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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 440 KB, 1642x877, Holy War.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18863289 No.18863289 [Reply] [Original]

Holy War Edition

Previous Thread:>>18857820

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>A link to the ultimate colossal science fiction and fantasy collection torrent

Never going to be created.

>> No.18863297
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>holy war edition

>> No.18863316
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>> No.18863322

Shit picture OP. There has never been a respectable traditionally published literature with scene about holy war where everyone is an underage girl. Also Anime is shit. Manga is shit. Hololives are shit. Isekai is shit. Cultivation is shit. LitRPGs are shit. Eastern SFF is shit.

>> No.18863323
File: 3.52 MB, 640x288, 1628983915840.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody here heard of Kindle Vella?


It basically seems like Amazon's going to let you release a story one chapter/section at a time, and promote each section as it appears. Like an old serial run in newspapers. Or, I guess, like webnovels are released, these days.

I'm really intrigued by it. I have some experience writing fanfics and I've developed a bit of intuitive skill at building hype for my stories by releasing the right chapter at the right time. This could be a way to get genuine readership, in a way that wouldn't be the case if I were just dumping my books on Amazon all at once. Or should I go to Royal Road and other sites?

>> No.18863327

Based if true

>> No.18863329

You shouldn’t write as an animefag. No one wants to read your chink webnovels

>> No.18863333

Lmao fanfic kys

>> No.18863338

Bakkertranny shivers in the presence of animechads

>> No.18863346

Based quads of truth

>> No.18863353

Didn’t ask

>> No.18863356


I doubt that








>> No.18863369

>the wandering inn > the wheel of time (in terms of word count)
holy shit, i never realised.
is the wandering inn worth a read (if only just the first or first few books)? any gri?

>> No.18863392

>Book Club

18 weds: part 1
22 sun: part 2
26 thurs: part 3

>> No.18863399

No one has ever answered those book club messages because they wanted to read the books with you. Only replies you are getting are the one berating your stupid one man (tranny) “club”

>> No.18863509

shit thread op

good fucking work you fucked up again

>> No.18863535

Excellent thread, OP. Keep up the good work.

>> No.18863546



>> No.18863596

Seveneves encompasses everything wrong with modern science-fiction. Cringe and gay. I didn't even finish 1/2 of the book

>> No.18863604

Even more reason to ban the “club”. Only bad recommendations there

>> No.18863816

>"The truth is that great novels are great fairy tales..." –Vladimir Nabokov, Lectures on Literature

>"All literature (I would dare to answer) is symbolic; there are a few fundamental experiences, and it is unimportant whether a writer, in transmitting them, makes use of the "fantastic" or the "real," Macbeth or Raskolnikov, the invasion of Belgium in August 1914 or an invasion of Mars. What does it matter if this is a novel, or novelty, of science fiction?" –Jorge Luis Borges, 1955

>"All novels are fantasies. Some are more honest about it." –Gene Wolfe,

>> No.18863870

couldn't we read some asimov instead? i don't want to read this fag.

>> No.18863874

The Gods Themselves!

>> No.18863888

who is in charge of said "club"? I have yet to have a single good recommendation from the shill that shills it.

>> No.18863889

Extremely based and Bakkerpilled

>> No.18863898

Who the fuck knows. He only posts “Book club” with the book along link with some deadlines for reading.

>> No.18863919

if he wants to succeed there needs to be more organization, we have read along threads here that worked quite well. You can't just throw a book and some dates expecting people to comply.
Now that i think about what happened to those threads?

>> No.18863934

So malazan yeah or nay in the end? reading the last thread people just disagreed and started shitposting.

>> No.18864020

Are there any urban fantasy books where there's no "masquerade?" Where magic is known to be real by the public at large? I'm not too big into superheroes but I know they usually have a setting like that.

>> No.18864055


>> No.18864102
File: 542 KB, 726x882, RAFO_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"The Royal Air Force of Oman (RAFO — سلاح الجو السلطاني عمان - Silāḥ al-Jaww as-Sulṭāniy ‘Umān) is the air arm of the Armed Forces of Oman."

>> No.18864201

Didn’t ask.

>> No.18864235

50% through Children of Time getting quite bored desu. Does it get better?

>> No.18864247

Malazan is like reading something written by Sanderson if Sanderson went on an edgelord kick. It also has a huge dose of american boomerisms.

>> No.18864278

Well like most books of it's type it has a weak and disappointing ending. These authors have great ideas but can not create a coherent story. You should probably drop it.

>> No.18864298

Malazan is comfy, like all the best parts of Black Company but expanded.
Also cyborg dinosaurs.

>> No.18864330

>be ESL
>start working on novel
>writing in English
>anon but you are not native
>write anyway
>show to native with masters Segre
>”There is nothing that makes it clear that English is not your native language”

>> No.18864335

Masters Degree, damn phone posting

>> No.18864351

Post excerpt

>> No.18864358

what is your email?

>> No.18864362


Anime faggots go to hell

>> No.18864393

But anon. English is almost impossible to Master.

>> No.18864481

fuck you all /sffg/

>> No.18864482

Didn’t ask.

>> No.18864491

Just go to >>/a/ already

>> No.18864492

This thread and the last one were good threads, that talked about a variety of different books. I don't see why you are being such an ass.

>> No.18864494

fuck you it's always because of you

>> No.18864498

Not my problem.

>> No.18864500


>> No.18864502

Does it trouble you?

