from a pen in water and make tea with it and drink it all. have such a terrible, anxiety-inducing, and stomach-turning experience with weed that the thought of it makes you sick. i am not a doctor. this might be bad medical advice. do it at your own risk.

>> No.18867178

That could absolutely kill you. Have a friend who ate too much once and it was not even the massive overdose you are suggesting, between the vomiting, diarrhea, and profuse sweating he became dangerously dehydrated and could not keep any fluids down to rehydrate himself. By the time he was found he could not speak and barely even move, an ambulance ride and a few days in the ICU later he was doing much better but it took him a few weeks to fully recover. He probably would have been dead by the next day. He still smokes pot but he avoids edibles completely.

>> No.18867226

Shit, i meant Erdedy. Yeah I’ve actually known quite a few gately’s and prog-gately’s (living with bouncers right now lol). I really need to re-read ij

>> No.18867230

ok, so don't do it, op. i don't want your blood on my hands.

instead, op, you should stop being a little bitch. when i smoked weed, it gave me a real clarity about my life and the direction it was going. i got brutally honest with myself about the lies i've been telling myself for years. i realized that i was a twenty [something] year old adolescent who was falling behind in some ways because i hadn't changed much since i was 15. it gave me the motivation to get my shit together and get organized. stop making excuses. weed isn't crack. just stop smoking it. spend the money you usually spend on weed on a gift for your mom instead. she'll appreciate it.

>> No.18867236

Just lower your dosage over a period of time. If you take 3 bong hits per session, start taking 2. Next, only 1, to eventually 0.
Also, get rid of any weed paraphernalia

>> No.18867366

I forget the analysis of Hal from Lyle, can you give me a quick summary?

>> No.18867380

Madness. OP just needs to start doing things while high

>> No.18867523

>Also, how do I quit?
You just stop smoking. Easier said then done, for sure. But its still not as bad as quitting tobacco or alcohol.

>> No.18867532

>It kills your REM sleep
This is actually straight up misinformation. In some (some, not all) cases it increases the latency of REM sleep. Thats literally it.

>> No.18867611

The only way to be able to keep pot in your life without it fucking up every aspect is to only smoke at the end of a day, and only if you've been productive that day and all of your responsibilities are done. Anything more than that and you're just a degenerate pothead.

>> No.18867635

Yeah, you should also avoid smoking before getting or eating food. Munchies made me fat and I’m not proud.

>> No.18867645

>to this day i dont know how people get weed.
Normal people get introduced to it at parties. For people like us it's usually an older sibling, or a friend with an older sibling. Like you'd go over to your friend's house for an all night Melee marathon, just stoked to have some soda and play video games. And one of your friends would pull out a gram of shitty dirt weed and he'd make a can pipe. The first time he brought over some weed, you got scared and spent the rest of the night moralizing to your friends about the dangers of drug abuse. The second time you loosened up a bit and had fun joking around with your stoned buddies. The third time you followed them down the hallway, through the kitchen and out through the pantry, to some tucked away corner of their backyard and watched them smoke. And this time you finally cave and decide to try it. A good long toke keeps you coughing for five minutes, it burns your lungs but the coughing feels virile and the air taste so fresh when it finally stops.

Now you're the star of the show because your friends have never seen you stoned before and now they're reliving their first time vicariously through you. So you all amble back inside and you're not sure you're really feeling it until your friend says something and you can't understand him until he repeats himself, and suddenly you realize everyone is talking slow on purpose just to fuck with you. And it's the most hilarious thing you've ever been a part of.

The game gets loaded up, you take your controller. You can't really focus. You're noticing little details you've never seen before, like the belt on Fox McCloud's pants and the buildings in the background of Corneria. You guys aren't even competing, you're just performing little joke stunts, aiming for trick kills that backfire. In the real world, strange things are happening. The colors are richer, the sounds are louder, the couches are softer and the room is somehow larger. You've never paid attention to the room before, or really any room, and it suddenly occurs to you that a set of eyes could be watching you from the airvent in the ceiling. There could be a gnome hanging out in your friend's backyard right now, but you'd never know. There could still be dinosaurs in the Amazon jungle. These thoughts come unbidden and you lack the focus to really follow any of them, so you can't dismiss them with logic. It's like when you were five years old and each room in your house was like a separate planet unto itself and you believed everything on TV was real.

