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[ERROR] No.18847623 [Reply] [Original]

There are two types of people: the players and the NPCs. But furthermore, there are two types of players: those who don't realize they are merely playing a game and then there are those who know this well and study and play the metagame. What is your excuse for not immersing yourself in the wealth of NLP, PUA etc. literature to sharpen your metagame?

>> No.18847976

How can you possibly be a victor when competing with a woman?

>> No.18848003

You just gotta know how they're wired and how to program them.

>> No.18848007

A man with them glasses don't desire no women lmao

>> No.18848017

Sounds like the mentality of an actual woman. I can see now why you would like to compete with them. Enjoy your lifetime of narcissism and self doubt.

>> No.18848034
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>computer metaphors for the brain

>> No.18848048

Lolz. You players are basically like NPCs compared to us metagamers. We're on a far higher plane of consciousness.
It's not just seduction FYI. NLP stuff is also for persuasion, negotiation, etc.

>> No.18848067

Gr8 beight

>> No.18848068

>Chapter One

>> No.18848095

*bzzzt* WRONG.
It's not about what you ARE, really. It's what you can make the woman THINK you are.

>> No.18848567

>wojak reaction pics

>> No.18849148
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>Be talking with qtpi conservative girl
>See she's into karate and martial arts
>Joke that I could snap her like a twig if I wanted
>She's pretty cocky, says she could knock me out in five seconds
>Keep pushing her buttons. Challenge her to a fight
>Tell her if she wins I'll be her slave for a year, but if I win she has to be my wife for six months
>She's hesitant, so I make fun of her for being scared of me
>Finally get her to accept
>"You better start learning how to cook. And pick out some nice lingerie for after I beat you up"
>"I'd never marry a disgusting man like you"
>Keep pushing buttons, tell her I'll kick her ass
>She say's I should be ashamed of myself talking to a woman like that, that I "shouldn't use language like kick your >:("
>Tell her once we're married I'll do whatever the hell I want with with her ass, so she better get used to it.
>She just spams a bunch of angry faces, says that men like me should be killed
Deep down I can tell she likes me.
Just be yourself OP, and assert dominance through battle.
Any book recommendations on how to defeat a woman in hand-to-hand combat?

>> No.18849201

You don’t need a book to beat a woman, even if she’s a gym junkie and pure untrained, just challenge her to a boxing match, let her whale on you for the first 2 rounds, then use lay the hurt on her. After you’ve beaten her into submission put her heads between the ropes, pull down her shorts and rape her then and there.
She’ll probably orgasm and want to become your personal punching bag (and cocksleeve too).

>> No.18849285

Redpill me on NLP

Does it really work?

>> No.18849288

>What is your excuse for not immersing yourself in the wealth of NLP, PUA etc. literature to sharpen your metagame?
I'm too pragmatic for that and I would rather deal with escorts than with a bunch of random women. I did read some of those, because they also work with men. So you are feeling like playing with people, be careful to not get played.

>> No.18849301

The line between alpha male and retarded sperg are shockingly thin

>> No.18849302

>inb4 diseases
Women in my country are fucking retarded, I would probably feel safer having unprotected sex with a hooker than with them. They are smarter than regular women on those regards.

>> No.18849316

Damn I wish I could study and play the meta game like you OP. Very cool.

>> No.18849399

if the choice is an escort who may see two or three clients a day but has regular checkups and always uses protection vs a bar slut that gets raw dogged in the nightclub toilet every Friday and Saturday night, I'll go with the escort

>> No.18849401

Us metagaming sigmamale grindsetters make incels seethe.

>> No.18849437

The retarded sperg would have a moment of self awareness, and apologize or ask if he's hurting her feelings.

Alpha male will walk right up to the girl and punch her in the face before throwing her over his shoulder for a night of snu-snu in his cave.

>> No.18849452
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>tfw i read the mouthbreathing, sex depraved philosophies of the losers around me and then remember almost any girl I have the option to marry or date in 2021 has fallen for these exact things multiple times and fucked and sucked the very same mouthbreathers

>> No.18849478

Most modern girls buy into those same philosophies themselves. I dated a girl once who'd say shit sometimes that sounded like it came straight out of some grimy PUA video. Tons of girls buy into the 'alpha male' stuff and have a worldview that would be embarrassing for a 14 year old boy.