>> No.18864509
File: 8 KB, 231x218, 1607767690280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18864510

the anime queer tried to colonize multiple generals and this and /wg/ are the only ones he could put the effort into maintaining

EVERY general he tried to take over with his weeb trash has hated him so he does it more, classic malignant weeb autism. if he isnt a tranny he will be one in 2 years.

>> No.18864518

Nah, sweetie. I don’t think I will :)

>> No.18864521
File: 611 KB, 3588x2980, World of Ice and Fire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not going to lie, but I did enjoy the Westeros map and how big the planet is.

>> No.18864528

No one’s forcing you to stay here, tranny.

>> No.18864529

This with the power of 300 Gnostic sorcerers.

>> No.18864542

seething bakkerfag

>> No.18864545


Based Bakkerchad

>> No.18864555

does it trouble you?

>> No.18864557

Didn’t ask.

>> No.18864567

I accept your surrender.

>> No.18864569

Not my problem.

>> No.18864574


>> No.18864581


>> No.18864592

All me, btw

>> No.18864594

>So malazan yeah or nay in the end?
Yes, read it.

>> No.18864607

Too much content on websites like RR for Amazon to not take notice, and too much money spent on microtransactions to not try to commodify it. It really sounds like Amazon wanted to buy out royal road but couldn't so they made their own.

>> No.18864610

Some people like it some people dont. Its not objective. Eriksson has made a big world with wide but shallow worldbuilding. He writes in a workmanlike manner which is easy to read. I would rather read Him than sanderson

>> No.18864611

>Should I read X?
No, don’t read anything and simply shit post about it. But seriously, don’t read Sanderson or the Wheel of Time.

Thank me later.

>> No.18864618

Dont feed the anime tranny

>> No.18864663

Also, unless I'm mistaken, it seems to be only for US and it has weird limitations. I personally have no interest in monetization. Nor am I willing to pay a dollar or how much it cost just to read a chapter since there's other sites that are free to do just that. But I feel like the only thing it has going for it is the potential audience size. So, you do you and good luck if you do decide to write something.

>> No.18864734

Read Bakker.

>> No.18864749

What does that tasteless fedora-tipper has to with that? Nabokov, for instance, despised what he called "literature of ideas", and Bakker's books are exactly that; from the point of aestheticism, they absolute suck compared to books by, for example, Tad Williams, which are just pure escapist fun.

>> No.18864750

He is in /metal/, /mu/ too

>> No.18864757

I refuse to read Bakker for his anti-Trump posts

>> No.18864781

>doesn't like recs
that's a ban

the old book of the month anon left and i took over

i've read enough asimov. the upcoming schedule is:

aug 29: inhibitor phase https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/56072402-inhibitor-phase
sep 15: wisdom of crowds https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/40701780-the-wisdom-of-crowds
sep 26: the scar https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/68497.The_Scar

i accept your defeat

>> No.18864818

How many here would read a fantasy western, and how many fantasy westerns are out there?

>> No.18864904

Red Country by Joe Abercrombie was pretty much a western

>> No.18864918

I've read All You Zombies and liked it. What other sci-fi short stories do you recommend?

>> No.18864943

i'll check it out, thanks

>> No.18864956
File: 25 KB, 297x475, OIP.Ql3IspsDk5wvi_Rn1nrGtAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has been much more engaging than the previous four entries. I'm almost halfway and the numerous fade-to-black scenes throughout the series are completely absent, as well as the strange Chinese jokes/anachronisms. It has had a decent flow so perhaps that has helped since the overall series felt like a slower, SoL-y cultivation story.
But hey, veryf ew in this general reads books.
I'm still butthurt that he wrote a new RS story instead of finishing the goddamn Prefect trilogy.

>> No.18864985

what an absolute piece of shit. unfortunately the nature of this website makes it vulnerable to narcissistic BDD personalities like animenigger (who may also be the same anon as the compulsive anti-Bakker spammer).

i recognize his handiwork from /wg/. luckily for all of us, he will troon out sooner than later and subsequently join the 41%.

>> No.18865001

Have you read The System Apocalypse? If so, is it a good read? I’ve been meaning to read a book from him and that series seems interesting.

>> No.18865020
File: 112 KB, 481x800, integraltrees-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Books/series with unique non-planetary settings? Pic related. Death Gate also comes to mind, and maybe the Edge Chronicles too.

>> No.18865045

I have not.
I would say that A Thousand Li is relatively novel for being a xianxia novel written in English by an actual slant-eye so their understanding of the genre and comments/influence from a native perspective can be nice.

>> No.18865125

A western Xianxia written by an actual asian author? I’ll buy it if only to support it. You ain’t overselling it, are you?

>> No.18865177

I didn't think my original post implied it was an amazing series. Maybe I'm used to the faster pace of traditional xianxia so I would hesitate to label it as 'mediocre' but it's simply slower.
While I don't read it, the author too has a blog which details marketing and associated endeavors as a self-pub author.

>> No.18865180

So, is there any real difference between Chinese Xianxia and western Xianxia? The only Xianxia story I read is Beware of Chicken, but that apparently isn't a normal Xianxia story to begin with since it breaks or subverts the story.

>> No.18865189

So, is there any real difference between Chinese Xianxia and western Xianxia? The only Xianxia story I read is Beware of Chicken, but that apparently isn't a normal Xianxia story to begin with since it breaks or subverts the story.

>> No.18865332

Its all shit.

>> No.18865404

>One learns to muddle...

