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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 167 KB, 255x391, Crimeandpunishmentcover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18863544 No.18863544 [Reply] [Original]

I am literally Raskolnikov.

>> No.18863553

You are literally smerdyakov

>> No.18863557

No, you are literally not. Maybe you feel just like him, but you are literally NOT Raskolnikov.

>> No.18863565

So you’re gonna get christcucked and marry a repentant whore? Many such cases!

>> No.18863566


>> No.18863567

I am literally Raskolnikov...

>> No.18863568

No, you're not because he is not real.

>> No.18863574

realer than you, anon

>> No.18863577

That's right. I'm only letters on your screen.

>> No.18863591
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Holy fuck

>> No.18863625

This is unironically true. Raskolnikov lives in OP's heart, influences him. Meanwhile that anon is just another NPC on the street or random letters in the internet. What is more real?

>> No.18863626

I figuratively Raskolnikov my pants.

>> No.18863630

Your waifu A SHIT

>> No.18863668

I'm Alyosha then.

>> No.18863776

most of you people are Fyodor Pavlovcich you sensualist bastards, with all your "lolita" this and your "120 days of sodom" that

>> No.18863797

i am literally sonia

>> No.18863828

plz be my gf SONYA

>> No.18863837
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Are handsome NEETs even a thing?

>> No.18863887

it's that daily thread again

>> No.18864296

Maybe in the days before large scale processed foods.

>> No.18864605
File: 19 KB, 600x750, 1618851461885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has to think about relating to Raskolnikov
>therefore not Raskolnikov because a real Raskolnikov would act without considering if he was Raskolnikov or not
you played yourself nigga

>> No.18864723

No, I am literally Raskolnikov!

>> No.18864726
File: 71 KB, 941x1080, 1620226421261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am literally Svidrigailov

>> No.18864738

Dostoievsky really was ahead of its time.

>> No.18864831

I kin raskolnikov too anon :)

>> No.18864925

kek based

>> No.18864931

post feet

>> No.18864940

Oh shit, hey Raskolnikov. How's things?

>> No.18864947

"The Idiot" should be renamed to "The Simp"
So fucking disappointed that the main motivation of the main character is to get married to a freaky whore who emotionally abuses everyone around her, all the while he calls her beautiful and childlike and gives her nothing but praise. Dostoevsky must have been a beta provider.

>> No.18864984

I love Alyosha, let me be Alyosha!!!

>> No.18865063

He beat his wife desu.

>> No.18865079

not only that, he used to frequent brothels where he physically abused the workers

sounds ALPHA AS FUCK to me

>> No.18865765

Based af

>> No.18865777
File: 61 KB, 503x600, napoleon_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am literally Napoleon

>> No.18865779

Reminder that Razumikhin manipulated Raskolnikov to confess to his crime so that he could have unhindered access to his sister’s pussy without his autist ass hanging around

>> No.18865854

i am literally myshkin

>> No.18865868

I'm literally Rasputin

>> No.18865877
File: 10 KB, 320x61, 4B89A318-6F63-4CF8-B973-28DA38758A69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked and based

>> No.18865878

Other than that he was a good dude

>> No.18865882

digits confirm

>> No.18866128


Have you killed any old women yet? By the way, I wanted to marry his sister when I read the book. I genuinely fell in love with her character - did anyone else?

>> No.18866138

Dont want to sound like a cuck but I liked Sonya.

>> No.18866179

If you’re on 4chan you’re probably Ivan

>> No.18867524

Katerina Ivanovna Marmeladov is literally my mom
Surprising I dont see people mention that more often

>> No.18867535

There is literally nothing wrong with that either

>> No.18867565
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>> No.18867570
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double checked

>> No.18868005


>> No.18868029


>> No.18868355

I am literally the barkeep chiding Marmeladov for his alcoholism.

>> No.18868453
File: 24 KB, 258x387, F5462D41-9848-4B86-B35C-18FC99826BF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am literally Bernard Marx

>> No.18869402

My discord name is Raskolnikov

>> No.18869474

she is intelligent, emotionally mature and good looking. so yeah

>> No.18869594

She's my first waifu desu.

>> No.18869627

neets on /lit/ have more in common with the narrator in Notes from the Underground.
You can't call yourself Raskolnikov if you haven't killed someone

>> No.18869632


>> No.18870481

I'm around halfway through the book, and it's shaping up to be one of the best works of literature I've read, I love seeing Raskolnikov's struggles after the murder. What irks me though is the constant long ass conversations between people, mostly Razumikhin and someone else. The things they talk about are interesting, don't get me wrong, but it's just tiresome to read endless dialogue. I preferred the beginning, where we accompanied Raskolnikov through St. Petersburg and saw his outlook on the world. Am I just retarded?

