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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18852340 [Reply] [Original]

giga chad is real

>> No.18852779

Now I know where to apply for my PhD.

>> No.18852789


>> No.18852793

hmm i'm thinking based

>> No.18852794

>the age of great philosophers is ov--

>> No.18852920

Holy based

>> No.18852938

Holy based

>> No.18853048

>that bug-souled cliche of pretending to hate something controversial based on quality

>> No.18853061

The defense of children from lust is probably the last vestige of virtue in our degenerate world

>> No.18853094

I agree. I Will Protect Every Child

>> No.18853280
File: 43 KB, 360x504, Kershnar_Stephen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kershnar, i.e. (((Kirshner))). Every god damned time...

>> No.18853351

a timeless classic

>> No.18855005

Just checked on libgen and z-library.
>Discounting Women’s Applications when Hiring
>Gratitude Toward Veterans: Why Americans Should Not Be Very Grateful to Veterans
>For discrimination against women
>Immigrants and Welfare
>Why No One Deserves Anything
Yeah, he based.

>> No.18855014

post some excerpts

>> No.18855019

Yeah bro

>> No.18855023

When he does it in this over the top way, it loses its transgressive aspect. He is making obvious he doesn't mean those things, and this why he isn't based.

>> No.18855059

>>Discounting Women’s Applications when Hiring
I laughed. How come no one posted excerpts yet? If they're bad, we should start a /lit/ journal where we publish on this kind of topics. At least we can use our autism to leave something tangible behind.

>> No.18855092
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>> No.18855103

Absolute state of contemporary philosophy.

>> No.18855109

A starting point in many policy discussions is that a person's race shouldn't matter except when it is a means to some other goal like making up for past injustice
or integrating the classroom. Consider the opposite claim: a person's race matters. How this claim is understood is surprisingly unclear. It doesn't mean that
merely in virtue of being a member of a certain race, someone is less valuable
than another because this is obviously false. Even the dullest Klansman or Nazi
has some further explanation, however kooky, of why one race is better than
another. One way to understand this claim, and to my mind the most plausible,
is that the average member of one racial group is no better or worse than an average member of another.

In this chapter, I argue that race matters. My argument rests on the claim
that autonomy grounds a person's intrinsic value and that on average racial
groups differ in the degree to which they are autonomous. The second claim
rests on the notion that autonomy is in part a function of intelligence and that on
average races differ in intelligence. The evidence for this last claim comes from
an explanation of the IQ patterns and the assumption that IQ measures general
intelligence. I also argue that other offsetting grounds of intrinsic value, such as
virtue, don't counteract the autonomy-related differences.
I go further and argue that this result matters because a person's value affects the strength of her moral rights and the goodness of supererogatory acts
that benefit her. Thus, in the absence of further information, there is a reason to
favor races with higher IQs.

This chapter, along with the one on adult-child sex, produced anger, outrage, and hostility in numerous discussions. No conference accepted it and my
colleagues, friends, and family all felt that the result sounded wrong. To this
day, however, I have not yet heard a convincing refutation. The only plausible
responses I received are the Kant- and Rawls-inspired claim that all persons are
equally valuable in virtue of being persons and the utilitarian claim that only
pleasure is intrinsically valuable and pleasure is independent of autonomy.

>> No.18855128
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not so fast

>> No.18855132
File: 158 KB, 1024x1132, signal-2021-08-15-231015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women btfo

>> No.18855148

>Gratitude Toward Veterans: Why Americans Should Not Be Very Grateful to Veterans
This one is actually based

>> No.18855150

Let's create Kershnarism and make him popular among incels.

>> No.18855164

Incredibly based

>> No.18855179

how did jordan peterson get famous again? could we do the same thing here?

>> No.18855189

Why are anons impressed? It's obvious he isn't unironically taking these positions.

>> No.18855193

>no argument
Go back and cry on Reddit

>> No.18855211
File: 433 KB, 2947x1975, Stephen Kershnar, In Defense of Asian Romantic Preference - PhilPapers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anything laughing a it is more transgressive. Chesterton was right saying that even when giving his opinion on serious subjects, funny was the opposite of not funny and of nothing else.
He's at least partially serious or wouldn't write Why No One Deserves Anything which seems to go in a very autistic direction.

Can't find the yellow fever one article but he's already >implying non-Asian women fat.

>> No.18855217

I don't have a problem with the position itself. I do endorse them, for a fact. It's the style of writing which makes it seem like he is parodying both the positions he takes and analytic philosophy at large that bothers me.

>> No.18855220

The intent doesn't matter. What matters is if you can refute it or not, and you haven't. We should have generals where we discuss the papers. I'll defend all his papers against any of your pathetic arguments.

>> No.18855226
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>> No.18855228

we're not being ironic either retard

>> No.18855233

Why would I want to refute them? If anything, I would try to make stronger arguments.

>> No.18855235

>the style of writing
Irrelevant. And as a matter of fact the style is very clear.

>> No.18855244

He made an entire academic career out of IRL 4chan style contrarian shitposting. Brava, sir. Well played.

>> No.18855245

Well then do it and let's compile a /lit/ journal, but only if you can genuinely find flaws in his arguments and substantially improve them.

>> No.18855253

He was doing it since 2000 and nobody had noticed it before kek

>> No.18855263


>> No.18855268

I'd say this dude's in a very fortunate position that, even in a parodic or 'devil's advocate' way, he can publish these kinds of papers. Might be worth encouraging Fredonia State.

>> No.18855302

Anon, read that post again
He doesn't seem not-serious in the excerpts posted

>> No.18855304

I think if we want to refute most of modern liberal axioms we have to first refute human rights as its one of the pillars on which most contemporary positions rest. Based Kershnar may have already done this though.

>> No.18855329

In an excerpt above it says no conference accepted his paper, so maybe he's not doing that well but they can't get rid of him because he's tenured.

>> No.18855358

Kek he has written books on this stuff https://b-ok.cc/s/Stephen%20kershnar he's definitely committed

>> No.18855360

How can you possibly imply that children are protected from lust in the contemporary world?? Every virtue children possess: celibacy, imagination, meekness--all these are virtues society has come to hate. In consequence, the modern eye hates children, and will project their vices on them because all desire equality in hell!

>> No.18855374

Maybe read the paper and let us know

>> No.18856327

unfathomably based

>> No.18856343

Don't think that "society" hates these virtues. As ever it is a vocal minority seeking to change society.

Simply be true to yourself and you will influence your community.

>> No.18856397

>Why No One Deserves Anything
this. this is the rock upon which we will build our church.
all his other work is just a take on this theme

>> No.18856402
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>> No.18856550

Moralfags not understanding the purpose of philosophy

>> No.18856563

I found an interview with him on youtube and watched some of it. He's definitely Jewish, he starts talking about muh holocaust in the first 5 minutes. The interview stayed on the left wing topics (abortion, age of consent, etc), so I couldn't get a quick overview of what he thinks about the right wing topics like discrimination.

>> No.18856614

> we we we
we my ass I don't know you

>> No.18856908
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Someone post the child one. Asking for a friend.