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[ERROR] No.18866684 [Reply] [Original]

Why do both sides hate him?

>> No.18866689

because he's a fraud

>> No.18866691

A true liberal. Both sides are the sides of the same coin

>> No.18866692

Because both sides are irrational reactionaries. Stop hating Peter.

>> No.18866696

how is he a fraud?

>> No.18866706

Because he`s a fucking halfwit.

>> No.18866713

This word does not mean "reacting to something".

>> No.18866714

How does he pull off the brooding game? I've been reading Nietzsche for years and haven't collected that power-up yet.

>> No.18866721
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The right:
>Does not bring up the JQ
>Controlled opposition
>Cries too much
>Weird voice

The left:
>Makes them look bad in debates
>Cries too much
>Weird voice

>> No.18866735

Because his shitty politics are yet another reiteration of mainline neoconservative talking points, the literal republican party boilerplate, dressed up in language of jung and nietzsche. It's extremely cringe.

>> No.18866757

Sorry kid but socialism hasn't been revolutionary for 50+ years. You are all reactionaries, whether you are willing to admit it or not.

>> No.18866762

Sometimes, people can be so retarded that both sides can come together to recognize it.

>> No.18866806

The reason the right hates him is because he mouths platitudes vaguely signalling allegiance to them, while mostly working to neuter them

The left hates him because he criticizes Marxism while not having the exact same definition of 'Marxism' that they do. Because he seems like he would be one of them while mostly focusing on criticizing them. Because the 'socialist left' is so bored and irrelevant that they are happy that anyone gives them any attention at all. Because they are so comfortable and unused to criticism that they lose their minds when someone criticizes them in an intellectual manner and handle it like a fat spoiled child getting into his first fight.
Internet "socialists", why do you exist? Why are you even a thing? You appeal to no one, you are not edgy, you don't even believe your own bullshit. Why don't you just give it up?

>> No.18866814
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it's normal to hate nazis

>> No.18866820

Because his fanbase is composed almost entirely of dumbasses.

>> No.18866827

>identity politics are bad if you're white, don't ever do it, just embrace being destroyed by good intentions
>identity politics are good if you're Jewish, remember they have higher IQs so it isn't nepotism or collusion, it's being smart
Gee I wonder.

>> No.18866861

>Why do both sides hate him?

Imagine thinking they're are only two sides.

>> No.18866912

He mogs desu. Pretty hot for an old man.