>> No.18870710

Idk I read the Crime and Punishment very quickly and don't remember it being a drag at all
And it's weird for me because I usually read slow, but I was hooked all the time

>> No.18870982

And this comment is A FUCKING

>> No.18871007

The more moralizing the book, the more depraved the author.

>> No.18871023

That’s kind of how Dostoevsky is, lots of monologues.

>> No.18871066

>the virgin chitchatter
>the chad court-holder

>> No.18871147

The self is the self which relates itself to its self.

>> No.18871209

>t. BLACKED enjoyer

>> No.18871217

I am literally Raskolnikov subconsciousness

>> No.18871238

I agree, the conversations can be a little boring when they go on for so long. Really the only ones I didn't like were the long ass conversations with Porfiry because he's such an obnoxious chatterbox

>> No.18871274


I disagree,it's one of these books that I was addicted to reading it.Many times I took a break but I didn't want to actually,just wanted to keep reading. That's why I finished it surprisingly fast.

Would like to reread one day,just to enjoy it more.

>> No.18871292

I still think Raskolnikov was right, he just wasn't smart enough to realise he isn't Napoleon.

>> No.18871435

Rodya's three encounters with Porfiry are probably my favourite scenes in the book.

>> No.18871441

I exist

>> No.18871463

I think part of the point is that, rather than intelligence, he really didn't think have the stomach or the will to be Napoleon. He wasn't that kind of person, he was a good man, he didn't want to hurt anybody.

>> No.18871517

Ur cringe.

>> No.18871534

Mega based

>> No.18871573
File: 218 KB, 302x475, 1594979552960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am literally the Underground Man

>> No.18871575

I think part of the point is that, rather than intelligence, he really didn't have the stomach or the will to be Napoleon. He wasn't that kind of person, he was a good man, he didn't want to hurt anybody

>> No.18871613

If you're truly intelligent, in the general sense, then you know your own stomach and capacity. I suppose Dosto's point wasn't necessarily to 'disprove' Raskolnikov's theory, more simply state, how many Napoleons are there? Do you think you're one? Which is enough. But nor does that mean you can't think amorally, just one should accept it is as a hypothetical against your nature (but not all human 'natures' are the same or will stay the same, so there is merit). Though, again, perhaps thinking against your own nature is a very silly, misery-creating and dangerous thing. However, part of me will always think things ill conducive to life. I suppose I'm at the point where that sacrifice means little to me.

>> No.18871722

>If you're truly intelligent, in the general sense, then you know your own stomach and capacity.
Yes, he did make a huge mistake, but I don't think it was a lack of intelligence necessarily that led him to fail the path of a conqueror. He wouldn't even get caught if he didn't literally try to. I think Dosto, due to his sincere Christian beliefs, thought that a good man can commit mistakes, even horrible ones, but that his soul will long for redemption, and he should be allowed to have that chance, through penitence he can find Jesus Christ, and become the good man he is.
I'm not preaching though, I just think that's the main idea. And the "soul" part doesn't necessarily imply a metaphysical thing, I mean that in the more on the psychological side of repentance.

>> No.18872319
File: 43 KB, 324x500, s-l500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's best translation? I've read Maude's Anna K, Coulson's Notes from Underground and The Double, and Garnett's Brothers K. I found a P&V translation of C&P at the thrift store should I go back and get it?

>> No.18873599

surprised more people havent made the same observation

>> No.18874089

the self is the self that does not relate unself to itself

>> No.18874090

you murdered someone to pay your bills and are scared youre going to get caught? im calling the police.

>> No.18874109

i felt like the indigenous kid that enjoyed books because i read a lot and felt that other people my age didnt care about books.

>> No.18875741


>> No.18875744

I’m literally The Judge

>> No.18875831

Came to post this

>> No.18876418

Team Razhumin

>> No.18876426

its me

>> No.18876510
File: 482 KB, 550x778, We2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am literally D-503.

>> No.18877038

Did a lot of people grow up with literally insane and tubercular mothers?

>> No.18878244


>> No.18878683

Average tradgirl fan
Average used up whore enjoyer

>> No.18879707

fucking true

>> No.18879790

I'm literally Alyosha post-Zosima's death

>> No.18879807

I’d rather marry Sonya than most of the girls around these days

>> No.18880729
File: 496 KB, 1200x1083, 1628725837939 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a Nazguuul