>> No.18865406

The Arturian myth is pretty much Western xianxia (martial artists (knights) looking for a divine artifact that in certain versions give immortality or cures everything, that only the bestest and purest can find). Hell, I’ll even go further and even say Norse mythology can be used as a Xianxia setting. You have a means of gaining immortality at the top (golden apples of Idun). The Nine Realms could provide some sort of progression, and as a bonus, Ragnarok gives an excuse for the "modern day cultivators are primitive scavengers compared to the golden age" setting that most xianxia has.

>> No.18865455
File: 53 KB, 322x500, sir apropos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based or cringe?

>> No.18865875
File: 52 KB, 333x500, B08R28TZGN.01._SCLZZZZZZZ_SX500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone read Land of War. Dragon Heart (book 10)? This is xanxia written by a russian and first books were really good, but in later books it seems story telling seems to devolving to just writing about female characters and letting them make decisions, it is like the power fantasy element and ruthless mc is just fucking dissapeared and was replaced instead by some beta faggot. Also book 10 has literal niggers in it, I might have to drop the series

>> No.18865902
File: 590 KB, 800x561, 1585273380562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, thank you to the anon that recommended Zothique.
What a great old time.

>> No.18865904


>> No.18865963

Read it, but it only gets good after the first 2 million words.

>> No.18865985

Dark Tower has pretty heavy Fantasy Western elements.

>> No.18865995



>> No.18866150

Based. Never understood the appeal of Bakker, but I've always loved stuff by Tad Williams and other authors from the 80s.

>> No.18866160
File: 99 KB, 595x992, Fang Yuan fanart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold! I bring salvation!

Our Savior Fang Yuan spoke of the Gospel of Benefits. Have you read the true words of our prophet yet?

The bible is called Reverend Insanity.

>> No.18866172

Didn’t the ccp shut this down?

>> No.18866194

What better stamp of quality than having the Chinese government detest it?

>> No.18866553


>> No.18866557

Check out the Jerusalem Man trilogy by Gemmell. It's like a non-lame Dark Tower.

>> No.18866587

I’m reading R. Scott Bakker right now.

>> No.18866915

If the anon who asked about elric is still around, I'm finishing the first books, it's simplistic in ti's writing but it 's still very good, in fact it works better with this "meat and potatoes prose" than it would if it were more flowery.. would absolutely recommend it it if you are in the mood for fantasy.

>> No.18866975
File: 81 KB, 605x833, 1629223647777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the scene where Esmi almost gets stoned to death by a mob
feels relevant bros....

>> No.18866984

>Father…the study is so deep…

>> No.18867093

I want to put my head between her thighs.

>> No.18867102
File: 152 KB, 650x1024, Stalin as a Dark Lord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is xanxia written by a russian and first books
Sorry, anon, but I only read Russian Isekai. They're the last remnants of fun fantasy novels left in this world.

>> No.18867193

I would love to read it but Russian is a bitch to learn and i ratter waste time learning French if i have to learn another language. There is just too much more in the French literary lexicon than in the Russian one.

>> No.18867256

Is Westeros actually a continent or does it just look big due to cartographers with in the story not knowing what the scale of the world is ?

>> No.18867264

Didn't he write aquaman and X factor ?

>> No.18867272

Not to mention Ben 10: Alien Force.

>> No.18867280

It has to be a huge ass continent in order to feed the people Martin mentions with pre second agricultural revolution farming techniques.
Same with the iron island they have to be much much bigger than depicted in the maps or the scale of the world is several times the size of earth.

>> No.18867285

Wait didn't McDuffie write alien force or was he just the show runner ?

>> No.18867433

It's good

>> No.18867450

Erikson is canadian.
Malazan is grimderp.

>> No.18867576
File: 503 KB, 1280x720, 1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18867601

wtf is this?

>> No.18867636

she was doing a blowjob to her owner while she was streaming playing video games

>> No.18867641


>> No.18867730

why did you post it here?

>> No.18867734

Where did this picture come from?

>> No.18867799

NOT MINE I only replied to you

>> No.18867928

>bibliotik account disabled out of nowhere
>used it for years
That's pretty fucking gay.

>> No.18867941

Isn't Westeros a dyson ring?

>> No.18867991

whats the artwork from?

>> No.18868095

A schizophrenic

>> No.18868112
File: 82 KB, 612x612, 01694c3b-a8db-4f46-b812-965a1d44c4ec_1.48bc7d209f7b157bf2a7e0c6e260d93c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is a lion girl?

>> No.18868120

based butters dabbing on the animetranny

>> No.18868132

I don't understand do the trees know calculus

>> No.18868191

look up werthead's atlast of ice and fire blog where those maps came from. he works through the implied size of the continents from several angles. his conclusion is that yes, it really is supposed to be that ridiculously large if everything the fat man wrote is supposed to be true in-world

>> No.18868198

dick girl but with a lion instead. is that not self-evident?

>> No.18868365

not available on co.jp


>> No.18868407
File: 85 KB, 1192x387, huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book isn't out yet?

>> No.18868410

>his post says "upcoming schedule"
>his post has future dates attached
stop posting, you fucking chalkboard

>> No.18868422

Any good non-pozzed modern fantasy out there right now or should I go back to my chamber of Lord Dunsany, Tolkien, and George MacDonald?

>> No.18868429

They just look like calculus

>> No.18868632

If you are reading xianxia, isekai or litrpg, you need to grow the fuck up.

