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/lit/ - Literature

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1886146 No.1886146 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1886150

There are so many things wrong with this I can't even count


whichever one of you dropped trip to post this (I suppose we'll see who posts in the thread first): fuck you

>> No.1886149

I understand I've not always contributed the best or been all that helpful. But I'm starting to scan stuff for you guys so maybe I can become a better tripfriend :-)

Sage for off topic.

>> No.1886154
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>> No.1886151

lol, guess it was Tom Harper

God, I despise the stupid tripclique bullshit, all of you should go die

gonna hide this thread now, later all yalls (seriously though you guys fucking suck and i am so serious right now, you're so god damn bad at posting)

>> No.1886155
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>strad complains about not being on any lists
>this list appears

oh strad, you so silly

also i was here from the start of /lit/, just never tripped

>> No.1886156

I don't drop trip apart from maybe on other boards.

>> No.1886157

why would that matter lol

>> No.1886160
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because i was placed in the 'start of fall-end of 2010' category, i just wanted it known that i was here from the beginning

>> No.1886172

You know, there's plenty of us who have been here from the very start of /lit/, we just don't happen to be tripfags.

There are also the tripfags who got chased away AFTER the very start of /lit/, like Isabelle Huppert, whom I miss every time I'm on this board.

>> No.1886174


>> No.1886175

I think Isabelle is keeping well. Last time I spoke was about a month ago.

>> No.1886176

im sure the rest of the tripfags have been around a long time too

>> No.1886177

Pooplagio you were not around in the Golden Age of /lit/, some would even argue you are a representative of the poopy age of /lit/

how do you feel about this / poop generally

>> No.1886178


Yeah, but I had an unrequited crush on him.

>> No.1886179
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I H didn't get chased away, he still posts and talks to me on occasion, he's just very busy and thinks you're all dumbasses.

and yeah you may have been here since the start of /lit/ but you're not appearing on any lists are you?

says a lot about how much Anonymous posts off-topic doesn't it. (see this thread as an example)

>> No.1886182
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>> No.1886183

Didn't we all?

>> No.1886185

Just a reminder that most of this post is wrong

Not looking for an argument, just trying to esnure that Brownbear can't repeat lies enough that they become truth.

>> No.1886186
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>Pooplagio you were not around in the Golden Age of /lit/

fuck me, you're the guy who calls him 'poop' too!

oh wow, actually lol'd in real life!

>> No.1886187


Actually, Brownbear, I'm on at least one of /lit/'s required reading lists. Which is precisely why I remain anonymous.

>> No.1886188

youve become a forgettable brown nose

i miss the old tom


>> No.1886190


Oh, well, I guess we did. Sigh.

>> No.1886192

an anon's tierlist

God tier: Stradlater

youfunnyIkillyoulast tier: Brownbear, Pooplaggio

I don't totally hate you tier: Tom Harper, Fabulous

subhuman tier: the rest

>> No.1886196
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thanks that's the first time ive placed above the lowest tier in forever!

~making progress~

>> No.1886195 [DELETED] 
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aheueueueue okay


>become forgettable

how so fagulous?


>posts bullshit lies
>says he isn't looking for an argument


>> No.1886199
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>> No.1886200


>> No.1886202

Sorry Pooplagio did I do something wrong? I just always wonder why you would choose a moniker so directly related to poop. I'm curious to get some info / advice from an enthusiast on the topic. Hope that doesn't make me a summerfag!

>> No.1886203

There is a Stradlater? This place just gets worse and worse

>> No.1886206
File: 33 KB, 400x265, Batman and robin on the phone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you do know this isn't a tier list?
like a ranking of good to bad?

it's literally the general time periods when people joined.

>> No.1886210
File: 7 KB, 259x194, chuchu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wowo someone needs to learn about 4chans quote function lol

also thats not the real batman and robin

>> No.1886212

What about GamerGirl and PhilospherChan and all the various tripfags related to the Zine? and isabelle

>> No.1886214

i didnt include gimmicky trips that died off and i felt bad about putting isabelle on a list with these retards

>> No.1886218
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what is it i need to learn kiddo?
and that's because batman and robin don't really exist

>> No.1886235
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look at the post i was originally replying to plz

also i dont see what age has to do with tihs blab blab

>> No.1886259
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and i use kiddo as a general term, not age specific

>> No.1886255

>not listed as starting mini-renaissances whenever he posts

>> No.1886262

who is dale cooper?

>> No.1886269

if you haven't seen twin peaks literally get the fuck out etc etc etc

seriously, though, dale cooper is the main character of twin peaks and twin peaks is awesome and you should watch it

>> No.1886276
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>who is dale cooper
sot sure if trolling or just stupid...

>> No.1886284

i heard that show is depressing

ill stick with the history channel and re-runs of Roseanne lol

>> No.1886287
File: 65 KB, 430x286, dale cooper coffee smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's my favourite serial drama and general tv show

>> No.1886291
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it's not depressing, it's pretty fantastic

>> No.1886307

whats it about

>> No.1886313


Twin Peaks.

You know...mammaries

>> No.1886315

Alright that is right enough silliness.

>> No.1886317
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who r u callin silly

>> No.1886364
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>> No.1886368

please don't' turn /lit/ into /mu/

I can't bear to go there anymore because it's overrun by shit like this