And then you realize that you're sitting at a funny angle, and you plan to adjust yourself but you don't get around to it, and then someone is slapping your shoulder and there's a pizza in the room. And even though there's so much suffering in the world, you're a teenager in suburban America and there's no school tomorrow, and there's an herb you can smoke to make you understand what a precious thing that is.

>> No.18867672

better than dfw

>> No.18867679

that's beautiful, man. thank you.

>> No.18867688

but cringe

>> No.18867694

Eventually you get to the point where you start getting high by yourself because this time it's going to be a "good" high. The type of high that gave you the child-like wonder similar to the first few times you smoked. However, you just feel lazy, tired, slightly nauseous, and anxious over something you can't remember. A couple of your buddies text you to see if you want to come out tonight, but you're in too much of a high stupor to function. If only they hit you up before you got high..

>> No.18867695

you only cringe because you're too much of a pussy to let yourself feel anything.

>> No.18867835

Yeah, I really wish people would be more honest and articulate about what cannabis habituation feels like and what it means to use cannabis responsibly. I've been smoking for 15 years and I've come to terms with my habit and established a healthy relationship with pot.

You mention an obvious one, and it's something all of my stoner buddies can relate to. You wake up on Saturday and you decide to take an early hike, and of course you smoke a bit. And then because you worked up an appetite you decide to grab some lunch, and going out to eat is improved by being stoned. But then you're burnt out and you can't get stoned anymore and you probably overate so now you're sluggish and tired, and you just sort of sit there and count the hours until you can go to sleep without fucking up your sleep schedule.

But no one really explains the paranoia. Cannabis essentially reverts the mind to a state of childlike wonder. This is good for many things, like I said, you can boot up a video game and you're no longer fixated on the "important things" like what combos you need to perform, instead you're taking the whole thing in at once, as if for the first time. You're seeing background details you never noticed before, etc. etc. And this can be a wonderful experience, basically playing Super Mario World again and the whole thing is a new discovery. Hence why kids enjoy watching the same movies over and over, because they literally lack the capacity to remember what happened last time and it's a new movie for them.

But children have weird ideas about things. Remember when you were five and you were in trouble? Like you never earned your own money, so dropping a glass and wrecking a car might as well have been the same for all you knew? And maybe your parents really could murder you and get away with it, because you don't know how hard it is to dispose of a body. So you'd drop a glass and you had no way of fixing it and somehow your parents always found out, even if you threw away the glass. And this all happened because you thought you were mature enough to handle a non-plastic cup for once, and look how wrong you were about that. And there would be this looming dread about your parents finding the glass and maybe really losing it this time and actually beating you to death? Or maybe you'd just miss dessert but you don't have a backlog of experience to draw on, you don't know there will be other desserts in the future and it's not a big deal to miss one.

Well that same idea plays out when you're a stoned adult. You make a mistake at work and you think you've covered it up, but now it's this looming problem which you can't solve because it's in the past and you have no clue what reckoning lay in store when you go back in tomorrow. A sober adult says people make mistakes and it's only natural to try to find a solution without letting your boss know. If your boss finds out, they'll understand, and even if you get fired you can find another job.

>> No.18867860

this is perfect. part of the reason why i don't smoke anymore is that the past few times i've done it i get wrapped up in an old breakup from years ago that i've already come to terms with. i feel like shit and can barely get off the couch or enjoy myself because the weight of it is just too heavy. when i'm sober, i just laugh it off. i've had relationships since that breakup too. it's not even a big deal.

>> No.18867864

>You make a mistake at work and you think you've covered it up, but now it's this looming problem which you can't solve because it's in the past and you have no clue what reckoning lay in store when you go back in tomorrow
Too relatable.

>> No.18867887

The hardest part about being honest about how destructive weed addiction is that 99% of stoners either completely ignore talking about the negative effects or downright lie and pretend they don't exist. I can't really wrap my head around it. It's fucking scary that weed not only wrecks your life, it convinces you that it's not the problem, it's the cure. It's so fucking scary to me how easily it grips and manipulates those who become entangled with it, me included. You're not even aware you have an addiction until you look back at the literal years you've wasted due to it.

