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/lit/ - Literature

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1886217 No.1886217 [Reply] [Original]

Hi tripfriends!

Let's discuss literature and hope the anymous plebians dont ruin it!

>> No.1886221

Hi there McJohnny, how are you?
What books do you like? Do you have a goodreads so I can see what we have in common and chat about it.

>> No.1886224

At least I can spell anonymous.

>> No.1886229

No, I dont have a goodreads, althought Ive considered getting one.

I'm a big fan of Albert Camus, Kurt Vonnegut, Franz Kafka, Philp K Dick, Ernest Hemmingway and Mikhail Bulgakov.

>> No.1886230

Blurf hurf a durf, why doesn't Fabulous like me, was just chatting about my personal life, I think I'm the best tripfag, anons are so inferior

>> No.1886236
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seems like the wrong tripcode you gots on dere boy-o

i'm reading infinite jest at the moment, digging it so far

>> No.1886237

There's not a single literature relate thing in your post

This is why no one like us

>> No.1886243 [DELETED] 
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and i use kiddo as a general term, not age specific

>> No.1886246

I read a small collection of Camus' short stories.
I thought the Adulterous Woman was dull, The Silent Men and whatever the third story was (some teacher thing I can't remember right now) were much better.
Vonnegut I read 2BR02B which I thought was a fantastic short story and I look forward to reading Slaughterhouse 5 later this year.
I thought Amerika by Kafka was fantastic, possibly one of my all time favourite novels, I devoured it pretty fast considering I was doing exams etc when I read it.
I recently read Man In The High Castle and have downloaded a lot of Dick's short stories from Gutenberg. It was my first alternate history novel and found it rather interesting.
Hemingway; Brownbear sent me one or two of his novels.
Bulgakov; I have Master and Margarita to read.

>> No.1886258

posting in here in hopes I can get an answer.
I'm looking for a few books on the Israel/Palestine issue. I need books that are pro-Israel, books that are pro-Palestine, and books that are unbiased. The books must not be propaganda or written by hate mongers, professionals with clear and concise points that don't rely on hate please.

>> No.1886263

Morning tripriends. I have books that keep piling up and I have no idea where to begin:
The Complete Kafka short stories
A Clash Of Kings(re-read)
House Of Leaves
Brave New World
Surely You're Joking Mr feynman
The Complete Edgar Allen Poe
The Republic-Plato

Where to start? Where to start? And are Kafka's short stories a decent place or him?

>> No.1886265

I am sorry, but I can be of no help.

>> No.1886274

Thank you any way, hopefully some one can. I was relying on online sources, but most of them have spotty research behind them, or are written by people who are fanatical and close their eyes to the truth.

>> No.1886278

Kafka's shorts are a good indicator if you'll like his style, and if his novels are worth your time. If you find yourself enjoying them, move on to The Trial, then Amerika, then The Castle.

>> No.1886297

Also have Notes from Underground and Brothers Karamazov to read. They just keep piling up and coming out of no where, man!

Maybe I should stop buying books for a while.

>> No.1886310

they're both bad books
notes is ok once you get to part 2 but brothers karamazov = zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

>> No.1886320
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SWED, Stag.