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[ERROR] No.18843650 [Reply] [Original]

>In a letter written by Tolkien, he stated that Eru again intervened, this time in the Third Age, causing Gollum to trip and fall into the fires of Mount Doom while still holding the One Ring, thus destroying it.

Why didn't this fucker just throw the Ring into Mount Doom himself?

>> No.18843681

it's funny making someone trip. Eru is a god, he's got not moral compass.

>> No.18843774
File: 496 KB, 1919x1222, GuideToCharlesWilliams (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shamelessly going to recommend the works of charles williams

>> No.18843814

inb4 atheist babies start complaining about the problem of evil

>> No.18843853

Eru isn’t a god, Eru is God

>> No.18843901

Recommend me one book, only one. I'm familiar with him because I've read many biographies on Tolkien and Lewis and his name always comes up, but I've never read his books.

>> No.18844144

descent into hell, if you like it you'll probably end up reading the rest

>> No.18844433

>le "why didn't Eru just solve everyone's problems"

>le "I never read LOTR or the Silmarillion"

Low IQ Atheistniggers. Kek.

>> No.18844594

Eru took pity on Gollum.

>> No.18844793

>Why didn't this fucker just throw the Ring into Mount Doom himself?

For the same reason God doesn't rapture up everyone right this instant and spent the rest of eternity with his chosen (that is, the people who of their own free will chose Him). Because free will exists and life requires effort. If you should happen to get to the end of your road, and you have done your best for the good and proven a faithful servant, perhaps then God will be merciful to you and all the world as well.