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[ERROR] No.18843829 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18843833

The Bible

>> No.18843860

maybe Mason and Dixon? or was it before 2000? i don't know
i don't read much contemporary lit

2666 was also beautiful
impossible to read at times, but worth it

All i've learned in the last 20 years is that The Booker prize is a ridiculously silly joke.

>> No.18843941

Is that pewdiepie?

>> No.18843942

Recently finished Austerlitz and Rings of Saturn in succession. Loved them, really comfy. Austerlitz qualifies I think.
The Road is also a really good book even if it is minor Mccarthy, but minor Mccarthy is still better than most.
Ligotti's Teatro Grottesco is one of the best kafkaesque works ever.

>> No.18843970

Cellist of Sarajevo
booker prize is just a who-knows-who. all nepotism and political pandering.

>> No.18843971

is this a real photo? that's the most beautiful man i've ever seen in my life. wow imagine being that blessed.

>> No.18843978

He's got a big wide nose and low chin volume.

The lighting works in his favor.

>> No.18843991

He's relentlessly handsome

>> No.18844002

no. just no. you don't understand.

>> No.18844054

lol my boyfriend is cuter. lose weight.

>> No.18844065

Call of the Crocodile

>> No.18844069

this post is musty af

>> No.18844075

I really did not appreciate how nice having hair was when I had it. And some day soon I’ll wish for the amount of hair I have now.

>> No.18844232

>moids actually lose their hair as they age
i cant even imagine being that inferior. you just devolve into literal pigs

>> No.18844327

Stacy wont even give this guy the time of day lmao, they only want chad. ALL WOMEN ARE WHORES!!1

>> No.18844346
File: 27 KB, 400x400, s-l400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this every night, finished it in 8 days. Its not that difficult, you don't need any complementary text. Anyone with a high school education should be able to read this. If you really want a challenge then read it in its original language.

>> No.18844450

Nothing good has been produced since the 1960's. Western civilization died in 1945 and anyone who came of age after that lacks the ability to make a great work.

>> No.18844774
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>> No.18844837

Convenience Store Woman

>> No.18844850

La carte et le territoire

if you had said 23 years: les particules élémentaires

I'm onto Sérotonine. Read about 2/3 of it 2 years ago but it was someone else's copy and I didn't get to finish it when I left their house. Glad to be back in ol Becqy's milieu.

I mostly read old stuff pls no bully. I'd take any recent recs. No Longer Human seems like it could be nice. I read Conspiracy against the human race and was legitimately angry at the lack of argument. I'm not an antinatalist but I don't mind exploring ideas, but I found Ligotti's tone to be embarrassing - but I will readily admit that my response to it provoked a lot of thought and I think it was worthwhile to have slogged through in a day or two

>> No.18844857

>1990 was 31 years ago
fuck me

>> No.18844869

The Pale King.

>> No.18844935
File: 307 KB, 1066x1080, EfI3DTPXYAMrKli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically the tales of Dunk and Egg series. But more specifically the Hedge Knight. Song of Ice and Fire is kinda overdone, I know, but the novellas have such an air of optimism on a bleak world. I just find Dunk not bending his values inspiring, it's not the best, but it's my favorite.

>> No.18844986

This picture is giving a hard on and i think GoT is complete trash.

>> No.18844992

Is that Pierre?

>> No.18844998
File: 187 KB, 640x651, withered wo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the last 10 years just vanished without a trace

>> No.18845017

Bronze Age Mindset