>> No.18868655

is there a comprehensive reading order?

>> No.18868716

This. Isekai like Thomas Covenant, Narnia and The Wizard Knight are cancer.

>> No.18868724

So in which community college is Bakker lecturing? I find nothing trying to google him.

>> No.18868767


>> No.18868771


>> No.18868773

Excellent prose, but I just couldn't get into all the stories being ironic tales of karmic justice. For example, Murder in the Forth Dimension and Dark Eidolon are the exact same story of
>guy devises long, elaborate revenge plan for petty reasons
>succeeds but gets trapped for eternity

>> No.18868804

The anime tranny is just trying to gaslight you. Don’t fall for it.

>> No.18868876

>This book isn't out yet?
it is not out, nor has its reading started. we are currently on seveneves.

>> No.18868900


>> No.18868918
File: 936 KB, 907x1448, Red Sonja_2 by Esteban Maroto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're the only anon who has read a Red Sonja novel

>> No.18868941

Any series with more than 3 books that doesn't shit the bed after awhile and wraps itself up nicely?
It seems about 2/3rds of the series I've read collapse on themselves if they continue any further than that.

>> No.18868960

chinese already got this
q something
they tried expanding with translations and western novels... didnt work well

>> No.18868990

Why would anyone wanna read those?

>> No.18869089

The Raft by Stephen Baxter

>> No.18869093

The first Chronicles of Amber by Roger Zelazny. Not the second tho

>> No.18869237

Year of the tusk 4132 you schmuck check ur email

>> No.18869271

Sneedmeh, The Holy City

>> No.18869334


Bakker is based.

That is all.

>> No.18869421

>If you are reading xianxia, isekai or litrpg, you need to grow the fuck up.
But why would I want to grow up? I would rather stay a manchild as long as possible before I wither and die.

>> No.18869428

Okay Peter Pan

>> No.18869447

I once had to listen to a great uncle deride fantasy/fiction in general. He thought people should instead spend their freetime watching and discussing sports because it's real instead of made up nonsense.

>> No.18869464

Recs for someone just shy of 100 IQ?

>> No.18869468

No one asked about your personal experience. Go read some Bakker. But I suppose you will become one the El Filtrados.

>> No.18869470


>> No.18869475

I had a teacher tell me something similar when she caught me read Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy during recess.

>> No.18869486

Didn’t ask.

>> No.18869492

Accursed be the anime reader, for he maketh a pit of his mind. Shun him; suffer him not to post.

>> No.18869494

this has been chris-chan's thought process anon, be careful what you wish for

>> No.18869515

>Go read some Bakker
I read those years ago. Not sure why people still treat it like it's the flavor of the month. Also, nobody asked for your opinion on reading xianxia, isekai etc. either.

>> No.18869523

At least Chris-chan got laid.

>> No.18869530

It is the flavor of the month until something better comes along. Not an opinion. Reread Bakker

>> No.18869543
File: 206 KB, 380x436, 483E7394-FA69-422C-BC4D-2A558F245FA0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18869548

Artifact space fucking sucks.

>> No.18869573

Bakker is flavour of the decade.

>> No.18869630

Based and Bakkerpilled

Based and Bakkerpilled

>> No.18869674

the point of sonja is the eye candy, I don't see how that would translate well into books.

>> No.18869681

This the first are great trough out...On the second he lost the charm it had, and things stopped making sense in universe. You really don't need to read the rest of the books.

>> No.18869724
File: 42 KB, 640x480, The_13th_Fleet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys know any good books about mecha or space warfare?

All i know is that Gundam novel

>> No.18869743

this but unironically, isekai shit sucks. Lewis Carroll was the original anime tranny.

>> No.18869815

That relativistic warfare in Forever war was good

>> No.18869828

Reynolds has some decent combat in space but warfare isn't his main theme in general.

>> No.18869840

he isnt afaik, though he has some guest lectures he's done at university, at least one of which is one youtube

>> No.18869846

the battletech warrior trilogy is pretty good

>> No.18869851


>> No.18869855

>battletech warrior trilogy

I got really into battletech and mechwarrior when i was in qurantine but i kinda lost intrest

>> No.18869880

I've tried getting into it because the subject is just what i want to read but the book i started with was bad, from what i have read there is a wild variety in the quality of the books in both series.

>> No.18869947

Is there anything else on the level of Bakker and Wolfe?

I’m asking this unironically. I don’t know want to waste my time on worthless trash.

>> No.18869957

rothfuss, sanderson, jordan, hobb, colfer, and many more
maybe Vance.

>> No.18869962

This, based.

>> No.18869964

>hobb together with those hacks
fuck you nigger

>> No.18869972

rob is quite shit mate.

>> No.18869977
File: 387 KB, 1057x1600, night land.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

F*moid seethe.

>> No.18870022

The first trilogy at least is a gigantic slog. I started it years ago and am still only 2 books in

>> No.18870023

Hi, I'm Juan

>> No.18870028

Hi, Juan.

>> No.18870048


>> No.18870055

No, not really. And Vance is not very good either.

>> No.18870061

Night Land made me angry
>here's a cool lore with mystical creatures.
>wanna see it explored? Sucks, you get a story about bodybuilder retrieving his gf

>> No.18870062

Didn’t ask.