Now I exclusively chase virgins, teenagers, and Trump supporters. One girl I've been chatting with just posted a 40 minute video about how vaccines are a jewish plot to social media. You've got to pick your battles.

>> No.18849538

and you enjoy your projection

>> No.18849606

That's because PUAs and even PUA haters failed to keep their theories to themselves. They were oversimplified and sensational enough to achieve meme status. Keep in mind Mystery had a VH1 show that didn't even get canned after one season.

>> No.18849629

Watching shows like "Keys to the VIP" is hilarious in retrospect. Dating apps really changed everything.

>> No.18849657

I want to correct you to specify that it's due to smartphones themselves, but it's really the circa-2007 entry of the normie into espace. The convergence of BB culture into "social media" culture. It even killed the PUA movement itself, which was founded in a Google group (ASF)

>> No.18849840

This guy was great in Louis Theroux's self improvement doc, helps him pic up a chicks no. and he was in a TV chat show thing where he destroys this all female audience and this beta guy who was simping hard for women

>> No.18850207

nigger alpha males dominate beta bitch white boys in any sexual display of dominance. It is always clear that superior mighty ebony members deserve more praise than jealous faggot white beta males. Niggers have more testosterone, and are more suit to breed with women. I, faggot white boy, will forever yearn for bbc in my hungry ass. I, faggot white boy, pledge my soul to serve bbc cum gods for all eternity. Gay for big black nigger dick forever. Gay for big black nigger ding dong for life real huge black cock worship forever real huge black cock worship forever real huge black cock worship forever real huge black cock worship forever real huge black cock worship forever

>> No.18850212

Enjoy never having sex due to your pride and other negative attributes.

>> No.18850230

So what did you get out of all that pimping? A couple of kids? A family? Maybe multiple families?

>> No.18850239

White fingers typed this post, sadly enough.

>> No.18850774

A classic. He controls the frame of the entire room, even with the black chicks getting all righteous 'n sheeiiit:

>more testosterone
You mean oestrogen.

>> No.18850781

>and then there are those who know this well and study and play the metagame. What is your excuse for not immersing yourself in the wealth of NLP, PUA etc. literature to sharpen your metagame?

>he fucks women

You’ve mistaken what the meta games are.

>> No.18850802
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There can only be one

>> No.18850829

ah yes a handsome man lecturing about getting women with 'confidence'.
u and i know this is pretty much BS and ur percieved perasonality is directly dependent on ur looks.
when will nig-nogs learn.LOL




>> No.18850871

Ross is a good example of a solid 4/10. He even refers to himself as less than attractive, and not disingenuously.

u and i know that PUA tactics, when ironed out and executed smoothly, really do work on women who have at least minor emotional issues. Yet the slut haters anymore fail to distinguish between any types of women. AWALT, amiright?

>> No.18850882

>u and i know that PUA tactics, when ironed out and executed smoothly, really do work on women who have at least minor emotional issues.
>Ross is a good example of a solid 4/10.
look at his fucking jaw and chin .ffs that man is 6'2

>> No.18850948

Frame > Height > eye region > rest of face. He's got the shoulders of a preteen girl, disproportionately large ears, is too pale esp against such a dark shirt, negative canthal tilt, bucchal corridors, hooked nose, long face, jaw nowhere near 90 (closer to 135)
Of all the hundreds of men you fantasize that a given 6/10 woman has laid, how many of them were 8+?

>> No.18850958

Is there even a point when I can just jack off

>> No.18850998

Do you think it's ethical for a real doll to function as nothing but sex workers? Should we mandate that VR/augmented reality goggles be put on them to prevent trauma to their servo mechanisms?

>> No.18851038

seethe moar.that guy is HTN at worst and a chad at best.
> He's got the shoulders of a preteen girl, disproportionately large ears
holy kek,his shoulders are not that great but he has a face with high cheek bones and a wide jaw with a protruding chin,tall,white,decent nose and tall foe his era.

>Frame > Height > eye region > rest of face.
Ah the cope
looks are always given the first priority especially the ones that u can't change without a cosmetic surgery.
Face,height,shoulder length,wrist size,etc.>>>> personality.

>> No.18851057

>Is there even a point when I can just jack off
genetic survival?isn't that the whole point of having ur own children?