>> No.18867907

And it goes even further, because now you can get in "trouble" with yourself. You've begun to develop this habit of avoiding trouble, social or legal or whatever. Essentially avoiding conflict and challenge. You never apply for a better job because you picture someone looking over your resume and laughing at the various transparent tricks you used to make yourself seem more capable than you are. And this qualifies as trouble because you can't draw on past experience when you're stoned and reach the conclusion that nothing bad has ever happened when you applied for a better job before, because in your early 20's you preferred to get stoned and indulge in childish fantasies rather than go through the hassle of learning a new skillset at a new job. You don't flirt with girls because you can't think of anything witty to say when you're stoned, and your thoughts are usually kind of weird anyway because you look at the world like a kid, and expressing them will invite social trouble.

And this all amounts to a 30 year old who still lives the same way he did when he started smoking pot. For me it was 15. I still rent rooms from other people instead of my own apartment, because the idea of losing the safety buffer in my income invites trouble. I still drive a shitty beater because the idea of taking on debt invites trouble. I get pushed around by my boss at work because pushing back invites trouble.

So I sit down for a nice evening of dinner and TV. I get some fast food and turn on some anime. Not trouble at work today, no looming problems over my head. I get good and stoned. And I realize that I have made no progress in life. I had meager dreams when I was fifteen and life left me behind because I was too scared to challenge the world and myself. I missed out on fifteen years of personal development, I in my mind, everyone can tell the moment they meet me. I become anxious and paranoid that I might never amount to anything. Were I sober, I could simply chart a course to success. It isn't impossible. But since I'm stoned, I can't be bothered to make the effort, because it might invite trouble. And who knows what trouble could bring?

>> No.18867924

This sounds like a problem with capitalism rather than marijuana.

>> No.18867964
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I enjoy smoking weed after eating, which I do after my bodybuilding routine, which makes me feel relaxed and able to consume even more calories. However, every day feels the same. I might hit a personal best, like I did today with the deadlift (385lbs for 1 rep :-), but it really doesn't feel like anything, like I was only following my routine. I feel like someday I'll wake up and see that I've come so far, but until that day comes, I'm only stumbling through a thick haze where I only lift heavy weights, eat a bunch of food, have sex, smoke, work and otherwise enjoy life. Someday the lion inside me will realize he's been caged for far too long, and then what? I leave it up to God.

>> No.18867981

The key to dealing with this is to stop and think the day through before you get stoned. Is there anything I might have done wrong? Why did I do that? How will I avoid it in the future? What are the possible consequences and how will I deal with them. And just go back to that when you start to get anxious. Or tell yourself "Sober me caused the problem, sober me is smarter than stoned me, so I need to have faith in his decision making"

I think it's more that people don't really understand what the anxiety feels like and how it effects you. If you told me when I was fifteen that weed makes you paranoid, I would have said "No shit? It can get you arrested, of course you'd be nervous when you smoke it" and that's really as far as it goes for a teenager. They don't tell you that you might turn on a DVD and end up staring at the menu while obsessing over a minor disagreement with a coworker.

And like I said, you develop this insane agoraphobia. It's not just going into new situations, it can be something as simple as starting a new TV series. Because weed does make you more creative, you can draw abstract connections between two disparate objects. Who knows if this show is going to have a scene with an oak table lamp, and that's going to remind you of your "freshman philosophy" phase because you had the same kind of table lamp when you were talking down to people on facebook and throwing around terms like "Malthusian Catastrophe" when your cousin posted about her new baby and everyone was hinting that you were annoying, but you didn't pick up on the hints because you were stoned.

>> No.18867998

I was more referring to the fact that habitual smokers and people with a lot of experience with pot downplay/ignore the negatives, while lauding the positives.

>> No.18868007

>I think it's more that people don't really understand what the anxiety feels like and how it effects you. If you told me when I was fifteen that weed makes you paranoid, I would have said "No shit? It can get you arrested, of course you'd be nervous when you smoke it" and that's really as far as it goes for a teenager. They don't tell you that you might turn on a DVD and end up staring at the menu while obsessing over a minor disagreement with a coworker.

too real. i didn't start smoking weed until i moved to a recreational legal state. when i was high i was never paranoid about getting arrested, but was very scared that a serial killer would see my cool colored lighting and decide to break in and murder me.