>> No.18870121



>> No.18870136

more than half of these are written by either w*men or minorities
>What a wonderful world P. Djélì Clarke has created here — an Arab world never colonized, where magic-powered trams glide through a cosmopolitan Cairo

>> No.18870152

I liked Martian and the first two books of Age of Madness (haven't read the third yet) so I'm okay with them being on the list. Haven't read any of these others.

>> No.18870271

Thanks for the list of books to avoid like plague, I'm glad literature is this dead, makes it easier to stick with the classics

>> No.18870283

>article written by a woman
opinion discarded

>> No.18870308
File: 544 KB, 1920x1080, pRfvxz[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is a pulp fantasy/swords and sorcery renaissance possible? I feel like all the popular stuff nowdays is going as hard as possible on huge histories, autistic magic systems and huge casts of characters: surely oversaturation is approaching right?
I'm quite disturbed that readers of fantasy nowadays have just accepted that the work they are reading might not be finished in theirs or the author's lifespan, and treating it almost like a badge of honour for all their wailing on social media.
I'd like a return to shorter, character-focused stories in worlds created to reflect the personality of the story and the struggles of the protagonist, where magic isn't as exciting as a fucking law textbook and has a personality that ties it intrinsically to the setting.

>> No.18870322

>haven’t read any of those
And I will keep it that way.

>> No.18870399

Only one way to find out.

>> No.18870420

I've always been drawn to S&S specifically because they were shorter and character based; I don't see why you can't have the massive amounts of worldbuilding and background inside of a S&S story—just don't put exposition about the world and lore-dumps in the story, put it in a separate book or something. At the same time, S&S is still really connected to the pulps, in kind of a negative way; those massive epic fantasy doorstoppers have a rich literary tradition (starting with LOTR of all things, and including massively accomplished fantasy series like Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn, A Song of Ice and Fire, The Stormlight Archive, etc etc) while the pulps come from a background specifically tied to 'low culture:' speedily written, often poorly done schlock made only for a quick buck and cheap shock value: comic books and the horror magazines of the 1930s and 1940s, etc; and while there is a strong case to be made for the talent the S&S writers possessed (RE Howard, CA Smith, Fritz Leiber, among others), you can't deny that their work has aged very poorly compared to their epic fantasy relatives. I think, if there was going to be a S&S renaissance, we can't just tell the same kinds of stories; we have to update them while still keeping the core tenants of S&S alive, this is easier said than done.

>> No.18870428
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So how about that Elric?

>> No.18870511

He hasn't aged as poorly as some of the other pulps but Moorcock's skills as a writer have been a bit overstated I think.
I've been reading some of CA Smith's stuff after the recent discussions of him here and I'm just struck by how alien the worlds he creates are; they are truly fantastic and it's immensely refreshing after experiencing how stale fantasy has become recently; I think, if anything, S&S has the most potential out of all of the fantasy subgenres, for two reasons:
>historically inspired/informed settings and backgrounds which lend an authentic sense of time and place to the stories
>character-focused with relatively low stakes allows for more personal, intimate, and adventurous stories; often leads to the stories being more action-focused
This last one I have to explain a bit, and I have to provide some background: One of the first things they tell you about writing is that your readers/you as a reader have to be able to "identify" or "relate'" to the character; if the readers don't feel an emotional connection, the writer has failed; this "rule" applies to most fiction writing but doubly so in fantasy writing, where a large portion of modern fantasy readers judge a book's merits solely on how much they "relate"/"are able to get into the character's head" (just look at the shit-ton of youtube reviews of fantasy books or goodreads reviews or even reddit as an example of this). Fantasy readers are increasingly reading for escapism to the point that a book has no value if they aren't able to picture themselves inside of it. I personally believe that, in order to create a good character, the reader must "understand" the character; not "relate." Take Capt. Ahab in Moby-Dick; you don't relate to him (in fact, the reader is more likely to be in awe/frightened of him) but as more of his character is revealed over the course of the story, the reader begins to "understand" him, which is what makes him such a great character; they don't relate, but they understand.

Back to S&S; I think, if we revived the traditional S&S story (short form, no longer than about 40k at most; focused on characters and more action-focused, personal, low-stakes storylines; historically-informed, grounded settings where magic is often seen as dangerous/something to be avoided), we should really focus on this "character-based" angle; one of the most common problems with epic-fantasy is that, amid all the large scale stuff (wars, nations & empires, epic quests, etc) the character, the individual, gets overlooked; really, all great literature in general is marked by characters, by people' its one of the main reasons people read in the first place and one of the main reasons fantasy as a genre still suffers from an inferiority stigma to this day; I feel like if we really stressed the character-based part, we could accomplish something great, I really do.

>> No.18870532

A lot of these inherent S&S traits come from the genre that inspired RE Howard when he was creating his Conan stories: westerns; the focus on action, the formulatic-ness of a lot of them, you see a pattern that repeats itself in some of those early S&S stories but at the same time the western as a genre has shown itself very flexible and versatile: a ton of shitty, boring, formulaic westerns have been written but also some really great stuff has been done too: look at Lonesome Dove or The Ox-Bow Incident or Butcher's Crossing and of course Blood Meridian; these were westerns that managed to transcend the genre and become recognized as great works of literature; look at movies, stuff like Unforgiven and Hostiles and The Good the Bad and the Ugly and True Grit: all amazing genre-transcending movies.

I guess what I'm getting at here is that, S&S are the westerns of the fantasy genre, and this aspect has remained mostly unexplored, and I see a large amount of potential. That is all.

