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[ERROR] No.18847257 [Reply] [Original]

Can you claim to have read a book if you listened to the audio book instead?

>> No.18847264


>> No.18847268

Yeah I always tell people I read a lot. I listen to audio books while I play vidya and watch anime, though

>> No.18847269

yeah who gives a fuck

>> No.18847275

Well you do not have to do any reading to listen to an audiobook, do you?

>> No.18847280
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Yeah it's all about how you process information.

>> No.18847282

not with a clean conscience

>> No.18847290

Is there video of her getting plowed by big black cock? I REALLY need to know.

>> No.18847320

this model is pretty shit

>> No.18847365

>Wow, shes heckin good looking???
>She's totally my wiferino!!!
Why are men this vapid? No wonder you can't find a woman when your ideals are meaningless

>> No.18847370

Why are zoomers like this?

>> No.18847394

I dont see why not? Been listening to dubliners before bed recently, super comfy

>> No.18847396

astrology for redditors

>> No.18847419

>Fertile attractive wife to mate with
Seethe uggo cunt. Boys don't like you because you're plain, obnoxious, and tedious to be around. People are right to ignore you.

>> No.18847444
File: 2.80 MB, 640x900, polee.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nooooooo you can't desire a female with good genetics to bear your child!
that's literally the meaning of life any every action any man takes

>> No.18847456

Read Plato, not even joking. Start with the Greeks.

>> No.18847472

Why, so he can be into men instead of women?

>> No.18847491

You haven't read it, and I'm not spoon feeding you it. Check his wikipedia article if you can't read more than 2 pages of anything.

>> No.18847500


>> No.18847502

You watch anime while listening to a book?

>> No.18847507

Dont lie about anythinng ever. It impedes on your ability to make order out of the increasingly chaotic workd

>> No.18847514

>Physical appearance is the only genetics that matter

>> No.18847522

>I read, or well listened to a book
Is what usually comes out of my mind. No one fucking cares bro, why are you even thinking about this

>> No.18847524

you can, but it is a lie
and the very fact you are asking the question means you already know it

>> No.18847549
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But then again, there's not much value in making claims anyway.

>> No.18847556

>vapid whore vs. wholesome gf
The duality of women.

>> No.18847558

What is this video trying to tell me

>> No.18847565

As a male, youre attracted to whatever you think could bear a child, since in primitive times men had children with multiple women we werent coded to be selective

>> No.18847568

You love to see it

>> No.18847592

Why are girls capable of switching between personalities and mood so easily? Any books on this topic?

>> No.18847617

everyone can do this you autist

>> No.18847735

If it's something like current events or popular history then yeah--there's not a depth to the information and it's probably meant for midwits. Most genre fiction is on that level as well.

The main reason to denigrate audiobooks is the relative lack of control the listener has when it comes to interacting with the material. Yeah, you can argue there's pause/rewind but you're really just adding extra mechanical steps external to your thought process.

I know a guy who only listens to audiobooks. He usually has shallow takes on shit but he's still interesting when it comes to having a conversation. I know another guy who scoffs at anything other than written media...but he spends most of his time reading the political equivalent of Love Island. Having a conversation with him mostly entails being bogged down in esoteric detail that has nothing to do with any type of big idea or concept (e.g. I know the name of the senator from Iowa who said something racist--your critique of identity politics being an ideology is meaningless).

TLDR Depends on the specific piece of media when it comes to the format. People only listen to books usually have a baseline, however minimal, that can lead to interesting and fruitful discussion. Snobs who 'only read' can easily end up in an echo chamber and mistake being aware of esoteric details for having a valid narrative.

>> No.18847796
File: 2.15 MB, 479x674, doable.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being a model is not a personality trait

>> No.18847807

your looks are your personality
t. incel

>> No.18847819


nice profile, bitch

>> No.18847905

I agree with >>18847796
t. incel

>> No.18847918

You have been utterly corrupted by the voidhusk of neoliberal capitalism. Please work to fix yourselves.

>> No.18847928

ok, then disprove materialism
right now
i read berkeley
i read the bible
i read the cathechism
i read the (neo)platonists
i read some buddhism
anything else?

>> No.18847933

to sort yourself out, otherwise that girl wont like you.

>> No.18847937

I have a job where i sit by a computer and do a very monotonous task. I get to listen to audiobooks when doing it, but i would never claim that I've read the books that i listen to. I read books on my spare time.

>> No.18847946
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Listening is not reading. Just say you CONSOOMED a book.

>> No.18847965

Get the fuck outta here with that beta mentality

>> No.18847969

>neoliberal capitalism

>> No.18847987
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>>>18847807 #
>>>18847905 #
>You have been utterly corrupted by the voidhusk of neoliberal capitalism. Please work to fix yourselves.

>> No.18848211

Perhaps the most debunked educational myth ever beside "IQ is an illusion"

>> No.18849162

you watch anime while listening to audiobooks? theres no way your soaking in anything from those books at all

>> No.18849237

Not him but you are doing it wrong. The onions jack in pic related is the type of materialistic consumer cattle that the guy you are replying to is criticizing. Using it on him doesn't make sense.

>> No.18849243

>IQ is an illusion
It literally is though

>> No.18849260

junk science

>> No.18849335

I used to think they were the same but they just aren't. It's a great way to get the broad strokes, but you didn't get the full experience. I put them on to go to sleep and its better than nyquil.
You miss a lot.
That being said, I don't look down on people who listen to audiobooks.

>> No.18849345

I do

>> No.18849958

She looks like Elliot Rodger

>> No.18850057


gr8 b8 m8, I Ir8.

"Reading" is a verb, for anyone who is actually confused.

>> No.18850171

Yeah, there's no way. Have you ever tried to read something while someone's talking to you? And if he watches an English dub, that's possibly even harder because he has a person reading a book in one ear and a person reciting anime dialogue in another.

>> No.18851492

LMAO this should be good. Go ahead anon. Explain.

>> No.18851568

I've had people tell me that they listen to audio books voiced by the author because it allows them to understand how the book was meant to be read in regards to timing and characters.
I def enjoy reading because I love thinking and audiobooks remove that and make it boring background sound (for me)

>> No.18851576

You can claim to have read a book even if you haven't listened to the audiobook.

>> No.18851612

>that's literally the meaning of life any every action any man takes
Yep. I was on a drug for a year that sent my libido to zero. I made me feel "why am I am putting any effort into anything." You genuinely, honestly are as happy as a NEET than as a billionaire. What the fuck is the point of working 60 hours a week and giant mansions, etc. if you have zero desire to impress women?

>> No.18851665

Being a NEET is an opposite extreme of being a billionaire working 60 hours a week.
The real life in working 2 days a week. Investing it all in crypto while living with mummy. Learning language, reading books and studying online all at the same time. Sets you up for a pretty good life with countless opportunities. You never really have to work hard and you never have to not work at all.

>> No.18851676

Yes, I always do that.
It takes too long to say "I listened to this book as an audiobook", so I just say "read". Plus I often don't remember whether I listened to a book or read.

>> No.18851967

No, it's objectively untrue. Just say you've listened to it, instead.

>> No.18851980

Yes, but if you're like >>18847268 then no.

If you aren't focusing on the reading and are giving something else your attention you might as well just not read. I used to play shooters while listening to podcasts and I could never remember anything so for years I essentially played video games (while solo) with no volume. And even then it was still up in the air because my attention was divided.

>> No.18851991

You marry a lot of jobless bums?

>> No.18852051


>> No.18852058

reading is using your eyes
listening is using your ears

so no

>> No.18853316

look up “veritasium the biggest myth in education”