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[ERROR] No.18855313 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best books written about world leaders? Bonus points if written by that person
Specifically looking for the definitive Napoleon book, if there is one. And books on Xi and Putin to better understand current geopolitics of the world

>> No.18855336
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>> No.18855356

Obligatory, yes, but I'm just not into learning about Hitler. I feel he's very played out and everyone knows everything there is to know about him by now

>> No.18855586
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Really want a book on Putin and Russian politics
Anyone read this? Reviews are good

>> No.18855603
File: 587 KB, 2560x1707, 913ademrtfL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are really entertaing. I've only read the first two so far tho. LBJ was a fucking nut.

>> No.18855632

Nice. I'll keep them in mind if ever get the urge to learn more about him

>> No.18855706
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If you want to learn about geopolitics, start with material addressing where money comes from.

>> No.18855914
File: 112 KB, 220x175, 68E8FD87-DFC1-49D8-A1DD-78FB89917FC7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Putin’s Playbook
>Russia’s Secret Plan to Defeat America (Not including Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean)

The secret is to sit back and wait for it to implode

>> No.18855945

I'd like some book to read with more in-depth analysis and commentary though

>> No.18855953

What does your image have to do with your question?

>> No.18855964

qt asian girls are more interesting then world leaders

>> No.18855975
File: 548 KB, 1600x1200, Stalin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recent and the last volume isn't out yet but kotkin's got some lowkey funny prose.

>It was no longer enough for Social Democrat revolutionaries merely to struggle to evade arrest, while competing against rivals on the left like Socialist Revolutionaries (SRs), now they also had to battle the “other faction” in their own party at every party committee throughout the empire and abroad, even when they had a hard time articulating Bolshevik-Menshevik differences. Of course, sectarianism among revolutionaries was as common as cuckolding.

>> No.18855982

not really. I do want to fuck them very badly though.

>> No.18856024
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super famicom

>> No.18856817

Absolutely nothing but who cares?

>> No.18856826

Very nice. Any other good biographies of Stalin that don't span 3 volumes

>> No.18856840

Fear and Loathing in the Campaign Trail talks a bit about Nixon's personality and tastes, although it's not centered on it.

>> No.18857183

Not really. They're usually vapid whores. I'd rather read about great men and their accomplishments than some retarded Asian whore

>> No.18857187
File: 2.95 MB, 1000x1078, eugene.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really. They're usually vapid whores. I'd rather read about great men and their accomplishments than some retarded Asian whore
That being said, Yujin is a qt and I love her

>> No.18857467

Does a non-biased book exist on Putin and Russian? I can't imagine there are many out there

>> No.18857508

Napoleon is a notoriously tough figure to have a definitive work on because there are so many wildly different opinions that historians can have on him. Andrew Roberts is your best bet though, his work is easy to read and excellently researched. I would also recommend Charles Esdaile's "Napoleon's Wars" if you want a more rounded view of Europe at the time. However be warned that Esdaile is decidedly anti-Napoleon, although he always backs up his opinions with good research.

I've listened to a few interviews he's done and he seems like a pretty entertaining guy in general.

Not a book but this interview is a decent introduction, especially if you're already somewhat familiar with Stalin

Montefiore's "Stalin: The Court of the Red Tsar" is quite good although it isn't a full biography. Robert Service's biography is probably your best bet for a one volume biography though.

>> No.18857542

Excellent post anon. Thanks and I'll be looking more into all the ones you listed

>> No.18857659

Great books. The most detailed history books I've ever read. He goes into every single aspect that could have influenced LBJ.
Asian women are awful controlling social-climber cunts.

>> No.18858212

Was LBJ even that interesting of a person?

>> No.18859409
