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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.35 MB, 3072x1728, 1440350389877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18861510 No.18861510 [Reply] [Original]

post the place where you read

>> No.18862338
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>> No.18862413

I read everywheee

>> No.18862418

even on slides, apparently

>> No.18862439
File: 2.78 MB, 4032x3024, D31E8DE0-082A-4C38-B011-F6D8ED4998E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18862623
File: 33 KB, 640x640, 06efc8a8a6b50ecbd09ef55e1e0153d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What armchair and lamp are those? I desperately need a desk lamp or floorlamp, and I've been eyeing a poäng chair for 2 years without making up my mind about it.

>> No.18862655

Reddit moment. Reading everywhere is what social imbeciles do, burying their nose in a book with their pencil necks bent over because they're afraid of talking to people and can't make eye contact.

>> No.18862680

Where'd you get that based chair? What brand/model is it?

>> No.18862732

That's a cheap chair. Look into a Stressless or Human Touch instead.

>> No.18862739

it's a wegner CH445 wingchair

>> No.18862746
File: 687 KB, 686x910, IMG_20210817_013312_25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Need a better chair, I know)

>> No.18862756

it's not OP's. This image has been posted here for years.

>> No.18862864

Really comfy

>> No.18862873

You need a better desk. You need a desktop, not a laptop. You need a monitor. You need to clean up some of the crap. You need sinus surgery or euthanasia as it looks like you are a sniffler or wheezer with your snotrag kleenexes. The only thing that is worth keeping on the entire desk is the bust of lenin. Everthing else is garbage.

>> No.18862912
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Euthanasia pls

>> No.18863108

>the lenin bust

>> No.18863150

>needing all these things
Tiresome. Are you female?

>> No.18863165

>ou need sinus surgery or euthanasia as it looks like you are a sniffler or wheezer with your snotrag kleenexes
I think he's a coomer

>> No.18863166

>can take a laptop anywhere I want
>can connect it to a screen, keyboard and mouse if wanted
>Any laptop made after 2015 is fast enough to use the internet, e-mail, write etc.

Why the fuck is the desktop community so adamant that anyone would need a desktop? Are they all children who play videogames all day?

>> No.18863167
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>> No.18863192

I like this

>> No.18863198

I don't play games or own a console. A desktop is ergonomic and I am not a slave that needs to take his device with him anywhere.

>> No.18863201
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>nearly two shelves dedicated to Tolkien and more genre fiction sprinkled in

>> No.18863211
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>> No.18863212

>never travels
How the fuck can you be on a literature board if you're not doing the very basics of the literary lifestyle, namely week-long rendezvouz to Paris or Rome on a monthly basis?

>> No.18863220


>> No.18863336
File: 8 KB, 483x666, 1625243122833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based genre chad. Literary merit is a meme.

>> No.18863365

Tolkien spent his entire life reading and reflecting on the greatest literature created in the West: Middle-earth is the culmination of his effort. Based Tolkien bros unite.

>> No.18863376

Holy hell how much did Tolkien manage to write in one life

>> No.18863393

History of Middle Earth is a collection of manuscripts, finished and unfinished. Some of these are extremely important to the lore of his world, others are just interesting (like his attempt to write a sequel to TLOTR, or his unfinished "sci-fi" novel).

>> No.18863394

Travel without a laptop, slave.

>> No.18863845
File: 29 KB, 639x480, ECC9A379-A2E2-4A70-AA13-8E807FDB24B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic rel. This is one the reasons why my roomates think I jack off for an hour, when I don’t.

>> No.18863867

What’s his unfinished “sci-fi” novel? Google is giving me no answers so please share it here.

>> No.18863872

Can you also share with us photos of your shelf? The one with the Penguin classics and Asimov.

>> No.18863893

Watch out for the 'rhoids, brother.

