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[ERROR] No.18864030 [Reply] [Original]

"becoming the last great american poet"
do we agree?

>> No.18864061


>> No.18864075

I am responding to my own post because I want to know what people think of Donald Glover, and more broadly the argument that rap is poetry

>> No.18864085


>> No.18864092
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>> No.18864118

This is upsetting

>> No.18864123

>Donald Glover,
A nobody celebrity, I thought your post was bait.

>and more broadly the argument that rap is poetry
Lol no, what about it makes it poetry? Not to mention it has so much which makes it impossible to be poetry, especially good poetry.

>> No.18864135

definitely the most talented rapper alive.

>> No.18864151

he has immense influence, especially in the black nerd community (the ones you call niggers)
>has so much
...because there's a lot of lines? homer and ezra wrote epics too. because its narrative? so were sappho and whitman

>> No.18864164

all the wordplay is fun but what about actual content? He's not saying much aside from his own ego

listen to milo/rap ferreria/scallops hotel nlack nerd 4chan and report back

>> No.18864197

Who said that did he say that?

>> No.18864207

>because there's a lot of lines? homer and ezra wrote epics too. because its narrative? so were sappho and whitman
no because its shit

>> No.18864208

>lyric with context
How it feel to be golden?
Why was I chosen?
Hanalei Bay with my babe, what can I say?
I did it, my timin' was perfect, I'm comin', they know it
Becomin' the last great American poet
The flow Lindsay Lohan
Tired, nigga, we're tired, nigga
My word is art like a hieroglyphic
What island is this?

>> No.18864222

ts elliot and ezra pound were the last great poets.

poetry nowadays is nothing but fat roasties and niggers virtue signillaning to an audience that already agrees with them.

also even if you like rap dong lover is a lameoid

>> No.18864234

Poetry is not a bunch of lines made to look like poetry. We do not consider Rupi Kaur's work to be poetry, and the same goes for ACDC and whoever else has written lyrics and short lines laid on top of each other. I really don't understand this desire by mediocre song writers to be seen as poets, when they are quite obviously not. It's unneeded, and even a little disingenuous, depending on your point of view.

>> No.18864256

>dylan the (alleged) sex offenders nobel prize

>> No.18864263

Phobe Bridgers is definitely poetry though

>> No.18864282

Ichiko Aoba, japanese singer song writer:

My own circus

Gravestone spirit,
Where are you going?
Leaving me here, how far?

The dust-covered mug
As if saying it doesn't need any warm coffee
Remains there silently, unmoving

The cigarettes stuck to the empty can are plenty dry now
They remain clinging to the bath
Calmly there, unmoving

Didn't I say I was perceptive?
It's awful to be distrustful
As I thought, both you and her
Were very humane people

The cold, sad spirit stuck deep in my throat
Sinks to the bottom of my stomach
Quietly there, unmoving

My shaking limbs lose to solitude
The collapsed bedding is like a bed of needles
My frozen heart, unable to overcome evil
Silently begins to move from there

Where are you going?
Leaving me here, how far away?

The rack I touch makes a muffled sound
My grasp smells of rust
With my favored antenna
I follow, follow my beloved you

From the oozing red, my soul is purified
My own circus that I give her
Calmly remains there, unmoving

studying poetry now and worlds ahead of any "proper" poetry in circulation now. shes one of your filthy mediocre song writers you purist pseudo sneed

>> No.18864302

i don't like him ,but he's a good artist

>> No.18864304

anon doesnt like a single rap song
anon never rapped eminem in his bed at night
anon never rolled down the street smoking indo sipping on gin and juice

>> No.18864311
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u r on 4chan u r lamer

>> No.18864314

literally who

>> No.18864316

what art of his do you like?

>> No.18864331
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>> No.18864349

monke "music" "maker" is a "poet"

>> No.18864373

none , i don't like woke and childish shit. But he really seem to embody what a lot of people want to say for better or for worse.

