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File: 1.52 MB, 1258x1447, shutterstock_50492944-nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.18849385 [Reply] [Original]

>I can only believe in a God who dances
What did he mean by this?

>> No.18849388

He just loved to dance idk. The dude was nuts about it.

>> No.18849411

A righteous God is not worth worshipping because it does not reflect the comic nature of the world (only the tragic part of it) therefore it must be false.

>> No.18849418
File: 187 KB, 1104x1002, 088A25DF-7FD4-4FB1-985D-B6A984A8FEF6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It means he was a devotee of Dionysus.

>> No.18849432

No god < God but still <<< Dancing God <<< Dancing Goddess

>> No.18849476

He only believed in himself as God. He liked doing a jig.

>> No.18849569

He believed in the prevalence of natural and human forces over faith in supernatural forces. Dancing is a basic human activity and express joy in life

>> No.18849578

Is that why I cannot and have never danced

>> No.18849585

God can twerk

>> No.18849674

I don't dance good either but when I'm drunk or just a little happy I dance by myself. I guess that's part of what Nietzche tried to express, the dance as a symbol of individual joy

>> No.18849714


>> No.18849757
File: 167 KB, 1000x714, Azathoth_the_blind_idiot_god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... ancient legends of Ultimate Chaos, at whose center sprawls the blind idiot god Azathoth, Lord of All Things, encircled by his flopping horde of mindless and amorphous dancers, and lulled by the thin monotonous piping of a demoniac flute held in nameless paws.

>> No.18849762
File: 541 KB, 1000x1461, 1628700489631 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18849846


>> No.18849903

Whenever people ask what Nietzsche meant in his waxing-poetic moments, invariably the answers I see don't look convincing. I don't know whether it was Nietzsche himself or Kaufmann, but I find a lot of his more creative writing to be autistic symbol muddles and prefer to stick to the more direct passages of Beyond Good and Evil, The Genealogy of Morals, Twilight of the Idols, and The Antichrist. inb4 "filtered pseud" -- maybe, but given that I don't believe even a quarter of the people on this board who push Nietzsche have actually read him, I'm afraid it's going to be water off a duck's back.

>> No.18850132

He means that he wants God to be an existentialist faggot who romanticizes his own existence in order to cope with and deny his fundamentally nihilistic beliefs

>> No.18850172

Wow...this painting really says a lot about our society?

>> No.18850173

>being filtered by anything that isn't direct and literal

>> No.18850277
File: 107 KB, 593x750, 4caf9d7e237835346779d030b12b7718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ripped from Raphael

>> No.18850754

Nietzsche was intuitive, inherently bad at dancing. The church echoed a non-dance mentality that doubled down on his ego. He was smart enough to preach his shadow, even though >>18849418 is wrong, because he never quite got to the other side

>> No.18850997

Wasn't he some weird incel type? I doubt he would have danced.

>> No.18851127

Is that some kind of anti-gnosticism

>> No.18851790

No, apparently he was infatuated with dancing. Here's a quote from Kaufmann's biography on him.
>Whilst Nietzsche was situated in Turin, along side his sister for months on end, if he wasn't writing extensive notes to Paul Rée and Lou Salomé, he was taking strolls through the great Northern Italian city, ofttimes stopping in the middle of the street to dance sporadically, he had an intuitive sense for dance, according to Elisabeth.

>> No.18851807

this is fucking based

>> No.18851813

>I can only believe in a God who dances
Means Nietzsche was a christian, an abstract distant god cannot dance, but God made flesh in Christ can.

>> No.18851825

>be me
>Italian wagie
>strolling through Turin
>suddendly a German-smelling moustached man starts dancing in the street under the Mole Antonelliana
>blocks the entire path as bystanders start throwing blasphemies at him
>he just keeps dancing
>get late to the FIAT factory
>get fired

>> No.18851828


>> No.18851843

Here is some more.

>Nietzsche's obsession with Lou can be understood in the context of his longing for a disciple, perhaps even comrade in ideas, and reveals much about Nietzsche's mindset and vulnerability to a relationship that was problematic from the start. Although he stated that he would only consider short-term marriage, there is evidence to suggest that Nietzsche might have been seeking a Lebensgefährtin, a soul-partner to accompany him on his philosophical journey. He was also being provoked through the communiqués of a number of different people, especially Malwida von Meysenbug specifically because like Nietzsche, she loved to dance, and as mentioned beforehand, Nietzsche found small bouts of dance in between writing to be of great benefit. Of the many voices that resonate in the history of this complicated relationship, and the many people that were to become involved in this affair, Malwida von Meysenbug was to play a pivotal role. She, perhaps even more than Reé, set the stage for the drama that was to unfold between Nietzsche, Lou, Rée, and Nietzsche's vindictive and jealous sister, Elisabeth.

>> No.18851854

>>get late to the FIAT factory
>>get fired
Someone should have been Operaismo.

>> No.18851856

If I could go back to witness one particular moment in the past, it'd be the time Nietzsche broke dance in Turin.

>> No.18851879

Anachronistic in the 1890s, also meme movement.

>> No.18852034

>having fun without caring what others think is cringe
neck yourself, puritan

>> No.18852038

He's right.

Free your mind and your ass will follow, the kingdom of heaven is within

>> No.18852298

Given that your reading comprehension is so terrible (conjuring 'anything' out of nothing), I don't believe that you understand even Nietzsche's direct and literal passages.

>> No.18852311

Based. I bottom for Jesus.

>> No.18852336

yes, nietzsche's blasphemy against the earth( i don't know how you would say it in english) pretty much gives it away, nietzsche is the anti gnostic par excellence.

>> No.18852363

You’ll niggas have negative braincel amount cuh
zero understanding

>> No.18852373

based as fuck, dancelets seething

>> No.18852374

i don't think there's a more obvious anti gnostic than nietzsche. His whole schtick is physiology. The nature he prescribes to reality is the will to power, he preaches the exact opposite of the gnostic types.We don't even need to get deep here, he literally proposes a mortal soul instad of an imortal one.

>> No.18852377

cringe is cringe

>> No.18852380

in his will to power he also has that passage "with the body as our guide", couldn't be more obvious.

>> No.18852381

Beyond philosophy there is music and dance.


>> No.18852403

>Wasn't he some weird incel type?
God I hate you zoomer pricks.

>> No.18852456
File: 7 KB, 225x225, Nietzsche Smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche wrote constantly on the topic of his belief that humans should reject cold, rational approaches to living their lives and embrace intuitive and life affirming philosophies.

Dance is the ultimate form of intuitive and life affirming self expression as you move in time to music in a way which cannot be logically expressed or coded into strict rules.

>> No.18852677

Predictably pedestrian understanding.
Why don’t you pull your nose out of a book for once?

>> No.18853312

Do you think if he were alive today he would just sporadically get up and twerk in the middle of his writing sessions?

I like to think so.