>> No.18863946
File: 667 KB, 1023x1200, Screenshot_20210817-061157_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically read right here in front of my PC. Lmaoing@fags who cry about ADHD and not being able to stop browsing YouTube videos/4chan to read instead.

>> No.18863960
File: 2.00 MB, 4220x2592, P_20210817_211141_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Lost Road, it's an unfinished time travel story. Tolkien and Lewis didn't like the current situation of science fiction so they were going to write their own stories. Tolkien was in charge of writing one about time travel, he never finished it. Lewis wrote a trilogy about space travel (Tolkien didn't like the second and third books due to Williamson's influence on Lewis work).
1/3 I have more Penguins behind these.

>> No.18863968
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>> No.18863972
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>> No.18863983

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.18864063

This is really comfy but aren't you afraid you will be found dead one day with your copy of lotr embedded in your skull.

>> No.18864125

>pseud artwork
>speakers wayyyyy too far away
>useless water cooling (plus muh rgb)
>rgb keyboard

r*ddit tier trash

>> No.18864149

This is your library, it's not what the thread is about you poser
social media was a mistake

>> No.18864150

I live in Tokyo, a zone prone to earthquakes, and the risk of a book bashing my skull in is real.

>> No.18864156

>anon 1 says to post where we read
>post it
>anon 2 wants to see some books
>post them
>anon 3 is salty
It's not my fault.

>> No.18864160

even the first picture is obviously showcasing your library while the lazy chair is cut off, and then you samefagged to LARP about your books

>> No.18864166

mate ur seething, is it something within anons collection that makes you jelly? i admit, his tolkeen collection is pretty sick

>> No.18864174

Get a life please. The "samefag" is a book living rent free in the head of people who spend too much time on this site.

>> No.18864179


>> No.18864180

Boogeyman, not book.

>> No.18864213
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>> No.18864238

>The "samefag" is a boogeyman
>on the board full of LARPing pseuds and a dozen regular tripfags
oh fuck off

>> No.18864548

This is the anon who requested photos of his book shelf. Kindly fuck off, please.

>> No.18864619

imagine buying books

>> No.18864650

>Gustave Dore is pseud
Continue lurking any time

>> No.18864666
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>> No.18864715

Do you just buy everybook that's mentioned here or is this a shoop or w/e‽

>> No.18864832
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reading whole books is a pseud activity; summaries suffice insofar that the goal here is to bring home pussa to insert peepee into. besides, by getting a general understanding of a whole book from a condensed few pages, we can save ourselves a whole lot of time to find more pussa while educating ourselves on fundamentals.

>> No.18864966


>> No.18864981
File: 2.34 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20210817_175045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18864998

very nice. Why do you have a sheet music stand on your DJ station though? lol

>> No.18865006

These are just notes from a deep house mix I need to re-record.

>> No.18865038

And thats a laptop stand.

>> No.18865101

That is a reddit meme. Coomers don't use a Kleenex unless they has small sex organs and low ejaculate force and volume. It doesn't work anyways. You still stink afterwards and the clothes you're wearing stink. It's a bad habit in general. Stupid really. And then the day is less enjoyable after it. I don't even get pleasure from coffee when I'm done. Nofap is the way to go.

>> No.18865115

holy based

>> No.18865135

based fren. do you post in /sffg/?

>> No.18865227
File: 2.07 MB, 1331x998, 1624491467340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go /lit/

Feel free to mock, I know I must be doing something wrong.

>> No.18865233

My ocd and autism would not allow me to concentrate in such inaesthetic and overly colorful (non-matching colors) environs.

>> No.18865241


>> No.18865243

>actual /fitlit/

>> No.18865252

No, never. I simply don't like generals.
Nice books but the floor is nauseating.

>> No.18865258

incredibly based. What keyboard is that?

>> No.18865307

One of the most based rooms I've ever seen. Coffee anon, lit anon, fit anon, v anon and christ anon?

>> No.18865315

thank you

I'm sorry.