>> No.18868025

What exactly do you mean by habitual smoker? I've been smoking for 15 years, and it was only for the first few years that I really defended weed. Like "let's put all the world leaders in one room and get them stoned, that'll stop war" and "weed is only illegal because its an actual miracle that will solve the fuel crisis and deprive doctors of their precious cancer money"

After about five years I became far more honest with myself and others about the drawbacks. Obviously NORML won't admit them, because they're a political organization and they really can't afford to play fair, but most mature stoners I know are fairly honest about the addictive qualities.

>> No.18868070

I guess I'm more referring to the general mainstream weed culture, sites like reddit and twitter lean pro-marijuana and especially now with legalization becoming more and more prevalent, I see weed being touted as some sort of panacea.

>> No.18868213

It’s used as a culture product, another thing to sell, and ultimately, imo why shouldn’t it be? A lifetime weed habit is less bad than life time alcoholism imo. I don’t think we should throw people into prison for carrying pot (any drug really). I think also, with legalization eventually being national, pot will be less “cool” eventually and just be something you can do, no counter-culture conflation or shameful hiding. I think without the preconceived notions people bring to it, people would be less enamored with it and more likely to use it responsibly.

>> No.18868426

sounds like a more accute and more active aderall minus the autistic stringincy in logic your mind follows
Happened to me with a roommate I was freinds with and never took the plunge. literally had every step you mentioned, going outside and all, but never did it. Im glade. Everything you guys talked about sounds very much like what Ive felt before, at least when I was a child and intermitted, but I do not think I would ant to live that way. All those experiences sound a little enticing, but in a very ephemeral way.

>> No.18868437

>I don’t think we should throw people into prison for carrying pot (any drug really).
I just dont want it to become a culturally accepted thing. I guess thats the catch 22 of it. you cant really go back to a time where it just wasnt used and was outside of the public conciousness, and being forceful against it just produces its antithesis result. However, just letting it passively become a thing doesnt really solve it either.

Unironically I think somewhere like japan has an interesting cultural take with it not really being seen as punk, but just being seen as a flat out failure. Almost like the Chinese with their recovery from opium.

>> No.18868461

What were the main points of the anti-coffee treatise?

>> No.18868474

There is no solution, if you remove the legal fear, ironically , people that feel addicted have less of a reason not to quit. If buying it is easy and you can just tell anybody about it, you can more accurately and honestly deliberate on the choice of “should I get high or no”.

Also, it’s already culturally accepted, at least here in America. A large chunk of Americans have or do smoke. A sizable minority do it regularly. It’s not just losers. Plenty of people have a healthy relationship with it. You just don’t see them. They do mind numbing 9-5s and then go home and toke up. It’s basically almost as common as “wine moms” and having a few beers with the game. We are just currently in the backwash of when it was counter-cultural and therefore has a reputation of anti-authoritarianism and romantic transcendance. It’s neither of those things but is really just another pass-time. I’d rather have stoners than piss-drunks anyway imo.

>> No.18868482

it was stupid bullshit. you don't really have to worry about it.

>> No.18868486

>an artist
>I'm also hooked on coffee
never got this, I occasionally drink a decent amount of coffee, but mostly because I like the taste and ambiance, never really felt Like i needed it, or even that it made me much more awake for that matter (though tbf, when I went into anifalactic shock, the steroids they gave me that gave me the jidders didnt feel like that kept me awake either).

Sorry you got hocked on so many things. Really thankful I havent felt much chemical addictions besides odd food cravings in my life.

>> No.18868509

>Also, it’s already culturally accepted, at least here in America
But I wouldnt exactly say that, its an interum acceptence of it not being politely accepted, like it it mentioned in conversation, but always with a lilt of edge and a laugh.
>I’d rather have stoners than piss-drunks anyway imo.
i completely disagree. Drunks to me just seem like those with less inhibition's (for better and worse) and less motor control. Stoners seem like different people.

I have never seen a stoner who did not seem like a glassy eyed braindead. like their brain is fryed rather than muddled and blurry.

>> No.18868510


>> No.18868539

looks like dumb bullshit to me. there's a surprising number of guys who will believe anything coming out of the mouth of a square-jawed guy on youtube. i've known plenty of loser fuck up stoners who got girls pregnant.