>> No.18851088

>wide jaw
There is no overhang where jaw meets face. He's got a pronounced underbite. Your partial understanding of looks theory isn't serving you well. Dude looks like he was kicked out of DEVO or got passed over for Revenge of the Nerds for looking to nerdy. And you're saying he's handsome enough to woo a roomful of women with his looks.
>tall for his era
This was 1 generation ago in America

I guess keep memorizing and spreading doomer incel memes if that comforts you. PUA's (who I disavow) will keep hammering away, figuratively and literally, for better or worse. Women really are just people, can have their defenses worn down, can be manipulated, etc. But you'd rather not live in a world where that's true.

>> No.18851124
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>There is no overhang where jaw meets face.
U blind??
He's got a decent jaw,chin that gives him the look of a smart guy . he's also white.look at his other photos for seeing his ramus.Y r u projecting ur anger in me bucko?

>> No.18851131

>Now I exclusively chase virgins, teenagers, and Trump supporters. One girl I've been chatting with just posted a 40 minute video about how vaccines are a jewish plot to social media. You've got to pick your battles.
Where do you find these females? Conservative women are a rarity.

>> No.18851132

On me**

>> No.18851477

>What is your excuse for not immersing yourself in the wealth of NLP, PUA etc. literature to sharpen your metagame?
Because I don't play games. All that shit is literally just manipulation. I do my best to be true to who I am as a person, and to let the rest of it slide. I really couldn't give less of a shit if most people think I'm strange or weird to an unattractive degree because I'm as uninterested in them as they are in me, if not more so. I wanted to find a woman I could spend the rest of my life with, and I did. My strategy worked out just fine for what I was looking to do.

>> No.18851506

Just to add a bit, and since this is a thinly veiled incel thread, the problem is not with you if you're unsuccessful with women. The problem is with the dumb, oversocialized hypergamy which dominates contemporary culture. It's completely asinine to dislike the dynamic but want its end goal to work out for you regardless. Speaking of that end goal of hypergamy, the grass is always greener. Even if you do manage to become a master manipulator and having sex with tons of different women, what happens when you've worn out those dopamine pathways in your brain and one-nighters are no longer exciting? You've spent all this time on learning how to play "the game," and you have no actual relationship skills most likely. Even if you do manage to attract a woman with sincere interest, surely you realize that at some point she will realize she's interested in the "game-mask" rather than who you really are, right? Surely you're not conflating superficial, sexual success with women with any kind of personal development, right anon? Right?

>> No.18851507

What is the mistake?
Human interactions are a game. The metagame is studying the rules of that game and devising metastrategies to get what you want out of them -- seducing women is just ONE example.

>> No.18851561

>seducing women is just ONE example.
yes and the pattern is good looking men get the women.Y?the most important thing a woman looks for in a man is his genetic health and how well a man's puberty has gone and this is observable in the way a man looks be it his height,shoulder length,jaw width,etc.

>> No.18851565

The pattern is armed groups of men at larger and larger levels murder civilians.

>> No.18851569

Because I am NPC according to your book.

>> No.18851601

Your feet. Post them.

>> No.18851613

>The pattern is armed groups of men at larger and larger levels murder civilians.
and protect parasitic bitches like u from jihadists and incels.

>> No.18851626


>> No.18851631

My cousin and my sister have both had sexual relationships already and are very "normal", as in they're content having a single career and a relationship. They will certainly have children, one of them will at least. I could too but I'm focusing solely on accomplishment in two fields at once and would not give one up for a better chance to have my own family.

>> No.18851660

Did I say with which group of armed men I am aligned? Why would jihadists protect themselves from themselves?

>> No.18851679

>Any book recommendations on how to defeat a woman in hand-to-hand combat?
just start screaming WOMAAAAAAAAAAAN RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPEEEEEEEE and tackle her and start throatfucking her

>> No.18851726

By the way... I must add to this. If you're gonna read PUA stuff, you really need to read the older stuff. 'Cuz the newer stuff is trash. It's stuff that's just preying on insecure males trying to rope them into some cult to progressively suck them out of their money. Early PUA stuff was more of a hobby thing. The commercial element was there but it wasn't as honed. They're focused on figuring out what works and why it works.