>> No.18870541

Holy shit Sanderson really ruined the tone of the Wheel of Time. Feels like a sitcom, it's unreadable. I can't believe he was allowed to touch it.

>> No.18870544

Fafhrd & Gray Mouser are Terrence Hill & Bud Spencer then?

>> No.18870550

The sales went through the roof when he was writing it

>> No.18871094

Haha another blue remembered earth and niggers in space

>> No.18871102

Why would want to read western liberal sjw trash (updated daily/weekly/monthly) ?

>> No.18871388
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>An obese funnel climbed from great sweeping skirts of noxious black, obscuring the glint of the Carapace. The roar battered aside all hearing, save…

>> No.18871437

There was hundreds of mages in close proximity when that shit happened and it would have took only one to nuke the can before it spun up to full force, since they removed trinkets from it. Why does everyone job like a complete retard in the ending of TUC? Everything was very consistent up to that point.

>> No.18871450

>Westeros actually a continent
Martin said that Westeros is as large as South America and Essos is even bigger than that.

>> No.18871494

heh its looks like a puckering anus

>> No.18871548

To be fair martin has a very shit sense of scale.

>> No.18871577

It is true but Bethesda did such a damn good job of creating a Viking style world it is tough to make it original and just as intriguing!

>> No.18871681
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*shits on your emperor*
Nothing personnel

>> No.18871712

based birb: 1
ikurei xerius: 0

>> No.18872233

>read the first 2 the wheel of time books
>each one ends with the big bad guy getting BTFO by some farm boy that doesn't even know what he's doing
Some dark lord lmao. Why are people scared of this guy again?

>> No.18872344
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more first-person sci-fi/fantasy ludokino?

>> No.18872558

Does /sffg/ like Daniel Greene?

>> No.18872607

So people have shit taste, I see.

>> No.18872799
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best SFF with little sisters?

>> No.18872811
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>> No.18872834


You will never have sexy with a beautiful trans-tekne-woman.

>> No.18872908

Cause that's not the Dark One. That's Ishamael, the strongest of the Forsaken. He went crazy over the last 3000 years because unlike the others he wasn't fully sealed in the Dark One's prison and was able to monopolize the Dark One's power to cause mischief in the world when he could get out, but this caused his mind to deteriorate so by the present he's totally insane and thinks he is the Dark One now.

>> No.18873050

They probably put the chorae back when they saw the boy had no mark.

>> No.18873065

It's a large continent, but tellingly none of Martin's maps were ever published with a scale to show the actual distances. This makes Westeros seem small, which is compounded by how few towns and cities exist on it. You have places like The Reach which can field an army of 100,000 men, which means the population is in the millions, and yet the Reach has what, nine towns of any size? That's the one thing about Westeros that always bugged me, for being supposedly heavily populated it has almost no settlements.

>> No.18873067

Erikson and Lafferty are both on the same level imo

>> No.18873127

No, not really.

>> No.18873135

Mostly cause it was going to be finished. A series with a definitive end is always better than one left hanging due to the author's death or lack of interest.

>> No.18873172

That stuff got popular in an era when serialized fiction was how most people consumed science fiction and fantasy stories. Big door stopper novels are a fairly recent fashion for these genres. The piecemeal, episodic nature of pulp stories lent itself to periodicals fairly well. If you were going to revive it, a medium like web novels would probably be the way, something that people check in regularly for the latest update.

>> No.18873199

elemental plane of peasants

>> No.18873305

It's also why there's very little culture in his books. He has entire genealogies written for noble families but the places they rule are just interchangeable tracts of land filled with nondescript peasants growing "crops".

>> No.18873357

But Spengler claims peasents are fundamentally cultureless.

>> No.18873396

I do. He's a bit cringe sometimes, but in an honest way.

>> No.18873412

What an absolutely retarded take.

>> No.18873418

How is anything I said wrong? Pulp was killed by the modern fantasy epic because the genre shifted to long format novels and periodical publishing became less popular.

>> No.18873536


>> No.18873628
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Supreme comfy

>> No.18873756

O’ Ishoriöl, would a different doom have followed? Would the World have turned otherwise had the Mansions of your kin listened?
For the Vile had come unto Men in the wilds of Eänna, delivered the very ministry your Sons had so urgently argued. The Vile had sat upon the earth to carve joints with the absurd Prophets of Men, whispered deceit in the guise of secrets, wove the thread of their wicked design into the fabric of their custom and belief. The Vile, not the Exalted, had shown them how to make inscription of speech, and so had chiselled alien malice upon the heart of an entire Race.
The Vile had armed them with the Apories that were so wasted upon Sranc.
What had they thought, the remaining Sons of Siöl, as the Mannish vermin rampaged through the glorious halls of the House Primordial? What had they thought, the remaining Sons of Cil-Aujas, when they retired from the fields of Mir’joril, and barred the Gates of their Mansion?
What had they thought of this last great insult, this final atrocity inflicted by their conquered foe?
Had they seen error … or just more injustice?
And so the Lust to Teach was rekindled among your Sons—O’ Ishoriöl, a second folly! “A Tutelage of the Bright to undo the Tutelage of the Vile!” the first Siqu declared to your great King. And Cet’ingira Deepseer more than any other made glister of his treachery, saying unto Nil’giccas, “Let me make a ministry of the wisdom we have purchased with our doom. For among them are souls as wise as our own.”

Aye. As foolish.
And as terrified of damnation.

>> No.18873775

I remember reading these when I was a child, brings back so many memories.