>> No.18864409

i wouldn't say great poet tho, just performer

>> No.18864425

i wouldn't say great poet tho , just performer

>> No.18864475

Incel loser has an "opinion" lol

>> No.18864580

Rap isn't poetry by definition. This is an objective fact, not an insult. Rap can, however, become a high art, perhaps. Nothing is stopping it from becoming so. Anything can become that with high enough quality and depth.

>> No.18864604

>based correctposter posts the truth
>some tranny or /mu/ tourist roastie teenager posts some lowercase twitter dialect gobbledyGOOK because can't formulate a real reply
Yep it's a /mu/ tourist thread alright, everything is right on schedule

Rap can't become high art. It is formally stunted and limits expression, but also blacks are too solipsistic and culturally stagnant to produce anything. Ironically the most art that will ever be created by rap is when blacks begin rebelling against it and its egregore of violence and nihilism glorification. This won't happen however until affluent white roastie teenager stop using their parents' credit cards to buy records produced by Jews who produce and sell the filth in the first place. Jews have too much of a vested interest in their negro culture industry slaves to ever let blacks develop a form of racial self-conscious beyond "ooga booga kill a nigga i love drugs fuck whitey."

>> No.18864675

>It is formally stunted and limits expression
How so?

>also blacks are too solipsistic and culturally stagnant to produce anything
Just because blacks made the genre doesn't mean other races can't participate. I disagree with your racist ideas btw, but since that's not what we're talking about I'm not going to try to change your mind or anything about race. Please do the same.

>rebelling against it and its egregore of violence and nihilism glorification
Not all rap is about violence and such. The genre is literally speaking/singing with a beat behind it. It's too simple to be limited to any one topic, emotion, or message.

>> No.18864711

>"becoming the last great american poet"

He's a comedian who became a freemasonic industry drone. He's not a great anything. Maybe a great fool, a great fetter, like his associates and benefactors.

>> No.18864720

Is that why so many middle class blacks are freemasons? Do they use fake "outer rung" masonic institutions to recruit local blacks into their globalist ideology and make them feel important?

>> No.18864733

go back

>> No.18864736

I'm conservative and visit /pol/ every day.

>> No.18864742

Show tits

>> No.18864744

that isn't poetry by any stretch and if you are studying poetry you should know this

>> No.18864755

Can music lyrics ever be anything other than insignificant narcissistic rambling? What is the point of this?

>> No.18864782

Lyrically complex rap is absolutely a form of poetry, but is distinct from the historical body of the English poetic tradition. Doesn't make it bad or not worthwhile, just means it's something distinct and generally employs the language in a novel way. Not as much emphasis on meter and doesn't take into consideration the art of how it looks written down, but it's oral and improvisational.

As for Donald Glover, he was funny on community. THIS IS AMERICA sucks and I would like some examples of what he has done that makes him so great.

>> No.18864796

>There was a whole chain of separate departments dealing with proletarian literature, music, drama, and entertainment generally. Here were produced rubbishy newspapers containing almost nothing except sport, crime and astrology, sensational five-cent novelettes, films oozing with sex, and sentimental songs which were composed entirely by mechanical means on a special kind of kaleidoscope known as a versificator. There was even a whole sub-section -- Pornosec, it was called in Newspeak -- engaged in producing the lowest kind of pornography, which was sent out in sealed packets and which no Party member, other than those who worked on it, was permitted to look at.

