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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18860349 [Reply] [Original]

what am I in for?

>> No.18860419

Lies. A book of lies from the brothel of Babylon

>> No.18860448

aren't you the fat girl?

>> No.18860500

she is the whore of Babylon

>> No.18860507


>> No.18860524

The doctrine of the One Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.

>> No.18861225


>> No.18861281

… no.
I don’t get that much action really.

>> No.18861364
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the textbook that teaches converts what the Catholic faith is about, and why. the book is a product of the 1980s and early 90s, published in 1991 iirc, and not without its critics. various catechisms existed before it, but they all draw from the same sources. the one you're holding in your hands some would say is full of modernist revisionism, a product of Vatican 2. most specifically the absence of any blood libel or mention of the Jews being the killers of Jesus Christ; praying for them used to be standard practice in every Mass before 1970.

it's a good philosophical and theology student primer, too. will teach you the cardinal virtues and theological virtues, and how the grace of God works in the will of man to fulfill their potential. good shit, but it's not an end-all be-all compendium of Catholic knowledge. there's been a huge schism in the Church for decades that is just now becoming visible again. modernists, liberals who would have the church be a force of social and economic change rather than about Jesus Christ. would recommend reading popular patristics and pre-modern papal encyclicals (pic related) as well.

>> No.18861380

there is literally no reason to read this unless you are joining the clergy, otherwise it's pure LARP
your time would be better spent reading the short stories of Flannery O'Connor, Silence, Brideshead Revisited, Confessions of Augustine, etc.

>> No.18861397

>there is literally no reason to read this unless you are joining the clergy, otherwise it's pure LARP

>> No.18861417

Probably boredom

>> No.18861489

you are a dyke