>> No.18873895

Wandering inn is literally some girl doing some stupid inn stuff for thousands of pages

>> No.18873953

Time travel fucking suck, every time it's implemented it ruins the story with shitty paradoxes and "fate". Nothing takes away stakes and my interest away from a story as fast as time travel.

>> No.18873958


>> No.18873968


>> No.18873989

P should be added to GRI and I doubt I have to say what 'P' stands for.


>> No.18874009

P is mostly covered by I

>> No.18874087

it's the truth, it implies that either actions don't matter as everything was preordained by a cosmic force or that multiple universes exist, the latter which is almsot never the case.
And if actions don't matter, as if they did reality would be changed as such that a trip to the past could completely change the present or a trip to the future would be impossible as the future would be impossible as it would be a flux of ever changing possibilities.

>> No.18874219

Spengler is an idiot.

>> No.18874285

I've read Children of Time and it was pretty interesting. Can't say anything about the others.

>> No.18874290
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>> No.18874325

God I hate this meme of inventing your own language for your books

>> No.18874411

Tolkien did it, so a lot of people trying to be the next Tolkien try to do that(of course, that ignores that Tolkien was a trained linguist that legitimately loved to do that).

>> No.18874428

Most instances of P would either be covered by the other three. In fact I would challenge you to name even three novels where that isn't the case.

>> No.18874446

Tolkien's genius for creating languages had nothing to do with his education, he was doing it since he was a little kid, it was a natural, in-born gift. His education simply pointed that gift toward learning ancient languages for scholarly research.

>> No.18874453

It was dumb when Tolkien did it too. World building is the lowest form of story telling.

>> No.18874546

>Most instances of P would either be covered by the other three.
That's because if you're gonna have P you might as well have GRI too. Grimderp writers are, if anything, predictable.

>> No.18874552

Nah think about it. How many novels can you think of with P that isn't covered by GRI? Lolita, assuming you take Humbert at his own word as a narrator, but what else?

>> No.18874554

You sound like a terribly boring person.

>> No.18874610

Bakker, duh.

>> No.18874611

P would technically be R in most fictional cases; even in fantasy, but that doesn't mean it should be excluded from GRI because not all R is P and not all I is P either. And I would argue that P is the edgiest out of all of them anyways and the entire point of GRI is giving something that stamp of edgy approval.

So from now on P shall be included with GRI.

>> No.18874643

Again I'm not talking about technicalities or relying on changeable legal definitions, I'm asking if you have any real examples of P in any fiction, not just fantasy and sci-fi, not already covered by GRI. I'm saying there's basically none, and even if you can find some, it's not really enough to merit a whole new letter.

>> No.18874666

Grishaverse anon....the books still suck

>> No.18874673

Christ, I fucking hate intersectional feminism.

>> No.18874816

>Is a pulp fantasy/swords and sorcery renaissance possible?
You're asking the wrong thing; what you should be asking is, "Is there still a market for S&S and Pulp fantasy in general?" and the answer is yes. It just isn't in the mainstream and never will be ever again. DMR Books is a great example of a modern publisher of S&S and classic Pulp in general. The site also has a blog with tons of interesting and informative articles.

>> No.18874819

>Blood Meridian
based bakkerchad

>> No.18874834

Halfway through necromancer for the first time right now, any other cool cyberpunk/ghost in the shell type of books with that kind of style and flair that are good?

I see plenty of space epics and fantasy, but I'm newish to cyberpunk style scifi and I don't know who to pick up, especially any recent authors.


>> No.18874840

Neon Harvest

>> No.18874844

Neuromancer *

Sorry, autocorrect

>> No.18874847
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good, pic related

>> No.18875004

I'd finish the trilogy: Count Zero, Mona Lisa Overdrive, also the Mirrorshades anthology of cyberpunk short stories. But if you want to change it up, other authors' cyberpunk novels: Snowcrash by Neal Stephenson, Vurt by Jeff Noon

>> No.18875008

I hope that you see more in Tolkien than just worldbuilding

>> No.18875082

The only good thing about Wheel of Time is the Blind Guardian song.

>> No.18875094
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pic related in the mail finally found a like new copy for a reasonable price

>> No.18875103

based music taste

>> No.18875163
File: 241 KB, 1080x666, 1600177933755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to Michael Moorcock? Elric saga? Which order??

>> No.18875173

Start with the first book, Elric of Melnibone.
The second book, Sailor on the Seas of Fate has references to events that have yet to take place and characters from his other books so I don't know about this.

>> No.18875175

1-6 in chronological order. Anyone who says order of publication is a crackhead, do not trust them.

>> No.18875185

WoT: here's some 99% pointless books so I can have more millions of dollars

>> No.18875189

I enjoyed the books, he earned my dollars.

>> No.18875195

What a woolheaded complaint.

>> No.18875204

You are a retarded faggot.

>> No.18875256

>Elric saga? Which order??
Go to Wikipedia and it will tell you the Internal chronology

>> No.18875271

so clearly we're at the point where lit has degraded beyond all belief. if some midwits can't even understand WHY there are made-up languages in tolkien beyond "it's dumb, world-building is stupid" i have no hope for the future of sffg.

obviously, you've been filtered by literary techniques like impression of depth and are butthurt that you've read far more incompetent authors misusing this tool than good ones. sorry you decided to read trash

>> No.18875299
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>W-what...you dont' worship Tolkien?! This..this cannot be! Oh God oh Lord oh Jesus oh Christ oh mamma mia lit has clearly degenerated beyond all salvation!!!!!!!!!!!! You HAVE to worship Tolkien chuds!!!!
Take your pills nigger people are allowed to, shockingly, like things you don't like

>> No.18875308

Lord of the Rings is a kids book series, move on.