>Under the window somebody was singing. Winston peeped out, secure in the protection of the muslin curtain. The June sun was still high in the sky, and in the sun-filled court below, a monstrous woman, solid as a Norman pillar, with brawny red forearms and a sacking apron strapped about her middle, was stumping to and fro between a washtub and a clothes line, pegging out a series of square white things which Winston recognized as babies’ diapers. Whenever her mouth was not corked with clothes pegs she was singing in a powerful contralto:
>It was only an ’opeless fancy.
>It passed like an Ipril dye,
>But a look an’ a word an’ the dreams they stirred!
>They ’ave stolen my ’eart awye!
>The tune had been haunting London for weeks past. It was one of countless similar songs published for the benefit of the proles by a sub-section of the Music Department. The words of these songs were composed without any human intervention whatever on an instrument known as a versificator. But the woman sang so tunefully as to turn the dreadful rubbish into an almost pleasant sound. He could hear the woman singing and the scrape of her shoes on the flagstones, and the cries of the children in the street, and somewhere in the far distance a faint roar of traffic, and yet the room seemed curiously silent, thanks to the absence of a telescreen.
>Down in the yard the red-armed woman was still marching to and fro between the washtub and the line. She took two more pegs out of her mouth and sang with deep feeling:
>They sye that time ’eals all things,
>They sye you can always forget;
>But the smiles an’ the tears acrorss the years
>They twist my ’eart-strings yet!
>She knew the whole drivelling song by heart, it seemed. Her voice floated upward with the sweet summer air, very tuneful, charged with a sort of happy melancholy. One had the feeling that she would have been perfectly content, if the June evening had been endless and the supply of clothes inexhaustible, to remain there for a thousand years, pegging out diapers and singing rubbish.

>> No.18864800

he's a good performer ,not poet

>> No.18864801

not even close to true
poetry is what it is
if meter is what makes poetry impressive, rap (by necessity) has that; if rhyme, it often has that as well; if content, some rap has that (others not); if artistic intent, then you are disingenuous with your definition of poetry.
whether poetry is set to music or not is ultimately a matter of convention. the ancients read poetry out loud, generally set to music—and more that just the greeks, the norse also did. now, if you want to argue that homer is not poetry, i think that you have a narrow-minded view of poetry
ultimately, in my view, rap can be poetry.
>last great american poet
no. he isnt even the best rapper right now, much less poet
great american poets right now include billy collins and (unironically) tracy k smith; glover doenst compare to either

>> No.18864840
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>some nog talking about muh dik over a canned beat is comparable to Homer

>> No.18864905

Pseud test: copypaste some japanese pop song into google translate, fix anything that blatantly doesn't make sense, post it somewhere pretending to appreciate it for artistic depth, see the tards round you reveal themselves.

>> No.18864922

Stop listening to c(rap) """music"""

>> No.18864951

>pentatonic scale fills
>blues progression in the verse
this is black people music

>> No.18864960

black people think scales are on a fish
the guitar was invented by europeans by the way

>> No.18865030

Thinking all of rap is Two Chains and Cardi B is like flipping through Fifty Shades of Grey and assuming that is all of literature.

>> No.18865037

Also, no one said anything about rap rising to the level of Homer except the two neurons you fired to make a straw man.

>> No.18865114

Definitely an incel loser. Jews are to him what white people are to everyone else. Naturally he hates the black man because of his strength and his big penis. Rap can be art anon. I haven't really listened to too much Donald Glover but once I listened to DAMN, while on 3 grams of Mushrooms. It was very profound. I saw it for Kendricks interpretation and struggle with Christianity as a black man. Christianity being one of the things used to keep black people in line but also one of the actual guiding principles for black people if thought about correctly and actually adhered too.

Whenever I write. I try not to mention identity or politics. I barely even describe my characters. Although, it is obvious who they are. There aren't that many white characters, the stories are mostly urban. I plan to shill them here. I worry there are too many /pol/ incels sometimes. I'm going to shill them here anyway.

>> No.18865127

>twitter: the post

>> No.18865142

Blues was invented by black people and rock and roll was derived from it. How do you cope with this anon? They probably create this things because of how they suffer here.

>> No.18865152

I only frequent /lit/, sometimes /sci/. Go visit a prostitute. You will probably seethe less. Also, you won't have to make her cum. Even after you get a gf anon, if you don't make her cum, she will eventually cuck you.