>> No.18851849

my father has only had sex with one woman throughout his whole life (lost his virginity at 23) and he has fathered 6 children who got a better start to life than 90% of other kids their age. whereas a pua lunatic will have sex with hundreds of women thorought his life while maybe having 1 or 2 children who will most likely live without a father figure and will thus be subjected to all kinds of mental issues diminishing the chance that the kid himself has healthy children and so on. my father is not the only example, there are many more. so if genetic survival is the goal, having sex with as many women as possible is probably not conducive to the goal of having healthy, well-raised off-spring whose chance of reproduction in a healthy manner is secured or at least maximized. having sex with women is necessary for genetic continuation or survival, but because of effective contraception it is not nearly enough and focusing on it too much will only hinder your chances of genetic survival

>> No.18851862

You don't understand the metagame, OP. Life is not about "winning" (you seriously think there's an endpoint to life?), it's about living the way you want to, on your own terms. Diogenes was a better player than any PUA-faggots or richfags. Liberation comes from within, not without, and this is what is meant by "winning" the game.

>> No.18851873

It is better to stand on your feet with your feet inside two arsecunts.

>> No.18851874

I understand it perfectly well thank you. Refer to >>18851507 which is in no contradiction with living your life on your own terms (it is in fact in support of that).

>> No.18851901

I'm not going to fuck a single woman to a child to adulthood.

But as a Marxist I'm going to indoctrinate 60000 children as a school principal.

>> No.18851914

>What is your excuse for not immersing yourself in the wealth of NLP, PUA etc. literature to sharpen your metagame?
I am a small time PUA. I think there is no game. She either immediately is attracted, or she isn't. Of course, you have to not act autistically, and often, share some common interests. But for daygame, i'm doubting that there is even such a thing as game, that drastically increase your chances. The cheat code is not learning "game", which doesn't really exist, but moving to SEA.

>> No.18851933
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because after I started caring about my own looks I realised that I'm good looking and I don't have to spend time on reading PUA shit to get pussy

if it takes any effort for you to get pussy in the first place, you already lost

>> No.18852067

How to cope with the fact that you will never have a family?

>> No.18852088
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That's easy. You are a winner in terms of male sexuality when you can compete with women in the sexual/economic/value_simply_by_being fields. You'll know you've won when the knuckledraggers were dragged off to war because they have the slave phenotype, and you'll survive cozy at home, not making banks richer at the detriment of your own life, sanity, goals, dreams and health.

>> No.18852095

>I'm going to indoctrinate 60000 children as a school principal.
You're going to taint most of them, perhaps, but indoctrination will only occur on some of them.
You'll have a percentage of dropouts, who, upon hitting the ground, realize that they were partaking in a pyramid scheme that was going to ruin them anyway. You'll have the obedient types - who suck it all up. That portion is destined for extinction.

>> No.18852101

Do you transmit genes or memes?

>> No.18852102

>What is your excuse for not immersing yourself in the wealth of NLP, PUA etc. literature to sharpen your metagame?
I was born with an attitude; 'been there, done that'.

>> No.18852103


>> No.18852108

>taints aren't effective in my breeding strategy
My strategy is FULL COMMUNISM.
system failure with a hard cadre is a success.

Your adult child being a fuck up in 40 years time is success for me you bourgeois shit.

I'm not at a public school.

>> No.18852165

I transmit Hegel's memes you stupid female cunt.

Oh god do you think I transmit by ejaculatory orgasm of semen.

You poor fuck

>> No.18853357

You find a nice studious quiet girl who seems kinda religious, and you subtly slide into her DMs with a Hitler quote.

A couple of my go-to's:
“Do not compare yourself to others. If you do so, you are insulting yourself.”

"Winning without problem is just victory, but winning with lots of trouble create History."

“Don't let what other people think stop you from doing the things you love”

“Conscience is a Jewish invention.”

>> No.18853408
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I had a coworker that would post on PUA forums and tell me about it.
He was the kind of sad cunt that would buy non-alcoholic beer.

>> No.18853913

Bible ofc, if you feel going ranged take in search of lost time and most importantly, hit her with the art of war

>> No.18854217

But how does one achieve this?

>> No.18854400

Fair enough. But how would one go about this without falling into narcissistic trappings?

>> No.18854441

The fact that I want a wife with a lasting emotional connection and not a brain rotted by countless years of casual sex

>> No.18854502

Art of war wouldn't do much, but Proust could definitely pack a wallop. Given enough swing just Swann's Way alone could probably knock some teeth out.