Its the Unicomp M122, based on the old IBM, and these buckling springs that you can hear from across the street, can take a serious beating. Its a solid 5 lb, feels like I can hammer in nails with it.

>> No.18865320


>> No.18865323
File: 70 KB, 1360x772, 1624743849101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on my bed

>> No.18865326

Nice which I had the space in my apt for a weight set up

>> No.18865342

this is correct

laptops are a superflous middle ground between smartphone/desktop...Just get a desktop, preferably with arch or gentoo installed rather than windows or macos.

>> No.18865348

living the dream damn

>> No.18865350

Strictly theology and nothing but. Whats missing from the pic is the side wall with all the crosses, prayer ropes/rosary, vigil lamp and censer. And there's a cross over the couch as well. But I hate to disappoint about the coffee, there's none here. Its a tea setup, with all sorts tea.

>> No.18865377

based. I wanna be liek you someday

>> No.18865427

Thank you anon. First I had to sober up and keep off the chans for a couple years, disciplining myself monastic style, like the Desert Fathers. You get to learn a lot from detachment and exile alone.

>> No.18865487

Looked like coffee beans to me at first. I prefer tea as well and got a somewhat large collection myself. Out of all the different mixes though I prefer fresh peppermint tea. Care to share your preference?

>> No.18865505
File: 47 KB, 541x540, 02e879cfad885756312a5ba78d0a4146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very based. I just moved to a new country and haven't signed up at the gym yet. At least I've got my pull up bar in the meantime, r-right anon?

>> No.18865514
File: 1.95 MB, 2463x3372, 20210817_184514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sit in my sad little corner of my under decorated new home

>> No.18865538

For me peppermint is occasional, like Greek mountain tea, since that's the one you have to boil, it won't steep. I usually drink black tea. The Ceylon and the Assam. The Assam is certainly the most caffeinated, Ceylon isn't low on caffeine either but it's a little smoother, mixing them together is obviously how you get your English breakfast, I don't usually blend though. The Nilgiri I found to be one of the more aromatic ones, along with Darjeeling. I drink green tea as well from time to time. The Jasmine, Chinese gun powder, and the Japanese Sencha, that one is really green. I don't mind the Chamomile, but when I just want a beverage I'll brew Hibiscus flower. Which truly goes everything. Hibiscus hits the spot.

>> No.18865545

You are welcome to use my sad excuse of a gym anytime you want brother. Just knock and it shall be answered.

>> No.18865564

Imagine falling over in that room

>> No.18865571

Based weighted blanked chad. Also what andy warhol quote you go there m8?

>> No.18865575

notes have been taken

>> No.18865577

Looks nice and quiet. Here in the city, on top of sirens we got music blasting out of people's cars. To the point of PTSD. Construction, children, and truly a little too much noise pollution for /lit/.

>> No.18865600

Hey thanks, the weighted blanket is one of the best things I ever bought.

"You have to be willing to get happy about nothing"

>> No.18865605

Its perfectly ok to fall over, the floor is nice and insulated. What you don't want to do is get caught barefoot otherwise you're going to stub you toe.

>> No.18865625
File: 111 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210817-200915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one too and according to my oura ring sleeping under the weighted blanky doubled my deep sleep. Very based, indeed.

>> No.18865626

I want to see the fish pillow anon. Also that's very comfy why so many blankets and stuff?

>> No.18865642

And I that quote, reminds me of the old “if you cant feel it now, you wont feel it then" thing.

>> No.18865648


>> No.18865675

I live on the outskirts in a place that is a suburb but given its England that means there's also lots of aesthetic stone built Victorian houses and leafy parks

>> No.18865677

>sleeping stats
I never knew you can turn sleep into a RPG. You gonna need to level up though, and save at least a minute for prayer of praise and thanksgiving.

>> No.18865680
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I have to be careful with it, because It makes me sleepy really fast

sure thing. I always by from the brand Gaby, and this is my favorite. They're surprisingly cheap. This grouper is 120cms long, and it cost 24€.