>> No.18868625

I mean, have you ever been around some one that’s blackout drunk or violent or screaming and sobbing in pure hysteria? Have been around a bar-yard who in 30 minutes goes from right awake to being a slobbering retard who can’t form a coherent sentence? I mean enough pot can do similar things (high dose edibles) but it’s nowhere near as brain-damaging as fucking your gaba receptors for years. Alcoholism and benzos like, literally lower your IQ. The only drug more likely to obliterate brain cells is literal toxic inhalants.

I do know what you mean about being high though. It’s because weed is basically a very functional low-powered atypical dissociative/psychedelic combo.

People that are really high aren’t more stupid. They are literally tripping balls, dissociating and experiencing the beginnings of ego death. I mean, why do you think people that take too much of an edible say they’re dying? It’s not cause they are. When you’re high you are always at least partially, “somewhere else” mentally so I do understand why you could see that.

>> No.18868630

Bar-tard* sry

>> No.18868890
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EVERY , discarded.

>> No.18868897

Get a job at a shit restaurant bussing, find the dishwasher or chillest linecook. Work for a week being nice to them, ask em if they smoke. They do. Mention youd like to buy a half oz or quad of whatever they smoke, and youll smoke him out w it if its good. Basically weeds the easiest thing to find a connect w if you imply youd share.

>> No.18868906

>how do I quit
>used it for 10 years
From my experience of selling a lot of weed and seeing how it effects people long term I believe the addiction is purely mental and if you put yourself in a situation wherein you know you cannot smoke you will be fine after 3 nights.

I know a lot of tradies who smoke 24/7 even on the job but when they get government jobs they're drug tested so they cannot smoke at all, gov jobs often have better pay rates so some of these guys will go 3 years smoking every day to not smoking at all for 12 weeks. Some do it cold and tell me after the 3rd night the sweats stop and you're good, some use other drugs like the drug pregabalin for the first week to transition off. Basically it's all in your head OP.

>> No.18868940

Lol these arguments didnt work in prohibition of alcohol they dont work now.

> I have never seen a stoner who did not seem like a glassy eyed braindead

likely untrue

>> No.18868952
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i have aspergs, i would never survive working in very social environment. i get easily distracted, so I would constantly mix orders. also i am short and ugly, so i would never get any tips (i dont live in US, tipping is optional here, i only tip attractive females myself)
i work in R&D department writing hardware design code, i belong here. i am just given abstract tasks, and i am finishing them.

>> No.18868956

Can you smoke old weed? I found some that is 3 years old i na drawer

>> No.18868959

hell yeah old weed is the best weed. it ages like wine

>> No.18868962

LOL as if that's a problem, I don't even sex in the first place

>> No.18868967

All I see is more and more evidence it induces mental illness issues, psychosis, schizophrenia.

>> No.18868973

>too real. i didn't start smoking weed until i moved to a recreational legal state. when i was high i was never paranoid about getting arrested, but was very scared that a serial killer would see my cool colored lighting and decide to break in and murder me.

This is the paranoia you feel? I feel the paranoia that I don't have free will, that one moment moves to the next and I'm not in control of what my body is doing or my mind, and that one thought just arises and who knows where that my lead. Then more funny paranoias that God is the sun and he doesn't want us to look at him that's why it's so bright. LOL

>> No.18868976

it smells pretty good and it was in a ziploc, it's just really dry. Alright I will reward myself for making honour roll.

>> No.18868982

Nietzsche wrote some praise for hash while criticizing coffee, tobacco and alcohol, I can't remember the exact quote, but it's easy to find.
There are plenty of books rejecting a routine of intoxication, weed is a moderate to strong depressor and you can take most of the alcohol arguments to refer to weed.

Quitting weed is easy compared to other drugs, I used to be a daily smoker some years ago and then I quit. I had no withdrawal at all except missing the social part of smoking weed with friends. At the time, a few weeks after dropping marijuana, I stopped drinking and then smoking, and got clean for over a year or so. Eventually got back into nicotine addiction, my strongest one by far, but now I drink and smoke cannabis in fridays and saturdays when hanging with friends or girls, and for most of the pandemic I didn't got high at all. I honestly would say to you that you don't really need to do anything besides stopping cold turkey, you won't have physical withdrawals like you will with alcohol, tobacco (pretty mild but still real physical effects) and opioids, and the psychological withdrawal part can mostly be solved by getting into a new hobby, I think. It's way easier on you than cocaine and amphetamine withdrawal, that get you into a state of heavy depression and anxiety for a couple of days. As I said, I had no problem at all quitting cold turkey.