>> No.18875313
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This might be true. I also wonder how many authors were stopped by thinking "oh man, look at all these other door stoppers and trilogies I'll never compete with" whereas back in the day magazines publications were not only viable but also how many genre greats began. It lets you get some experience.

>> No.18875434

Have you actually read your pic related? LoGH novels are all translated.

>> No.18875455
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>> No.18875501

>LoGH novels
novels, or mangos?

>> No.18875507

The novels, if he wanted to say manga he would have typed manga.

>> No.18875511

ok I was just asking because I didn't know there were novels and I wouldn't put it past a weeb to claim a mango was a novel. sounds interesting though, I'll have to check it out.

>> No.18875516

People here don’t know that Legend of the Galactic heroes are science fiction novels.

>> No.18875561

I read the original REH stories. The novels are just Conan comicbook fanfics by inferior authors. It's not even supposed to take place in fantasy land ffs

>> No.18875570

Fucking Philistines. The second pentalogy and short stories were meant to lead into a third and final pentalogy, but cancer took based Zelazny from us before he could write it

>> No.18875574

>but cancer took based Zelazny from us before he could write it
The death of an author is always tragic when they never finish their series.

>> No.18875582

He retrieves his gf by exploring the night land for like 300 pages you mongoloid. Read the original, not The Story of X or whatever the abridged one is called

>> No.18875584

Fucking hell. Why do the good ones always die first?

>> No.18875589

>abridged one is called
You're fucking with me right? There's no way there's an abridged version.

>> No.18875593
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The Vampire Hunter D books would be top notch if they were translated competently instead of autistically adhering to Japanese verbiage that doesn't flow in English

>> No.18875596

Isn't that the problem with all translated Japanese works? They do literal translations?

>> No.18875600

It isn’t like there’s any other solution. Japanese writing and idioms are alien to Westerners.

>> No.18875604

>The Vampire Hunter D books
>twenty-seven novels have been published in the main series, with some novels comprising as many as four volumes.
What story is it to have that much?

>> No.18875606

The better question is if it collapsed on itself like all the other long running series.

>> No.18875613

God has a sense of humor

>> No.18875615

New thread

>> No.18875667

The second Amber series was a cash grab where he lost the plot and needed editorial guidance to land the ending. Z turned pretty fucking mercenary in his later years but I think this was partly his wife's doing

He finished the first and second series. He hadn't begun the third. The second series isn't worth reading unless you're a hardcore Zelanzy fan

>> No.18875708

Read them by series chronological order, and throw in Corum, Hawkmoon, and Erekosë to get the full story. Here is my autistically compiled internal chronology
>Read Elric up to The Vanishing Tower (1-4)
> Hawkmoon 1-4
Can be read at any point before the second Corum trilogy
>Erekosë 1 and 2 (Eternal Champion and Phoenix in Obsidian)
>Read the first Corum trilogy (Swords)
>Elric 5 (Vanishing Tower)
The Vanishing Tower could also be read prior to the Corum/Erekosë as things come together here
>Hawkmoon 5
>Corum 4
>Hawkmoon 6
>Corum 5
>Elric 6
>Corum 6
>Erekosë 3 (Dragon in the sword)
>Elric 7
90% of Elric short stories originally take place here
>Elric 8
>Hawkmoon 7

>> No.18875730

Zelazny was never shy about admitting which of his works were written for money. Amber wasn't one of them. He was working up to a 3rd series to close out the story, the prologue to said series being the short stories. The second series only feels disjointed because it's the second act of a 3 act play

>> No.18875736


>> No.18875807

Yes, you're clearly an idiot. Didn't need to spell it out.

>> No.18875816

Your reasons are stupid, ergo you are stupid. Get better opinions, if you can.

>> No.18876364

as you clearly know more about the series than most anons, do you think reading corum hawkmoon and erekose are necessary? While I'm enjoying the story I'm not enjoying it THAT much, to the point where I want to read companion books of other characters.

>> No.18876373

I would disagree. even while reading the first books of the second series, and way before the end, I didn't enjoy it nearly as much as I did the first series. And even fit hat were the case the first series had a much much better finish overall.

>> No.18876459
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Erekosë (could be argued the first 2 books should come before Elric) - mostly provides more lore on the Eternal Champion, the Multiverse, and the founding of Melniboné. Not strictly necessary, though a couple of his incarnations show up in the Elric stories

Corum - Shows up the same places Erekosë does. I would say the first two books at least are required reading to understand what's going on at the end of The Vanishing Tower. Reading the rest provides more more context on The Eternal Companion/Moonglum/Jhary-A-Connel and the ending to the series in general.

Hawkmoon is 100% necessary, at least the last 2 books, as the last Hawkmoon is the end of the saga. You might be kind of lost on it if you don't read the previous books, but if all you care about is Elric you can just read 6 and 7, or only 7 if you felt the first 2 Corum books were a waste of time.

>> No.18876777

Wells the series is a lot longer than i thought it would be. I guess I will give up reading it all at once and sparse it out trough out some years with other books and series in between.

>> No.18876881

Hard to ruin garbage.
GH is particularly funny in this regard cause Balzy forgets he can channel.