I spend a lot of time on my bed, and I made it into a nest. I can just flop onto however I want, I've got pillows enough that I can just position myself just right, and I have so many blankets that I'll never be cold, and for every season. When it's time to sleep or nap, I just roll over and kick around, and then I'm properly entrenched in comfy. I'm always looking for more things to add to my nest. The pregnancy pillow is the newest thing and I highly recommend them.

don't know that quote, but the warhol one is my favorite. It reminds me to enjoy the little things in life, you know?

>> No.18865689

Hey what's the ideal weight for a weighted blanket for a 60kg/132lbs male? Yeah I'm short I know

>> No.18865694
File: 134 KB, 265x480, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our Lady of Knock, very nice, anon.

>> No.18865695

>I spend a lot of time on my bed, and I made it into a nest. I can just flop onto however I want, I've got pillows enough that I can just position myself just right, and I have so many blankets that I'll never be cold, and for every season. When it's time to sleep or nap, I just roll over and kick around, and then I'm properly entrenched in comfy.
Feline hands typed this

>> No.18865700

Sharp eyes, very based. My grandparents' house is a veritable shrine to Her, given its their parish church

>> No.18865715
File: 73 KB, 500x747, cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fish pillow
>always in bed
I wonder who could be behind this post?

>> No.18865748

This thread has a serious cats-posing-as-humana problem. What's their endgame?

>> No.18865770

I like to read while walking at the park.
Passerby's often comment on how it must be hard to do or that I'm somehow talented.
Is America a lost cause?

>> No.18865846

Anglo poster detected

>> No.18866066

Mine is 9kg. I dont think height is much of a factor. If I could I'd go with an even heavier one. But maybe get a 7kg and see how it goes.

>> No.18866437
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Ah, very cool. I live a few hours drive from there now myself so will be going at some point this year, I hope.

>> No.18866598

Imagine unironically being Lithuanian

>> No.18866654

What is that boxing bag on the left? You don’t have to hang it up? This is exactly what I need. Where did you get it from? Do they have a specific name?

>> No.18867444

Freestanding punching bag. You have to fill the base with sand yourself though

>> No.18867689

I'm 6'1" and my POANG offers zero head support. I regret getting it.

>> No.18867702

Don't own any physical books, read entirely on my phone, laptop, and Ipad. Hardly anyone even knows I read because of this :D

>> No.18867735

Such an underrated post

>> No.18868036

Thanks for saving my meme Anon, means the world.

>> No.18868087

I know exactly what you're like

>> No.18868096

extremely based

>> No.18868122

Get a life alert. I'm in my 80s and it really has been a good piece of mind for a fall. I don't worry anymore.

>> No.18868176
File: 1.29 MB, 3264x2197, IMG_20210817_223803_046_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is where the magic happens

>> No.18868344

> mogged so hard he closes out the image before he sees the chair

>> No.18868353
File: 2.99 MB, 4032x3024, PXL_20210818_041732601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18868607

Thank you for that input, anon. I'm 5'7" and it gives me a shred of hope that it'll fit me well enough. I'll make the odyssey up to my local one after class is back in session to test one out again.

>> No.18868621

imagining being plagued by material wants lol

>> No.18868624

>imagine the smell

>> No.18868627

are you retarded? tablets sure, but going absolutist on having a desktop when a laptop is capable and much less demanding for real estate for a small apartment is just stupid

>> No.18868660

that's not much some children's author wrote like 750 books in her life time

>> No.18868669
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>> No.18869020

i read in nature

>> No.18869038

>pseud artwork
Kek, this says more about you than the anon you tried to roast. Imagine not recognizing Doré.

>> No.18869092


>> No.18869232

Holy based, mine is this but super disorganised and I need to vacuum

>> No.18869746

Looks ugly, cluttered, and probably smells bad, but somehow seems comfy.