>> No.18865154

stelling, tenderstem,
gray-headed, posttranscription,
yute, sesquialter

>> No.18865169

>cum shrooms blacks are so wise whites are just jealous of other races hip wise soul wisdom shrooms cum i'm an aspiring writer coom rap is actually quite deep and soulful like the powerful black man

I hope to god you are a clueless trust fund faggot and not a black person who has this thoroughly consumed the trust fund faggots' minstrel show propaganda for the "deep soulful black man"

>> No.18865171

Inventions are built on other inventions. It's meaningless to keep track of who built what, unless you're a race obsessed /pol/yp. I don't care, the other guy brought up race

>> No.18865174

That's why Pynchon wrote the toilet Rape scene.

>> No.18865175

I don't know you! Why are you here? You're no guest of mine!

>> No.18865183

The pentatonic scale is as ancient as humanity. Black people only made it popular because americans worship blacks as their gods.

>> No.18865185

Anon, go outside. Like I said. Go read, Gravity's Rainbow. Your hero is making fun of you. You're not a volcel. Women do inspire art. This is a thing that happens. Calling people a coomer, is your coping mechanism.

>> No.18865187

Please post the TF2 spy vocaroo

>> No.18865190

I don't have a problem with black people but why do Americans do this? It's pretty weird how they dominate popculture.

>> No.18865192
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>I'm an artist, I write, I dig poetry, I have black friends, I've done shrooms, I've done shrooms more than once
Kill yourself weak faggot

>> No.18865195

White guilt perpetuated by the jews. Don't worry, soon there won't be any white people left to feel guilt. That's when humanity will really take the next step and we'll finally reach the stars.

>> No.18865203

I'm neither anon, you have shitty instincts. Black people do have soul. They have their issues though, which is why you see alot of them struggle with problems that are really non-issues. If you point it out, they get butthurt, like women. So, all you can do is watch them struggle, which is fine by me. Still, all the contempt must come from somewhere, which is why I said what I said because that's mostly what I see.

>> No.18865218

good joke

>> No.18865234

Oof, fuck the Jews. Hopefully the Chinese BTFO them.

>> No.18865242

You will never be a woman.

>> No.18865250
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are you sure?

>> No.18865271

Trannies are subhuman.

You will never attract a woman by telling her on Tinder about your shrooms experiences in the California desert because you wanted an "authentic experience" so you rented a $2000 retreat with your friends. You will never excite a woman by telling her your complex feelings about "Kendrick." You are not only a faggot, you are a generic faggot. Even greasy nonbinary women who like your kind of faggot have better, more interesting faggots like you to choose from.

>> No.18865285

Youre a tranny? Why else would you have pictures of men saved. Women don't give you affection so you've decided to become one but even taking hormone pills, I'm sorry, you can't anon. Go back to /LGBT/ instead of shitting up this board.

>> No.18865289

Based. Druggies need to be culled.
t. former druggie

>> No.18865295

Lmao you call black people niggers. What women you know is not an SJW? You don't know anything about women incels. Hence why you are becoming one. Itll be easier for you. You sound like you have low test.

>> No.18865301

This post has to be bait kek. Kendrick Lamar on shrooms. Peak kendrick btw was Section80 before he was possessed by the spirit of Kermit the frog

>> No.18865328

Section 80 was cringe, especially that one song where they stood around a campfire. Only good thing from it was ADHD.

>> No.18865335

Least he didnt sound like a gay frog

>> No.18865347

>What women you know is not an SJW?
Actually, most if not all women I know are not SJWs, you dumb white knight cuck. Get out of the city you disgusting urbanite.

>> No.18865363

Then why are you still a kissless virgin?

>> No.18865392

It's not his fault. Water making the frogs gay.

>> No.18865524

Who the fuck even is this

>> No.18866229
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>> No.18866244

nigger nigger, nigger nigger nigger. nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

>> No.18866246
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>I only frequent /lit/
not fooling anyone, bugman

>> No.18867135

of course rap can be poetry. it's verse. donald glover was a dogshit rapper for a very long time, but his music got better after he had that mental health crisis.

Atlanta is the best show on television

>> No.18867303

Anon never had a good day
Anon always has to use his AK
Anon never got called a pimp by the Goodyear blimp.