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[ERROR] No.18847754 [Reply] [Original]

>You will never have the option to leave home for a whaling ship, sail across the oceans and hunt for sea monsters.
what the FUCK bros...

>> No.18847771

go to iceland norway or japan, they still do whaling with harpoons and shit

>> No.18847780

>take to sea as a kitchen worker
>all coworkers are filipinos who speak no english
>no leave because high-tech ports means that loading, unloading and maintenance is done in 6 hours
>see no one but filipino crewmen for 8 months
Pay is good though, but it is not entirely unlike prison.

>> No.18847822

Yeah I'm sure whaling was all fun and games just like in your novels. Truth is, you relish the romance of entering some dangerous enterprise, without any desire to do it for real. Because the whaling ship doesn't have comfy bathtubs, convenience stores, videogames, Internet, porn, soft beds and clean clothes. You may curse these thighs as you clutch them for dear life.

>> No.18847958

You basically just described the military.

Westerner's would be much more willing to engage in danger I think if it didn't mean being surrounded by half retarded minorities constantly.

t. spent 20 years in the marines

>> No.18847979
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>Truth is, you relish the romance of entering some dangerous enterprise, without any desire to do it for real.
It's amazing how much insight you have into another persons mind.
Stop with your fucking cowardly, slave mindset and stop trying to convince others that they have it as well.
Bravery is more common than you think faggot