>> No.18868984

Go to the gym. If your desire for progress outweighs your smoking habit you’ll easily drop it. Worked for me. You can’t be your best if you’re constantly repairing your lungs

>> No.18868994

I smoked weed two times. Both times it just made me extremely paranoid and uncomfortable, like I was not in control and not "here", like time keeps skipping 5 seconds ahead and everything confusing and time being slow and memory being hazy and unreal and questionable

How do I get enjoyment out of it? Just get nothing but had trips of derealization

>> No.18869001

He also praised opium more to alcohol

>> No.18869009

you have to keep smoking
either you start enjoying it or you kill youself becuase of paranoia/depression/schizofrenia etc.

>> No.18869011

I think it's best suited to certain kinds of personalities, it makes me withdraw when I smoke it.

>> No.18869012

Can LSD also cause a similar paranoia ?

>> No.18869014

10000x LOL

>> No.18869017

I have found the people around who enjoy weed and LSD around me are less analytical people

>> No.18869022

Shrooms caused me to derealize almost completely, it was awful

>> No.18869033

These days I only get paranoia as well. I don't if weed has changed or what, but back in the day when I was a teen it used to be a lot of fun with my friends and to get high alone.

>> No.18869071

Damn that sounds horrible. I could never imagine my parents wanting to kill me. I can even tell my father with paranoid schizophrenia wouldn't have it in him. No wonder why you have such a big dislike for marijuana

>> No.18869076

This is real upsetting if true anon. Got any more diary entries?

>> No.18869110

lol what?

>> No.18869126

>You make a mistake at work and you think you've covered it up

Blame it on some other idiot. Easy peasy.

>> No.18869134

How much weed is too much weed?
I smoke about 2 - 3 bowls 2 times a week after dinner. I think what is worse than the weed itself is me eating a whole bowl of weet-bix bites just before bed. Still go for a surf and the gym but 2 nights a week and it already takes a bit of a toll on ya.
One problem that has come from it is that I loooove to talk when I'm high. I do not stop talking. This type of talking has kind of transferred into my everyday life because I feel it's so normal when I'm high.
For example I randomly just say shit or vocalise what I'm thinking without needing to. People give me some weird looks, sometimes I'll be in the kitchen and my housemates will ask me what the fuck I am going on about. They'll almost be disgusted at the interruption because it never makes any sense.
Not sure if I have always been like this or whether I am talking sense and people just aren't understanding what I'm saying. I mean sometimes I think of something and when I say it, it doesn't make any sense, but made sense in my head. My friends always know what I was meant to say but it seems to be happening a lot since I started smoking almost every weekend since last year

>> No.18869148
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>tfw reading and smoking grass during lockdown
Better than what I did last time, drinking and not reading. Feels good to make progress. I've had ADHD my entire life and it's nice to just sit down.

>> No.18869221

I used to have a daily habit of three joints in a normal day, and a lot more on weekends, and never thought I was smoking too much.

>> No.18869260

Stopping smoking weed is really difficult but it can be done. Here's how I did it:

1) Immediately cut off all of your friends that smoke it and don't go to places where you used to get stoned a lot.
2) Invent a mantra for when you want to get stoned to stop yourself, something like "No! No! No! You don't need it, it's pathetic, I won't be destroyed by it!"
3) If you can tell that you are gonna fall off the wagon or you can't resist any more drink until the feeling goes away.
4) Eventually you'll have been off weed long enough that the cravings disappear and you can start winding down the drinking.

>> No.18869296

>Someday the lion inside me will realize he's been caged for far too long, and then what? I leave it up to God.
What if the lion has been caged so long that he has accepted his station, and grown used to the bars and chains, and the half rotten meat served on a plate, and he no longer feels a desire to break out and be free? What if your soul itself is caged?

>> No.18869373

How much of a socially inept loser can you be? I was literally chilling at the beach drinking beer with some friends and a guy comes in and says "want some weed?" and we say "Sure here's a beer for you.". Simple as. Go outside and touch grass.

>> No.18869395

I have a little bit of a weed problem too, but it's not that bad. Just take a few days or weeks off and reevaluate your life... you can do it OP.

My much bigger addiction is /lit/, unfortunately, and I have no idea how to quit that shit.

