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[ERROR] No.18859608 [Reply] [Original]

Can we talk about German Idealism? I want to learn more about it. Tell me everything you know about Kant, Fichte, Hegel etc.

>> No.18859644

Go baptise and take the Eucharist to live ETERNALLY in HIM
this is genuine idealism not some sperging shit

>> No.18859661


>> No.18859753

btfo by Schopenhauer and Neet

>> No.18859763

Pick up one of the books lazy fuck.

>> No.18859998

I’m a Muslim

>> No.18860012

Read the philosophy of Leibniz

>> No.18860165

>Can we talk about German Idealism?
Not really, I'm too lazy to write any elaborations. I have 100+ pages I wrote down while reading German idealism (not counting secondary literature or (as far as I remember, only) Difference and Faith and Knowledge essays by Hegel), currently on Phenomenology of Spirit and I know it will be longer than other books. It's fascinating and beautiful, like a long story, especially PoS. I love it.

Only thing they can blow is my dick. Neither of them had any arguments except "i dont agree".

>> No.18860195

>Can we talk about German Idealism?
I have a question: did the germans actually used the term "german idealism"? I think it sounds reductionistic, just like "french philosophy", and I wonder if they actually believed that there was a thing like "german idealism".

>> No.18860215

I would guess the term emerged in the 1830s and 1840s to refer to the "school" of post-Kantian idealists who had by then become fixtures of the new university philosophy system, and then the term probably solidified during the materialist (explicitly and polemically anti-idealist much of the time) reaction AGAINST "the idealism of the professors"

Probably native Germans just called them the idealistic philosophers or metaphysical philosophers (as opposed to "scientific" metaphysics of materialism, which is somehow not metaphysics according to many materialists), and later Anglos picked it up and began calling it the "German" idealism. Possibly during the reaction against the "British idealist" tradition begun by the logicists around Russell, who were mindful and pissed off that "British idealism" was the product of a foreign importation, the German idealism.

But presumably there's a real answer to this, it would be interesting to know. Would make for a good mini research paper. These are just my guesses.

>> No.18860216


>> No.18860255

Post those notes anonymously. Do it.

>> No.18860406


>> No.18860754

They're not in English.

>> No.18861932
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Hegel is literally responsible for all evil since the beginning of mankind.

>> No.18862101


>> No.18862985

>I want to learn more about it. Tell me everything you know
This is not how you learn, you little monkey