>> No.18870171


>> No.18870483

No one asked you w*man.

>> No.18870955

this is literally wojak's room in that 4 panel meme

>> No.18871015

>That Dore artwork
Neat, where'd you get them?

>> No.18871902

post shelf

>> No.18872976

are u German?

>> No.18873255

cool william blake poster

>> No.18873270

But how will people know that I am a genius if I don't read wherever I go?

>> No.18873281

>Buy this.
>Buy this.

My sides.

>> No.18873348

The flag is russan, so is he I guess

>> No.18873552
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>> No.18873574
File: 1.18 MB, 2272x1704, 1628013611516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

achieved some pretty top kino here

>> No.18873590

Gregory Berrycone/10

>> No.18873591

Hello, doctor? I need the worst take you have.

>> No.18873604

timeless classic

>> No.18873612

Nice try

>> No.18873613

thats probably the funniest picture ive ever found on 4chan

>> No.18873621

Not only short, but scrawny af too. Pick up some weights nigga damn.

>> No.18873675


>> No.18874288

I had the same experience with that shitty chair. ZERO head support. It's a terrible chair for reading and everything else. Fuck Swedes.

>> No.18874293

Does anyone else stand when they read?

>> No.18874305

nice ass imprint

>> No.18874334

Holy fuck

>> No.18874529

Displate.com unironically.

>> No.18874728
File: 2.37 MB, 2976x3968, imagine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18874941

Is that a copy of house of Leaves on your nightstand? Most threads where people post their opinions seem too bait-y for me to chime in. I thought it was both cool and gimmicky when I was 16, I enjoyed much more T50YS. Never bothered with that alphabet project he was churning out, seemed like he was really just milking it at that point.

>> No.18874979

>speakers too far away
found the deaf kid

>> No.18875020

Those short chairs kill me knees after 20mins

>> No.18875040

I like this
All the clutter in my room is just weight.

>> No.18875046
File: 1.04 MB, 987x599, 1232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aint much, but it's mine

>> No.18875087

I had a similar model, but with less cushion. It was fine at first, but I started to have back pains after 2 months or so of frequent use (it was the only armchair I had). I had to sit over my pillow to sit straighter and aliviate the back pain. I ended up selling it to my dorm neighbor after 8 months. I do not recommend it, as I don't think that this much extra cushion is enough to solve the problem mine had. It was crazy cheap, though, and still miles better than a table chair.

>> No.18876414
File: 3.31 MB, 4032x3024, PXL_20210729_132726086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to do everything in bed, but ever since I got a decent PC set up I use it exclusively for reading, sleeping and jerking off. I have a cheap $12 shelf just out of frame of this pic, but I don't have enough books yet for a decent shelf post, so I mostly just use it for random documents

>> No.18876708

Does that come with a free child sex slave? That's a lot of money for a chair.

>> No.18876883
File: 2.52 MB, 500x500, 4b6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$5.8k for a chair designed in 1960

>> No.18876950

If you pay this price for this chair you wont have money for very long. Utterly retarded. Probably a front for pedophile sex slaves.

>> No.18876966

If I'm going to sit in a chair and read for 20 minutes every day of my life, I think it's acceptable to splurge a little bit on the chair. I would be spending so much time there

>> No.18876983

>20 mins

>> No.18877020
File: 3.37 MB, 4454x3269, 20210819_102836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18877143

Kek wtf is this

>> No.18877182

>no screens
what do your friends think??

>> No.18877213

They can't get in because he blocked the door with a lamp

>> No.18877270

>not reading on public transport
bonus points if you are fare evading and en-route to your wage cage slave job

>> No.18877293

I religious read when I'm commuting to my awful blue collar job. My boss pays my train fare.

>> No.18877299

I like it

>> No.18877307

clean your room

>> No.18877516

Do W*sterners really?

>> No.18877975

>reading station
you mean cuck corner OP?
i read at work btw