>> No.18869415

>I have no idea how to quit that shit
Sadly we are stuck here for life. Really wish I wouldn't spend hours each day refreshing the front page.

>> No.18869434

Use the catalog nub.

>> No.18869448

The op is rarely most interest part of the thread and in most cases the current topic of discussion deviates. Its much better to see the last 5 posts of each thread, plus view the posts they are replying to.

>> No.18869449

I am a weed addict like a degenerate. I think I spend 200+ buckaroos every month and I smoke every day. Not even sure why!

>> No.18869458

I rank the catalog in order of replies and then start at the bottom.

>> No.18869481
File: 1.95 MB, 400x215, FDDFFC1B-0524-4C57-BDB3-8C19D163ADC1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i’m literally on this retarded board 8 hours a day. the handful of occasional interesting threads keeps me hooked.

>> No.18869488

I can't really believe there are people struggling with a marijuana habit, it's such a weak addiction.

>> No.18869556

>I could never imagine my parents wanting to kill me. I can even tell my father with paranoid schizophrenia wouldn't have it in him
Yeah that's an exaggeration. But my point is that kids have short term memories and stoned adults experience life the same way. So when you're a kid and your parents are angry, you tend to forget that they're mostly good people and they don't want to hurt you. And you can't really predict what is going to upset them because you have no concept of the relative value of things. Maybe they won't mind if you accidentally break a glass, but if the only time you've ever broken something it was important, you're going to assume that breaking something is a terrible thing.

>> No.18869773

Everyone been scammed or outright robbed by weed dealers or other users. The industry is filled with criminals and you can't really go to the police, now. Can you?

>> No.18869796

Weed didn't do this to you, you did.

>> No.18869806

Based anon, keep up the reading senpai.

>> No.18869914

What made me stop was reading Kant and his take on being free is being able to control your mind, so whenever I tried to take a break or stop and couldn't I would feel like a weak shit. That made me quit just like that.

>> No.18870592

This thread is entirely cringe

>> No.18870703

100 comments and no one told the op how to leave it. The only way out is to practice meditation and develop a spiritual life. Why the hell are you going to quit marijuana to work harder or to be more productive? Are you really going to quit smoking to further chain yourself to the alienating system?

>> No.18870729

Commenting on a thread you dont like is more cringe

>> No.18871001

>You're not even aware you have an addiction until you look back at the literal years you've wasted due to it.
Damn bro right in the feels. I literally wasted my student years and early 20's being an unconfident stoner

>> No.18871372

>how do I quit
Try psychedelics, they're anti addictive. I smoked DMT without breaking through and became immediately no longer addicted to pot.

>> No.18872403


>> No.18872539
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some people are simply unattarctive and/or midly autistic you retarded fucking normie

>> No.18873665

start drinking. alcohol is much, much better than weed.

>> No.18873700

No one is able to control their mind. Is there another brain in the brain controlling the brain? If yes what’s controlling that one?

>> No.18874869

Sex Drugs and Magick, Robert Anton Wilson

>> No.18875684

go to an NA meeting

>> No.18876814
File: 69 KB, 450x450, 9780593292945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one argues for the responsible use of literally all drugs, pretty good read also. Everyone I know that has read the book has had nothing bad to say about it, and makes anti drug cucks seethe because they can't refute the facts in here

>> No.18876845

I was a daily smoker for 20 + some odd years, and for most of those years I smoked so much I was high all night & day. I just decided to stop one day because I wanted more out of life than just smoking weed all day.

>> No.18876969

Anon, the best way I found to quit was to smoke CBD-only weed. Aided anxiety and helped me sleep. It is much easier to stop than THC weed and itches the same habitual feeling.

>> No.18877988

If it's sort of yellowish then no

>> No.18878071

I haven't read this but I smoke a lot and know about this guy and don't care for his liberalism. Open society type shit is what will lead our culture to pure sedated hedonism
this is probably the best short term option.
I'm young so not gonna quit yet but a day will come where I decide it isn't worth it except for occasional social gatherings. I don't use it to write or anything interesting since I'm out of school now but I will say it helps with sex a lot

>> No.18878508

Which is actually based

>> No.18878677

Dumbest thing I've ever heard

>> No.18878944

what are some things you noticed hanging around those peps ?

>> No.18879493


>> No.18879501

>This is weedoid kulture